cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

2009 Results

Type Dates and Club Event Arena
DWPQ December 19, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
December 2X Points for Practice
Main Match for 2X Points.  Optional 3D Jackpot.  We will be setting balloons on horseback - bring your colts, bring your neighbors to get them hooked on this sport!  visit for more information
Pueblo West Campground
480 E. McCullough Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
DWPQ December 13, 2009
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Year End Banquet & Shoot 2
YEAR END BANQUET AND SHOOT Date: December 12th & 13th                   Time: 09:30 AM Sat.  9:00 A.M. Sun.  Location: Lexington Horse Center Double Point Shoot each day, Indoor arena 125'x 250',This year were using the East Complex, Once you stable your horse you never have to go outside again. warm-up arena and insulated stalls are all connected to main arena--should be warmer. NEG. COGGINS A MUST, NO EXCEPTIONS. *** Awards given to best man and woman who portrays the overall look of the west *** Plus Payback. RV Hook-up reservations made through  
Lexington Horse Center
487 Maury River Rd
Lexington, VA 24450
DWPQ December 12, 2009
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Year End Awards Shoot
December 12 &13th , Double Point Shoot each day, Indoor arena 125'x 250',This year were using the East Complex, Once you stable your horse you never have to go outside again. warm-up arena and insulated stalls are all connected to main arena--should be warmer. NEG. COGGINS A MUST, NO EXCEPTIONS. *** Awards given to best man and woman who portrays the overall look of the west *** Plus Payback. RV Hook-up reservations made through  
Lexington Horse Center
487 Maury River Rd.
Lexington, VA 24450
DWPQ December 12, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks II
Brass Tacks II    Covered Arena So Weather No problem Balloon Setters, Jackpot and Team Event Dry Camping, No Stalls or Hook Ups Panels and Hot Wires Okay Entry Fee $65.00, WR $25.00, Team Event $5.00 and Jackpot $25.00 Discount of $5.00 for Adults if you Pre-Register 100% of Team and Jackpot Money goes back to riders Come out and enjoy the fun and competition  
Living Waters Arena
Hwy 287 & CR 407
Rhome, TX 76078
State December 5-6, 2009
2 days
Tennessee CMSA Inc
2010 TN State Championship
  50% Circuit Payback - Less $10 Arena Fee and $10 Point Fee Saturday Start Time 10:00AM On-Site entry closes at 8:30AM Saturday Shooters Meeting at 9:00AM Wranglers Ground shoot IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SHOOTERS MEETING! Sunday Cowboy Church at 8:00 AM Start shooting at 9:00 AM
Miller Coliseum
304B West Thompson Ln
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
DWPQ December 5, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
POSSE Points for Practice
QESTION:  Due to Colorado weather and daylight, if we have a 3 stage shoot can we still count it as a full shoot?  If not, please let us know and we will change it to a four stage shoot. Thanks    
Greeley Sheriff Arena
1950 O Street
Greeley, CO 80631
DWPQ November 30, 2009
1 day
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
Barker's Backyard Basic
Call before you Haul in case of Rain.... Outdoor arena Match  11:00 a.m.    Dinner - Dutch Treat at the Pizza Shack after the match No Prizes, No Payout.... Just a Practice for Points. Everyone Set Balloons
Barker's Backyard
10845 Blackland Rd
Willis, TX 77318
WPQ November 22, 2009
1 day
Old Pueblo Peacemakers
Turkey Shoot
Peacemakers Jackpot shoot
Arena Bar
Benson, AZ 85742
WPQ November 21, 2009
1 day
Old Pueblo Peacemakers
Turkey Hunt
Old Pueblo Peacemakers Jackpot
Benson Arena Bar
Benson, AZ 85742
DWPQ November 21, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
November Practice for Points
3 Stage Double Points Main Match Optional 3D Jackpot $20 For more information, contact Kevin Perry 719-683-5468 or Bill Beamon 719-947-3704 We will be setting balloons on horseback.  Bring your young horses, bring your neighbors for a fun shoot!  
