cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

2011 Results

Type Dates and Club Event Arena
DWPQ December 31-January 1, 2012
2 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
New Year's on the Pecos
Artesia Horse Council Arena
3402 S 13th St.
Artesia, NM 88210
DWPQ December 31, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
New Years "Out With A Bang" Shootout 1
Come help the Florida Peacemakers end 2011 with a bang with a DWPQ 4 stage match and 2 stage rifle competition.  Following the match will be a New Years Eve Party and catered dinner.  Mandatory shooters meeting at 8:30 a.m. followed by the Grand Entry.  The match will start at 9 a.m.  Rifle competition will begin immediately after the main match.  CMSA dress code will be enforced.
Jackson County Ag. Center
3631 Hgwy. 90
Marianna, FL 32446
WPQ December 31, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Year End Shoot
 Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot is a single point shoot and will be held at  WB Ranch & Arena, 1640 County Road B, Swanton, OH Heated indoor arena Main Match - $60; Wranglers - $25; Stall - $25 Weekend; Electric - $25 Weekend (Bring Shavings) (Main Match Entry Fee at Shoot:  $65) Rifle - $25 ( No CMSA Points) Exhibition - $25 (Depending on number of Main Match Shooters) Friday Night Fun Shoot; Signup by 7:30 p.m.; First Shot - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: Rifle - 9:00 a.m.; Followed by Safety Meeting; Followed by Main Match 4 Stages – Main Match; 2 Stages Rifle Sunday: Safety Meeting- 9:30 a.m.; Main Match First Shot – 10:00 a.m.;
WB Ranch & Arena
1640 County Road B
Swanton, OH 43558
DWPQ December 31, 2011
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
Shoot Year's Eve
  December 31, 2011 – January 1, 2012 4-Stage 2x WPQ Shoot Saturday ~ 4-Stage 2x WPQ Shoot Sunday Buckle for Qualified Move Up Wins*   2-Stage Double WPQ Rifle & Shotgun Matches Saturday
Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
WPQ December 31, 2011
1 day
Applegate Trail Peacemakers
ATP Winter Series New Years Eve Shoot
ATP Winter Series New Years Eve Shoot. Four Stage, one Day shoot at High Prarie Arena, Eugene, Oregon. Dry camping and overnight stalls are available for a fee.  This is the first of a three event Winter series. A new Ruger Montado handgun will be awarded by a drawing at the third shoot of the series.  Tickets are entered into the drawing by attendance at each shoot. Additional tickets are earned by attending all three shoots and at selected classes at each shoot.    entry fee $100.00 rifle class $20.00 Shotgun class $20.00 "Time Only" will be offered for $40.00 Limit 40 participants The facility has one large covered arena. No warm up arena. Some warm up time will be scheduled in the main arena. Staging is
High Prairie Arena
90909 Prairie Road
Eugene , OR 97402
DWPQ December 31, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
ZOC Ranch New Year's Bash Shootout
 4 stage main match WPQ on Saturday. We will set our OWN balloons- NO Balloon setters. Come join the ZOC Ranch fun!! For more information on directions & other info contact or more ZOC Ranch info-
ZOC Ranch Arena
36534 Flint Hill Rd
Monroe, OK 74947
DWPQ December 30-January 1, 2012
3 days
The Biggest Little Shoot Is Back
SHOTGUN WILL BE OFFERED Sign up for it now! Check back soon to add this to your event options.  Working on added money.  Sign up on line, pay on site with cash or check at sign ups.  See Flyer for Jackpot information. Go to  to see flyer.
Ed Hooper Rodeo Park
2525 N. Pinal Ave.
Casa Grande, AZ 85194
DWPQ December 29, 2011
1 day
Southern Crossfire
New Year's Warm Up
Southern Cross Ranch
6065 County Road 55
Columbia , AL 36319
DWPQ December 28, 2011
1 day
Southern Crossfire
Christmas Close Out
Southern Cross Ranch
6065 County Road 55
Columbia, AL 36319
DWPQ December 18, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Cole Arena Shoot 2
Sunday Shoots Over the Fall and Winter at George Cole Arena DWPQ entry $50 / $25 for wranglers if preregister by December 15th. $5 additional if register day of event. Points Only No Payback Call Pam Cornett for more information or if you would like a stall for the day it is $15 extra and Pam will coordinate the stalls. 513-899-2730 Safety Meeting at 12:45 1st Shot at 1:00 Check for updates
Cole Arena
2525 Dakin Chapel Rd
Sabina, OH 45169
WPQ December 11, 2011
1 day
Missoura Six Shooters
Christmas Fun 2011
Christmas Shoot for Points followed by a potluck Christmas party in the restaurant afterwards. 4 stage match – $50.00 (balloon setters will be there) points only starts at 1pm The MO club will be furnishing hot ham and buns; everyone else please bring a dish to share at the dinner. Cya on Sunday&
Lucky J
11664 E FIR RD
Carthage, MO 64836
DWPQ December 11, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Banquet Shoot
Date: December 10th & 11th, 2011             Time: 09:00 AM Sat. , 9:00 A.M. Sun.  Location: Lexington Horse Center   Double Point Shoot each day, Indoor arena 125'x 250'.  This year we're using the East Complex.  Once you stable your horse, you never have to go outside again.  Warm-up arena and insulated stalls are all connected to main arena--should be warmer.   NEGATIVE COGGINS A MUST, NO EXCEPTIONS. Awards given to best man and woman who portrays the overall look of the west, plus Payback. RV Hook-up reservations made through
Lexington Horse Center
487 Maury River Rd.
Lexington, VA 24450
WPQ December 11, 2011
1 day
Holiday Jackpot Dec 11
Automatic Balloon Setters will be used in both the main match and in the rifle competitions. For Flyer & More information, go to:
Royce Anderson Family Arena
4044 W. Black Canyon Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85086
WPQ December 10, 2011
1 day
Dare To Dream Dec 10
For Flyer & More information, go to: Automatic Balloon Setters will be used at this match.
Royce Anderson Family Arena
4044 W. Black Canyon Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85086
DWPQ December 10, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Winter Round-Up
Date: December 10th & 11th, 2011            Time: 09:00 AM Sat. , 9:00 A.M. Sun.  Location: Lexington Horse Center   Double Point Shoot each day, Indoor arena 125'x 250'.  This year we're using the East Complex.  Once you stable your horse, you never have to go outside again.  Warm-up arena and insulated stalls are all connected to main arena--should be warmer.   NEGATIVE COGGINS A MUST, NO EXCEPTIONS. Awards given to best man and woman who portrays the overall look of the west, plus Payback. RV Hook-up reservations made through  
Lexington Horse Center
487 Maury River Rd.
Lexington, VA 24450
DWPQ December 4, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Berryville Shoot 2
This will be a two day shoot in conjunction with the CMSA of Oklahoma.  The Arkansas shoot will be held on Sunday starting at 9:00 after Cowboy Church.  It will be a 4-stage DWPQ with a final Double Down stage.  Double Down format will pay 50% to classes.  Double Down will be 70% payback divisionally.
Carroll County Fairgrounds
104 CR 401
Berryville, AR 72616
WPQ December 3, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Winter Series Shoot I
First shoot of the second annual MMSA Winter Series.  Shoots will be held on December 3rd, January 28th, February 11th, and March 10th at the M&D Arena in Anoka, MN.  Results will be compiled for all four shoots and series winners will be determined based on divisions with no gender split.  We will also be offering Shotgun at these shoots based on interest from competitors.  11am main match start time with Shotgun to follow.  Check-in begins at 9:30am and closes at 10:30am.  All rider must check in prior to 10:30am.  For more information, please contact Dan Roghair at (763) 286-8914 or  Register online via the CMSA website or the MMSA website at
M&D Arena
6636 Old Viking Blve
Anoka, MN 55303
DWPQ December 3, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Berryville Shootout 1
Berryville shootout 1.  Day 1 to be hosted by CMSA of OK.  Day 2 to be hosted by CMSA of AR.  Day 1 will be as follows.  3 stage DPWQ match $75 entry with 50% payback to the class followed by a 2 stage DPWQ rifle match $50 entry with 50% payback.  Stalls $25/nite with 1 bag of shavings- RV $15/nite. There will be a 2 stage shotgun class Entry $50 with 50% payback- it will be available for registrations shortly- check back soon! Added money-- there will be at least $2000 added money.  the added money  will be paid out divisional with the combined scores of both days.  rider must shoot both days to be eligible for added money. Carroll County fairgrounds is at the junction of HWY 21 North and HWY 221 North. It is re
Carroll County Fairgrounds
104 CR 401
Berryville, AR 72616
DWPQ December 2-4, 2011
3 days
The Mounted Shooting Club of Arizona
Border Wars
2 day border war challenge, DWPQ, 6 stage main match 50% PB, Rifle 75% PB, Eliminator 1&2, 3&4, 5&6's 75% PB,stays in division,, 3D-3stages combined 30 sec split 75% PB, divisional buckles, class buckles(see flyer), Ruger gun drawing for class winners, silver bullets for clean shooting,   Sat. night dance contest with Prizes, Sat. night BBQ.
Ben Avery
4044 W Black Canyon Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85086
WPQ November 27, 2011
1 day
Roy Rogers Rangers California
Roy Rogers Rangers "old West" Shootout
Roy Rogers Rangers presents "OLD WEST SHOOTOUT" $40.00 EACH ENTRY GOES TO ESTABLISHING ADDED MONEY JACKPOT FOR 2012 SEASON  When: November 27, 2011- Sunday 
Wooden Nickel Ranch
25690 Holland Rd.,
Menifee, CA 92556
WPQ November 27, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Thanksgiving Shoot Out 2
 Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot is a single point shoot and will be held at  WB Ranch & Arena, 1640 County Road B, Swanton, OH Heated indoor arena Main Match - $60; Wranglers - $25; Stall - $25 Weekend; Electric - $25 Weekend (Bring Shavings) (Main Match Entry Fee at Shoot:  $65) Rifle - $25 ( No CMSA Points) Exhibition - $25 (Depending on number of Main Match Shooters) Friday Night Fun Shoot; Signup by 7:30 p.m.; First Shot - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: Rifle - 9:00 a.m.; Followed by Safety Meeting; Followed by Main Match 4 Stages – Main Match; 2 Stages Rifle Sunday: Safety Meeting- 9:30 a.m.; Main Match First Shot – 10:00 a.m.;
WB Ranch & Arena
1640 County Road B
Swanton, OH 43558
DWPQ November 27, 2011
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Helldorado the day after
Go to from more information and flyer
Tombstone Livery
Hwy 82
Tombstone, AZ 85630
DWPQ November 26, 2011
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Helldorado better late then never
Go to for flyer and more details.
Tombstone Livery
Hwy 82
Tombstone, AZ 85653
WPQ November 26, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Thanksgiving Shoot Out 1
 Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot is a single point shoot and will be held at  WB Ranch & Arena, 1640 County Road B, Swanton, OH Heated indoor arena Main Match - $60; Wranglers - $25; Stall - $25 Weekend; Electric - $25 Weekend (Bring Shavings) (Main Match Entry Fee at Shoot:  $65) Rifle - $25 ( No CMSA Points) Exhibition - $25 (Depending on number of Main Match Shooters) Friday Night Fun Shoot; Signup by 7:30 p.m.; First Shot - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: Rifle - 9:00 a.m.; Followed by Safety Meeting; Followed by Main Match 4 Stages – Main Match; 2 Stages Rifle Sunday: Safety Meeting- 9:30 a.m.; Main Match First Shot – 10:00 a.m.;
WB Ranch & Arena
1640 County Road B
Swanton, OH 43558
WPQ November 20, 2011
1 day
Roy Rogers Rangers California
Old West Shootout
Roy Rogers Rangers presents "Old West Shootout" ALL PROCEEDS GO TO ESTABLISHING ADDED MONEY JACKPOT FOR 2012 SEASON  When: November 20, 2011- Sunday  Time: Shootin' starts 10am - come early to warm up and sign up 
Wooden Nickel Ranch
25690 Holland Rd.,
Menifee, CA 92556
DWPQ November 19, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Horsepower Benefit Shoot
Please Join Double L Bar Shooters on November 19, 2011 for a 4 stage double point shoot and 2 stage rifle match to benefit  Horsepower Therapuedic Learning Center in Colfax, NC. The September shoot was rained out. This is a great organization using horses to help challanged kids. It was a blast in 2010. We shot in front of 500 people. Help us help them keep up th egreat work they do!!! Flyers on our website.
Piedmont Saddle Club
8001 Leabourne RD
Colfax, NC 27235
DWPQ November 19, 2011
1 day
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
Barker's Backyard Basic
Another fun filled Saturday with a Backyard Basic.  Balloon Setters provided.  No payout, just fun.  Everyone out for pizza after the match.   Overnight dry camping permitted in the pecan grove.  Stalls very limited, portable corrals OK.  NO FIRES  Please call in advnace if you want to overnight. The arena is covered but the parking is not, so call before you haul.....  Please pre-register on . If you have questions, give Lisa 936.344.2327 or Kin 936.344.2608 a call.  
Cherokee Acres
10845 Blackland Rd
Willis, TX 77318
DWPQ November 13, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Cole Arena Shoot 1
Sunday Shoots Over the Fall and Winter at George Cole Arena entry $50 DWPQ - Points Only No Payback $25 for wranglers Call Pam Cornett for more information or if you would like a stall for the day it is $15 extra and Pam will coordinate the stalls. 513-899-2730 Safety Meeting at 12:45 1st Shot at 1:00 Check for updates
Cole Arena
2525 Dakin Chapel Rd
Sabina, OH 45169
DWPQ November 13, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Eddy County Sheriff Posse Shootout Day 2
Second day of weekend shootout. Will begin at 9:00 a.m. books will close at 8:30 so we can do go orders, if you are running late, or having porblems, call us. See for more information.
Eddy County Sheriff Posse Arena
1600 Green St.
Carlsbad, NM 88210
DWPQ November 12, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Eddy County Sheriff Posse Shootout Day 1
Join us for the first shoot of the year, $2,000 added money for the two days.  4 stage main match each day, 2 stage eliminator on Saturday with 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 no gender split. Rifle on Saturday as well. 25 RV spots on a first come, first serve basis, $25 a night.  Lots of horse stalls at $20 a night.  For more information look at
Eddy County Sheriff Posse
1600 E Green St.
Carlsbad, NM 88220
DWPQ November 12-13, 2011
2 days
Fall Jackpot Nov 12-13
For FLYER & More Information, go to: Automatic Balloon Setters will be used at this match.  This includes the main match and the rifle competitions.
Royce Anderson Family Arena
4044 W. Black Canyon Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85086
DWPQ November 12, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
New Season Kick Off
New Season Kick Off and membership drive 4 Stage match 10:00 am Start Safety Meeting at 9:30 am Double Points No payout or prizes Cost $55.00 Must have current CMSA card or can renew ay match 20.00 Divisonal Stage Jackpot a chance to win money on each stage must be paid in cash Location Brazos Trail Cowboy Church Weatherford, Texas Outdoor Arena call before you haul 817-368-0627 No Hook-ups No Stalls.
Brazos Trail Cowboy Church
300 Sharla Smelley RD
Weatherford, TX 76088
WPQ November 6, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Northeast Six Shooters
Please note NEW date!!   Come shoot with us in our 330 x 175 arena at Goss Farm!  Rough Camping available!  Plenty of fun at Goss Farm too!
The Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ November 6, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
ZOC Ranch Shootout XVIII
4 stage DWPQ.  For more info contact or 479-650-0937.
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ November 5, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
ZOC Ranch Shootout XVII
4 Stage DWPQ, double point rifle. For info contact or 479-650-0937.
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
WPQ November 5, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Northeast Six Shooters
Please note NEW DATE!   Northeast Six Shooters host our annual Halloween Costume Match!  Come dressed in your best costume!    CMSA dress required if not in "costume".  Rough camping available.
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ November 5, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Shootout at Plymouth Rock
Join us at the new arena: The Grand Oaks, formly The Carriage Museum; 3000 Marion County Rd, Lady Lake 32195. Shootout at Plymouth Rock will be Saturday, Safety meeting at 9am sharp, followed by Grand Entry, best dressed will be picked during the grand entry. 4 stage Main match and 2 stage rifle. 40% payback DWPQ. You may haul in Friday. We will also have another match on Sunday. Camping and stalls arrangements are available though Grand Oaks call 352-750-5500x221 you can also visit Visit our website for full flyer.  THIS IS A TWO MATCH WEEKEND! YOU MAY ENTER SATURDAY OR SUNDAY OR BOTH DAYS!!!!!
The Grand Oaks
3000 Marion County Rd
Lady Lake, FL 32195
DWPQ November 5, 2011
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Rowden's Fall Fling
Rowden's Fall Fling DWPQ ... $45 Entry ... NO PAYBACK ... $10 Jackpots ... $10 Wrangler ... $40 Rifle (50% payback if any interest) Entries close @ 10:00 am ... shooters meeting at 10:30 am ... shoot starts @ 11:00 am This will be our first official shoot of the new season ... Just to get together and have a good time, while earning some points at the same time!! Shoot Director: Wendy Rowden ... 573 701 2849 ...
Rowden Ranch
3650 White Oak Creek Rd
Farmington, MO 63640
DWPQ October 30, 2011
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Halloween Shoot Out
                      Tennessee Ridge Runners           WWW.TRRCMSA.COM
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park
Bristol, TN 37620
WPQ October 30, 2011
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Marana Fall Festival
Contact June Underwood ( or Diana Olson ( for more information.  One day shoot, 50% payback.  Marana Heritage Arena  Full weekend activites include Bull Riding and Barrel Racing.
Marana Heritage Arena
Hwy 10
marana, AZ 85653
DWPQ October 29, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Halloween Poker Run
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO FLOODING IN THE AREA!!!!       4 Stage DWPQ  Event - Online Pre-Registration is open until Midnight 10/27/2011 Thursday $60 Main Match $25 Wranglers Miamitown Gymkhana Arena Books Close Promptly at 10:00 am Safety Meeting 10:30 am 1st Shot 11:00 am Potluck to follow Shoot, Please bring a dish to share. Any questions - please call Andrea 937-604-6511 or email at What is a Poker Run??
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
CMSA October 18-23, 2011
6 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Tony Lama CMSA World Championship
HOTEL INFORMATION Ambassador Hotel 3100 I40 W Amarillo TX 79102 806-358-6161 fax 806-358-4903
Tri-State Expo Ctr & Fairgrounds
3301 SE 10th Ave
Amarillo, TX 79120
DWPQ October 16, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Last Roundup day 2
This is the second day of two double point events. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00. Go to to register
Briar Hills
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ October 16, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Last Hoorah
Last Hoorah, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 9:00 am, Safety meeting at 8:30 am.  Limited stalls available, $25 a night, Several paddocks available.
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
DWPQ October 15, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Preparing for the End
Preparing for the End, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 10:00 am, Safety meeting at 9:30 am.  Limited stalls available, $25 a night, Several paddocks available.  Join us for a full weekend of shooting.  Rough Camping only...
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
WPQ October 15, 2011
1 day
One Night in Perris
One Night in Perris $50 4 Stage Main Event Eliminator Starts in Stage 1 top two in each class come back for the Showcae. Divisional Split 1-3 and 4-6 Sign in Starts at 5:00 PM Shoot Starts at 5:30      
Perris Fair Grounds
18700 Lake Perris Ave
Perris, CA 92571
DWPQ October 15, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Last Roundup day 1
This is the first day of two double point events. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00.   Go to to register
Briar Hills
17509 130th Street
Monticello, IA 52310
WPQ October 15, 2011
1 day
The Cajun Posse Mounted Shooters
Bare Bones Shoot
BARE BONES SHOOT is a 4 stage match designed for all new members and riders as well as veteran shooters.  No balloon setters!  No payouts!  $40 entry fee to cover expenses.  Riders meeting at 9:30 am.  Event starts at 10:00 am.  Come and have some Cajun Fun!
Cherokee Ridge Horse Farm Covered Arena
200 Flying W Drive
Carencro, LA 70520
DWPQ October 15, 2011
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
MO Big Irons Charity Shoot
Charity Shoot --- DWPQ We aren't sure exactly which benefit we are going to support for this shoot.  In years past, it has been the St. Francois County Foster/Adopt program.  When I find out a defenate, I'll pass it on.  4 stages --- $50 Entry --- NO PAYBACK --- $10 Wrangler --- $10 Jackpots on all 4 stages Start time @ 12:00 pm ... Great crowd ... very fun shoot!! Shoot Director: Karah Cain   For more information please contact:
St. Francois Co. Fairgrounds
4800 Us Highway 67
Farmington, MO 63640
DWPQ October 14-16, 2011
3 days
WSH The Vaqueros
Road To The Worlds
WESTERN SHOOTING HORSE MAGAZINE PRESENTS "ROAD TO THE WORLDS" AT CURRY COUNTRY EVENT CENTER INDOOR ARENA CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO OCTOBER 14-16, 2011 Sign up online here:     Western Shooting Horse Magazine will host a CMSA Double Points "Road to the Worlds" competition at the Curry County Event Center Indoor Arena in Clovis, New Mexico, October 14-16, 2011. The Western Sho
Curry County Events Center
1900 E. Brady Ave.
Clovis, NM 88101
CMSA October 14-16, 2011
3 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Lone Star Classic
Wilbarger Co Events Center
310 East Wilbarger
Vernon, TX 76384
WPQ October 13, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Custer's Last Stand II - Rifle do not enter
na, NA 55555
WPQ October 12, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Custer's Last Stand I - Rifle Do not enter
na, NA 55555
DWPQ October 12, 2011
1 day
Wilson & Yancey Events LLC
Mississippi State Fair Usry Dodge Shootout 2
  $5,000.00 GUARANTEED ADDED MONEY - $2,000.00 EACH DAY FOR Double Downs- $500.00 EACH DAY FOR RI
Kirk Fordice Equine Center
DWPQ October 11, 2011
1 day
Wilson & Yancey Events LLC
Mississippi State Fair Usry Dodge Shootout 1
$5,000.00 GUARANTEED ADDED MONEY - $2,000.00 EACH DAY FOR Double Down- $500.00 EACH DAY FOR RIFLE   The 1st Annual Mississippi State Fair Usry Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Shootout  
Kirk Fordice Equine Center
WPQ October 9, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Custer's Last Stand I
First of two 4-stage WPQ at Heartland Stables in Custer, WI. Both days will have a RWPQ following the main match. There is an indoor arena in case of bad weather.
Heartland Stables
7510 Deer Road
Custer, WI 54423
WPQ October 9, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Custer's Last Stand II
Second of two 4-stage WPQ events with a RWPQ event after the main match.
Heartland Stables
7510 Deer Road
Custer, WI 54423
DWPQ October 9, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Octoberfest ZinMiamitown
Miamitown Ohio - Gymkhana Club Arena $55 main match - (4 stage DWPQ) $25 wranglers $10 each 3D Jackpots (2 stages) $15 exhibition (2stages)- (must have a horse in main match) More Information at   CHOICE AMMO: Crimped/Tatonka Dan EARLY ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE @   ENTRY PAYMENT&nbs
Miamitown - Gymkhana Club
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
DWPQ October 9, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
One Last Blast for the Buckle II
        Final Day of our Final MRMS event of the season.  Second day of our weekend Buckle Event.  4 stages DPQ competition.  3D Jackpot offered on all stages, with a 3 second split, for $5 per stage.  100% jackpot payout.  