Pueblo West Horseman's Arena
480 E. McCullough Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
WPQ November 21-22, 2009
2 days
California Mounted Shooters
The Turkey Shoot
Equalizer Jackpot Stage Scoreboard Poker Poker Tournament Match Entry Fee:  $125 At the Adobe Veterinary Clinic Arena 7625 Estrella Road, San Miguel, CA 93451 Dinner $5  
Adobe Arena
7625 Estrella Road,
San Miguel, CA 93451
DWPQ November 15, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Deer and Balloon Hunting Season - Double Down 2
 THIS EVENT WILL FEATURE THE NEW CMSA DOUBLE DOWN PAYBACK METHOD The Big Irons are hosting an alternative deer and balloon-hunting season with double points.  Director: Danny Dees, 573-760-6302.  more details: $65 entry fee, 40% payback, $10 jackpots, Stalls $40, RV $40, shavings $6, Shoot.  Payback is 40% - $25 of entry fee.  Double Down Entry fee $65.  We will use the new CMSA payback system.  If you are not current on CMSA membership, you can renew at sign up for the shoot.  Cowboy Church 09:00am, shooters meeting 09:30am.  Entry fee is set
3027 Larch Lane
Jackson, MO 62832
DWPQ November 15, 2009
1 day
Slap Out Outlaws
Slap Out Laws Chisholm Trail Shootout
RESCHEDULED DUE TO RAIN!!!!! NEW DATES ARE THE 14TH & 15TH OF NOVEMEBER!!!!   Stalls avaliable @ $10.00 per day first come first serve basis. Preregistration appricated
Monney Holloway Arena
SH 31 E
Hubbard, TX 76648
DWPQ November 14, 2009
1 day
Slap Out Outlaws
Slap Out Laws Chisholm Trail Shootout
RESCHEDULED DUE TO RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!  New Dates November 14 and 15th Stalls avaliable on first come first serve basis@ $10.00 a day.Preregistration is appriciated.
Monney Holloway Arena
SH 31 E
Hubbard, TX 76648
DWPQ November 14, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Deer and Balloon Hunting Season -Double Down 1
THIS EVENT WILL BE RUN ON THE NEW CMSA DOUBLE DOWN PAYBACK SYSTEM! The Big Irons are hosting an alternative deer and balloon-hunting season with double points.  Director: Danny Dees, 573-760-6302.  more details: $65 entry fee, 40% payback, $10 jackpots, Stalls $40, RV $40, shavings $6, Shoot.  Payback is 40% - $25 of entry fee.  Double Down Entry fee $65.  We will use the new CMSA payback system.  Rifle jackpot - $40 entry fee, 2 stages, 40% payback.  Shooters meeting 11:30am.  If you are not current on CMSA membership, you can ren
3027 Larch Lane
Jackson, MO 63755
DWPQ November 14, 2009
1 day
Turkey Hunt
Double Point Jackpot shoot.   Go to for details
Ben Avery Mounted Shooting Arean
HWY 17
Phoenix, AZ 85630
DWPQ November 14-15, 2009
2 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
NMTCMS Membership Appreciation Shoot
NMTCMS Members shoot FREE! 2 days 6 stages Rifle and Eliminator - regular fees. See website for more information  
Eddy County Sheriff Posse Arena
Greene Street
Carlsbad, NM 88221
WPQ November 8, 2009
1 day
The Island Long Riders
Winter Shootout
 Get your last licks in before winter sets in on the Northeast. Join the Island Long Riders for a fun four stage match!   Safety meeting at 11:00 First shot fired at 11:30
Old Bethpage Village Restoration
Old Bethpage, NY 11716
WPQ November 7, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks#1
Entry Fee $60.00 Adults Wranglers $25.00 ($5.00 Discount if Pre Registered Adults Only) 4 Stages, Balloon Setters Registration 8:30 to 9:30 books Close at 9:30 am No Exceptions First Stage 10:00 am Location Living Waters Arena Hwy 287 and 407 in Rhome, TX. For directions see web-site or call 817-368-0627
Living Waters Arena
287 & CR 407
Rhome, TX 76078
DWPQ November 7, 2009
1 day
Sin City Mounted Shooters
The Desert Inn DWPQ
The Desert Inn DWPQ Hosted By the Sin City Mounted Shooters of Las Vegas. 10am Start at Bonnie Springs Ranch and Red Rock Arena, just 20 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. SCMS Members / Non-Members: $55 / $65 Entry Fee (Wranglers - $20 / $30); Optional $25 Jackpot Contact Joel at 702 355-2717, Kathy at 702 249-6158, or visit our website at for additional information.  Pre-registration requested.
Bonnie Springs Ranch
1 Gunfigher Lane
Blue Diamond, NV 89004
DWPQ November 7, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Byers Points for Practice
Quint Valley
Quint Valley
Byers, CO 80103
DWPQ November 1, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday 2010 Kickoff
TRR Aniversary Shoot on Halloween,  Starts at 1:00 pm   Entry  fee $60  No Paybacks Buckle for Move ups only.   Come on out and shoot with us.  Additional info at
McPherson's Quart Horse Arena
No info
Bristol, TN 37890
CMSA October 20-24, 2009
5 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Sundowner 2009 World Championship
Sundowner CMSA World Championship Amarillo, Texas October 20th – 25th, 2009   ** Update 9-24-09 - For More Information - Click Here To View Our Most Recent Newsletter **  
Tri-State Fair Grounds
3301 E 10th Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79104
GrandAm October 18, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Border Wars Day 2
  Border Wars, MA vs CT  , Ma host first day,Ct Renegades host second day 10/18, Bridge Meadowbrook Farm, Tyngsboro, MA    
Bridge Meadow Brook Farm
137 Westford Rd
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
DWPQ October 18, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Last Roundup 2
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ October 18, 2009
1 day
Dixie Rough Riders
Fall Fest in Memphis
Following on the heels of Saturday's shoot, this event is a separate, double point match.  Circuit payback is gauranteed, but the pot of added money is growing.  We are planning for a general publc gate charge where 50% of the gate proceeds will be added to the general competitiors purse.  THe circuit payback will coe form entry fees, and any added money and gate fees will be paid in addition.  The goal of the Dixie Rough Riders is to make this a profitable match for you. Total $1,000 added money.  There are ample stalls and RV spaces, covered and climate controlled warm up area and plenty of entertainment and shopping only a few miles away.  Shelby Show Place arena is located just
Shelby Show Place Arena
7777 Walnut Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
DWPQ October 17, 2009
1 day
Dixie Rough Riders
Fall Fest in Memphis
It's no surprise, the Dixie Rough Riders are at it again!   This shoot is scheduled at the beautiful and convenient Shelby Show Place Arena, just off I-40 in Memphis.  The pot of added money is growing and will  be divided on a prorata basis between all classes.  Circuit payback is guaranteed!   A general public gate charge is planned and 50% of all gate proceeds will be added to the purse!  Companions of competitors will be given gate passes at no additional cost.  The Dixie Rough Riders want to make this event profitable of you!!!  Check out the facilities at  
Shelby Show Place
7777 Walnut Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
DWPQ October 17-18, 2009
2 days
WSH The Vaqueros
Road To The Worlds
Road To The Worlds is held at the Bernalillo Sherriff's Posse in Albuquerque , NM . See details at  go to events for sign up. 2nd Annual Road To The Worlds Oct. 17-18 Online Registration Main Match $160.00 Eliminator $50.00 Rifle $50.00 & Pro Class $100.00.  
Bernalillo CountySherriff's Posse
10308 Second Street N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87114
State October 17, 2009
1 day
Sin City Mounted Shooters
The El-Rancho Nevada State Championship
The El-Rancho Nevada State Championship -- hosted by the Sin City Mounted Shooters of Las Vegas Triple Points; Overall & Reserve Buckles (mixed gender); 40% payback with option to purchase Division Buckles; Sharp-Shooter Prizes; Two Jackpots, and more! Where: Bonnie Springs Ranch & Red Rock Arena -- off Blue Diamond Road, just 20 minutes from the Strip. When: October 17th;
Bonnie Springs Ranch
1 Gunfigher Lane
Blue Diamond, NV 89004
DWPQ October 17, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Last Roundup
Buckles will be awarded for Overall Cowboy Open, Overall Cowboy Limited  and Overall Cowgirl Open, and Overall Cowgirl Limited, with the best total times of the two days.