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64075
DWPQ October 9, 2011
1 day
Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Fall Shoot Out
  Annual Fall Shoot Out.  Hollis Equestrian Park, Hollis Maine Please note NEW DATE: 10/09/2011
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Road
Hollis, ME 04061
DWPQ October 9, 2011
1 day
Covered Bridge Festival 2
Madison County Fairgrounds
fairgrounds blvd
Winterset, IA 50273
Regional October 9-10, 2011
2 days
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Mid-Mountain Regional Championship
Colorado State Fairgrounds
Pueblo, CO 80007
State October 8-9, 2011
2 days
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Georgia State Championship
$135 Match Entry Fee (6 stages) ** $3,000 Added Money ** $30 Wrangler Entry Fee (6 stages) $45 Saturday Triple Point Rifle Entry Fee **$500 Added Money** will be pro-rated between revolving and lever by the number of participants in each category. $10 per stage 3D Jackpot. $20 RV site per night: RV sites are first come/first serve basis. $10 Dry Camp per night. $40 per stall for the weekend. Stall costs include 1 bag of shavings, extra shavings are $6 per bag. $30 tack stall for the weekend. Contact GJ Daniel at for special stall requests. October stall duty: Dennis Bougher (864) 505-0190. Contact him AT the arena. YEAR END AWARDS BANQUET Saturday night after rifle. $12 per person for tickets.
Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center
1855 Calvary Church Road
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ October 8, 2011
1 day
1st State Shooters
Autumn Blowout
Safety meeting to 3:30 pm, shoot to begin at 4pm. Stalls and paddocks are available, please contact Pat Levers to reserve. Campfire to follow shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ October 8, 2011
1 day
Covered Bridge Festival 1
Madison County Fairgrounds
Winterset, IA 50273
WPQ October 8, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Flower City Park Shootout
Flower City Park Shootout  October 08, 2011 at 1pm in Palmyra Mo on N Breckenridge St $75 for 5 stages Contact Sue at 217-242-5696
Flower City Park Horse Arena
301 S Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461
DWPQ October 8-9, 2011
2 days
California Range Riders
Ride Into Purgatory
 Two days Oct 8th-9th   6 stages 2x wpq
Diamond Bar
6055 S. Central Ave
Ceres, CA 95308
DWPQ October 8, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Tulsa State Fair Shootout
Come shoot at the Tulsa State Fair!! Shoot in front of a great fair crowd.  Only $75 entry with a 50% straight payback to classes.  Double Down for $75 with $600 added. 4 qualifying stages with a Double Down stage.  Wranglers $25. 2 stage Rifle Match immediately following Double Down. $60 entry. Enjoy the sights of a large fair before and after you shoot.  Ferris Wheels and Giant Turkey Legs!!! Fried Twinkies, Oreos, Snickers or just about anything else. Tulsa State Fairgrounds, 4145 E. 21st Street, Tulsa, OK.  Call Jeff Potter 918-397-3887 or Nora Porter 501-472-4308 with questions.
Ford Arena (Tulsa Fairgrounds)
4145 E. 21st Street
Tulsa, OK 74114
DWPQ October 8, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
One Last Blast for the Buckle I
The final event of the 2011 season for the Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters!  4 stages DPQ Competition, plus Rifle for Points, both types of rifle will run together. First of two days of shooting.  Rifle event will be held immediately after the main competition.  All 4 stages offer 3D jackpot with a 3 second split.  Jackpots pay out at the end of each day.  $5 entry per stage for jackpot runs. Four Buckles to be awarded based on overall 2 day scores: Overall Cowboy, Overall Cowgirl, Men’s Level 1 & 2 Overall, and Women’s Level 1 & 2 Overall.  YOU MUST COMPETE BOTH DAYS TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN THE BUCKLES. Saturday 11:30AM Shooter’s Meeting / 12 Noon Start
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64061
DWPQ October 8, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Tuff Enough To Go Pink
Miamitown Ohio - Gymkhana Club Arena $55 main match - (4 stage DWPQ) $40 rifle (2 stage) - Revolving and Lever/Pump will be combined. 2x the points if 5 riders.  $25 wranglers $10 each 3D Jackpots (2 stages) $25 exhibition (4stages)- (must have a horse in main match) More Information at   CHOICE AMMO: Crimped/Tatonka Dan EARLY ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE @
Miamitown - Gymkhana Club Arena
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
State October 8-9, 2011
2 days
Keystone Cowboys
PA State Championship Shoot
This is the first annual PA state championship shoot. Overall winner will become the first PA state champion!! If you are a CMSA member and live in PA, now is your opportunity to become your states first ever champ. You need to be there!!!! Your state has a CMSA affiliate so help them keep it alive by going to there shoots and practices. Visit them at  
Jefferson Co. Fairground
1514 Rt. 28N (I-80 exit 81)
Brookville, PA 15825
State October 7-8, 2011
2 days
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Colorado State Championship
Colorado State Championships in conjunction with Mid-Mountain Regional Championships.  We will be giving away Cimmaron pistols to the winners of the 1D, 2D, and 3D at both of the shoots.  $12,000 in Added cash and prizes for the combined shoots!  $3250 State Championship Main Match, $2500 Mid Mountain Regional Main Match, $1000 Eliminator paid $250 to each class Ladies 1-3, Mens 1-3, Ladies 4-6 and Mens 4-6, $500 to Rifle, and 6 Cimarron Thunderstorm Pistols - 1 each to winners of each D in 3D payout of State and Regional shoots, and LOTS more prizes!! Shoots will take place at the Colorado State Fairgrounds in Pueblo, CO.  We will be shooting in 2 arenas and have 4
Colorado State Fairgrounds
Pueblo, CO 80007
WPQ October 4, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Border Cowboys Mounted Shootout 2 Rifle
NA, NA 55555
WPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Border Cowboys Mounted Shootout 2
BORDER COWBOYS MOUNTED SHOOTOUT 2 Longhorn Arena, Paradise Hill, Sk OCTOBER 2-Regisrtation 9-10am; Riders Meeting 10:30pm; SHOOT 11pm $3250.00 TOTAL MONEY ADDED PER DAY Online Entries Through CMSA Website-Entries Close Sept.29/11 -Rifle Class $250.00 added money each day, 1 run $20.00 entry fee, pays 3 spots, 50 30 20 % -MAIN MATCH entry fee $80.00/day; 50% paid back into classes, $2000.00 added money divided into classes by number of riders. -PAYOUT IN CLASSES: 3D split by numbers up to 3rd place 50 30 20 % -OVERALL ADDED MONEY $1000.00 pays into 3D split by numbers up to 3rd place 50 30 20 % -FREE Dry Camping Available or St Walburg Motel 30
Longhorn Arena
Box 3
Paradise Hill, SK S0M2G0
DWPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
ERO Fall shootout II
Clearview Horse Farm
2291 hwy 231 south
Shelbyville, TN 37348
DWPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Texas Mounted Shooters
Warm Up 2 the Lone Star Classic and CMSA world
Warm Up 2  the Lone Star Classic and CMSA World Lee County Sheriff's Posey Arena 2591 US HWY 290 West, Giddings Texas 4 stage Match $65.00 entry, Double points only no pay back. Wranglers $25.00 .Cowboy Church at 9:30 AM will start shortley after church For more info, contact Terry Gibson 817-673-1099
Lee County Sheriff's Posey Arena
2591 US Hwy 290 Wset
Giddings, TX 78942
WPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Annual Fall Classic II
$55 entry fee, $15 wranglers.   $10 3D jackpots on all 4 stages.  40% circuit payback. Registration ends at 9:30 AM event starts at 10:00 AM.  Entry accepted the day of the event, but please register in advance on-line.  Primitive camping available no fee.  No stalls, bring portable corrals.  From the 4- way stop in Hawk Point Mo. go west on Hyw. A 1/2 mile to Prairie Rd.  Turn left and go a short distance and turn right in to Second Wind Ranch.  Contact Skip Wandersee (314-780-4211) or Buddy Cox (636-262-2564) in case of rain.
Second Wind Ranch
#79 Prarie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
WPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
End of the Trail Shootout
Two Single Point WPQ Shoots Back to Back with Rifle both days!!  See the club website at for more details.
Bison Meadows Ranch
4405 County Rd 92 N
Maple Plain, MN 55359
DWPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Frontier Days day 2
This is the second day of two double point events. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00.
Jackson County Fairgrounds
1212 East Quarry Street
Maquoketa, IA 52060
DWPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Snakebit, Gutshot, Still Kickin' Ii
Day two of a weekend two day shoot.  Join us on Saturday for more shooting fun.  4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle. Cowboy Church at 8:00AM.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM. The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinois-Outl
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ October 2, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Crooked Creek Rendezvous Double Points Shoot II
4 stage double point shoot. Shoot for points, no payback. $45 entry fee, $10 for Wranglers. Jackpot will be available for $10 per stage for anyone who wants to participate. Safety meeting at 10:45am, shoot time starts at 11:00am.  
Lee Arena
26 Road
Fowler, KS 67844
DWPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Crooked Creek Rendezvous Double Points Shoot I
4 stage double point shoot. Shoot for points, no payback. $45 entry fee, $10 for Wranglers. Jackpot will be available for $10 per stage for anyone who wants to participate. Registration begins at 11:30am, safety meeting at 12:45pm, shoot time starts at 1:00pm.  
Lee Arena
26 Road
Fowler, KS 67844
State October 1-2, 2011
2 days
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana State Championship
Henry County Saddle Club
2221 N Memorial Drive
New Castle, IN 47362
DWPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Shootout Over The Fifth Ace I
Day one of a two day shoot weekend.  Join us on Sunday too for more shooting fun.  4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  On-Site registration begins at 9:45AM and ends at 10:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 11:00AM.  Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinois-Outlaws/93560183343. 
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Frontier Days day 1
This is the first day of two double point events. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00.
Jackson County Fair Grounds
1212 East Quarry Street
Maquoketa, IA 52060
DWPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
October Points for Practice
Points for Practice 2X CMSA Points 4 Stage $55.00 Entry Fee No Payback!  Weld County Sherrifs Posse Arena, Greeley CO 10:00 am Start 9:45 am Shooter Meeting 3D Jackpot 100% Payback  Co. Reg. Members will receive a discount. We will be setting balloons by horseback. Contact Ken Abeles FMI 303-523-4082 or or The arena is at the intersection of "H" St & N 11th Ave
Weld County Sherrifs Posse Arena
1950 O St
Greeley, CO 80631
WPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Kuka Clan Shootout
Two Single Point WPQ Shoots Back to Back with Rifle both days!! See the club website at for more details.
Bison Meadows Ranch
4405 County Rd 92 N
Maple Plain, MN 55359
WPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Blazin' Days
$55 entry fee, $15 wranglers.   $10 3D jackpots on all 4 stages.  40% circuit payback.   Registration ends at 1130 AM event starts at noon  Entry accepted the day of the event, but please register in advance on-line.  Primitive camping available no fee.  No stalls, bring portable corrals.  From the 4- way stop in Hawk Point Mo. go west on Hyw. A 1/2 mile to Prairie Rd.  Turn left and go a short distance and turn right in to Second Wind Ranch.  Contact Skip Wandersee (314-780-4211) or Buddy Cox (636-262-2564) in case of rain. Buckles for overall cowboy and cowgirl.  Six $50 gift certificate for overall winner of each of the 6 classes.  Two $25 gift certificates for wrangler  winners.  Concession
Second Wind Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
DWPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Texas Mounted Shooters
Warm up for the Lone Star Classic and CMSA World
Warm Up for the Lone Star Classic and CMSA World Lee County Sheriff's Posey Arena 2591 US HWY 290 West, Giddings Texas 4 stage Match $65.00 entry, Double points only no pay back. Wranglers $25.00 For RV Hook Up's and Stalls contact Kelli Mitchell  @ 903-408-7395  there are 115 RV Hook Up's at $20.00 per hook up. 30 Horse Stalls with over flow stalls avaiable @ $15.00 a day per stall. Dry camping avaiable portable pins and hotwire allowed. Riders meeting at 9:30 AM will start shortley after meeting Concessions avaiable and provided by Lee County Sheriff's Posey    For more info, contact Terry Gibson terry@professiona
Lee County Sheriff's Posey Arena
2591 US Hwy 290 West
Giddings, TX 78942
State October 1, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Virginia State Championship
VIRGINIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Date: September .30th & Oct. 1st, 2011 Location:  State Fair of Virginia, 13191 Dawn Blvd, Doswell, VA  23047 NEG. COGGINS A MUST, NO EXCEPTIONS. *** LIMITED TO 35 RIDERS FOR FRIDAY SHOOT LIMITED TO 60 RIDERS FOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIP SHOOT ENTRY FORMS AND FEES MUST BE PRE-PAID TO BE CONSIDERED ENTERED IN EITHER SHOOT Schedule for weekend as follows: Friday Sept 30th    10:00 AM to 1:00PM New Riders Clinic Friday  1:30PM to 5:30 PM reg. 4 stage shoot DP Friday  7:00 PM to 8:00 PM State Champ. Calvalry Class Friday 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM State Champ. Rifle Class for pts. Sat. Oct 1st  9:30 Safety meeting/Grand Entry Sat. 10:30 AM Star
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
DWPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
ERO Fall Shootout I
4 stage double points match  saturday & sunday Double point rifle match on saturday after main match entry fee $85.00 per day wrangler $20.00 entry fee for rifle $45.00 stalls  $15.00 per night electric hook up $15.00 per night demo $40.00 for all 4 stages or $15.00 per stage for additional info contact Daniel Vaughn at 931-433-0338 ,931-675-0704 or e-mail at Deb Ivey at 931-425-6166      
Clearview Farms
2291 hwy 231 south
Shelbyville, TN 37160
WPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Border Cowboys Mounted Shootout 1
  BORDER COWBOYS MOUNTED SHOOTOUT 1                                            Longhorn Arena, Paradise Hill, Sk OCTOBER 1-Regisrtation 12-1pm; Riders Meeting 1:30pm; SHOOT 2pm $3250.00 TOTAL MONEY ADDED PER DAY Online Entries Through CMSA Website-Entries Close Sept.29/11 -Rifle Class $250.00 added money each day, 1 run $20.00 entry fee, pays 3 spots, 50 30 20 % -MAIN MATCH entry fee $80.00/day; 50% paid back into classes, $2000.00 added money divi
Longhorn Arena
Box 3
Paradise Hill, SK S0M2G0
WPQ October 1, 2011
1 day
Roy Rogers Rangers California
Roy Rogers Rangers - Mojave Trails Day
ROY ROGERS RANGERS presents "MOJAVE RIVER TRAIL DAY" OCTOBER 1-2, 2011 15425 Wild Rd., Henlendale, Ca. Near Victorville in the High Desert This is a 2 day community event and a 1 day competition. Competition Date: Saturday, October 1 CMSA single points - no frills match Time:  Registration closes 10am - competition begins 10:30am Entry:  All entries $50.00 BUCKLE TO OVERALL CHAMPION PLEASE RSVP! Free camping & stalls (limited quantity) If you want to arrive on Friday - camping is free.  There is a limited quantity of free stalls - no
Silver Lakes Equestrian Center
Wild Rd.
Helendale, CA 91567
DWPQ September 30, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
So You're At The Fair--Are ya?
This will be a regular 4 stage, DP shoot    Starting @ 1:00pm Sept. 30th,2011 and ending @ 5:00pm limited to 40 riders Prior to the shoot there wil be a new shooter/riders  clinic ,from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Friday  7:00 PM to 8:00 PM State Champ. Calvalry Class Friday 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM State Champ. Rifle Class for 3X pts- SIGN UP ON THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP for the rifle and calvary.  You must pre-register and pay in advance to be considered registered
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
DWPQ September 29, 2011
1 day
Missoura Six Shooters
Mo Six Shooters Practice for Points
Practice for Points, Start Time 7pm
Lucky J
11664 E FIR RD
Carthage, MO 64836
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Shootout at The Ranch III
R Bar C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd
Elsie, MI 48831
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Slap Out Outlaws
Chisolm Trail Shootout
Monney Holloway Arena
Rodeo Drive
Hubbard, TX 76648
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootout at Connie's 2011
Tennessee Ridge Runners                              
Quiet Meadows Arena
1945 Heritage Road North
Limestone, TN 37690
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
3rd Annual Border War
Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Northern Prairie Shootout II
Day two of 2 Double Point 4 stage events.  Enter both days for a discount.  Contact Greg Lund at 218-584-8685 or email
Twin Valley Riders Club Arena
East County Highway 29
Twin Valley, MN 56584
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Points for Pets Finale Shoot
4 Stage Main Match at Crossroads Indoor Arena, Penrose, CO.  This shoot follows our Saturday Membership Appreciation Shoot.  Come stay for the weekend and shoot both matches! $80 Main Match Fee with 2X CMSA Points and 1X CMT Points $20 Points for Pets 3D Jackpot. This weekend will complete the Points for Pets Series to benefit the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region and series awards will be presented following the shoot on Sunday including 1st place: a PAIR of Cimmaron Thunderstorm Custom Engraved Pistols, 2nd Place - a Drovers Supply Custom Gun Rig, 3rd Place - A Cimarron 1911 Pistol, and 4th Place - a Mountain Threads Custom Embroidered Jacket. Come to the Crossroads Arena in Penrose and shoot at this beautiful indoor facility! FMI
Crossroads Arena
Hwy 115 and Hwy 50
Penrose, CO 80000
WPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
San Joaquin Valley Rangers
Big Valley Championships Redux
 This year's Big Valley Championships will be a NO FRILLS match, at the BUFFALO BEN ARENA in GILROY, CA.   NO FRILLS means no buckles, and with a small entry fee equals small payout, BUT more fun than you have had on any weekend this year at an SJVR shoot. The match will be preceded on Saturday, 9/24/11, by a Mulligan practice for $40.00. The main match is a three stage event, ENTRY FEES FOR THE MAIN MATCH is $45.00. Time only is $35.00. There will be class payouts and over all payouts, depending on rider entries. Free dry camping, bring your portable stalls, free lunch at the Smokin' Gun Cafe for riders entered in the main match, $5.00 lunch for non-riders. Contact Dan Moore at for information and RSVP.
Buffalo Ben Arena
8805 Guibel Av
Gilroy, CA 95020
DWPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout XIV
4 Stage DWPQ.  Located 5 miles South of Poteau, OK. For stalls and more info contact or 479-650-0937.
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
WPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Border Wars
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!     2nd day of a 2 day match weekend-CT Renegades will be hosting Sunday,a 4 stage WPQ, along with a 2 stage rifle match.  Rough Camping is Available.  Ma6shooters will be hosting Saturday, Please see their website for more info                  SEE WHO GETS THE FLAG FOR THE NEXT SEASON!
Goss Farm
446 Pleasent St.
Dunstable, MA 01827
WPQ September 25, 2011
1 day
Stagecoach Outriders
Fall Just South Of The Border Ii
Warren Co Fairgrounds
WPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Stagecoach Outriders
Fall Just South Of The Border I
Warren Co Fairgrounds
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Benefit Shoot for Horsepower Therapeudic Learning
Join Double L Bar Shooters for the second annual " Benefit for Horsepower Therapeutic Learning Center" at the Peidmont Saddle Club Colfax, NC
Horsepower Farm
8001 Leaborne
Colfax, NC 27235
State September 24-25, 2011
2 days
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Iowa State Championship
 Number of entrys 85, To sign up go to our web-site  
Central Iowa Fairgrounds
1308 East Olive Street
Marshalltown , IA 50158
State September 24-25, 2011
2 days
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Illinois State Match
Entry fee $125  50% circuit payback     Wranglers $10     Rifle $75 for 2 stages 3D jackpots all 6 stages $10 each 100% payback Saturday shooters meeting 10:30am    grand entry 11am  stages 1-4 Sunday  start time 10am  stages 5 & 6 Sunday 9am Cowboy Church $585 added money! Stalls $20 per day- shavings are available for purchase RV/Camping  $20 per night Wrangler buckles given away for Open and Limited.
DuQuoin State Fair Horse Show Arena
655 Executive Dr
DuQuoin, IL 62832
WPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Border Wars
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!         4 Stage Match, Single Points The location of this event has changed.  It will now be held at the Furnace Brook Farm in New, Ipswich, NH on Appleton Rd.  Stalls are also available,contact Dina at
Furnace Brook Farm
Appleton Road
New Ipswich, NH 01827
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout XIII
4 stage DWPQ main match 2 stage DWPQ rifle. For more information contact or (479) 650-0937.
ZOC Ranch
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Mounted Thunder Membership Appreciation Shoot
Colorado Mounted Thunder's Membership Appreciation Shoot is open to everyone, however Mounted Thunder Members get to shoot for FREE!  For free shooting eligibility, you must join the club by Aug 31, 2011.  Non-members or renewing members after Aug 31 will pay $80 for the Main Match.  Stay over and shoot Sunday in our 4 Stage CMSA Points for Pets Finale Shoot $80 Main Match Fee with 2X CMSA Points and 1X CMT Points $20 Points for Pets 3D Jackpot.  This weekend will complete the Points for Pets Series to benefit the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region and series awards will be presented following the shoot on Sunday including 1st place:  a PAIR of Cimmaron Thunderstorm Custom Engraved Pistols, 2nd Place - a Drovers Supply Custom Gun Rig, 3
Crossroads Arena
13760 State Highway 115
Penrose, CO 80000
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Northern Prairie Shootout I
Day one of two Double Point 4 stage events with 2 rifle stages on Saturday.  Enter both days for $120 or $65 for one day.  Camping available at the arena.  For more information contact Greg Lund at 218-584-8685 or email
Twin Valley Riders Club Arena
East County Highway 29
Twin Valley, MN 56584
State September 24, 2011
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
SC State Championship
South Carolina State Championship 6 stage shoot.  Please see for more info.
Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Slap Out Outlaws
Chisolm Trail Shootout
Double points. Start @ 10 am Shooters meeting @ 9 am 4 stages,Stalls avaliable on first come first served $10.00 a day
Monney Holloway Arena
Rodeo Drive
Hubbard, TX 76648
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Shootout at The Ranch II
R Bar C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd
Elsie, MI 48831
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Smoke In The Dark
Evening fun shoot, no payback, just braggin' rights.  4 Stages of DPQ competition at the MRMS home arena, Diamond B5 in Oak Grove MO.  Shooter's Meeting at 6:30pm, event starts at 7pm.  $55 Entry and $15 for Wranglers. $5 jackpot per stage.  Call before you drive to this outdoor venue.  Kelly 816-456-9129.  In case you would like to stay after the shoot and drive home in the morning, primitive camping is free, no hookups available, bring generators.  Portable corrals are welcome, stalls are available for $20 for the night, shavings onsite.
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64075
DWPQ September 24, 2011
1 day
Oklahoma Outlaws
1st Annual Canadian River Shoot out
Main Match - $85.00 * 4 Stages * 50% payback * Rider's Meeting @ 8:45 am * Shoot Starts @ 9:00 am  3D Jackpot Optional - $10.00 a stage * 100% payback Buckles for Main Match Overall Men's and Ladies, to be presented at the Awards Ceremony Wranglers - $ 20.00 Rifles - $65.00 * 2 Stages * 40% payback 45 Stalls - $15.00 for covered and $ 10.00 for open, dirt floors RV 's - 1st come ONLY!!!!   Dry Camping FREE NO SHOWERS
Canadian Rodeo Association
Hwy 60/83 North
Canadian , TX 79014
State September 23-25, 2011
3 days
Arizona State Championship
More Info CORRECT: We will NOT be using Automated Balloon Setters at this match
Horseshoe Park & Equestrian Centre
20464 E. Riggs Rd
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Rendezvous 2
We have moved the Rendezvous to Kiowa!!! We are going to start off the Rendezvous with a benefit for Gene White!!! Friday September 16, 2011 6 pm Start 3 Stage Shoot, $40.00 Entry no payback Proceeds will go to Gene to help pay for his medical expenses. $20.00 Jackpot Sunday September 18, 2011 9:45 am Shooters Meeting 10:00 am Start $80.00 Entry with payback, 4 stage 2X CMSA points. $20.00 Eliminator stages 2 & 4, final stage after main match. (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) splits. $20.00 3D Jackpot 100% payback Awards to follow. Overall Mens & Ladies buckles for combined days. Saturday night: 6:00 pm will start the BBQ Potluck Diner, Please bring a sidedish to share!!! Elbert County Fairgrounds, 95 Ute Av
Elbert County Fairgrounds
PO Box 189
Kiowa, CO 80117
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Santa Cruz fair 2
For match details, please visit
Santa Cruz Co Fair Grounds
3142 S. Highway 83
Sonoita, AZ 85638
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
State Fair Shootout
Double Point shoot, limited to 40 riders. $55 entry fee for adult riders, $10 entry fee for Wranglers.  Jackpot will be $20 a stage with Class 1-2 will have stage 1 and 2 for their jackpot and Class 3 and 4 will have stage 3 and 4 for their jackpot.  Any Class 5 and 6 will have Stage 3 and 4 as their jackpot stage.  Pays one place 1-4 entries, two places 5-8, three places 9-12,four places 13+.  Buckles will be given to Overall mens and Overall ladies.     Stall arrangements must be made by August 15, 2011. 
Kansas State Fairgrounds
2000 N. Poplar
Hutchinson, KS 67502
State September 18, 2011
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
CT State Championship
Triple points! ,Ct State Championship, 6 stages plus wpq 2 stage Rifle, rough camping and Food will be available.
Round Tuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Road
Enfield, CT 06082
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
1st State Shooters
Memories Never Fade
Safety meeting to 9:30 am, shoot to begin at 10 am. Stalls and paddocks are available, please contact Pat Levers to reserve.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
WPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Sadie Hawkins Shoot 2
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
WPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Blazin' Days II
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO MUDDY ARENA CONDITIONS!!!!!! $55 entry fee, $15 wranglers.   $10 3D jackpots on all 4 stages.  40% circuit payback.  Registration ends at 9:30 AM event starts at 10:00 AM.  Entry accepted the day of the event, but please register in advance on-line.  Primitive camping available no fee.  No stalls, bring portable corrals.  From the 4- way stop in Hawk Point Mo. go west on Hyw. A 1/2 mile to Prairie Rd.  Turn left and go a short distance and turn right in to Skip-N-EZ Ranch.  Contact Skip Wanders
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
WPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Outback St Jude Shootout
The Outback St Jude Shootout wraps up a full weekend of MMSA family fun!  This four stage pistol, two stage rifle match on Sunday follows our annual Wrangler Round Up Saturday morning and a fun game show Saturday afternoon.  All proceeds from the game show on Saturday and a minimum of $10 per main match entry on Sunday will be donated to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital!  Click here for the weekend flyer.  See the club website,, for additional information and to pre-register online.  This is going to be a great weekend benefitting a great cause!  Match Directors are Jeremy Bullford, (612) 747-4136 or
Outback Arena
Holly Street
Stanchfield, MN 55080
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Dakota Running Irons
Will Shoot For Food
Wessington Springs Rodeo Arena
12th Street
Wessington Springs, SD 57382
WPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Shootout in Paradise II
Second day at Paradise Stables in Rio, WI. 4-stage WPQ followed by a 2-stage RWPQ
Paradise Stables
W7368 Long Crossing Road
Rio, WI 53960
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Mayatex Shoot
Mayatex Shootout 09/18/2011 Young County Arena, Graham, Texas 76450 4 Stages, Balloon Setters Blanket for Overall, reserve, Wrangles and all classes Full or Not Cost $85.00 Wranglers $30.00 9:00 am Start Stalls $20.00 per night, RV $20.00 per night Contact YCA for Stalls and Hook Ups 940-521-0434 Flyer on TSG Web-Site
Young County Arena
120 Barclay Pl
Graham, TX 76450
DWPQ September 18, 2011
1 day
Flint Hills Mounted Shooters
Two shoots two days II
 10 am shooters meeting 10:30 shoot 4 stage DWPQ entry $65 Wrangler $15
TR Ranch
29084 Goose Berry Rd
Alma, KS 66401
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Flint Hills Mounted Shooters
Two shootsTwo days I
 2:30 shooters Meeting  /3pm shoot 4 stage DWPQ Entry $65 wrangler $ 15 over night camping no charge, pens avalable for horses no charge evening in the flint hills cook out  after shoot -------- Ribs, hamburgers ,fixens, home made pies and homemade ice cream $5 per person must sign up for meal when registering                                              
TR Ranch
29084 Goose Berry Rd
Alma, KS 66401
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Gunsmoke Riders
Gunsmokes five
Saturday 17 september, 1-day, 4 stages. Riders meeting at 10am. No payback. More information on
Vankiva-Oretorp 3298
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
High Lonesome 45's-inactive
Garfield County Shoot Out
with $475 added money!! More Details to follow.
Garfield County Fairgrounds
99 farigrounds Rd.
Pomeroy, WA 99347
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Shootin' for the Cure
Shootin' for the Cure IV 09/17/2011 9:00 am Start Young County Arena, Graham, TX. 76450 Indoor Arena 4 Stages, Balloon Setters Prizes for Overall, Reserve Overall and Divisonal Classes Stalls $20.00 per night, RV $20.00 per night Shaving $7.00 per bag Contact Young County Arena for Reservations 940-521-0434 Flyer on Web Site
Young County Arena
120 Barclay Pl.
Graham, TX 76450
WPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Shootout in Paradise I
First of two 4-stage WPQ events at Paradise Stables in Ril, WI. Both days will include a RWPQ event.
Paradise Stables
W9368 Long Crossing Road
Rio, WI 53960
WPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Blazin' Days I
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO MUDDY ARENA CONDITIONS!!!!!!   $55 entry fee, $15 wranglers.   $10 3D jackpots on all 4 stages.  40% circuit payback. Registration ends at 11.30 AM event starts at noon.  Entry accepted the day of the event, but please register in advance on-line.  Primitive camping available no fee.  No stalls, bring portable corrals.  From the 4- way stop in Hawk Point Mo. go west on Hyw. A 1/2 mile to Prairie Rd.  Turn left and go a short distance and turn right in to Skip-N-EZ Ranch.  Contact Skip Wandersee (314-370-4211) or Buddy Cox (636-262-2564) in case of rain.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
WPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Sadie Hawkins Shoot 1
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
1st State Shooters
Gerald Breeding Memorial Shoot
Safety meeting to 5:30 pm, shoot to begin at 6pm. Stalls and paddocks are available, please contact Pat Levers to reserve. Campfire to follow shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Outlaw Dirt Nap
4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at   Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinois-Outlaws/93560183343.  Hope to see you there!!
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Santa Cruz fair
For match details, please visit
Santa Cruz Co Fair Grounds
3142 S. Highway 83
Sonoita , AZ 85637
DWPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Rendezvous 1
We have moved the Rendezvous to Kiowa!!! We are going to start off the Rendezvous with a benifit for Gene White!!! Friday September 16, 2011  6 pm Start 3 Stage Shoot, $40.00 Entry no payback Proceeds will go to Gene to help pay for his medical expenses. $20.00 Jackpot Satruday September 17, 2011 9:45 am Shooters Meeting 10:00 am Start $80.00 Entry with payback, 4 stage 2X CMSA points. $20.00 Eliminator stages 1 & 3, final stage after main match. (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) splits. $20.00 3D Jackpot 100% payback. Overall Mens & Ladies Buckles for combined days. 6:00 pm will start the BBQ Potluck Diner, Please bring a sidedish to share!!! Awards to follow! Elbert County Fairgrounds, 95 Ute Ave, Kiow
Elbert County Fairgrounds
PO Box 189
Kiowa, CO 80117
DWPQ September 17-18, 2011
2 days
California Range Riders
Gold Dust Fever
Howard Park
600 Church St
Ione, CA 95946
State September 17-18, 2011
2 days
The Carolina Outlaws
North Carolina State Championship
$2000 added Money!! Justin Boots to the divisional Winners Wrangler Jeans to all the Class Winners Limited to 80 Stalls!!!  Get them while they are available!!! $135 Entry Fee 6 Main Match Stages and 2 Rifle Stages!!
Lone Hickory Arena
1950 Bethel Church Rd
Yadkinville, NC 27055
WPQ September 17, 2011
1 day
The Cajun Posse Mounted Shooters
Bare Bones Shoot
BARE BONES SHOOT is a 4 stage match designed for new members and riders as well as veteran shooters.  No balloon setters.  No Payouts.  $40 entry fee to cover expenses. Riders meeting at 9:30 am.  Event starts at 10:00 am. Come and have some Cajun Fun! 
Cherokee Ridge Horse Farm Covered Arena
200 Flying W Drive
Carencro, LA 70520
State September 16-18, 2011
3 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
The Chisum 2011 - NM State Championship
For complete  details go to
Bob Crosby Arena
1106 East Poe
Roswell, NM 88201
DWPQ September 11, 2011
1 day
Turkey Creek Regulators
Shoot Out at Crossed Sabers 2011 too
Crossed Sabres Arena
776 7th Rd.
Westpoint, NE 68788
WPQ September 11, 2011
1 day
Western Washington Mounted Shooters
WWMS Point / Award Series Shoot #4 Finals
WWMS Point - Award Series; Each Event ($50 entry fee); CMSA Points by Class and Overall Enter the Series; pay a one (1) time $25 award fee and gather points where riders from any level can win the SharpShooter Award, even the newest Shooter. The series "Sharp-Shooter" Award Buckle will be awarded to teh "Cleanest" shooter in the series. Other Series prizes based on Overall "Potted Points" no matter what level you are or if you're a Ladies or Mens shooter, all classes combined.
CAP Farms
33319 Mann Road
Sultan, WA 98294
DWPQ September 10, 2011
1 day
Turkey Creek Regulators
Shoot Out at Crossed Sabers 2011 too
Crossed Sabres Arena
776 7th Rd.
Westpoint, NE 68788
DWPQ September 10, 2011
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
Shootout at the Fair
This is being held t the Hillsborough County Fair in New Boston, NH
Hillsborough County 4-H Foundation
Hilldale Lane
New Boston, NH 03070
State September 9-10, 2011
2 days
Sin City Mounted Shooters
Terryl Adams Memorial NV State Championship
The Sin City Mounted Shooters are hosting this Triple-Point, six-stage, NIGHT SHOOT in memory of our beloved Terryl Adams, who passed away unexpectedly, earlier this year.  The match begins 6pm Friday night and continues at 12 noon on Saturday.  Please join us for this great event.  For more information, visit our website at or contact Joel Ostrovsky at 702 355-2717 or Tim Ruiz at 702 531-4097.  
Horseman's Park
5800 E Fkamingo Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89122-5502
CMSA September 7-10, 2011
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Classic Equine Eastern US Championship
Tennessee Miller Coliseum
304B W Thompson Ln
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
CMSA September 5, 2011
1 day
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Outlaw Annie's Shoot for the Troops
Tennessee Miller Coliseum
304B W Thompson Ln
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
WPQ September 5, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Border Wars II - MN
Join Iowa CMSA, Mounted Justice of Wisconsin, and the Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association at our first annual Border Wars II in Mason City, IA over Labor Day weekend!  Each day is hosted by a different club, Iowa on Saturday, Mounted Justice on Sunday, and Minnesota on Monday.  Sign up on Mounted Justice's website at  Join us on your way east to the CMSA Eastern US Championship for a great warm up weekend with three CMSA single point WPQ 4 stage shoots and three CMSA single point WPQ 2 stage rifle matches all in one fun filled weekend!
North Iowa Fairgrounds
3700 4th St SW
Mason City, IA 50401-1590
DWPQ September 4, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Showdown at Miamitown
Miamitown Ohio - Gymkhana Club Arena $55 main match - (4 stage DWPQ) $25 wranglers $10 each 3D Jackpots (2 stages) $15 exhibition (2stages)- (must have a horse in main match) More Information at   CHOICE AMMO: Crimped/Tatonka Dan EARLY ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE @   ENTRY PAYMENT&nbs
Miamitown Gymkhana Club
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
WPQ September 4, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Border Wars II - WI
Second of three 4-stage WPQ events held at the same location, North Iowa County Fairgrounds. Each day includes a 2-stage rifle competition. Saturday will be hosted by IACMSA, Sunday by Mounted Justice, and Monday by Minnesota CMSA. This would be great practice of the Easterns and a chance to get a win. We had over 80 entries at BW I back on Memorial Day and we are looking for a big crowd on Labor Day. Register online at  
North iowa County Fairgrounds
123 Hwy 100
Mason City, IA 12345
Regional September 3-4, 2011
2 days
Westernriders Roger's Area
German Regional Championship
German Regional Championship - Quadruple Points Doerpstraat 1 24848 Boklund, Germany Phone- 004946241223   SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED/POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER! Please call for additional info. 
Roger's Area
Doerpstraat 1
24848 Boklund
State September 3-4, 2011
2 days
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee State Shoot
2011 TENNESSEE STATE SHOOT. Saturday, September 3, 2011, Books Close at 8:00 a.m.; Shooters Meeting at 8:30 a.m.; Wranglers ground shoot immediately following Shooters Meeting; Main Match starts at 9:00 a.m. Rifle will run Saturday immediately following 3 stages of Main Match. Sunday, September 4th, Cowboy Church at 8:00 a.m.; 2 stages of Main Match starts at 9:00 a.m. STALLS AND RV SITES WILL BE RESERVED THROUGHT CMSA. $1800 ADDED MONEY TO BE DIVIDED BY DIVISIONS   LIMITED (1-2) * EXPRESS (3-4) * MASTER (5-6)   GENDER SPLIT
Miller Coliseum
DWPQ September 3, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Rob Hubert Memorial Shoot
Miamitown Ohio - Gymkhana Club Arena $55 main match - (4 stage DWPQ) $40 rifle (2 stage) - Revolving and Lever/Pump will be combined. Points if there are at least 5 riders. $25 wranglers $10 each 3D Jackpots (2 stages) $25 exhibition (4stages)- (must have a horse in main match) More Information at   CHOICE AMMO: Crimped/Tatonka Dan EARLY ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE @
Miamitown - Gymkhana Club Arena
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
WPQ September 3, 2011
1 day
Border Wars 2 - IA
Join the Iowa CMSA, Mounted Justice of Wisconsin, and the Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association at our first annual BORDER WARS II event in Mason City, IA over the Labor Day weekend.  Each day is hosted by a different club, Iowa on Saturday, Mounted Justice on Sunday, and Minnesota on  Monday.  Preregister on the Mounted Justice Web site at  Join all three clubs on your way to the CMSA Eastern US Championship.  Each club will host a four stage WPQ match along with a two stage rifle WPQ each day - 3 pistol plus 3 rifle competitions all in one fun filled weekend.  We will be competing at the North Iowa Fairgrounds in Mason City.  We will be utilizing two arenas - an indoor 95'
North Iowa Fairgrounds
3700 4th St SW
Mason City, IA 50401-1590
DWPQ September 2-4, 2011
3 days
Northwest Mounted Shooters
Farragut State Park Shoot
Corral Event Center
13550 E. Highway 54
Athol, ID 83801
WPQ September 2, 2011
1 day
Dakota Territory Mounted Shooters
South Dakota State Fair Shoot
Health Papers are REQUIRED.
SD State Fair Grounds
890 3rd Street SW
Huron, SD 57350
State September 2-4, 2011
3 days
Wyoming Rough Riders
Silver Cliff Shoot - Wyoming State Finals
Shoot has been rescheduled to September 2-4! We will kick off our State Finals on Friday, June 3 at Noon with our Guns, Cans and Cattle Classic Jackpot.  Must ride the same horse, and enter only once! Shoot 1, Barrel Race 1 and a 1 on 1 Cattle sort.  Saddles to top Cowboy and Cowgirl.  100% Payback.  $100.00 Entry Fee.  The main match will begin on Saturday, June 4th at 10:00 AM.  We will shoot 4 stages on Saturday.  Cowboy Church service will be at 8:30 Sunday, June 5th in the Grandstands with the last 2 stages starting at 10:00 AM. Awards to follow within one hour.  We are possible working on an Eliminator and Showcase for Saturday night, will have more details at a later date. Also...we are
Niobrara County Fairgrounds
Hwy 26/85
Lusk, WY 82225
WPQ September 2-4, 2011
3 days
Roy Rogers Rangers California
Roy Rogers Rangers - 'shootout At Ingall's Park'
ROY ROGERS RANGERS presents "SHOOTOUT AT INGALL'S PARK 2011" Featured during Norco Fair - September 3-4, 2011 LIMITED TO 35 SHOOTERS EACH DAY - PLEASE RSVP WHERE: GRAND COVERED ARENA - Ingall's Park, 3737 Crestview Ave., Norco, Ca. ~PRACTICE~ Good opportunity to get your horse used to the indoor arena WHEN: Saturday, September 3 TIME: 10:30 riders meeting; 11am practice begins Practice Entry: $40.00 - 4 stages BALLOON SETTERS EACH DAY! ~COMPETITION~ WHEN: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 TIME: registration closes at 10am; 10:30 riders meeting; 11
Gorge Ingall's Event Center
3737 Crestview Ave
Norco, CA 92596
WPQ September 1-3, 2011
3 days
Cowboy Capital Mounted Shooters
Celebrate Bandera
  Schedule of Events Thursday,  September 1st 7:00 p.m.  2 stages Eliminator  
Mansfield Park
500 N Main St
Bandera, TX 78003
State August 31, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
WI State - RIFLE
na, NA 55555
DWPQ August 31, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
CO State Fair Shoot
Please note new start time!!   NOTICE:  You must provide a health certificate that is dated within 5 days of the shoot to enter the State Fairgrounds. Enter gate 6, off Summit, behind events center. Tell gate person you’re a mounted shooting contestant. Pull to horse show area. We’ll be shown where to park. This is a 4 Stage CMSA 2X Points shoot to be held at the State Fairgrounds covered arena.  Our awesome Pueblo West balloon setters will be on hand, so this shoot should move right along!  We are guests of the State Fair and are not being charged an arena fee! $80 Main Match Entry with 50% Payback $20 Optional 3D Jackpot En
Colorado State Fairgrounds
1001 Beulah Ave
Pueblo, CO 81004
DWPQ August 29, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Bulldog Double Point Brawl RIFLE
NA, NA 55555
DWPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Pistols & Petticoats
2xpoints, 50% Payback, 4 stages, More info soon!!!
Ocala Equestrian Center
1601 SW 60th Ave
Ocala, FL 34474
DWPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Bishop Bash III Day Two
Second Day of the Bishop Bash Begins at 9:00am and runs 3 stages $75.00 main Match Entry 50 percent payback $15.00 Wrangler. Make sure you return to the CMSA events page and make sure you signed up for both days. WWW> for more information
Pete V Domenici Arena
12125 Robert Larson Blvd.
Las Cruces, NM 88005
DWPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout XII
4 Stage DWPQ.  Located 5 miles South of Poteau, OK. For more info contact or 479-650-0937
ZOC Ranch
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
This is Cooler?
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
WPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
MN Get Together Shoot II
Day two of the second annual MN Get Together Shoots in Twin Valley, MN with the Wild Rice Peacemakers and the Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association.  The second four stage WPQ shoot of the weekend (rifle on Saturday only).  Enter both days for $120 or $65 for one day.  For more information, contact Steve Moe at (218) 326-5349 or
Twin Valley Riders Club Arena
East Co Hwy 29
Twin Valley, MN 56584
DWPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Back to Back
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER!!   This is day two of the Back to Back with the New Hampshire Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Road
Hollis, ME 04061
WPQ August 28, 2011
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
Runnin N Gunnin 2
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio
167 N. Poplar Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
WPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
Runnin N Gunnin 1
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio
167 N. Poplar Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
New Hampshire Shootout in Maine
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER!!!     This is day one of a back to back with the Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters. Maine will be hosting on Sunday.
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Rd.
Hollis Center, ME 04242
DWPQ August 27-28, 2011
2 days
Missouri Big Irons
Big City Shootout
Big City Shootout --- DWPQ 6 stage -- 4 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday --- $125 Entry, $10 Wrangler 50% Straight Circuit Payback, $10 Jackpots on all 6 stages Rifle -- $75 Entry --- Will follow main match on Saturday -- It will count for points if we have enough shooters!! Saturday Start time @ NOON ... Cowboy Church Sunday @ 9:00 am ... Sunday Start time @ 10:00 am Shoot Directors: Paul Cain, Ken Hanne and Julie Martin    
National Equestrian Center
6880 Lake St. Louis Blvd
Lake St. Louis, MO 63367
DWPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Little Less Hot
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER - PLEASE WATCH THE WEBSITE FOR POSSIBLE RE-SCHEDULING!   This event is relpacing our shoot canceled  in July.   All other info is the same for further info contact  Charlie @ 540-487-4390.
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
WPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
MN Get Together Shoot I
 Day one of the second annual MN Get Together Shoots in Twin Valley, MN with the Wild Rice PeaceMakers and the Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association.  The first 4 stage WPQ shoot of the weekend with 2  rifle stages on Saturday.  Enter both days main matches for $120 or $65 for one day.  2 stage rifle for $40 divided into open and limited divisions.  Camping available on site.  For more information contact Greg Lund at 218-584-8685 or
Twin Valley Riders Club Arena
East County Highway 29
Twin Valley, MN 56584
DWPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout XI
4 Stage DWPQ Pistol, 2 Stage Double Point Rifle.  Located 5 miles south of Poteau, OK. For more info contact or 479-650-0937.
ZOC Ranch
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
State August 27-28, 2011
2 days
North Range Riders
Alaska State Finals
1st day sign in 1:00 PM Shoot start 2:00 PM 2nd day check in 1:00 PM Shoot start 2:00 PM Entry fee $75.00
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
The Bishop Bash III
Come to Las Cruces and help Hugh and Jean Bishop Celebrate their 50th Anniversary for the 3rd time. Under the big roof at the Pete V Domenici Arena Two Days... Two Shoots... Two times the CMSA WPQ and NMTCMS Points! Day One Main Match will start at 10:00 AM Main match entry is $90.00 with 50 percent CMSA Circuit Payback. Wrangler Entry is $20.00 Eliminator will be two stages... Stage 3 of the Main Match and 1 more stage after the rifle to finish the days shooting. $20.00 per Level.... Eliminator split by gender and 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. CMSA WPQ 2 stage Rifle class for $60.00 entry with 75% Payback!     El Paso Bob's Famous Bar B Que and more on Saturday Night so bring a side dis
Pete V Domeniici Arena
12125 Robert Larson Blvd
Las Cruces, NM 88005
DWPQ August 27, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Buzzard's Banquet Makeup - 2
Make up shoot for day 2 of rain out.  4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  Concho keychains for Express, Limited, and Master division for Ladies and Men's.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinoi
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
State August 26-28, 2011
3 days
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters
Washington State Championship
Washington State Horse Park
1 Horse park Ln
Cle Elum, WA 98922
DWPQ August 21, 2011
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Bullets Before Breakfast
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
Rushville, IN 46139
DWPQ August 21, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Lynching at Schone's day 2
This is the second day of two Double Point Shoots.For more information and to sign up go to To reserve stalls or camping contact Schone's Friendship Farm at 309-787-9422
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan, IL 61264
DWPQ August 21, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Shootin in the shade 2
Nice big covered arena with open sides. Great place to shoot in the hot weather.$65 main match, $10 3D stage jackpots, $25 class jackpots 100% payback. Lots of RV hookups.