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ October 17, 2009
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Border Wars/Grand American
Border Wars, MA vs CT  MA first day 10/17, Bridge Meadowbrook Farm, Tyngsboro, MA  for more info contact Cindy Karp Pres. at or Cindy Newton V.P. at
Bridge Meadow Brook Farm
137 Westford Rd
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
DWPQ October 17-18, 2009
2 days
California Range Riders
Ride Into Purgatory V
Kirkman Arena
2643 Wente Streer
Livermore, CA 95937
Regional October 16-18, 2009
3 days
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
Western South Central Regional Championship
Western South Central Regional Championship weekend before the World. $3,000 Added Money to Main Match plus $500 Overall Man and $500 Overall Woman, $250 Reserve each Men/Women. Friday Cavalry, Rifle and Eliminator jackpot matches Final Warm-Up and Last Point Opportunity before CMSA World. Vernon, Texas is located on Highway 287 about 2 hours east of Amarillo.  Layover on Sunday and Monday permitted before Tuesday World Check-in.   Limited RV sites require one Night Deposit to reserve, first paid, first reserved.  Plenty of covered stalls and pens. Monday:  Champion's Clinic with Outlaw Annie and Cox Performance Horses.   Fully enclosed brand new arena with Big Ass Fans, concession and plen
Willbarger County Exposition Center
Willbarger County Courthouse
Vernon, TX 76384
DWPQ October 11, 2009
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Road to Helldorado 2
Go to for more information.  Two DWPQ events in one weekend.  Friday trail ride to Tombstone! 
Tombstone Livery
HWY 82
Tombstone, AZ 85630
DWPQ October 11, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Gold Dust Saloon Shootout
Sponsored by the Gold Dust Saloon, Pueblo, CO 4 Stage Main Match, 2X Points $60 Main Match Entry, Prizes to all shooters $10 Wranglers $10 Time Only Runs $20 Optional 3D Jackpot, 100% Payback Overall Cowboy and Cowgirl to receive custom prizes (jackets/vests) Jan and Joe Bregar are sponsoring "high point" shooter prizes to bottom shooter man and woman For overnighting at the arena, call Phyllis 719-250-5499 $5 Pen, Free with your pen, Free Dry Camping To overnight at Jan and Joe's call Jan 719-947-3945 - limited free hookups and free pens available, call to reserve Tack store onsite for your shopping pleasure! Directions to Arena from I-25: E. on exit 100A La Junta/East R. 36th
Walk A Mile Arena
Walk A Mile Arena Rd.
Avondale, CO 81007
DWPQ October 11, 2009
1 day
Covered Bridge Festival Grand Finale
Second of two days of DWPQ at Winterset Iowa.  Enter at our site,  Camping is $12 for primitive or $14 for electric hookups.  Stalls are $20 per horse for the weekend.  Lots going on, with a parade on Sunday at 2PM.  Shoot start times are 1PM on Saturday and 10AM on Sunday.  Big festival going on in town this weekend, with tons of crafts and food booths downtown in the square both days. 
Madison County Fairgrounds
Front Street
Winterset, IA 50273
DWPQ October 11, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana Mtd Regulators @ Noble County Saddle Club
Contact:     Rick Deckena for more info.  260-839-0101
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
DWPQ October 10, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana Mtd Regulators @ Noble County Saddle Club
Contact :   Rick Deckena for more info.   260-839-0101
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
WPQ October 10, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Parkland Foster Care/Adopt Benefit
Missouri Big Irons team up with Parkland Foster Care/Adopt Agency for a charity benefit shoot. Last year we raise ~$2000 for the Charity.  This low pressure, inexpensive shoot's proceeds will go to the Parkland Foster Care Adoption group to fund Christmas gifts. Please participate in the 50/50 drawing and the auction items to support this outstanding group. $40 entry fee - no payback $10/stage jackpots, noon shooters meeting, Rifle jackpot 2 stages, $30, Limited & Open, No payback. Contact Karah Cain if you would like to make a charitable donation:
Washington County Saddle Club
1234 State Hwy 185
Potosi, MO 63628
GrandAm October 10, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Shootout over the Fifth Ace
Fox Valley Saddle Club
44W300 Rohrsen Rd
Hampshire, IL 60140
State October 10-11, 2009
2 days
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
GA State Championship
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ October 10, 2009
1 day
Covered Bridge Days Shootout
First of two days of double point qualifier shoots at the fairgrounds in Winterset Iowa.  Camping and showers on grounds. Stalls available.  Camping is $14 a night for electric hook ups and $12 for no electric.  Stalls are $20 per horse for the weekend~~~~~ONE horse per stall.  Stalls will need to be cleaned after use and shaving put into the alley.    Start times are at 1PM on Sat and 10AM on Sunday.  There is a big festival going on downtown, lots of crafts and food stands.  With a parade on Sunday at 2PM. 