White County Fairgrounds
802 Davis Dr
Searcy , AR 72143
DWPQ August 21, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Dog Days of Summer II
Dog Days of Summer II
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
WPQ August 21, 2011
1 day
Western Washington Mounted Shooters
WWMS Point / Award Series Shoot #3
WWMS Point - Award Series; Each Event ($50 entry fee); CMSA Points by Class and Overall Enter the Series; pay a one (1) time $25 award fee and gather points where riders from any level can win the SharpShooter Award, even the newest Shooter. The series "Sharp-Shooter" Award Buckle will be awarded to teh "Cleanest" shooter in the series. Other Series prizes based on Overall "Potted Points" no matter what level you are or if you're a Ladies or Mens shooter, all classes combined. One shoot a month, June 5th, July 3rd, August 21st - Finals September 11th. CAP Farm in Sultan, WA - 200' x 300' Outdoor Arena with Excellent Footing and Tons of Parking Time Only Runs - Each Stage - $20
CAP Farms
33319 Mann Road
Sultan, WA 98294
DWPQ August 21, 2011
1 day
Southern Crossfire
Dog Day Morning
Southern Cross Ranch
6065 County Road 55
Columbia, AL 36319
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
Southern Crossfire
Hot August Nights
  Entry fee is $50 and we will require health certificates for horses coming from EH1 affected areas for our July and August matches.    Starts at 6 pm cst Saturday night 8:30 with Cowboy Church Match at 9 cst on Sunday
Southern Cross Ranch
6065 CR 55
Columbia, AL 36319
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Dog Days of Summer I
Dog Days of Summer I at Wild Winds Farm, Oxford, NC
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Shootin in the Shade 1
Nice big covered arena with open sides. First time shooting at this arena. $65 main match, $40 DPWQ 2 stage rifle limited & open, $10 3D stage jackpots, $25 class jackpots, Lots of RV hookups & stalls. Best place to shoot in the hot summer time!   
White County Fairgrounds
802 Davis Dr
Searcy, AR 72143
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Lynching at Schone's
This is the first day of two Double Point Shoots.For more information and to sign up go to To reserve stalls or camping contact Schone's Friendship Farm at 309-787-9422
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan, IL 61264
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
1st State Shooters
Sizzler Shootin'
Safety meeting to 5:30 pm, shoot to begin at 6pm. Stalls and paddocks are available, please contact Pat Levers to reserve. Campfire to follow shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
WPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Ethan's Rodeo
single point match   $75 entry fee  for 5 stages  Starts at 2 pm Adams Co Fairgrounds  2010 E 1250th St  Right off Hwy 336 South of Mendon IL Ethan's Rodeo will be held at 7pm in the South Grand Stand Arena  right after our shooting match.    This is for a fund raiser for cancer research.      
Adams Co Fairgrounds
2010 E 1250th St
Mendon, IL 62351
State August 20-21, 2011
2 days
Kansas CMSA
Kansas State Championships
Kansas State Championships!! $125 entry fee for adult  riders $20 entry fee for wranglers 50% straight circuit payback Buckles to the Overall and Reserve Champions   *  Saturday registration starts at 8:00 am. Payment is required at time of registration. Safety meeting: 9:45 am. Shoot time: 10:00 am. Sunday Safety meeting: 8:45 am. Shoot time: 9:00 am. *  Indoor arena, 100+ stalls available for $15 per stall or $25 for the weeke
Bar K Bar Arena
1145 Hwy 56 East
Lyons, KS 67554
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Smoke In The Morning
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
Rushville , IN 46130
DWPQ August 20, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
End of Summer Shootout
4 stage, 40% Circuit Payback.  $85 if pre-registered  or $90 day of match/Wranglers $25.  Registration 5:30-6:30p.m., Riders meeting 6:45p.m., First stage 7:00 p.m.  Balloon Setters.  Call Renee Guthrie for stalls and hookups - 806-535-7462. Coggins Required. See flyer "events".
579 Jerry Walker Rd.
Bowie, TX 76230
State August 20-21, 2011
2 days
Montana Mounted Shooting Assoc
Montana State Shoot
New date August 20 -21, 2011. This shoot was postponed due to the EVH-1 outbreak in the Northwest and so not to conflict with the Washington State Shoot) Sorry for any inconvenience.  There is $3000 GUARANTEED ADDED MONEY at the present time and this will be updated as more comes in. Montana State Shoot at Townsend Ranch in Darby, MT. This is the 12th Annual Shoot sponsored by the Montana Mounted Shooters. We wiil have a 5 stage main match with the 6th stage being the Double Down Stage. Entry in Main Match is required to enter the rest of the weekend events. Buckles will be awarded to FULL classes in State Match. State Shoot entry fee $175. $3000 GUARANTEED ADDED MONEY! Double Down entry fee is $175 (50% payback) Will be paid LIMITED, EXPRESS &
Townsend Ranch
3278 Standing Bear Rd
Darby, MT 59829
DWPQ August 20-21, 2011
2 days
Oregon Mounted Shooting Association
OMSA 2011 Guns and Grub Shoot
OMSA presents their 2011 Guns and Grub Shoot. Come join OMSA with their annual shoot at Native Sun Equestrian Center.  We had a great time last year popping balloons and watching the Hillsboro Air Show between runs.   Come join us for a fun family weekend.   Friday night jackpot, register Friday before you shoot.
Native Sun Equestrian Center
31500 NW Victory Lane
Hillsboro, OR 97124
DWPQ August 19, 2011
1 day
Montana Mounted Shooting Assoc
2011 Friday Shoot
New date August 19th (This shoot was postponed due to the EVH-1 outbreak in the Northwest and new date has been chosen to not conflict with the Washington State Championships)Thank you for your understanding. This will be a 4 stage Double Point World Qualifier which will start at 12 noon Friday August 19th. This will be a buckle shoot.
Townsend Ranch
3278 Standing Bear Rd
Darby, MT 59829
DWPQ August 19, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Connie York Benefit Shoot
Benefit shoot for Connie York to raise money for hospital bills.  All profits go to Connie. If you can't make the shoot and would like to donate a gift, make check payable to TSG and mail to Lou Ciferni, 231 La Costa Cir., Weatherford, Tx 76088 3 stage DWPQ, with $20 optional class jackpot..  $65 if registering online or $70 at match/$25 Wranglers. Regis. 6:30-7:30p.m., Rider's meeting 7:45p.m., first stage 8:00 p.m. RIFLE MATCH 2 stages Sat. morning 8/20 8 a.m. $50 with 50% payback.  Coggins Required Stalls and Hookups:  Contacat Renee Guthrie 806-535-7462 or email SEE for flyer
Aasp & Rc
579 Jerry Walker Road
Bowie, TX 76230
DWPQ August 19, 2011
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Shooting At Dusk
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
Rushville, IN 46130
DWPQ August 16, 2011
1 day
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Wilson County Fair - Divisional Shoot-Out
Wilson County Fair - The LARGEST Fair in the State of Tennessee! 2011 Wilson County Fair – Divisional Shoot-Out Sponsored by the Wilson Country Fair James E Ward Ag Center – Covered Arena – Lebanon, Tennessee – 2X Points 50% Gender Split Divisional Payback – $2,000.00 Added In Finals - 50% Rifle Payback – Open/Limited in Lon
Wilson Co Fair
945 East Baddour Pkwy
Lebanon, TN 37087-4339
DWPQ August 14, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
CO/WY Border Wars
Colorado/Wyoming Border Wars Shoot at Fort Robinson State Park, Crawford, NE.  Colorado Shoot is Sunday following WY shoot on Saturday.  Come play for the weekend and enjoy this historic area! 4 Stage Main Match with 50% circuit payback.  Optional 3D Jackpot $20 with 100% payback 2 Stage Rifle for 2X CMSA Points $25 For more information, contact Kevin Perry 719-338-6355
Fort Robinson Arena
3200 Hwy 20
Crawford, NE 69339
WPQ August 14, 2011
1 day
North Range Riders
Shoot Out at the Lucky 13
Sign in 1:00 PM Shoot start 2:00 PM Entry fee $75.00
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ August 14, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Six Shooters At Dawn
4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle at The Boone County Fair.  Please pre-register to get on the gate entry list.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Lots of Food Vendors On-Site :-) Stalls are not available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinois-Outlaws
Boone County Fairgrounds
8847 Illinois Hwy 76
Belvidere, IL 61008
DWPQ August 14, 2011
1 day
Dakota Running Irons
Fur Trader Days
Fur Trader Days Shoot - Geddes, South Dakota - Double Points, $575 Added, Will also have a shotgun shoot this day.
Geddes Arena
West 6th St.
Geddes, SD 57342
DWPQ August 14-15, 2011
2 days
Missouri Big Irons
Starline Brass MO State Fair
Shoot is full! Contact Wendy Rowden for reserve spots: 573 701 2849  Starline Brass MO State Fair --- PRO/DWPQ 4 stages --- 2 on Sunday and 2 on Monday --- $85 Entry for Main Event 50% Circuit Payback --- $10 Jackpots PRO --- $250 Entry --- 2 Horse MAX (must enter main match to enter pro, both shoots are in conjunction with each other) (1 horse main match and pro, other horse just pro) 65 HORSE MAXIMUM ... WE SELL OUT EVERY YEAR!! 
MO State Fairgrounds
2503 W. 16th Street
Sedalia, MO 65301
WPQ August 14, 2011
1 day
Alberta Mounted Shooters Association
End of the trail
Paddle River Arena
Mayerthorpe, AB 00000
WPQ August 14, 2011
1 day
Flint Hills Mounted Shooters
Gunsmoke in the city
 4 stage WPQ entry $65 Wrangler $15 10:30AM shooters Meeting  11AM shoot.  Lighted outdoor arena
North Topeka Saddle Club
8600 Topeka Bv
Topeka, KS 66608
WPQ August 13, 2011
1 day
Alberta Mounted Shooters Association
Ponoka Shoot
 Ponoka Shoot August 13 2011 3 stage main match $60 ef 50% ef payout for more info Sarah Harbin (780) 725-1403
Ponoka Stampede Grounds
Hwy 2A & 39 ave
Ponoka, AB 00000
DWPQ August 13, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Silkhope Ruritan Makeup Shoot
$1000 in added prize money. Shoot in front of a large audience under the lights Saturday starts a 5PM till finished. Stalls and RV hookups available.
Silkhope Farm Heritage Park
4221 Silk Hope Road
Siler City, NC 27344
State August 13-14, 2011
2 days
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Ohio State Shoot Out
State Shoot  August  13 – 14, 2011   Main Match – CMSA – Triple Points
Wayne County Fairgrounds
Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ August 13, 2011
1 day
Dakota Running Irons
Glen Kubal Memorial
Glen Kubal Memorial Shoot - Geddes, South Dakota - Double Points, $575 Added
Geddes Arena
West 6th St.
Geddes, SD 57342
DWPQ August 13, 2011
1 day
Wyoming Rough Riders
WY/CO Border Wars Double Points Shoot
                    Wyoming Rough Riders and Colorado Mounted Thunder Wyoming/Colorado Border Wars Shoot August 13th and 14th, 2011 WY on August 13th CO on August 14th
Fort Robinson
3200 Highway 20 - PO Box 392
Crawford, NE 69339
State August 13-14, 2011
2 days
Riverbottom Shooters
Mississippi State Championships
Rankin County Multipurpose Livestock Pavillion
Regional August 13-14, 2011
2 days
Bay State Bandits
The Northeast Regional
This is a 4 x WPQ Northeast Regional Shoot.  Four stage wrangler class.  2 Stage Rifle Class.
Furnace Brook Farm
Appleton Rd
New Ipswich, NH 01827
DWPQ August 12, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
"Regional Warm Up"
Come "warm-up" for the main match of the Northeast Regionals.  This is a 3 stage DWPQ CMSA match held at the Goss Farm.  Rough Camping is available.  An optional "cowboy cookout" will follow this match. 
Furnace Brook Farm
Appleton Rd
New Ipswich, NH 01827
CMSA August 10-13, 2011
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Scully Western US Championship
South Point Hotel & Casino
9777 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89183
WPQ August 7, 2011
1 day
Summer Series - Road to the Westerns
Single WPQ - No Frills with Optional 3D Automated Balloon Setters will be used at this match. For more info, contact: Mark Caro 928-527-1472 and Grant McMaster 602-319-7244
The Caro Ranch
6955 E. Old Walnut Rd.
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
DWPQ August 7, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
El Dorado Days Shootout!
El Dorado Days Shootout! Sunday August 7, 2011.  Registrations starts at 9:30am, safety meeting at 10:30am, shoot time:  11:00am.  Shoot will be during the El Dorado Days at the Frontier Western Celebration, 201 E. Central, El Dorado, Kansas. Visit their website at http//  Event is limited to 35 riders.  Entry Fee is $75 for adult riders with 52% straight circuit payback.  Up to $1000 added money will be added to the payback. For overnight information contact the El Dorado Chamber of Commerce at (316) 321-3150.  Stalls are $10 per night at the sale barn east of town; you provide your own hay and water buckets. Call (316) 320-3212 if you are wanting to reserve and pay for a stall. If you have any questions, contact match dire
Frontier Western Celebration
201 E. Central
El Dorado, KS 67042
DWPQ August 7, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Double Point Yellow Jacket Attack
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507-8335
DWPQ August 7, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Gunsmoke In The Morning
4 Stages of DPQ competition, starting early to beat the heat.  This event is the morning after our Heatin' up the night shoot.  Our morning will start with an 8:30am shooter's meeting, and the event will start at 9am.  $65 Entry and $15 for Wranglers.  40% payback on this event.  At the MRMS home arena, Diamond B5 in Oak Grove MO. Call before you drive to this outdoor venue!  Kelly 816-456-9129.  Primitive camping is free, bring generators, no hookups available.  Stalls are $20 for the night, shavings onsite.  Portable corrals are also welcome.
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64075
WPQ August 7, 2011
1 day
Alberta Mounted Shooters Association
Barrhead Shoot
 Barrhead Shoot August 7 2011 Located at Barrhead Rodeo Grounds 4pm Shooters must pay gate fee 3 stage main match $60 ef
Barrhead rodeo grounds
Barrhead, AB 00000
DWPQ August 7, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Coolin Down
Coolin Down, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 9:00 am, Safety meeting at 8:30.  Limited Stalls available, $25 a night, Several paddocks available.  
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
DWPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Blisterin Hot
Blisterin Hot, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 10:00 am, safety meeting at 9:30 am.  Limited Stalls available, $25 a night, Several paddocks available.  Join us for a full weekend of shooting.  Rough Camping only...
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
WPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Keystone Cowboys
Shoot-out in the valley
This will be our first sanctioned event and will be a one day event. No payback.There will be 1 Overall Champion buckle and a jackpot run as well. Entry fee $40.00 and Jackpot will run $10.00. This will, of course, count for points. Come help support our new club, the only one in PA!!! For more info call Dave@ 814-263-7155
Pleasant Valley Farm
Pleasant Valley Rd
Woodland, PA 16881
DWPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Heatin' Up The Night
Night shoot to stay out of the heat!  4 Stages of DPQ competition at the MRMS home arena Diamond B5 in Oak Grove MO.  40% payback.  Shooter's meeting will be held at 6:30PM with the event start at 7pm.  $65 Entry and $15 Wranglers.  Call before you drive to this outdoor venue...Kelly 816-456-9129.  Primitive camping is free, no hookups available.  $20 for a stall for the night.  Portable corrals are welcome.  
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64075
Regional August 6-7, 2011
2 days
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
North Central Regionals
  2011 North Central Regionals hosted by the Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association at Bison Meadow's in Maple Plain, MN.  Six stage main match, two stage rifle, and an eliminator will be on the schedule for the weekend.  Contact match directors Tosha Barthel, 763-856-0242 or and Deb Powell, 651-335-2840 or with any questions.  See flyer or the events page on the club website,,  for additional information.
Bison Meadows
4405 County Road 92
Maple Plain, MN 55359
DWPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Bonneyville Shoot 3
Bonnyville Rodeo Grounds - Entry Fee $80.00 - payback 50% in classes - 2 x points each day.   - Entry Deadline is Monday August 1, 2011   - Riders meeting 11:30, Shoot starts at 12:00 noon   - Showdown - 6:15 PM     
Bonnyville Rodeo Grounds
55th St. (Hwy 41),
Bonnyville, AB 12345
State August 6-7, 2011
2 days
Dakota Territory Mounted Shooters
South Dakota State Shoot
Whitehead Arena
28052 465 Ave
Lennox, SD 57039
DWPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Bulldog Double Point Brawl
$75.00 Double point Main Match Entry Fee- 4 stages. $20 Wrangler Entry Fee- 4 stages. $45 Double Point Rifle Entry Fee. Competition is stages starting Saturday after Main Match. $10 3D Jackpot per stage. $15 Exhibition per horse per stage. Limit 10 horses, Saturday ONLY. Stages 1-3 ONLY. $20 RV site per night. RV sites are first come/ first serve basis. $40 per stall for weekend. Stall cost includes 1 bag of shavings, extra shavings are $6 per bag. $30 for a tack stall for the weekend. NO showing from trailer. Must pay $40 stall fee per horse. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center Rule** NO horses allowed on pavement. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center** On-site registration Friday 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Saturday 7:00 am- 8:00 am.
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507-8335
WPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Valley Center Practice For Points
Valley Center WPQ Practice for Points! Shoot 4 stages.  Saturday, August 6, 2011.  Registration starts at 3:00pm, safety meeting at 3:45pm, shoot time:  4:00pm. Payment is required at time of registration.  We will be shooting at Jeff and CJ Schreiber's ranch at 5317 E. 125th N., Valley Center, Kansas.  Entry fee is $25 per adult rider, no payback.  Contact Jeff Schreiber at 316-641-5429 or for overnight information and stalls.  A potluck will be planned following the shoot.
Jeff & CJ Schreiber Ranch
5317 E. 125th N.
Valley Center, KS 67147
WPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Marion County Showdown
single point match  $75 entry fee for 5 stages  shooters meeting at 12:30  Start to shoot at 1pm $500 added money! Flower City Park on N Breckenridge St in Palmyra  MO Marion Co Fairgrounds during the fair
marion co horse arena
301 S Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461
WPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Summer Series - Road to the Westerns
Single WPQ - Jackpot Match - 50% payback - 90% to Class & 10% to Overall pays 1 in 3 Automated Balloon Setters will be used at this match. More info Contacts: Mark Caro 928-527-1472 or Grant McMaster 602-319-7244  
The Caro Ranch
6955 E. Old Walnut Rd
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
DWPQ August 6, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
DDD Arena, Benifit Shoot for Leslie McCorkle
The DDD Arena in Ft. Lupton CO is holding a benifit shoot for Leslie McCorkle who is suffering from cancer. It will be a 4 Stage 2X CMSA points. $90.00 Entry w/payback. Regulator Members will receive a discount. After expenses half the profits will go to Leslie half will go to shooter payback. $20.00 3D Jackpot 100% payback. 10:00 am Start DDD Arena will have concessions on site and there will also be a Silent Auction to help raise money for the benifit. The DDD Arena is just 30 minutes away from the Larimer County Fair where we will be hosting a 2X CMSA point shoot on Fri. August 5, 2011. (See the events for more details on this shoot)  Come and have fun with the Colorado Regulators for two days and support this great cause. FMI contact Ke
DDD Arena
8614 WCR 29 1/2
Ft. Lupton, CO 80621
DWPQ August 5, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Larimer County Fair Shoot
On your way to Las Vegas or just want to come have fun at our county fair, then come and join us for our 2nd annual Larimer County Fair shoot. The office will open at 4:00 pm and shooters meeting will be at 4:45 pm. The shoot will start at 5:00 pm. 4 Stage 2X CMSA Points. $90.00 Main Match (Colorado Regulators will receive a discount) Circuit payback $20.00 3D Jackpot 100% payback. The shoot will be held in the Round-up Arena @ The Ranch, Budweiser Events Center. Dry camping and stalls will be available. Please contact Mike Parsons for more information. or 303-817-4343 / 970-532-1398 More details to come!! FM
Round Up Arena
5280 Arena Cir Ste 100
Loveland , CO 80538
Regional August 5-7, 2011
3 days
Idaho Regulators
North Mountain Regional
 North Mountain Regional August 5-7, 2011 Location: Filer Idaho
Twin Falls County Fair Grounds
215 Fair Ave
Filer , ID 83350
DWPQ August 5, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Bonneyville Shoot 2
Bonnyville Rodeo Grounds - Entry Fee $80.00  - payback 50% in classes  -  2 x points each day. - Entry Deadline is Monday August 1, 2011 - Riders meeting 11:30, Shoot starts at 12:00 noon - Showdown - 6:15 PM    - $850.00 added each day - Paid out it 3 divisions - Top 5 shooters advance to showdown each Evening $150.00 winner take all - Free Camp
Bonnyville Rodeo Grounds
55th St. (Hwy 41),
Bonnyville, AB 12345
DWPQ August 4, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Bonneyvelle Shoot 1
Bonnyville Shootout   August 4, 5, 6th, 2011 Bonnyville Rodeo Grounds, Alberta Canada  -Entry Fee $80.00 per day - payback 50% in classes - Please enter online: - Entry Deadline is Monday August 1, 2011 - 3 Competitions - 3 days 2 x points each day.  - $850.00 added each day - Paid out it 3 divisions - Top 5 shooters advance to showdown each Evening $150.00 winner take all - Free Camping - No stalls available - Panels, Electric or tie to trailer. - CMSA Rules Apply Riders meeting 11:30, Shoot starts at 12:00 noon Showdown - 6:15 pm  
Bonneyvelle Rodeo Ground
4847 19 Street
Red Deer, ALBERTA 00000
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Sundre Shootout
Entry fee:  80.00 3 stages 2 x points Added Money $1500.00 Riders meeting 9:30 Shoot start time 10:00 Please email entries to Entries  close July 28, Call for directions. 
Sundre Rodeo Grounds
4847 19 Street
Sundre, ALBERTA 00000
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Lynn Hanson Memorial Shoot II
Day two of the second annual Lynn Hanson Memorial Shoot.  Four stage double point event.  Enter both days and receive a discount.
Marshall County Fair Arena
East Johnson Ave.
Warren , MN 56762
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Summer Shootout II
  Tennessee Ridge Runners SHOOT’N SUNDAYS at McPherson Quarter Horse Arena (indoor)     
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Bean Days Shootout II
Williams County Fairgrounds
619 e main st
montpelier, OH 43543
State July 31, 2011
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
New Hampshire State Championships
New Hampshire State Championships to be held at Furnace Brook Farm in New Ipswich, NH
Furnace Brook Farm
158 Appleton Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03070
WPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Thunder on the Prairie
single point match   $75 entry fee  for 5 stages   Shooters meeting 6:30pm  Starts at 7pm Adams Co Fairgrounds   2010 E 1250th St   off Hwy 336  10 miles North of Quincy or 2 1/2 miles South Mendon IL during the adams co fair following the team roping event
Adams Co Fairgrounds
2010 E 1250th St
Mendon, IL 62351
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Buzzard's Banquet Makeup - 1
Make up Shoot for Rain Out.  4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  Concho Keychains for Express, Limited and Master for Ladie's and Men's class.  Stage Jackpot for all four stages.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Mitchell County Fair 2
Mitchell County Fairgrounds
10th street
Osage, IA 50461
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Guns A Blazin
The Carolina Outlaws host a DWPQ event at Lone Hickory Arena Lone Hickory Arena is located at  1950 Bethel Church Rd.  Yadkinville, NC  27055 Entry Fee is $80  Wrnaglers $20 Brand New Indoor Arena. NO RV SITES YET. PRIMITIVE CAMPING ONLY. PLENTY OF NEW STALLS! Facility has a strict NO ALCOHOL POLICY. Alcohol must be consumed at your trailer and in a plain cup. NO EXCEPTIONS!! More information available at
Lone Hickory Arena
1950 Bethel Church Rd.
Yadkinville, NC 27055
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout X
4 Stage DWPQ.   Located 5 miles South of Poteau, OK. For more info contact or 479-650-0937.
ZOC Ranch
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ July 31, 2011
1 day
Alberta Mounted Shooters Association
Gold Dust Daze Shoot
 Gold Dust Daze Shoot Peers, AB.,  -  directions & info 6pm start time 3 stage main match  $80ef Contact - Sarah Harbin 780-725-1403
McLeod River Rec Grounds
General Delivery
Peers, AB 00000
DWPQ July 30, 2011
1 day
Alberta Mounted Shooters Association
Clausen Arena Shoot
 Clausen Arena Shoot Points Shoot
Clausen's Arena
General Delivery
Peers, AB 00000
State July 30-31, 2011
2 days
The Island Long Riders
NY State Chanpionship
 New York State Championship Match Six stage main match 2-stage Rifle match Cavalry class Championship Buckle Jackpot with added money Held at historic Malibu Dude Ranch Brand new arena Camping available on premise Rooms available Conveniently located on the NY-NJ-PA border, just off I-84. Visit for details and entry form.
Malibu Dude Ranch
351 Foster Hill Road
Milford, PA 18337
DWPQ July 30, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout IX
4 Stage DWPQ, 2 State Double Point Rifle. Located 5 miles south of Poteau, OK. For more info contact or 479-650-0937
ZOC Ranch
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ July 30, 2011
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Summer Heat
The Carolina Outlaws host a DWPQ event at Lone Hickory Arena Lone Hickory Arena is located at  1950 Bethel Church Rd.  Yadkinville, NC  27055 Entry Fee is $80  Wrnaglers $20 Brand New Indoor Arena. PRIMITIVE CAMPING available. PLENTY OF NEW STALLS! Facility has a strict NO ALCOHOL POLICY. Alcohol must be consumed at your trailer and in a plain cup. NO EXCEPTIONS!! More information available at
Lone Hickory Arena
1950 Bethel Church rd.
Yadkinville, NC 27055
DWPQ July 30, 2011
1 day
Mitchell County Fair
Mitchell County Fair
10th Street
Osage, IA 50461
DWPQ July 30, 2011
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Bean Days Shootout
 Friday night's jackpot will be a pistol and rifle 3d jackpot.
Williams County Fairgrounds
619 E. Main St.
Montpelier, OH 43543
DWPQ July 30-31, 2011
2 days
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Summer Shootout I
  Tennessee Ridge Runners SHOOT’N SUNDAYS at McPherson Quarter Horse Arena (indoor)     
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
DWPQ July 30, 2011
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Lynn Hanson Memorial Shoot I
Second annual Lynn Hanson Memorial Shoot.  This is day one of two double point 4 stage events.  First time to be held during the Marshall County Fair, Warren Minnesota.  Enter both days for a discount; two stage rifle on Saturday only.    Camping available on site, porta-pens or tie-outs okay.
Marshall County Fair Arena
East Johnson Ave.
Warren, MN 56762
DWPQ July 29, 2011
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Friday Night Lights @ St. Francois Co. Fair
St. Francios County Fair --- DWPQ 4 Stages --- $75 Entry --- 50% Straight Circuit Payback --- $10 Jackpots --- $10 Wrangler Buckles to Overall Cowboy and Cowgirl Rifle - $40 --- 60% payback --- it will count for CMSA rifle points if we have enough entries Start time of 7:00 pm BIG CROWD >>> LOTS OF SPECTATORS >>&g
St. Francois Co. Fairgounds
4800 Us Highway 67
Farmington, MO 63640
WPQ July 29, 2011
1 day
The Island Long Riders
Down and Dirty
 Down and Dirty "Practice for Points" match. This will be the Friday Night warm-up match for the New York State Championship. Three stages, single points. Get ready for the big State Championship Weekend Match. Visit for entry form and more information.
Malibu Dude Ranch
351 Foster Hill Road
Milford, PA 18337
DWPQ July 27, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Craig County Fair
Craig County Fair--Vinita OK--Minimum of $600 added money. 3 stage double point match $75 entry with 50% payback. We will be paying Divisional Overalls, Overall man and overall Lady, and Overall Sr man and  Overall Sr Lady in addition to 50% class payback.  3D jackpot in conjunction with main match. 2 sec splits $10/stage 100% payback.  One stage of rifle to follow main match $30 entry with 80% payback. Main match will start at 7:30pm fairground just south of Walmart and Chevrolet Dealer, turn South off Hwy 60 at Subway. Fair has requested to dress vintage 1990's if possible.  Enter on Line and pay at the event.  $5 office fee if you do not register on line.
Craig County Fair Grounds
hwy 60
Vinita , OK 74301
DWPQ July 27, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Outlaw Chasin in Madison County
Madison County Fairgrounds 3237 Old Kentucky Hwy 52 Richmond, KY 40475 DWPQ / 3 Stages      Huge Indoor Arena     KY 4-H Club Balloon Setters  First Shot 8:00 pm / Safety Meeting 7:30 pm Entry: $55.00 Open & Senior    $25.00 Wrangler  (enter online at CMSA events or enter at Fairgrounds before 7:00 pm) Division Awards:  Limited = Shooter levels 1 & 2 = Cowboy & Cowgirl                                  Express = Shooter levels 3 & 4 = Cowboy & Cowgirl   &
Madison County Fairgrounds
3237 Old Kentucky Hwy 52
Richmond, KY 40475
DWPQ July 24, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Moma's Cooking
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
DWPQ July 24, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Buzzard's Banquet and Hangover II
Day Two of a weekend 2-day shoot.  Register for Saturday too for more cowboy mounted shooting fun.  4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  Cowboy Church at 8:00AM.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:  http://www.facebook
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ July 24, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
River Valley Ambush day 2
This is the second day of  two double point shoots. For stall and camping reservations contact Carolyn of Steve Kokjohn at 319-878-3888.   Sign in on line at  For information on camping go to
River Valley Horse Camp
29080 Hawk Drive
Farmington, IA 52626
WPQ July 24, 2011
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
Vaquero Steak Fry 2
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio
167 N. Poplar Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ July 24, 2011
1 day
Alberta Mounted Shooters Association
Runnin 'n Gunnin Showdown
 Runnin & Gunnin Showdown Niton Junction, AB July 24 2011 3 stage main match 50% ef payout Added Money $80 ef Contact : Michelle Bowman 780-728-6554
Hidden Grove
General Delivery
Niton Junction, AB 00000
WPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
Vaquero Steak Fry 1
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio
167 N. Poplar Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
River Valley Ambush day 1
This is the first day of two double point shoots. Must contact River Valley Horse Camp for stalls and camping. The web site is
River Valley Horse Camp
29080 Hawk Drive
Farmington, IA 52626
DWPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Buzzard's Banquet and Hang Over I
Day one of a weekend 2-day shoot.  Register for Sunday too for more cowboy mounted shooting fun.  4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  On-Site registration begins at 9:45AM and ends at 10:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 11:00AM.  Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illino
Ambers Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Arapahoe County Fair
Once again we have been asked back to the Arapahoe County Fair!!! This year the fair is giving $1000.00 in added money!! 4 Stage 2X CMSA Points, 12:00pm start  11:45 Shooters meeting, gates open at 10:00am.   $80.00 Entry Fee with payback! 3D Jackpot $25.00, $5.00 will go into a clean shoot jackpot to be divided amoung the shooter that shoot clean and entered the jackpot. Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, 25690 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80016 FMI Contact Ken Abeles, 303-523-4082    
Arapahoe County Fairgrounds
25690 E Quincy Ave
Aurora, CO 80016
DWPQ July 23-24, 2011
2 days
California Range Riders
Ghost Riders in the Sky V
Please note new date and new location!
Howard Park Covered Arena
600 Church Street
Ione, CA 95308
DWPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Dad's at it Again
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!!!!   This is not a covered arena  Arena is 150 x 300
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
State July 23-24, 2011
2 days
Mounted Justice
Wisconsin State Championship
WI State Championship, 6-stages, triple points. With a 3-stage Triple point RWPQ event on Saturday. Tentative schedule will be Saturday 12:00 start with 3-stages of pistol followed by RWPQ event. Sunday start at 9:00 with final 3 stages of pistol. Awards to follow. This event will be held at the Jackson Cty. Faor Grounds in Black River Falls, WI. There is a good size indoor arena that we will be using.
Jackson Cty Fair Park Arena
388 Melrose St.
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Regional July 23-24, 2011
2 days
Lone Star Regulators
Day of the Cowboy
5 stage match held in the beautiful air conditioned Somervell Co. Expo Center,GlenRose Tx.. 3 stages Sat., 2 stages Sun. Sat. Night Showcase with CMSA Rifle competition and an Eliminator Finals. First Stage of Main match will also be first stage of Eliminator.. Eliminator will be gender split , top 5 limited, top 10 open will come back for finals. $3000 + ,added money for the shoot,+ prizes ; ENTRYS, Main Match $125; Rifle $75; Eliminator$10.00xclass 50% payback for Main Match and 70% payback for Rifle with added money! 2nd Annual Sugar Ray Golf  Tourney Fri.,morning $50 ; Includes Jackpot payout+prizes+lots of fun.starts @8 AM All rifle and Eliminator finals will be part of the Saturday night showcase at 8 PM. Host Hote
Somervell Co. Expo Center
202 Bo Gibbs Blvd.
Glen Rose, TX 76043
DWPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
Dakota Running Irons
Desperado Days
Desperado Days - Kimball, South Dakota - Double Points, $1500 Added, Buckles, Will also have a seperate 2 stage shotgun shoot.
Kimball Arena
Hwy 45
Kimball, SD 57355
DWPQ July 23, 2011
1 day
Talking Irons Mounted Shooters
Billy Bob's
999 Someplace Rd
Somewhere, TN 38401
DWPQ July 23-24, 2011
2 days
Powder River Pistoleros
Wranglers Shootout in the Blues
Contact Jim @541-786-1440 or Tim @ 541-519-7755 for more info.  See us on facebookl.
baker fair grounds
Cambell St
Baker City, OR 97814
DWPQ July 22, 2011
1 day
Talking Irons Mounted Shooters
Divisional Testing - Bogus Event
This is a test shoot only PLEASE DO NOT ENTER!  
Billy Bob's
999 Someplace Rd
Somewhere, TN 38401
WPQ July 21, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Feud at the Fair, Montgomery County
This will be one of the main events at the Montgomery County Fair.   $500 added money.  Lots of spectators expected.  $55 entry fee, 40% circuit payback.  $15 Wrangler entry fee.  WPQ.   Books close at 6:00 PM, shooters meeting 6:15 PM.   Event starts at 6:30 PM.  Please register on-line in advance.  Entries will be accepted at the shoot. From the intersection of I-70 and Hyw. 19 go north on Hyw. 19 to Montgomery City.  Fairgrounds is across from the BP fuel station.  Small arena, 100X 220
Montgomery County Fairgrounds Equestrian Arena
P.O. Box11
Mongomery City , MO 63361
DWPQ July 17, 2011
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
Hot Fun in the Summertime! 2
 Beat the heat on horseback! 2 shoots, 2 days, $65 entry, $15 wranglers, 50% circuit payback.  $10 jackpots on 2 stages each shoot with 100% payback. Shooters meet 5:30 Saturday evening, shoot at 6:00 pm.  Sunday shoot at 9:00 am.  No stalls and limited hookups, bring generators and corrals. Modern restrooms, no showers.  Concessions available. Please register online, but registration on site will be available. Directions to arena:  Ashland Arena is 12 miles south of I-70
Cedar Valley Riders Club Arena
#1 Optimist Drive
Ashland, MO 65010
DWPQ July 17, 2011
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
The Heat Of Summer Shoot Ii
Books close at 8:00 a.m.; Cowboy Church at 8:00 a.m.; Main Match at 9:00 a.m. Please Note- this shoot is now 4 stages!   
Hyder-burks Agricultural Pavilion
DWPQ July 17, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Northeast Six Shooters
4 stage, double points shoot
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ July 17, 2011
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
4 stsge  wpq  with a 2 stage rifle
Round tuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Road
Enfield, CT 06082
DWPQ July 17, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Diedrich Construction Shoot
Come to beautiful Leadville and shoot at high altitude Colorado! Friday night is our 1st annual Guns, Cans and Challenge with a Shooting Stage, Barrel Racing Stage and Obstacle Challenge for a Stage.  Entry is $30 with 66% payback paying 1 for every 3 entries.  We will divide classes by gender and by Open (level 4-6) and Limited (level 1-3).  Enter as many horses as you’d like.  Points will count for rider/horse team.  Division winners (4 total) will receive custom embroidered Mountain Threads jackets. Saturday and Sunday are each 4 Stage CMSA 2X Points.  $80 Main Match with 50% CMSA circuit payback less CMSA points fees. $20 Wrangler entry with prizes for all $10 Tim
Lake County Fairgrounds
10000 McWethy Blvd
Leadville, CO 80000
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Fire in the Hole Shoot
Come to beautiful Leadville and shoot at high altitude Colorado! Friday night is our 1st annual Guns, Cans and Challenge with a Shooting Stage, Barrel Racing Stage and Obstacle Challenge for a Stage.  Entry is $30 with 66% payback paying 1 for every 3 entries.  We will divide classes by gender and by Open (level 4-6) and Limited (level 1-3).  Enter as many horses as you’d like.  Points will count for rider/horse team.  Division winners (4 total) will receive custom embroidered Mountain Threads jackets. Saturday and Sunday are each 4 Stage CMSA 2X Points.  $80 Main Match with 50% CMSA circuit payback less CMSA points fees. $20 Wrangler entry with prizes for all $10 Tim
Lake County Fairgrounds
10000 McWethy Blvd.
Leadville, CO 80000
State July 16-17, 2011
2 days
1st State Shooters
Delaware State Championship
Safety meeting to begin at 5:30 pm on Saturday, with the shoot to begin at 6 pm. On Sunday, the rider safety meeting will begin at 9:30 with the shoot to begin at 10 am. Stalls and paddocks available, please contact Pat Levers to reserve. Campfire will follow Saturday evening shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood , DE 19950
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Red, White & Boom!
Double Points, 4 Stages, More info soon!!! Look for practice Friday night prior, open to all shooters.   Rifle DWPQ starting at 5PM 40% payback. $45.00 entry fee if entered in main match, $55.00 if not entered in main match.
Fiddlers Green Ranch
42725 W. Altoona
Altoona, FL 32702
WPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
The Cajun Posse Mounted Shooters
Bare Bones Shoot
  BARE BONES SHOOT - 4 Stage Match;  WPQ;  $40 Entry, $25 Wrangler; Cherokee Ridge Horse Farm Covered Arena, 200 Flying W Drive; Carencro, La. No Payout, No balloon setters;  Just a lot of fun, designed for all beginning shooters.  Host club is tallying club member's points towards year end awards.    
Cherokee Ridge
200 Flying W Drive
Carencro, LA 70520
WPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
North Range Riders
Shoot out at the Lucky 13
Sign in 12:00 PM Shoot start 1:00 PM Entry fee $75.00  
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
The Heat Of Summer Shoot I
Books close at 9:00 a.m.; Shooters Meeting at 9:30 a.m.; Wranglers ground shoot immediately following Shooters Meeting; Main Match starts at 10:00 a.m.
Hyder-burks Agricultural Pavilion
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Texas Mounted Shooters
Colorado River Cowboy church benefit
Colorado River Cowboy Church benefit Colorado River Cowboy Church
CRCC Arena
5122 East hwy 71
Smithville, TX 78957
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
Hot Fun in the Summertime! 1
Beat the heat on horseback! 2 shoots, 2 days, $65 entry, $15 wranglers, 50% circuit payback.  $10 jackpots on 2 stages each shoot with 100% payback. Shooters meet 5:30 Saturday evening, shoot at 6:00 pm.  Sunday shoot at 9:00 am.  No stalls and limited hookups, bring generators and corrals. Modern restrooms, no showers.  Concessions available. Please register online, but registration on site will be available. Directions to arena:  Ashland Arena is 12 miles south of I-70 on US hwy 63.  At Ashland exit, turn right on M (if coming from North).  At 4-way stop turn right on Henry Clay Blvd. Look for "Optimist Sports Complex" signs and turn left on Optimist road.  Follow to arena.
Cedar Valley Riders Club Arena
#1 Optimist Drive
Ashland, MO 65010
DWPQ July 16-17, 2011
2 days
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Bison Meadows Shootout
10th Annual Bison Meadows Shootout hosted by the Kuka's!  The weekend starts out with a special event on Friday evening at 5pm, the Dare to Dream Shootout with Nevada Joe and members of Project Astride.  On Saturday we'll start with stages 1 - 4 of a 6 six stage DPWQ main and then a 2 stage rifle match.  There will be a picnic dinner provided Saturday night by the Kuka's as well.  The weekend will wind up on Sunday with the remaining two main match stages.  Followed by awards and paybacks.  For more information or to pre-register online, see the MMSA website at or call Jessie Kuka at (612) 599-2002 or
Bison Meadows
4405 County Rd 92 N
Maple Plain, MN 55359
Regional July 16-17, 2011
2 days
Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters
North Pacific Regional Championships
This shoot was orginally scheduled for May 21-22, 2011. IT  WAS POSTPONED BECAUSE OF THE EHV-1 VIRUS OUTBREAK.  If you have pre-entered  I have your entries.  If you have not and want to attend go to our website at for an entry form.  You must pre-register for our shoot.  Entering online does not qualify as pre-registering.  If you have entered and can not attend this new date please call Cindy at 541-571-1153 or email for a refund. 
Umatilla county fairgrounds
515 W. Orchard Ave.
Hermiston, OR 97838
Regional July 16-17, 2011
2 days
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Midwest Regional Extravaganza
VENUE LOCATION HAS MOVED For complete details click here
Circle G Arena
10816 Verona Rd
Lewisburg , OH 45338
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Youth Safari Days
14995 River Road
Corona, CA 92880
Regional July 16-17, 2011
2 days
Gunsmoke Riders
Swedish Championships
2000 SEK added money and lots of sponsored prizes. Entry 900 SEK, Wranglers 50 SEK. More information:
Vankiva-Oretorp 3298
DWPQ July 16, 2011
1 day
Southern Crossfire
Summer Sizzler
 Entry fee is $50 and we will require health certificates for horses coming from EH1 affected areas for our July and August matches. 
Southern Cross Ranch
6065 CR 55
Columbia, AL 36319
DWPQ July 15, 2011
1 day
Gunsmoke Riders
Gunsmokes four
Practise for points, warm-up for Swedish Championships. No prizes or payback! Entry fee 350 SEK. Juniors 200 SEK. Wranglers 50 SEK. More information available on
Vankiva-Oretorp 3298
Bjärnum, SW 28020
DWPQ July 15, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Midwest Regional Warmup
VENUE HAS CHANGED   Get the bugs worked out before the main event, join us for a 3 stage warmup before the Regionals
Circle G Arena
10816 Verona Rd
Lewisburg , OH 45338
DWPQ July 15, 2011
1 day
Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters
Farm City Showdown
This is a 3 stage double points match.  It starts at 12:00pm. THIS WAS ORGINALLY SCHEDULED FOR MAY 20TH AND HAD TO BE POSTPONED BECAUSE OF THE EHV-1  VIRUS OUTBREAK.  If you have already entered I have your entries.  If you can not attend please let me know and I will refund your entries.  If you did not pre-register and you want to attend,  you can get an entry on our website at     If you sign up on line that does not count as pre-registering. Call Cindy at 541-571-1153 if you have any questions. or
Umatilla County Fairgrounds
515 W. Orchard Ave
Hermiston, OR 97838
DWPQ July 14, 2011
1 day
Seven Down Mounted Shooters
3D Double Point Shoot Out
South Dakota in the summer is THE place to be FOR Rifle POINTS!!!  - High Point Prizes based upon all four CMSA Point Events!  Golf, Trail Riding and FUN!!!   Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association Will Lantis Memorial Classic 7/11 – 7/17/2011 Seven Down Arenas
Seven Down Arenas
Spearfish, SD
CMSA July 14-16, 2011
3 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Will Lantis Memorial Classic
South Dakota in the summer is THE place to be FOR Rifle POINTS!!!  - High Point Prizes based upon all four CMSA Point Events!  Golf, Trail Riding and FUN!!!  CLICK HERE FOR THE REQUIRED STALLING AGREEMENT! Only Stall & RV Reservation made through Sam are guaranteed!
Seven Down Arenas
4755 E Colorado Blvd
Spearfish, SD 57785
Regional July 12-13, 2011
2 days
Seven Down Mounted Shooters
Will Lantis WNC Regional Championship
NOTE SCHEDULE CHANGE!!! Due to Conflict with Battle in the Saddle! South Dakota in the summer is THE place to be FOR Rifle POINTS!!!  - High Point Prizes based upon all four CMSA Point Events!  Golf and FUN!!! Monday 7/11 - Move-In Day - 12 Noon Golf Tournament at Spearfish Canyon Country Club - $85 Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association Will Lantis Memorial Classic
Seven Down Arenas
Spearfish, SD
DWPQ July 10, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Red Deer Rundown
 > July 10, 2011 > Online Registration till July 8th > $1000.00 added money plus prizes > Draw for 2 guns > 3 stages 2 x points > Entry Fee $80.00 > Breast Cancer Run Entry fee $20.00 all proceeds go to Breast Cancer > Address to the Westerner Park: > > 4847A 19th Street > Red Deer, AB, Canada
Westerner Park
4847A 19th Street
Red Deer, AB 00000
DWPQ July 10, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Lake Arthur Classic Day 2
The second day of the Lake Arthur Classic in scenic Artesia New Mexico. Four Stage Double CMSA and NMTCMS point Match 10:00 start time.... $85.00 entry fee 50.00 percent payback to class Stalls and RV sites Available but they are limited and first come first served $15.00 stalls 20.00 RV sites
Artesia Horse Council Arena
3402 South 13th Street
Artesia , NM 88201
WPQ July 10, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Northeast Six Shooters II
Come shoot in our beautiful brand new 330 x 175 arena!
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ July 10, 2011
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Sunday Morning Gathering
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
State Road 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ July 10, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Smokin Gunz
Smokin Gunz, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 9:00 am, safety meeting at 8:30 am.  Limited Stalls available, $25 a night, several paddocks available.  Rough camping only.