Madison County Fairgrounds
Front Street
Winterset, IA 50273
DWPQ October 10, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Membership Appreciation Shoot
Free Shoot for Club Members (Applications available on site).  Non-members pay $80 Entry Fee 2X Points All money left in the bank from year will be paid out to members - expect around $2000 payout Optional 3D Jackpot $20 Directions to Arena from I-25: E. on exit 100A La Junta/East R. 36th Lane (Colo 231) and across river to stop sign at Loaf n' Jug L. 4 Miles to the Arena - Arena is on left    
Walk A Mile Arena
Walk A Mile Arena Road
Avondale, CO 81007
DWPQ October 10, 2009
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Road to Helldorado
Go to for more information.  Two DWPQ events in one weekend.  Friday trail ride to Tombstone! 
Tombstone Livery
HWY 82
Tombstone, AZ 85630
State October 10-11, 2009
2 days
Mounted Justice
WI State Championship
WI State Championship will be held at Heartland Stables near Custer, WI. There are two arenas at Heartland, one outside and one inside so weather will not be a problem. There are covered stalls, porta pens and tie-outs are not allowed. There is a campground behind the stalls and electricity is available. Horses are not allowed in the campground. Please go to for more information and to register online.
Heartland Satbles
7510 Deer Road
Custer, WI 54423
WPQ October 10, 2009
1 day
Riverbottom Shooters
61 South Shootout
Shooting 6 Stages @ $95.00 Wranglers @ 25.00 Outdoor arena, please call before you haul. Shooters meeting @ 9:30 Shoot starts @ 10:00.
Paul Lynn Arena
9725 HWY 61 SOUTH
DWPQ October 4, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Sunday Double Points at Clear View Horse Farm
Register on-line before Midnight October 1st and save $10 on adult entry fee.  Indoor covered arena with 50+ stalls available and 25 campsites.  Conession stand will be open both days. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger!  Pappa Joe will also be providing the main course for the dinner Saturday night. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger! 
Clear View Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231
Shelbyville, TN 37160
DWPQ October 4, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Oktoberfest Zinmiamitown
Oktoberfest Zinmiamitown     DWPQ    
Gymkhana Arena
Harrison Ave.
Miamitown, OH 45041
DWPQ October 4, 2009
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Crooked Creek Rendezvous
Crooked Creek Arena
Crooked Creek , Four miles north of Fowler on 26 R
Fowler, KS 67844
WPQ October 4, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Annual Fall Classic II
Annual Fall Classic II  $55 entry fee, circuit payback  Start time 10:00 AM
Hawk Point, MO 63349
DWPQ October 4, 2009
1 day
Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Fall Shoot Out
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Road
Hollis Center, , ME 04005
DWPQ October 4, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
End of the Trail Shoot Out
Need some points to go to WORLD? This will be your last chance in Minnesota! Come join us at Mike and Bonnie Kuka's Bison Meadows Ranch in Maple Plain, MN. We are hosting two double point shoots this weekend, at this location. Come help the MMSA round off a successful shooting season!! We look forward to seeing you there!
Bison Meadows
Co Rd 92
Maple Plain, MN 55359
DWPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Kuka Klan ShootOut
Need some points to go to WORLD? Come join us for the 3rd Annual MMSA "Rounding up the Season" Event!   This weekends event will be held at Mike and Bonnie Kuka's Bison Meadow Ranch in Maple Plain, MN. We will host 4 stages of pistol and 2 stages of Rifle on Saturday and 4 stages of pistol on Sunday. Both pistol matches will be for double points. The match director for this weekend is Kerri Steinbrecher 763-286-5393 Please visit our website for further information and to pre-register
Bison Meadows
4405 Co Rd 92 N
Maple Plain, MN 55359
GrandAm October 3, 2009
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Crooked Creek Rendezvous
Great family fun at the Lee's arena.  Weather pending we will shoot the whole Grand American on October 3.  In case of bad weather it will be finished on October 4. 