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
DWPQ July 10, 2011
1 day
Flint Hills Mounted Shooters
Gunpowder after the 4th
 4 stage dwpq  PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME: 12:00 shooter's meeting 12:30 Pm shoot $65 entry  Wrangle $15
TR Ranch
29084 Goose Berry Rd
Alma, KS 66401
DWPQ July 9, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Skin That Smoke Wagon
Skin That Smoke Wagon, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 10:00 am, safety meeting at 9:30 am.  Limited Stalls available, $25 a night, several paddocks available.  Join us for a full weekend of shooting.  Rough camping only.
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
DWPQ July 9, 2011
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
After The Fireworks
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
State Road 44
Rushville, IN 46173
WPQ July 9, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Lewis Co Fair Shootout
single point match  $75.00 entry fee for 5 stages $500 added money Lewis Co Fairgrounds     right off of Hwy 6 in Lewistown Mo Shooters Meeting at 3:30pm        Match starts at 4pm contact Sue 217-242-5696    
Lewis Co Fairgrounds
Hwy 6
Lewistown, MO 63452
WPQ July 9, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Northeast Six Shooters I
Come shoot in our beautiful new 330 x 175 arena!
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ July 9, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
The Lake Arthur Classic Day One
The Lake Arthur Classic with Match director Johnny Nelson will once again be held at the Artesia Horse Council Covered  Arena south of Artesia New Mexico july 9th and 10th 2011. 2 days 2 shoots 2 times the points... BE SURE TO SIGN UP FOR TOMORROW'S SHOOT TOO!.... Double CMSA WPQ and Double NMTCMS points. 4 Main Match stages, Pointed Rifle competition, and Eliminator.... Potluck Dinner on Saturday after the shoot. $85.00 Main Match entry  50 percent to class payback  $15.00 Wrangler entry   $20.00 per class level Eliminator entry.... 75% payback... Sign up on-site $60.00 Rifle class entry ...75% payback $15.00 stalls and $20.00 RV hook ups First come - First served......
Artesia Horse Council Arena
3402 S. 13th Street
Artesia , NM 88201
CMSA July 9, 2011
1 day
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Bits 2
OK State Fair Grounds
000 bubba rd
Oklahoma City, OK 38401
State July 9-10, 2011
2 days
California Mounted Shooters
California State
The California Mounted Shooters are proud to present the CMSA California State Championships in Gilroy California.  This is a 6 stage, Shotgun & Eliminator event.  There is dry camping and a "Free" lunch will be served both Saturday & Sunday by Grand Pa & Grand Ma at the Smokin' Gun Cafe!  There will be a $50.00 drawing for all that registered for this event online.  $130.00 entry.
Buffalo Ben's Arena
Roop Road
Gilroy, CA 95020
State July 9, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Western Canadian Shoot-out
2 GUNS to be given away!! RV information contact - Westerner Campground - 403.352.8801 For additional information, please visit or call John and Cheryl Stoutley at 403.352.8801  > July 9th > Registration Online till July 8th > $1000.00 added money plus prizes > 3 x points 4 stages > $85.00 entry fee > Address to the Westerner Park: > > 4847A 19th Street > Red Deer, AB, Canada
Westerner Park
4847 19 Street
Red Deer, AB 00000
DWPQ July 9-10, 2011
2 days
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Kleinschmidt's Buckle ShootOut
6 Stage DPQ Match over 2 days.  4 Stages on Saturday, 2 Stages on Sunday, 2 Stages of Rifle for points after the final pistol stage on Sunday.  No payback.  Offering 100% Jackpot on Stages 1 through 4 Saturday with winner takes all payback on each stage.  Located on the Johnson County Fairgrounds off 50 Highway in Warrensburg.  Stalls are open pens, and are free for use on the fairgrounds. Pens will need to be setup for horses, so you must pre-register for your stall.   Camping is free, no hookups onsite.  Fairgrounds will be open to haul in Friday night if you wish. $75 Entry/ $15 Wrangler covers all 6 stages.  Rifle Entry $40, 2 stages, no payback. 11:30am Shooter's Meeting Saturday, NOON Start.  9AM Start Sun
Johnson County Fairgrounds
389 NW 145th Road
Warrensburg, MO 64093
CMSA July 8-9, 2011
2 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Battle In The Saddle - Open to ALL Breeds!
OK State Fair Grounds
333 Gordon Cooper Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
WPQ July 8, 2011
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Friday Night Bang
3 Stage WPQ Event
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
State Road 44
Rushville, IN 46173
WPQ July 7, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Warren County Fair
Warren County Fair shoot.  Plenty of spectators.  Shooters meeting at 6:30 PM  start time is 7:00 PM.  $55 entry fee, $15 Wranglers.  40% circuit payback less fees.  Four stages of 3D jackpot, $10  per stage.  Free entry to the fair with CMSA card.  Register on-line or inform Skip Wandersee (314-780-4211) if you are coming so we can provide a list of free entries at the gate. From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. go north on Hyw. 47 about a mile to Fairground Road.  Go left on Fairground Road and follow the signs for exhibitors.    
Warren County Fairgrounds
615 Fairgrounds Rd.
Warrenton, MO 63383
DWPQ July 4, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Outlaw Fireworks 3
Entry Fees will be paid at the shoot.  If you enter and have to cancel just let us know, and we will remove you.  There will be an extra charge of $5 for entering at the shoot No Exhibition Wranglers: Three Stages Rifle: Three stages – $40 1 Stage Saturday 1 Stage Sunday 1 Stage Monday 3D Jackpot Cash Payback   No CMSA Rifle Points Rifle Safety Meeting    Monday  9:15 a.m. Rifle Begins            Monday  9:30 a.m. Safety Meeting         Follows Shoot          Follows
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
WPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Outlaw Fireworks 2
Entry Fees will be paid at the shoot.  If you enter and have to cancel just let us know, and we will remove you.  There will be an extra charge of $5 for entering at the shoot There will be no exhibition Sunday Ohio/Michigan Borderwar Wranglers: Three Stages Rifle: Three stages – $40 1 Stage Saturday 1 Stage Sunday 1 Stage Monday 3D Jackpot Cash Payback   No CMSA Rifle Points Cowboy Church Sunday  8:00 a.m. Rifle Safety Meeting    Sunday  8:45 a.m. Rifle Begins            Sunday  9:00 a.
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Western Washington Mounted Shooters
WWMS Point - Award Series Shoot #2
Western Washington Mounted Shooters Each Event ($50 entry fee); CMSA Points by Class and Overall Enter the Series; pay a one (1) time $25 award fee and gather points where riders from any level can win the Shapshooter Award, even the newest shooter. The series "Sharp-Shooter" Award Buckle will be awarded to the "Cleanest" shooter in the series.
CAP Farms
33319 Mann Road
Sultan, WA 98294
DWPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Independence Day II
4 Stages, double points, 40% circuit payback.   Entry Fee: $75 adults and $25 Wranglers.   First stage rifle: 9 AM. First Stage Pistol 7:00 PM. Stalls and Hookups - Contact Donna 940-255-4992 American Assoc. of Sheriff Posses and Riding Club - 579 Jerry Walker Rd., Bowie, TX 76230
579 Jerry Walker Rd.
Bowie, TX 76230
DWPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Star Spangled Shootout day 2
This is the second day of two double point events. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00. Go to to register.
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan, IL 61264
DWPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Proud to be an American Double Point Celebration
$75 Double Point Match Match Entry Fee- 4 stages. $20 Wrangler Entry Fee- 4 stages. $10 3D Jackpot per stage. NO showing from trailer. Must pay $40 stall fee per horse. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center Rule** NO horses on pavement. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center** On-site registration Sunday 7:30 am- 8:00 am. Sunday: 8:00 am Cowboy Church  8:30 am Safety Meeting  9:00 am Main Match begins.  
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Road
Gainesville, GA 30507-8335
WPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Summer Series - Road to the Westerns
Single WPQ - No Frills with Optional 3D More info Contacts:  Grant McMaster 602-319-7244 or Mark Caro 928-527-1472 Please Enter online for express line at sign - ups.
The Caro Ranch
6955 E. Old Walnut Rd
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
DWPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Greeley Independence Stampede Shoot
The Colorado Regulators were asked to hold the first ever shoot during the Greeley Independence Stampede on July 3, 2011. This will be a 3 Stage Shoot for 2X CMSA Points. Main Match is $60.00. Will will have a class payback and pay overall Man/Woman. $20.00 3D Jackpot 100% payback. Eliminator will be $20.00 ($15.00 will go back to classes) Eliminator Breakdown will be 1-2 3-4 5-6, We will bring back the top 5 in each class. Stage 3 will be the first Eliminator stage. Stalls & RV spots will be availble on site. More information to follow. Please note that you need to pre-enter for this shoot so that we can get your name to the Stampede for your parking passes and entry pass. Entries close on June 17, 2011 Our time slot for thi
Island Grove Park
600 N 14th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
DWPQ July 3, 2011
1 day
North Range Riders
Shoot out for Freedom
Sign in 1:00 PM Shoot start 2:00 PM Entry fee $75.00
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
WPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Flagstaff Summer Series
  Single WPQ - Jackpot Match - 50% payback - 90% to Class & 10% to Overall pays 1 in 3 More info contacts: Grant McMaster 602-319-7244   and Mark Caro 928-527-1472         
The Caro Ranch
6955 E. Old Walnut Canyon Rd.
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
DWPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Right to Bear Arms Double Point Celebration
$75 Double Point Main Match Entry- 4 stages. $20 Wrangler Entry Fee- 4 stages. $45 Double Point Rifle Entry Fee. Competition is 2 stages to start Saturday after the Main Match. $10 3D Jackpot per stage. $20 RV site per night. RV sites are first come/ first serve basis. $10 Dry Camp per night. $40 per stall for weekend. Stall cost includes 1 bag of shavings, extra shavings are $6 per bag. $30 for a tack stall for the weekend. NO showing from trailer. Must pay $40 stall fee per horse. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center Rule** NO horses allowed on pavement. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center Rule** Saturday: 8:00 am Safety Meeting followd by wranglers shoot. 8:30 am Main Match begins.
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507-8335
DWPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Star Spangled Shootout day 1
This is the first day of two double point events. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00. Go to to register.
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan , IL 61264
State July 2-3, 2011
2 days
Northwest Mounted Shooters
Idaho State Shoot
This is the Idaho State Shoot to be held at the CDA Fairgrounds, North Arena.  We will have 6 stages shooting 4 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday with a possible Colt Eliminator on Friday evening.  Overnight camping on the grounds is allowed.  Stalls are available, and you can set up personal portable pens at no charge.  Overnight camping is $12.00 per night (dry camp), and $20.00 per night for hook-ups (limited).  For more information, contact Rachel Peters @
Kootenai County Fairgrounds
4056 N Government way
Coeur D' Alene, ID 83815
DWPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Chisholm Trail Days
Evening Shoot! $80 entry fee with 50% straight circuit payback. Jackpot $20 a stage.  Contact Don Ring (316-641-4832) for overnight facilites.
Newton Saddle Club Arena
700 W. First St.
Newton, KS 67114
DWPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Independance Day I
4 Stages, double points, 40% circuit payback.   Entry Fee: $85 adults and $25 Wranglers.   First Stage 7:00 pm. Stalls and Hookups - Contact Donna 940-255-4992 American Assoc. of Sheriff Posses and Riding Club - 579 Jerry Walker Rd., Bowie, TX 76230
579 Jerry Walker Rd.
Bowie, TX 76230
DWPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Western Washington Mounted Shooters
WWMS Point - Award Series Shoot #1
Western Washington Mounted Shooters Each Event ($50 entry fee); CMSA Points by Class and Overall Enter the Series; pay a one (1) time $25 award fee and gather points where riders from any level can win the Shapshooter Award, even the newest shooter. The series "Sharp-Shooter" Award Buckle will be awarded to the "Cleanest" shooter in the series. Other Series prizes based on Overall "Potted Points" no matter what level you are or if you're a Ladies or Mens shooter, all classes combined. One shoot a month; July 2nd July 3rd, August 21st - Finals September 11th. CAP Farms in Sultan, WA - 200' x 300' Large Outdoor Arena with Excellent Footing and Tons of Parking. New Shooter Clinics will be held p
CAP Farms
33319 Mann Road
Sultan, WA 98294
WPQ July 2-3, 2011
2 days
Big Horn Basin Regulators
3rd Annual Cody Congress
July 2 0900 Shooters Meeting   1000 Start Shooting   4 Stages July 3 0900 Parade in Cody  High Noon (+/-)Start Shooting 2 stages July 4 0900 INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE     Afternoon activities TBD We have a new home at Cody Shooting Complex, it will be a great arena. http://www.c
Cody Shooting Complex
61 County Road 7 WC
Cody, WY 82414
State July 2-3, 2011
2 days
Oklahoma Outlaws
Oklahoma State Finals
Oklahoma State Finals * 50% payback * 3D Jackpot $10 per stage, 100% payback  Registration Friday evening July 1st @ 7:00 - 9:00 pm and Saturday  6:30 - 7:30 am Required Riders Meeting @ 8:45 am - Shoot starts at 9:00 am.  Entry fee $120 Wranglers $25 Tack stall $45 for the weekend Horse Stalls $60 for the weekend Shavings will be provided at $6.00 a bag,Please e-mail Lee Ann with your name and quanity at    NO STRAW ALLOWED!!!!! Current Health Papers and Coggins test required, must show before unloading horses.   R V Hook-ups $40 for the weekend Dry Camping free, Stalls are REQU
Grady County Fairgrounds and Events Center
500 E. Choctaw
Chickasha, OK 73018
WPQ July 2, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Outlaw Fireworks 1
Entry Fees will be paid at the shoot.  If you enter and have to cancel just let us know, and we will remove you.  There will be an extra charge of $5 for entering at the shoot There will be no exhibition Sunday Ohio/Michigan Borderwar Pre Entry Fee:Adults, Seniors & Juniors $55.00 Entry Fee at Shoot:Adults,Seniors&Juniors $60.00 July 2nd & 3rd Single Point Shoots July 4th  Double Point Shoot Cash Payback Overall & Division Awards Friday Evening, July 1st Fun Shoot – $20 Per person with Cash Payback after Expenses – Split with Cowboy Fund Signup Friday by 6:30 p.m. – Start at 7:00 p.m. No Exhibition  Wranglers: Three
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ July 1-3, 2011
3 days
Roy Rogers Rangers California
Red Hot Runnin' and Gunnin'
Winchester Wild West Arena
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Bull Mountain Outlaws
Shootout at Circle L Day two
AddED money for both Days - TBA 4 stage shoot 9 am shooters meeting
Circle L
4350 Spain Bridge
Belgrade, MT 59072
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Summer Sizzler II
Day 2 of our Summer Sizzler event.  4 stages of Double points competition. 40% Circuit Payback.  Shooter's meeting at 9:30AM, Event Start at 10AM. $65/Entry and $15/Wrangler At the MRMS home arena, Diamond B5 in Oak Grove MO.  Stalls available, primitive camping is free.  No hookups.
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64075
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Kick Off Summer Shootin' In Tn Ii
Books close at 8:00 a.m.; Cowboy Church at 8:00 a.m.; Main Match starts at 9:00 a.m. Please Note- this shoot is now 4 stages! 
Wilson County Fairgrounds
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
  Tennessee Ridge Runners SHOOT’N SUNDAYS at McPherson Quarter Horse Arena (indoor)     
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 knob Park rd
Bristol, TN 37620
WPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Northeast Six Shooters
Come shoot in our brand new 330 x 175 arena. 
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Rangers Run on the Hill 2
Monroe County Fairgrounds, Bloomington Indiana, Great Arena, announcers booth, electric hook-ups $15 per night, portable pens & picket lines OK
Monroe County Fairgrounds
PO Box 1446
Bloomington, IN 47402
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Start of Summer Sunday Shootout
Camping and stalls available but not required.  Can use portable pens.  Saddle club kitchen open.  Pitch in Saturday night.  Cash payback to classes.   Friday night Jackpot shoot.  Rifle jackpot Saturday night. 
Chief LaFontaine Saddle Club
792 N 200 W
Huntington , IN 46750
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout VIII
4 Stage DWPQ,For more info contact or (479) 650-0937
Zoc Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ June 26, 2011
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Cold Steel Rhapsody
The Carolina Outlaws host a DWPQ event at Lone Hickory Arena Lone Hickory Arena is located at  1950 Bethel Church Rd.  Yadkinville, NC  27055 Entry Fee is $80  Wrnaglers $20 Brand New Indoor Arena. NO RV SITES YET. PRIMITIVE CAMPING ONLY. PLENTY OF NEW STALLS! Facility has a strict NO ALCOHOL POLICY. Alcohol must be consumed at your trailer and in a plain cup. NO EXCEPTIONS!! More information available at
Lone Hickory Arena
1950 Bethel Church rd
Yadkinville, NC 27055
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
One Step Ahead of The Hangman
The Carolina Outlaws host a DWPQ event at Lone Hickory Arena Lone Hickory Arena is located at  1950 Bethel Church Rd.  Yadkinville, NC  27055 Entry Fee is $80  Wrnaglers $20 Brand New Indoor Arena.  PRIMITIVE CAMPING available. PLENTY OF NEW STALLS! Facility has a strict NO ALCOHOL POLICY. Alcohol must be consumed at your trailer and in a plain cup. NO EXCEPTIONS!! More information available at
Lone Hickory Arena
1950 Bethel Church rd
Yadkinville, NC 27055
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout VII
4 Stage DWPQ, 2 stage double point rifle. Located 5 miles south of Poteau,OK. For more info contact or (479) 650-0937.
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
WPQ June 25-26, 2011
2 days
San Joaquin Valley Rangers
Duel on the Delta
 2 day, 6 stage event, wpq $120.00 for main match $70.00 for wranglers $20.00 for cavalry Buckle/cash option to class winners men's and women's overall buckles Plus, Big Valley Equalizer, separate stages, gender split, graduated entry fees, stand alone times, top ten of each gender come back Sunday for the money run. Cavalry run on Sunday morning, perpetual saber to the winner.  free dry camping no stalls available snack shack open for breakfast and lunch Judy's raffle Saturday night Saturday night dinner TBD contact Dan Moore or Rich Elias if you have questions
1240 shaw Rd
stockton, CA 95213
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Start of Summer Saturday Shootout
Camping and stalls available but not required.  Can use portable pens.  Saddle club kitchen open.  Pitch in Saturday night.  Cash payback to classes.   Friday night Jackpot shoot.  Rifle jackpot Saturday night. 
Chief LaFontaine Saddle Club
792 N 200 W
Huntington , IN 46990
State June 25, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Massachusetts State Championship
Massachusetts State Champsionship
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Rangers Run on the Hill
Monroe County Fairgrounds, June 25th, 2011 Great Arena, announcers booth, electric hook-ups available- $15 per night, picket lines & temp fences-OK, Come join us for a great weekend of shooting.
Monroe County Fairgrounds
PO Box 1446
Bloomington, IN 47402
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Texas Mounted Shooters
Elgin Western Days Shootout
Elgin Western Days Shootout Texas Lost Pines Riding Club Arena 186B Hwy 95 South, Elgin, Texas 78621 4 Stage Match $85.00 Entry Double Points  with a $40.00 payback, Wranglers $25.00.                                                                                            For payback information P
Texas Lost Pines Riding Club Arena
186B Hwy 95 south
Elgin, TX 78621
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Kick Off Summer Shootin' In Tn I
Books close at 9:00 a.m.; Shooters Meeting at 9:30 a.m.; Wranglers ground shoot immediately following Shooters Meeting; Main Match starts 10:00 a.m.
Wilson County Fairgounds
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Talking Irons Mounted Shooters
Test Event - Testing New Divisional Payout
No Name
Noplace Rd
Someplace, TN 39888
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Summer Sizzler I
Join us for two days of shooting at our Summer Sizzler event!  4 Stages, Double Points competition.  40% circuit payback.  $65 Entry/$15 Wrangler.  Plus 2 stages of Rifle for points for a $25 entry.  Rifle competition will follow the main match. At the MRMS home arena, Diamond B5 in Oak Grove, MO.  Free primitive camping, no hookups.  Really nice indoor stalls available for $20 per night or $30 for the weekend.  Shavings onsite.  Saturday 12:30 shooter's Meeting, 1pm event start.  Another 4 stages on Sunday.
Diamond B5 Arena
8517 S. Outerbelt Road
Oak Grove, MO 64075
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Huzzah Valley Shootout
HUZZAH VALLEY SHOOTOUT!! $45 Entry  ---  DWPQ  --- NO PAYBACK  --- $10 Jackpots This is our 1st time going to Huzzah Valley Resort to shoot, but it is a great place to camp, trailride and float!!  So you can spend the day on the river or just hanging out with your family.  Then we'll gather up for a shoot on Saturday night and then we can trailride or float or whatever you wanna do on Sunday!!  Come down Friday night and make a weekend out of it!! For Camping Reservations ... call Micheal @ Huzzah Valley ... 1-800-367-4516 ...
Huzzah Valley Resort
970 E Hwy 8
Steelville, MO 65565
State June 25-26, 2011
2 days
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Shootin' the Rapids
Minnesota State Shoot held at the Itasca County Fairgrounds in Grand Rapids, MN.  Come and enjoy the fast shootin’ and  camaraderie of our clubs!!  Please pre-register online at by 5pm on Thursday, June 23th, there will be a $15.00 same day registration fee.  Paybacks, stage prizes (gender split/no age split), and Overall Cowboy, Cowgirl & Rifle Buckles!  Primitive camping is $5 per night, very limited electric available for $10 per night on a first come first serve basis as you arrive.  Stall available for $20 for the weekend.  More infomration and oline pre-registration at on the Events page.
Itasca County Fairground
1336 Fairgrounds Road
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
State June 25-26, 2011
2 days
Turkey Creek Regulators
Ne. State Championship Shoot Out in the Heartland
Nebraska State Championships location Chance Ridge Event Center Elkhorn,NE. 4 Stages Saturday 2 Stages Sunday for more info call or email Wendell Lindsley 402 366 8877 or Main Match entry fee 120.00 Wranglers 40.00 Rifle 35.00 (payback). Stalls 20.00 per night no pens no tie outs.
Chance Ridge
506 Skylline Rd.
Elkhorn, NE 68022
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
Bull Mountain Outlaws
Circle L ShootOut Day 1
Added money for both days - TBA  4 stage shoot Riders Meeting at 1:00 PM
Circle L
4350 Spain Bridge
Belgrade, MT 59714
DWPQ June 25, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Biggest Little Shoot of the Year
June 25, 2011--Biggest Little Shoot of the Year- Bixby Ok. $600 added money!  In conjuction with the Bixby Round-up clubs Annual Cowboy Trade days and Rodeo. DPWQ 4 stage match.  Enter online $75 for main match 50% payback- enter at the event $80 main match. DPWQ Rifle match following main match $60 entry with 60% payback. Bixby Round up arena ( just south of Tulsa) 635 C Road Bixby OK.  Register by noon on the 25th.  Drag races after main match and rifle after drag races! NO stall fees and free dry camping!!!    
Bixby Rodeo Grounds
Bixby , OK 74408
DWPQ June 19, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
June Balloon Bash Ii
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
WPQ June 19, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Summer Showdown II
SHOOT HAS BEEN RAINED OUT!!!!   $55 entry fee, $15 wranglers.   $10 3D jackpots on all 4 stages.  40% circuit payback. Registration ends at 9:30 AM event starts at 10:00 AM.  Entry accepted the day of the event, but please register in advance on-line.  Primitive camping available no fee.  No stalls, bring portable corrals.  From the 4- way stop in Hawk Point Mo. go west on Hyw. A 1/2 mile to Prairie Rd.  Turn left and go a short distance and turn right in to Skip-N-EZ Ranch.  Contact Skip Wandersee (314-370-4211) or Buddy Cox (636-262-2564) in case of rain.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point , MO 63349
WPQ June 19, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Big Valley II
2nd of two 4-stage with 2-stage rifle. Go to for more information.