Crooked Creek
Four miles north of Fowler on 26 Road
Fowler, KS 67844
WPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Annual Fall Classic
Annual Fall Classic I  WPQ $55 entry fee.  Circuit payback.  . Start time is 12:00 noon . Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2564.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk point, MO 63349
GrandAm October 3-4, 2009
2 days
California Mounted Shooters
Moonshine Shootout
Get more information on our website HERE ---> Arrival on October 2 for weekend event is okay. More in depth information on our website at
Diamond Bar Arena
6055 S. Central Avenue
Ceres, CA 95307
State October 3-4, 2009
2 days
CMSA of Arkansas
Arkansas State Finals
See Arkansas CMSA website for more info.
PO Box 27
Clarksville , AR 72830
DWPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Byers Points for Practice
Quint Valley
Quint Valley
Byers, CO 80103
DWPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Shooting Showdown
Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Contact George Rogers (330)  715-7469
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
WPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Montana's Wild Bunch
Montana Circuit Finals
4 stage CMSA Match Saturday- team jackpot on Sunday Year end cmsa shoot with the Wild Bunch. 4 Stage match on Saturday and handicapped team jackpot on Sunday. $80 main match fee- $10/stage time only. $20/personSunday jackpot -may enter 3x on Sunday. Saturday start at 10 :30am-Sunday at 10. Camping is free- bring your own pens or fence. Pot luck BBQ Saturday after shoot. Questions call Suzy @406-763-4456. Pre- registration appreciated but not necessary.  
Wild Bunch Arena
11770 Gooch Hill Rd
Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730
DWPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Gingham & Guns
Gingham & Guns     DWPQ      
Gymkhana Arena
Harrison Ave.
Miamitown, OH 45041
DWPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Double Points at Clear View Horse Farm
Register on-line before mid-night October 1st and save $10 on adult entry fee. Two stage rifle match on Saturday. Indoor covered arena with 50+ stalls available and 25 campsites.  Conession stand will be open both days. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger!  Pappa Joe will also be providing the main course for the dinner Saturday night. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger! 
Clear View Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231
Shelbyville, TN 37160
DWPQ October 3, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks Shoot
Willow Creek Country Club, 13550 FM 2210 E, Bridgeport, TX. 76426  4 Stages, Balloon Setters Registration 8;30 am to 9:30 am Cost $60.00 Adulst $25. WR Discount of $5.00 if you Pre-Registr Adults onlyMoreinfo go to or call Lou Ciferni at 817-368-0627
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
GrandAm October 3, 2009
1 day
Single Action Mounted Shooting
Las Vegas 9th Annual Pony Express Shootout GrandAm
9th Annual Pony Express Shootout Grand American   The 9th Annual Pony Express Shootout (and Wild West Festival) is our Gala Annual Event Grand American we have been hosting for almost a decade! We shoot 6 main match stages, a Rifle Jackpot, a Shotgun Jackpot, in addition to Mounted Archery Demonstrations, Mounted Police Obstacle demonstrations, K-9 Dog Demonstrations, Mountain Man Cannon fire and Axe and Knife throwing instruction, Wild West Demonstrations, Civil War Military Encampment and skirmish-demonstrations, a sutler row of leather gear, w
Henderson Saddle Association
6490 Wiesner Way
Henderson, NV 89011
State October 2-4, 2009
3 days
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters
Washington State Championship
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters. (EWMS) Oct 3,4 2009 Washington State Championship. Grant County Fairgrounds Moses Lake Washington Triple Point WPQ. For more detail Call  Zane Thackeray 509-782-1619 or e-mail
Ardell Pavilion
3953 Airway Drive NE
Moses Lake, WA 98837
DWPQ October 2, 2009
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Smoking Guns Outlaw Style
Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Contact George Rogers, (330)  715-7469
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ October 2-4, 2009
3 days
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Practice For Points
This is a practice for points event held at Panhandle Peacemakers Mounted Shooting Arena in Sneads, Florida.  Minimum of 10 entries required for DWPQ points.  Friday is move in day, and we will shoot Friday night if we have enough people.  