Big Valley Ranch
7488 Leaches Crossing Road
Avoca, WI 53506
DWPQ June 19, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Estes Park Shoot 2
Come and shoot in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado!  You won't find a prettier venue for a shooting vacation!  2 Shoots - Sat and Sun - both 4 Stage Shoots. $80 4-Stage Main Match 2X CMSA Points, 1X CMT Points $20 Optional 3D Jackpot - Points for Pets Series - 50% payback, 50% to benefit the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.  Series Championship Prizes include a Pair of Cimarron Thunderer Pistols, Cimarron 1911 Pistol, Drovers Supply Holster Set, and Mountain Threads Jacket.  Everyone who enters the 3D at any shoot will receive a Mounted Thunder Points for Pets T-Shirt Stalls Available onsite, RV Hookups and Dry Camping  Stalls $21/night - We have the entire facility to use.  Feel free to spread out and give yourselves
Fairgrounds at Stanley Park
1209 Manford Ave.
Estes Park, CO 80517
DWPQ June 19, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout IV
4 Stage DWPQ main match. For more information contact or (479) 650-0937
ZOC Ranch Arena
36450 Flint Hill LN
Howe, OK 74953
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout III
4 Stage DWPQ Main Match and 2 stage DWPQ Rifle. For more information contact or (479) 650-0937
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill LN
Howe, OK 74953
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
North Range Riders
Mid-night Sun Shoot
Sign in 7:00 PM Shoot start 8:00 PM Entry fee $75.00
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
WPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
The Cajun Posse Mounted Shooters
Bare Bones Shoot
  Bare Bones Shoot -  Cherokee Ridge Horse Farm; 200 Flying W Drive; Carencro, La. 70520; Covered Arena; 4 Stage Match; No balloon setters; WPQ; $40 Entry, $25 Wrangler; No payout, just a lot of fun and designed for all new beginning shooters to experience a CMSA match.  Host club is tallying points for club member's year end awards. 
Cherokee Ridge
200 Flying W Drive
Carencro, LA 70520
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
California Desperados
Vincent Hill Shootout
California Desperados Present the "Vincent Hill Shootout". Saturday June 18th at the Vincent Hill Arena. 553 Sierra HWY, Acton Ca. 93510
Vincent Hill
553 Sierra HWY
Acton, CA 93510
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Estes Park Shoot 1
Come and shoot in beautiful Estes Park, Colorado!  You won't find a prettier venue for a shooting vacation!  2 Shoots - Sat and Sun - both 4 Stage Shoots. $80 4-Stage Main Match 2X CMSA Points, 1X CMT Points $20 Optional 3D Jackpot - Points for Pets Series - 50% payback, 50% to benefit the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.  Series Championship Prizes include a Pair of Cimarron Thunderer Pistols, Cimarron 1911 Pistol, Drovers Supply Holster Set, and Mountain Threads Jacket.  Everyone who enters the 3D at any shoot will receive a Mounted Thunder Points for Pets T-Shirt Stalls $21/night - We have the entire facility to use.  Feel free to spread out and give yourselves plenty of room between horses. RV Hookups $30/night
Fairgrounds at Stanley Park
1209 Manford Ave.
Estes Park, CO 80517
WPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
June Shootout
single point match  $75.00 entry fee for 5 stages Flower City Park on  N Breckenridge St in  Palmyra, MO Shooters Meeting 12:30pm Starts at 1pm contact Sue 217-242-5696      
marion co horse arena
301 S Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461
WPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Big Valley I
First of two 4-stage shoots followed by 2-stage rifle. Large outdoor arena. Check at for more details.
Big Valley Ranch
7488 Leaches Crossing Road
Avoca, WI 53506
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Border Shootout
Gooseberry Lake Rodeo
Box 5665
Consort, AB, AB 55555
WPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Summer Showdown 1
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!! $55 entry fee, $15 wranglers.   $10 3D jackpots on all 4 stages.  40% circuit payback.   Registration ends at 11:30 AM event starts at noon.  Entry accepted the day of the event, but please register in advance on-line.  Primitive camping available no fee.  No stalls, bring portable corrals.  From the 4- way stop in Hawk Point Mo. go west on Hyw. A 1/2 mile to Prairie Rd.  Go a short distance and turn right in to Skip-N-EZ Ranch.  
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point , MO 63349
State June 18-19, 2011
2 days
Lone Pine Rangers
Oregon State Championships, Cabin Fever Shoot
$1000 added so far, Fun Shoot on Friday PM, 3 stages Sat followed by 2 stages of Shotgun, 3 stages Sunday followed by 2 stages of Rifle.  Entries can be mailed in to Carrie Dewitt, 6632 SW Ferret Rd, Terrebonne, Or.,97760  More info, check our website,
Lone Pine Rangers Arena
515315 Madras Hwy
Prineville, OR 97754
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
Shooting for Dad
Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
DWPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
June Balloon Bash I
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
DWPQ June 18-19, 2011
2 days
Gunsmoke Riders
American Days Shootout
Mounted Shooting at the event of "American Days" at the Jägersro Racecourse, Malmö. More information available 1 May. 5000 SEK added money. Stage jackpot all stages included with entry.    
Jägersro Racecourse
Malmö, SW 21237
WPQ June 18, 2011
1 day
Southern Crossfire
Practice for Points
Southern Cross Ranch
PO Box 377
Headland, AL 36345
DWPQ June 17, 2011
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Fun @ the Fairgounds II
Fun @ the Fairgounds II --- DWPQ 4 stages --- $45 Entry --- $10 Jackpots --- NO PAYBACK --- $10 Wrangler Start time of 7:00 pm Shoot Director: Paul Cain   For more information please contact: Paul Cain 573 701 255 David Miller 573 701 2888
St. Francois Co. Fairgounds
4800 Us Highway 67
Farmington, MO 63640
WPQ June 12, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Leather & Lead 2
Sunday, Cowboy Church will be at 8:00 a.m.   Sunday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and first fire at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages. The shoot entries have been modified.  Pre entries will remain $55 and if you enter at the shoot, it will be $60  
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
WPQ June 12, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
North Country Shootout
4-stage shoot followed by 2-stage rifle event. Come help with the clinic on the 11th and stay for the shoot. Start time 10:00am. Register online at
Iron County Arena
Church St
Saxon, WI 54559
DWPQ June 12, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
High Noon Standoff
2 Days, 2 separate matches, both Double Points and 50% payback!!!! 2 stages Rifle and 4 stage main match on Sunday, 2 stage cavalry and 4 stage main match on Satuday. Mandatory saftey meeting for all shooters @ 9am. Concession!!! pre-register and pay on site when you arrive. more info soon. visit
Canterbury Showplace
23100 NW Newberry Rd
Newberry, FL 32669
DWPQ June 12, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Who's The Big Dog?
Who's The Big Dog?  Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 9:00 am, safety meeting 8:30 am.  Limited Stalls available for $25 night.  Several paddocks available.
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
WPQ June 12, 2011
1 day
Roy Rogers Rangers California
"Wild" West Shootout
Hi All,  The rodeo event previously planned in Ontario has been cancelled due to their management and production issues. BUT, that cannot stop us.  We're ready to shoot! 2 DAYS OF SHOOTING - PRACTICE SATURDAY JUNE 11 & COMPETITION SUNDAY JUNE 12  ~~ROY ROGERS RANGERS presents WILD' WEST SHOOTOUT~~ The Roy Rogers Rangers invites you all to try and tame the 'Wild' West - one stage at a time. The event theme is - MOUNTED SHOOTERS GONE WILD - DON'T FENCE ME IN !! Location:  Moreno Valley Equestrian Center, 11140 Redlands Blvd., Moreno Valley, Ca. PRACTICE - JUNE 11, Saturday -10am 4 stages $35.00 for members - $45.00 non member; and F
Moreno Valley Equestrian Center
11140 Redlands Blve
Moreno Valley, CA 55555
State June 11, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Maryland State Championship
Maryland State Championship, 6 stage shoot, Rivercrest Ranch Arena, Pocomoke MD.  Start time 10:00am with safety meeting at 9:30.  Limited Stalls available, $25 a night.  Join us for a full weekend of shooting.  Another DWPQ shoot will be held on Sunday.  Rough Camping Only.  
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
DWPQ June 11, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Stagecoach Ambush
2 days, 2 separate matches, both Double points and both 50% payback!!! 2 stages Rifle on sunday, 2 stages cavalry on saturday and 4 stages main match each day. 9am mandatory saftey meeting for all shooters. Concession!!! pre-register and pay on  site upon arrival. more info soon visit or call Patt Tatum 407-947-0478
Canterbury Showplace
23100 NW Newberry Rd
Newberry, FL 32669
WPQ June 11, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Leather & Lead 1
Friday night is a Fun Shoot starting with a safety meeting at 7:30 p.m. and first fire at 8:00 p.m. Saturday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and first fire at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages, plus exhibition. There will be 2 stages of rifle.   There will be a potluck and campfire after the awards.  
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
State June 11, 2011
1 day
Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Maine State Championship
Rough Camping available, bathrooms, no hookups.
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Road
Hollis Center,, ME 04061
CMSA June 8-11, 2011
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Central US Championship
Lazy E Arena
9600 Lazy E Dr
Guthrie, OK 73044
DWPQ June 7, 2011
1 day
Oklahoma Outlaws
Warm up at the Lazy E
This is the last time to warm up for The Central US Championship, Limited to 150 Shooters $85 Main Match * 50% Payback * 3D jackpot, $10 a stage Wranglers $25.00 Registration 8:00 - 9:00 Start @ 10:00
Lazy E Arena LLC
9600 Lazy E Drive
Guthrie, OK 73044
DWPQ June 6, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Make A Wish Foundation Benefit Shoot
Limited to 150 Entries- Make a Wish Benefit Shoot at the Lazy E in Guthrie- 3 Stage Double Point match $90 entry fee with $5 of entry going to Make a Wish Foundation and 50% payback.  3D jackpot in conjunction with match $10/stage with 100%payback.  2 stage rifle DWPQ $60 entry with 50% payback. Please enter on line and pay at event.  $5 office charge if you do not register on line.  We will have a Silent Auction table set up with items to be auctioned off proceeds to go to Make A Wish Foundation.  To donate an item for the auction contact one of our board members or officers.
Lazy E
9600 Lazy E Drive
Guthrie, OK 73749
WPQ June 5, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Chisholm Shootout II
The Chisholm Shootout will be a 4 stage, WPQ shoot at the St. Louis County Fairgrounds in Chisholm, MN.  MMSA will be hosting a new shooters clinic on Saturday, June 4th at the same location.  For more information watch the MMSA website or contact Steve Moe at or (218) 326-5349.
St Louis County Fairgrounds
1005 Discovery Drive
Chisholm, MN 55719
DWPQ June 5, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Stettler Showdown Day 2
Stettler Agriplex
4847 19 Street
Stettler, ALBERTA 00000
DWPQ June 5, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Double Point Battle of Peach State
$75 Double Point Main Match Entry Fee- 4 stages. $20 Wrangler Entry Fee- 4 stages. $10 3D Jackpot per stage. NO horses allowed on pavement. *Chicopee Woods Ag Center rule* NO showing from trailer. *Chicopee Woods Ag Center rule* $40 Stall fee for weekend. Sunday on-site registration: 7:30 am - 8:00 am. Cowboy Church 8:00 am. Safety Meeting 8:30 am. Main Match starts 9:00 am.  
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507-8335
DWPQ June 5, 2011
1 day
Gottcha Covered
CIF Arena
1308 East Olive Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
DWPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
Shootin Up the Night
225 x 100 covered arena.  Stalls and campsites with electrical hookups. 
CFI Arena
1308 East Olive Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
DWPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Stone Wall Jackson Double Point Siege
$75 Double Point Main Match Entry Fee- 4 stages $20 Wrangler Entry Fee- 4 stages $45 double Point Rifle Fee. Competition is 2 stages, Saturday after the Main Match. $10 per stage 3D Jackpot. $15 Exhibition per horse per stage. Limit 10 horses, Saturday Only. Stages 1-3 ONLY. On-site Registration: Friday 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Saturday 7:00 am - 8:00 am. Saturday: 8:30 am Safety Meeting followed by wranglers shoot. 9:00 am MAIN MATCH Begins. Sunday: 8:00 am Cowboy Church. 8:30 am Safety Meeting. 9:00 am MAIN MATCH Begins. NO SHOWING from TRAILER. Must pay $40 stall fee per horse. **Chicopee Woods Ag Center Rules* NO horses allowed on pavement. *Chicopee Ag Center Rules*
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507-8335
DWPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Ghost Riders Shootout
4-Stage DWPQ Pistol and 2-Stage DWPQ Rifle.  On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM.  The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM.  Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available.  Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class.  In case of inclement weather check our website at  Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinois-Outlaws/93560183343.  Hope to see you there!! 
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd.
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ June 4-5, 2011
2 days
California Range Riders
High Noon
Penn Valley Rodeo
10513 Spenceville Dr
Penn Valley, CA 95946
WPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
North Range Riders
Shoot Out at the Lucky 13
Sign in 12:00 PM Shoot start 1:00 PM Entry Fee $75.00
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
Regional June 4-5, 2011
2 days
CMSA of Arkansas
Mid Central Regional at Lazy E
Mid Central Regional Championship held at the Lazy E Arena, in Guthrie, OK.  Must be checked/paid by 9:am Saturday the 4th. riders meeting at 10:am  Saturday:  Stage 1 - 4 starting at 10:30am followed by 1st stage of rifle.  Sunday  cowboy church starting at 9:am Stage 5 starting at 10:30 followed by 2nd rifle stage & then DD stage.  
Lazy E
9600 Lazy E Dr
Guthrie, OK 73044
DWPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Stettler Showdown Day 1
Stettler Agriplex
Stettler, ALBERTA 00000
State June 4-5, 2011
2 days
Texas Smokin' Guns
Texas State Shoot
Texas State Shoot $125.00 Entry Fee with 50% Circuit Payback - $1000.00 added money and buckles for overall men and overall women.   2 Stage Rifle $50.00 with 40% Payback Limited and Open RV and Stalls Reserved On-Line
NRS Arena
309 CR 4228
Decatur, TX 76234
Regional June 4-5, 2011
2 days
1st Virginia CMSA
Mid Atlantic Regional Shoot
6 Stage, 2 Day event.  Banquet at the Horse Center following shoot on Saturday aproximately 6:30 PM. If you are a registered shooter it is included.
Lexington Horse Center
487 Maury River Rd
Lexington, VA 24450
WPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Chisholm Shootout I
Two single point WPQ shoots in one weekend!  Saturday's single point WPQ 4 stage begins at 2pm following a new shooters clinic at the Northern St. Louis County Fairgrounds.  Two stage rifle match to follow main match.  Sign up on the MMSA website at  Match directors are Paul Masheimer & Amy Linser at (218) 263-9695 or or Steve Moe at (218) 326-5349 or
Northern St Louis County Fairgrounds
1005 Discovery Drive
Chisholm, MN 55719
WPQ June 4, 2011
1 day
Stagecoach Outriders
Escape From The Reservation
Stagecoach West
353 RT 5 & 20
IRVING, NY 14081
DWPQ June 4-5, 2011
2 days
Donate Life Awareness Shoot
Raahauges Arena
14995 River Road
Corona, CA 92880
DWPQ June 2, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Meetin' at the Little Miami - Rifle
NA, NA 55555
WPQ May 30, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Border Wars I - MN
Third of three 4 stage WPQ shoots held at Mueller's Arena in Monfort, WI.  A 2-stage RWPQ event will be held each day as well.  There will be buckles awarded at the end of the weekend for overall Cowboy and Cowgirl.  There will also be door prizes and drawings for other prizes.  Enter at  Additional details will be posted at
Mueller's Arena
625 St Rd Hwy 18W
Monfort, WI 53533
WPQ May 30, 2011
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
I-70 Shootout III
Part of 3 days of shooting starting May 28 hosted by three Missouri Clubs.  Registration ends 9:30 AM event starts 10:00 AM .  Entry fee is $55, wranglers $15.  Four stages, $10 3d jackpot on all stages.  40% payback.   Entry will be accepted the day of the event but please register on-line in advance.   
Cedar Valley Riders Club Arena
#1 Optimist Drive
Ashland , MO 65010
DWPQ May 30, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Memorial Weekend Border Wars III
May 28 CMSA Ok; May 29 CMSA AR; May 30 Texas Smokin' Guns. 3 separate DWQP matches over 3 days. Entry Fee $75 and Wranglers $25.  50% payback to classes. 100% payback on Class Jackpot.  Eliminator to be ran over the 3 days co-sponored by all 3 clubs with one stage of eliminator to be run each day. Call Arena for hookups/stalls.  More information to follow You must bring Health Papers and Coggins to shoot at this event! THIS IS REQUIRED!  
Ucross Arena
8601 Sta 48te Hwy.
Coleman, OK 73432
WPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
Mounted Justice
Border Wars - WI
Second of three 4 stage WPQ shoots held at Mueller's Arena in Montfort, WI. A 2-stage RWPQ event will be held each day as well. There will be buckles awarded each day for overall Cowboy and Cowgirl. There will also be door prizes and drawings for other prizes.  
Mueller's Arena
625 St. Rd. Hwy 18W
Monfort, WI 53533
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
  Tennessee Ridge Runners SHOOT’N SUNDAYS at McPherson Quarter Horse Arena (indoor)     
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 knob Park rd
Bristol, TN 37620
WPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
I 70 Shootout II
Memorial Day Weekend!  Second day of 3-day, 3-club shooting action.  $55 entry, $15 wranglers, $10 3D jackpots for each stage 4 stage WPQ , 40% circuit payback. Cowboy Church 9:00, Shooters meeting 10:30, Shoot at 11:00. Please register online but registration on site will be available.  Limited electric ($25/weekend) otherwise primitive camping - bring generators and corrals. Concessions available on site. Directions to Arena:  Ashland, Missouri is located 12 miles south of I-70 on US Hwy 63.  At Ashland exit, turn right on M (if coming from North).  At 4-way stop, turn right on Henry Clay Blvd.  Look for "Optimist Sports Complex" signs and turn left on Optimist Road.  Follow to Arena. For more information call
Cedar Valley Riders Club Arena
#1 Optimist Drive
Ashland, MO 65010
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
May Madness II
See for event details and flyer.
Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
The Cowboy Way
Miamitown Ohio - Gymkhana Club Arena $55 main match - (4 stage DWPQ) $25 wranglers $10 each 3D Jackpots (2 stages) $15 exhibition (2 stages)- (must have a horse in main match) More Information at   CHOICE AMMO: Crimped/Tatonka Dan EARLY ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE @   ENTRY PAYMENT&nb
Miamitown - Gymkhana Club Arena
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
North Range Riders
Memorial Day Shoot
Sign in 2:00 PM Shoot Start 3:00 PM Entry Fee $75.00
Lucky 13
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Memorial Weekend Border War 2
This is day 2 & shoot #2 of 3 days of shooting. Cohosted with CMSA of Oklahoma. Lots of points in one weekend.   You must bring Health Papers and Coggins to shoot at this event! THIS IS REQUIRED!  
Ucross Arena
8601 Hwy 48
Coleman, OK 73432
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Memorial Day Salute
Memoial Day Salute Grand Entry, 2 stages of Cavalry, 4 stages main match. Covered Arena, Only 5 Rv sites available to the first 5 registered shooters. Mandatory Saftey meeting for all shooters 9am.  More info soon. visit or call Patt 407-947-0478
Foxtrotter Ranch
11800 South Hwy 475
Ocala, FL 34480
WPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Battle for the Ranch
2nd day of a 2 day match,CT Renegades are hosting Sunday. 4 stage WPQ, Also a 2 stage rifle match - Saturday will be held by the New York Longriders, Please see their website for more info on Sat.
Round tuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Rd.
Enfield, CT 06082
DWPQ May 29, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Dust off the Rust
Dust off the Rust, Second of a two day shoot, Rivercrest Ranch Arena in Pocomoke, MD.  Limited Stalls available, $25 a night.
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
DWPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Memorial Weekend Border Wars I
Memorial weekend Border Wars-- 5/28/11- 5/30/11.  Day one hosted by Oklahoma, Day 2 hosted by Arkansas and Day 3 to be hosted by Texas Smoking Guns. Shoot will be held at the U cross Arena in Coleman OK.   Day 1 will have DPWQ match entry fee $75 with 50% payback followed by a 2 stage double point rifle match $60 entry with 50% payback.  Eliminator $30 entry with 70% payback.  First stage to be ran in conjuction with day 1 stage 1 of main match with top 10 of each division to make it back to finals to be ran on day 3 of the event. We will have TEEN CHALLENGE as balloon setters!!!! More detail
U Cross Areana
8601 state hwy 48
coleman , OK 73432
DWPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
Maryland Marauders
Inaugural Shoot
Join the Maryland Marauders for their Inaugural Shoot at the Rivercrest Ranch Arena in Pocomoke, MD.  Shoot starts at 10:00am with a safety meeting at 9:30am.  This will be a full weekend of shooting.  Limited stalls available, $25 a night.
Rivercrest Ranch
7422 Dividing Creek Rd.
Pocomoke, MD 21851
State May 28-29, 2011
2 days
Bama Bandits
AL State Championship ~ Bama Bandits State Shoot
The Bama Bandits like to keep it affordable, so come to the Iron Horse Arena in Wetumpka AL for fellowship and fun on Memorial Day Weekend! Stalls & RV hookups are VERY LIMITED!  Dry Camping is FREE!  Tie Outs & Portable Stalls ARE allowed!  Enter Early!
Iron Horse Arena
3214 Weoka Road
Wetumpka, AL 36092
DWPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
The Island Long Riders
Battle for the Ranch - Day 1
Battle for the Ranch returns! This is a four-stage match on day 1. A separate match will be hosted on day 2 by the CT Renegades. Both matches will be CMSA DWPQ events. Four stages plus optional rifle. Join us for one day or both!  visit for details and entry forms.
Roundtuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Road
Enfield, CT 06082
WPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
Border Wars 1 - IA
First ofthree 4 stage WPQ shoots held at Mueller's Arena in Montfort, WI.  A 2-stage RWPQ event will be held each day as well.  There will be buckles awarded at the end of the weekend for overall Cowboy and Cowgirl.
Mueller's Arena
625 St. Rd. Hwy 18W
Monfort, WI 99999
DWPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Meetin' at the Little Miami
Miamitown Ohio - Gymkhana Club Arena $55 main match - (4 stage DWPQ) $35 rifle (2 stage) - Revolving and Lever/Pump will be combined. Jackpot only NO points $25 wranglers $10 each 3D Jackpots (2 stages) $25 exhibition (4stages)- (must have a horse in main match) More Information at   CHOICE AMMO: Crimped/Tatonka Dan EARLY ONLINE ENTRY AVAILABLE @   ENTRY PAYMENT AT ARENA Books Close @ 9:00 am Safety Meeting @ 9:30 am 1st shot @ 10:00 am Primitive Camping Porta Pens Welcome R
Miamitown - Gymkhana Club
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002
DWPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
May Madness I
See for details and flyer.
Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendleton, SC 29670
WPQ May 28, 2011
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
I-70 Shootout I
Memorial Day Weekend!  First day of our annual 3-day, 3-club CMSA Event.  $55 entry, $15 wranglers, 4 stage WPQ , 40% circuit payback. 12:30 Shooter's Meeting, 1pm event start time. Please register online but registration on site will be available.  Limited electric ($25/weekend) otherwise primitive camping - bring generators and corrals. Concessions available on site. Fun Games and Quick Draw competition will be held after the match! All-you-can eat Chili supper Saturday night-- $7.50 Adults &  $5.00 Wranglers.  All proceeds are donated to MRMS club. Directions to Arena:  Ashland, Missouri is located 12 miles south of I-70 on US Hwy 63.  At Ashland exit, turn right on M (if coming from Nor
Cedar Valley Riders Club Arena
#1 Optimist Drive
Ashland, MO 65010
DWPQ May 27-29, 2011
3 days
Roy Rogers Rangers California
"King of the Cowboys Showdown"
> This event is being "CANCELLED" for now due to the many concerns voiced by > our members for EHM caused by  EHV-1 which has affected horses in > California. > > We will reschedule and let you know when this event will happen.  We are > sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.  Be Safe and Happy Trails > until we talk again soon! > > Any questions please call Cathy Hendrick (951) 928-4601; or email: >         R
Winchester Wild West Arena
32150 Grand Ave.
Winchester, CA 92596
WPQ May 22, 2011
1 day
The Island Long Riders
Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser
The Island Long Riders and the Upstate New York Smokin' Guns present a 4 stage CMSA WPQ match plus 2 stage rifle competition. We will also have a 50/50 drawing as a fund raiser for Cyctic Fibrosis in honor of Sydney Reichart. 11:00am Mandatory Safety Meeting. Match begins at 11:30am. Pre registration is required. For registration forms, details and contact information, please visit:  or
Color Run Farm
8 Barton Road
Johnsonville, NY 12094
DWPQ May 22, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Remember Memorial Day Shoot'emup II
Join DLB Shooters at Wild winds Farm for Remember Memorial Day Shoot'em up
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
WPQ May 22, 2011
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
Rawhide Round Up 2
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio
167 N. Poplar Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ May 22, 2011
1 day
Turkey Creek Regulators
Shoot Out at Crossed Sabers 2011
Please see the attached flyer.
Crossed Sabres Arena
776 7th Rd.
Westpoint, NE 68788
DWPQ May 22, 2011
1 day
California Range Riders
Frogtown Massacre
Fogtown Arena, Angels Camp
P.O. Box 489
Angels Camp, CA 95222
DWPQ May 22, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout VI
4 Stage DWPQ Main Match. Located 5 miles south of Poteau,OK. For more info contact or (479) 650-0937
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill Lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
ZOC Ranch Shootout V
4 stage DWPQ main match, 2 stage double point rifle. Located 5 miles south of Poteau, OK. For more info contact or (479) 650-0937.
ZOC Ranch Arena
36540 Flint Hill lane
Howe, OK 74940
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Colorado Horse Co. Shoot
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED! RESCHEDULE DETAILS WILL BE RELEASED!!   3 Stage 2X the PointsShoot Hosted by the Colorado Horse Company. 5:45 pm Shooters Meeting 6 pm - 9 pm.  $90.00 Entry Circut payback Co. Reg. Members will receive a discount on entry fees. Located at The Ranchway Feeds Indoor Arena, Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, CO. Office opens at 4:00 pm. RV Spots & Stalls available on site or more information please contact Dick Dones 303-833-3118 or
The Ranch
5280 Arena Cir
Loveland, CO 80538
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
1st State Shooters
Crazy May Shootout
5:30 Safety meeting, shoot to begin at 6pm. Stalls and paddocks available, please contact Pat Levers. Campfire to follow shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Sniffin' The Hangman's Breath
4 STAGE DWPQ and 2 STAGE DWPQ RIFLE On-Site registration begins at 8:45AM and ends at 9:30AM. The rider safety meeting will follow registration close and the first shooter will start at 10:00AM. Food Vendor On-Site and Stalls available. Ribbons for Overall and Reserve along with 1st and 2nd in each class. In case of inclement weather check our website at Find us on Facebook:!/pages/Northern-Illinois-Outlaws/93560183343. Hope to see you there!!  
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
Turkey Creek Regulators
Shoot Out at Crossed Sabers 2011
Please download the attached entry form.
Crossed Sabres Arena
776 7th Road
West Point, NE 68788
Regional May 21-22, 2011
2 days
Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters
North Pacific Regional Championships
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED! Will be rescheduled at a later date!   Call Cindy Griggs to pre-register- you will NOT be considered entered unless you contact Cindy 541-571-1153. The last day to register and not pay a late fee is May 9th.
Umatilla County Fairgrounds
515 W. Orchard
Hermiston, OR 97838
DWPQ May 21-22, 2011
2 days
Missouri Big Irons
5 State Border Challenge
5 State Border Challenge --- DWPQ 6 Stages --- 4 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday --- $125 Entry, $10 Wrangler 50% Straight Circuit Payback, $10 Jackpots on all 6 stages Rifle --- $75 for 2 stages --- It will count for points if we have enough shooters!! Saturday start @ NOON ... Cowboy Church Sunday @ 9:00 am ... Sunday start @ 10:00 am!! Shoot Directors: Bill Holtzmann and Rich Hanne   For more information please contact:
DuQouin State FairGrounds
655 Executive Drive
Du Quoin, IL 62832
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
Barker's Backyard Basic III
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED!! Barker's Backyard Basic III    Covered Arena, Balloon Setters provided, limited concessions... No Prizes or Payout just lots of fun.   4 Stage Match  $65 entry  $25 Wrangler.   Rider's meeting at 10:30, match begins afterward.  Registration on site but please pre-register on CMSA.  Dry Camping in the pecan grove OK, please call first.  Very limited pens, please call... portable pens OK.  Call before you haul, the arena is covered, the parking is not.  936.344.2608
Cherokee Acres Ranch
10845 Blackland Rd
Willis, TX 77318
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
Remember Memorial Day Shoot'emup I
Remember Memorial Day Shoot'em up I
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
WPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
Rawhide Round Up 1
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio
167 N. Poplar Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ May 21, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Franklin Rodeo Shootout 2
May 20-21, 2011 Franklin TN PRCA Rodeo Shootout--Hosted by Jimmie Allen.  Come shoot at the Biggest PRO rodeo in TN.  $3500 added money.  2 double point matches.  2 stages to be ran each day. entry $85/day. WE WILL START SHOOTING AT 10 AM both days. Payback to be divsional only with gender split.  14 fastest shooters make it back to the showcase in the rodeo each night.  the top 14 will be determined as follows fastest 4 of 1-2's ( 2 fastest men and 2 fastest women), fastest 4 of 3-4's (2 fastest men and 2 fastest women), fastest 6 of the 5-6's- ( 3 fastest Men and 3 fastest women) The total average of all 3 stages ran will determine 1rst, 2nd and 3rd with gender split for each division with payout accordi
AG Expo Center
Franklin, TN 37065
DWPQ May 21-22, 2011
2 days
The Mounted Shooting Club of Arizona
Border Wars
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED!! Two day border wars, Calif, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona. payback, buckles, & Gun drawing for Class winner,  BBQ Sat.  Time onlys on Friday night under lights.
5-M Ranch & Arnea
764 W. Road 1 South
Chino Valley, AZ 86323
DWPQ May 20, 2011
1 day
CMSA of Oklahoma
Franklin Rodeo Shootout I
May 20-21, 2011 Franklin TN PRCA Rodeo Shootout--Hosted by Jimmie Allen.  Come shoot at the Biggest PRO rodeo in TN.  $3500 added money.  2 double point matches.  2 stages to be ran each day. entry $85/day. WE WILL START SHOOTING AT 10 AM both days. Payback to be divsional only with gender split.  14 fastest shooters make it back to the showcase in the rodeo each night.  the top 14 will be determined as follows fastest 4 of 1-2's ( 2 fastest men and 2 fastest women), fastest 4 of 3-4's (2 fastest men and 2 fastest women), fastest 6 of the 5-6's- ( 3 fastest Men and 3 fastest women) The total average of all 3 stages ran will determine 1rst, 2nd and 3rd with gender split for each division with payout accordi
AG Expo Center
I- 65
Franklin, TN 37065
DWPQ May 20, 2011
1 day
Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters
Farm City Showdown
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED! Will be rescheduled at a later date! 3 Stage double,  point match, preregistration is required. More information to come. Call Cindy Griggs to pre-register- you will NOT be considered entered unless you contact Cindy 541-571-1153. The last day to register and not be late is May 9th.
Umatilla County Fairgrounds
515 W. Orchard
Hermiston, OR 97838
WPQ May 15, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Spring Outback Shoot
Join us for a 4-stage single point shoot on Sunday, May 15th at the Outback Arena in Stanchfield, MN along with a 2-stage rifle match.  This shoot is part of a weekend that includes a new shooters clinic on Saturday, May 14th.  More details on the shoot and the clinic will be posted on the club website at
Outback Arena
39163 Holly Street NW
Stanchfield, MN 55080
DWPQ May 15, 2011
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tn May Day Shootin' Ii
Books close at 8:00 a.m.; Cowboy Church at 8:00 a.m.; Main Match starts at 9:00 a.m.   All TNCMSA Sunday shoots will be 3 stages - Approved by CMSA.
Hyder-burks Agricultural Pavilion
DWPQ May 15, 2011
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Spring Round Up
Come join the Northeast Six Shooters at their beautiful brand new 330 x 175 arena! 
Goss Farm
446 Pleasant St
Dunstable, MA 01827
DWPQ May 15, 2011
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
CO/NM Border Wars
Day 2 of 2 Colorado/New Mexico Border Wars.  Day 1 is sponsored by New Mexico, Day 2 is sponsored by Colorado. Come shoot and make sure we get to return the Turkey Trophy to New Mexico this year! 4 Stage Main Match $80 Entry, 50% Payback, less $10 arena fee Optional Mounted Thunder 3D Jackpot - $20 Entry in conjunction with main match - 100% payback.  Final results will be calculated and top 1/3 = 1D, middle 1/3 = 2D, and bottom 1/3 = 3D.  Will be paid down until last hole in the 3D gets their entry fee back.  Enter on-site. Event to be held at the Santa Fe Trail Events Center located at the corner of Airport Rdl, and Hwy 50.  Stall available on-site - reserve through NMTCMSA FMI:  Contact Kevin Perry 719-338-6355
Santa Fe Trail Events Center
Airport Rd and Hwy 50
Las Vegas, NM 87505
DWPQ May 15, 2011
1 day
Mason City Shootout 2
North Iowa Fairgrounds
3700 4th St. SW
Mason City, IA 50401
DWPQ May 14, 2011
1 day
Mason CIty Shootout
North Iowa Fair Arena
3700 4th St. SW
Mason City, IA 50401
DWPQ May 14, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
New Mexico Colorado Border War
Send the Turkey Trophy Home to Colorado where it belongs! First day of the Big event in Las Vegas NM features Double CMSA and NMTCMS Points $100.00 Entry Fee.... 50 percent Payback $25.00 Wrangler entry fee Las Vegas style  Eliminator. Runs like "Double Down". $50.00 Entry -  Stage Four sets the Order of go for the winners take all final stage (must be entered in main match to participate.) 90% payback pays 1 in 3 in 3 divisions 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 with no gender split (Sorry guys you have to ride against the women in this one!) Rifle Class is $50.00 with 75% payback as usual.
Santa Fe Trail Events Center
Airport Road and Highway 50
Las Vegas, NM 87505
DWPQ May 14, 2011
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
May Day Shootin' I
Books close at 9:00 a.m.; Shooters Meeting at 9:30 a.m.; Wranglers ground shoot immediately following Shooters Meeting; Main Match starts at 10:00 a.m.
Hyder-burks Agricultural Pavilion
DWPQ May 14-15, 2011
2 days
Westernriders Roger's Area
Spring Shoot Out
Roger's Area
Doerpstraat 1
Boklund, G 24848
State May 14-15, 2011
2 days
Custer's Cowboys
Michigan State Championship
Custers Cowboys Along With WB Arena
WB Arena
1640 County Rd B ,
Swanton, OH 43558
State May 14-15, 2011
2 days
Sin City Mounted Shooters
2011 Utah State Mounted Shooters Championship
  The Sin City Mounted Shooters of NV and the Western Festival & Military Expo are proud to host the 2011 Utah State Mounted Shooters Championship at the Washington County Regional Park in Hurricane, Utah. Overall Cowboy and Cowgirl State Championship Buckles; 40% payback; option to purchase division buckles; Eliminator with 65% payback and $1,000 added money; Eliminator Finals(Limited / Open / Express) as mounted shooting demo during PBR Intermission (expecting over 1000 spectators!); optional 3D jackpots; and amazing facilities including full-size outdoor covered arena, limited electrical hookups; and bedded indoor stalls. Additional shavings and feed available on-site for purchase.  Lodging avai
Washington County Regional Park
5500 West 700 South
Hurricane, UT 84737
DWPQ May 8, 2011
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
Mother's Day Shootout
Mother's Day Shootout.  4 stage DWPQ to be held at the Hillsborough County 4-H grounds in New Boston, NH
Hillsborough County 4-H Foundation
Hilldale Lane
New Boston, NH 03070
WPQ May 8, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Guns & Roses 2
Sunday, Cowboy Church will be at 8:00 a.m.   Sunday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and first fire at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages.  
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
WPQ May 8, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Birch Coulee II
Second Four stage WPQ match of the weekend at Birch Coulee Arena in Morton, MN.  Two stage rifle match to follow main match.  Contact Dan Roghair at (763) 286-8914 or with questions.  Additional information and online pre-registration on the MMSA website at
Birch Coulee Arena, LLC
35480 675th Ave
Morton, MN 56270
DWPQ May 8, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Fully Loaded
This is not a covered arena  arena is 150 x 300
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
DWPQ May 8, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Spring Roundup Day 2
This is the second double point event of the weekend. Shoot both days for $100.00 or one day for $55.00.
Briar Hills
17509 130th Ave.
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ May 8, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Stampede
Second of TWO separate shoots, shoot FOUR stages EACH day! Date:  Sunday,  May 8th, 2011 Event Time:  Saturday registration starts at 7:00 am. Payment is required at time of registration.  Safety meeting: 7:45 am.  Shoot time:  8:00 am. Sunday Safety meeting:  10:45 am.  Shoot time:  11:00 am. Where:  Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Supperclub, 15231 SW Parallel St, Benton, Kansas. Entry Fees:  $75 for adult riders, $10 for Wranglers (Each day is its own shoot. Entry fees to be paid each day of shooting).  45% straight circuit payback each shoot.  Jackpot $20 a stage for Class 1-3 having stage 1-3 for their jackpot and Class 4-6 will have s
Prairie Rose Chuckwagon
15231 SW Parallel St
Benton, KS 67017
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Stampede I
First of TWO separate shoots, shoot FOUR stages EACH day! Date:  Saturday, May 7th Event Time:  Saturday registration starts at 7:00 am. Payment is required at time of registration.  Safety meeting: 7:45 am.  Shoot time:  8:00 am. Sunday Safety meeting:  10:45 am.  Shoot time:  11:00 am. Where:  Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Supperclub, 15231 SW Parallel St, Benton, Kansas. Entry Fees:  $75 for adult riders, $10 for Wranglers (Each day is its own shoot. Entry fees to be paid each day of shooting).  45% straight circuit payback each shoot.  Jackpot $20 a stage for Class 1-3 having stage 1-3 for their jackpot and Class 4-6 will have stage 4-6 for their
Prairie Rose Chuckwagon
15231 SW Parellel St
Benton, KS 67017
WPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
may shootout
single point match   $75.00 entry fee for 5 stages 1pm start time  shooters meeting at 12:30 Flower City Park Horse Arena        Palmyra Mo
marion co horse arena
301 S Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Spring Roundup Day 1
This will be the first day of two Double Point Shoots. For more information visit our web-site at
Briar Hills
17509 130th Ave.
Monticello, IA 52310
State May 7-8, 2011
2 days
CMSA of Arkansas
AR State Championship at Ft. Smith
Come to the AR State Championship & see Judge Parkers Court House in Ft. Smith, Arkansas! This is the place where the hangings really took place. We will be shooting in the same super nice facility that the "Old Fort Days Rodeo" is held every year on Memorial Weekend. check it out at: 479-783-6176.  Rifle DPWQ 2 stages & also 2 stage ELIMINATOR!  1 stage Eliminator will be before main match starts. Will take top 10 fasted men & top 10 fastet ladies & run final stage after rifle on Saturday. Will have lots of added money & prizes!  Contact Nora Porter at  blueduck2076@yaho
Harper Stadium
4400 Midland Blvd
Ft. Smith , AR 72904
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Colorado Regulators
May Days Points For Practice
Points for Practice 4 Stage, 2X the Points. $55.00 Main Match Entry Office opens at 9:00am, 9:45 am Shooters Meeting, 10:00 am Start. We will be setting balloons by horseback. Take I-70 to exit 316 (Hwy 36 & Byers), go north approximately one mile. Arena is on the left side (west). Potluck super to follow. On Sunday May 8, 2011 we will have an informal practice for who ever would like to attend. FMI contact Ken Abeles 303-523-4082.
Quint Valley Arena
Hwy 36
Byers , CO 80103
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Shoot'em Up
This is not a covered arena---its the same place we used to shoot our state championship last yr. Arena is 150 x 300 
Virgina State Fair Grounds
13191 Dawn Blvd.
Doswell, VA 23047
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Texas Mounted Shooters
Mother's Day Shotgun Showdown
Mother's Day Shotgun Showdown Triple O Ranch Arena 17009 Littig Road, Manor Texas 78653 4 stage Match $65.00 entry, Double points only no pay back. Wranglers $25.00 Possible Rifle for points  after main match if enough riders. Riders Meeting at 9:30 AM will start shortley after meeting Please Contact, Mickey Owens at 512-970-1038 for Parking spot and she has portable panels avaiable for stalls. (first come first served).  You may also contact Terry Gibson 817-673-1099
Triple O Ranch Arena
17009 Littig Road
Manor, TX 78653
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Annual Kerbela Shriners Shootout
 1st Annual Kerbela Shriners Shootout starting at 10:00 AM Registration at 9:00AM.  Mounted Shooting, Bands, BBQ, Pony Rides, and Pig Wrestling.  We just have some fun, Come on out.   Exit 12 off I-81 and follow the signs.  Call Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046.
Rural Mountain Arena
2500 Grigsby Rd
Morristown , TN 37840
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks III
Double Points, 3 stage match. $40 adults and $20 Wranglers. Rifle for points, $25.   NO balloon setters, NO payback.  Great chance for new shooters to experience a CMSA match for double points (DWPQ).  (Texas Smokin' Guns Club points do not apply to Brass Tacks Shoots.)  8:30-9:30 registration - 9:45 safety meeting - 1st stage 10 AM Start. Location:  Young County Cowboy Church; 237 W. Industrial Blvd.; Graham, Tx 76450
Young County Cowboy Church
237 Industrial Blvd.
Graham, TX 76450
WPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Birch Coulee Shoot I
Four Stage WPQ Shoot at Birch Coulee Arena in Morton, MN.  Two stage rifle shoot to follow after the main match.  For more information contact Dan Roghair at (763) 286-8914 or  More details and online pre-registration will be available on the MMSA website at
Birch Coulee Arena, LLC
35480 675th Ave
Morton, MN 56270
WPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Guns & Roses 1
Friday night is a Fun Shoot starting with a safety meeting at 7:30 p.m. and first fire at 8:00 p.m. Saturday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and first fire at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages, plus exhibition. There will be 2 stages of rifle.   There will be a potluck and campfire after the awards.  
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Roy Rogers Rangers California
Roy Rogers Rangers "fiesta De Mayo"
Moreno Valley Equestrian Center
11140 Redlands Bl.
Moreno Valley, CA 92556
DWPQ May 7, 2011
1 day
Gunsmoke Riders
Gunsmoke in the hills
1-day practise for points shoot. More details visit
Halmstad, SW 28020
DWPQ May 6, 2011
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Fun @ the Fairgrounds I
Fun @ the Fairgrounds I --- DWPQ 4 stages --- $45 Entry --- $10 Jackpots --- NO PAYBACK --- $10 Wrangler Start time of 7:00 pm Shoot Director: Mark Rowden   For more information please contact: Mark Rowden 573 701 2869 Wendy Rowden 573 701 2849
St. Francois Co. Fairgrounds
4800 Us Highway 67
Farmington, MO 63640
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Wild Rice River Shootout-II
Wild Rice PeaceMakers first spring shoot.  Day 2 of two back to back double point events; register for both days and save money.
Twin Valley Riders Club Arena
Co. Highway 29 East
Twin Valley, MN 56584
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
May Day Shootout
TGR match at the Livery Stable, riders meeting at 9 AM, first shoot 9:30.  For more information go to
Tombstone Livery Stable
919 W. Hwy 82
Tombstone, AZ 85638
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Shootin Outlaw Style
The Carolina Outlaws host a DWPQ event at Lone Hickory Arena Lone Hickory Arena is located at  1950 Bethel Church Rd.  Yadkinville, NC  27055 Entry Fee is $80  Wrnaglers $20 Brand New Indoor Arena. NO RV SITES YET. PRIMITIVE CAMPING ONLY. PLENTY OF NEW STALLS! Facility has a strict NO ALCOHOL POLICY. Alcohol must be consumed at your trailer and in a plain cup. NO EXCEPTIONS!! More information available at
Lone Hickory Arena
1950 Bethel Church Rd.
Yadkinville, NC 27055
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
The Lincoln County War - the Last Day
Second day of the Two Days Two Shoots Two times the Points each day in Beautiful Capitan NM. $50.00 Entry Fee.... CMSA and NMTCMSA double points 50 percent payback stays in each class   Special fun "cash" jackpot class on Saturday   $25.00 Wrangler entry fee Starts at 09:00 am Register for both days online!
Lincoln County Fairgrounds
5th Street, and Highway 48
Capitan, NM 88316
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
May Day Double Point Showdown
$75 Double Point Main Match Entry $20 Wrangler Entry Fee $10 per stage 3D Jackpot No showing from trailer. No horses allowed on blacktop area. On-site registration 7:30 am - 8:00 am. Cowboy Church 8:00 am. Safety Meeting 8:30 am. Shoot Start 9:00 am.  
Chicopee Woods Ag. Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Sunday Spring Shootout
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!!     Camping and stalls available but not required.  Can use portable pens.  Saddle club kitchen open.  Pitch in Saturday night.  Cash payback to classes.   Friday night Jackpot shoot.  Rifle jackpot Saturday night. 
Chief LaFontaine Saddle Club
792 N 200 W
Huntington , IN 46750
DWPQ May 1, 2011
1 day
Flint Hills Mounted Shooters
May day shoot
 1PM shooter's meeting / 1:30 shoot 4 stage DWPQ entry $65, Wrangler -$15
TR Ranch
29084 Goose Berry Rd
Alma, KS 66401
DWPQ April 30, 2011
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Saturday Spring Shootout
SHOOT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!!     Camping and stalls available but not required.  Can use portable pens.  Saddle club kitchen open.  Pitch in Saturday night.  Cash payback to classes.   Friday night Jackpot shoot.  Rifle DWPQ Saturday night. 
Chief LaFontaine Saddle Club
792 N 200 W
Huntington , IN 46750