Panhandle Peacemakers Mounted Shooting Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
State October 2-4, 2009
3 days
Arizona State Championships
October 3rd - 4th   ARIZONA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP- 3X WPQ World Points         Hosted by ACMSA -  
Apache Gold Casino
Hwy 70
Globe, AZ 85550
DWPQ September 27, 2009
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
September Shoot Out
shoot will be 4 stage DWPQ $55 entry ,$15 wranglers  shooters meeting at 9:30 shoot at 10:00. call steve at 816-215-9890
frick arena
12 th & cematery rd.
oak grove, MO 64075
GrandAm September 27, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Custers Grand Am
Williams County Fairgrounds
po box 28
Montpelier, OH 43543
DWPQ September 27-January 1, 1900
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Young Guns Shootout
The Young Guns Shootout will be held in conjuction with the Wrangler Round Up (a day just for the wranglers!) held on Saturday the 26th, please go to our website for more information. We will host 4 stages of pistol and 2 stages of rifle at Tom and Wendy Jone's beautiful arena in Clearwater, MN. The match director for this shoot is Lisa Grimsley 320-493-7493 visit our website for further information and to pre-register
Jone's Ranch
14787 Endicott Ave NW
Clearwater, MN 55320
DWPQ September 27, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Ranger shoot out
Entry Fees $50 points and wins only no pay back. Must stall $20 weekend elec. $30 weekend. Sullivan County 4-H Color Guard will set balloons and clean stalls
Sullivan County 4-H Grounds
Sullivan, IN 47882
DWPQ September 27, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Ambush on Lightner Hill 2
Buckles will be awarded for Overall Cowboy Open, Overall Cowboy Limited  and Overall Cowgirl Open, and Overall Cowgirl Limited, with the best total times of the two days.
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ September 26, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Ambush on Lightner Hill
There will be two days of Double point shoots. Buckles will be awarded for Overall Cowboy Open, Overall Cowboy Limited  and Overall Cowgirl Open, and Overall Cowgirl Limited, with the best total times of the two days.  
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ September 26, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Ranger shoot out
 Entry Fees $50 pionts and wins only no pay back. Must stall $20 for the weekend Bring your own saw dust. Elec. $30 for the weekend Sullivan Gounty Color Guard will set balloons and clean Stalls
Sullivan Gounty 4-H Grounds
E. Washington
Sullivan, IN 47882
DWPQ September 26, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Custers Last Stand II
Williams County Fairgrounds
po box 28
Montpelier, OH 43543
GrandAm September 26-27, 2009
2 days
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Midwest Roper Supply Grand American
MRMS will be hosting the Midwest Roper Supply Grand American Shoot at Frick Park Arena in Oak Grove MO.  This will be a 2 day shoot with 6 stages held on Saturday and 4 stages DWPQ held on Sunday with 25% payback.  Entry fees will be $65.00, wranglers $15.00.  Saturday shooters meeting at 10:30am and match to start at 11:00am, Sunday cowboy church at 8:30am, shooters meeting at 9:30am and match to begin at 10:00am sharp.  For more information  Primitive camping 3 miles from arena, 12 stalls avaliable ,first come first serve, after that portable pens are welcome.  Contact Steve at 816-215-9890
Frick Park Arena
SW 12th & Cemetary Rd
Oak Grove, MO 64075
State September 26-27, 2009
2 days
Alabama CMSA
Alabama State Championship
$500 Added Money. For more information and to register, please go to, or contact Dennis Seales at 205-300-4387, or Sharon Sullivan at 205-412-0684. Beautiful covered arena.  48 RV sites, 96 covered stalls. Online pre-registration requested. This is our only shoot for this year and we would love to have you join us!    
Fayette County Multipurpose Complex
650 McConnell Loop Rd
Fayette, AL 35555
State September 26-27, 2009
2 days
Florida CMSA
2009 Florida State Shoot
Southeastern Arena
2410 Arena Road
Unadilla, GA 31091
State September 26-27, 2009
2 days
1st Virginia CMSA
Virginia State Championship
$$$$$4000.00$$$$$ ADDED MONEY and STILL CLIMBING~ Triple Points~ Competitors receive 2 free passes to Virginia State Fair~ New Faucility, Arena 150X300  Limited entries/stalls, must pre-register, visit for more details~
Meadow Event Park
Caroline County
Doswell, VA 23047
GrandAm September 25-27, 2009
3 days
Lone Pine Rangers
Thunder in the Ochoco's
Grand American, at Lone Pine Rangers Arena, Hwy 26 MP 13.5, Between Prineville and Madras Or. Free camping,  no stalls at arena, portable stalls OK. See our website for more info.
Lone Pine Rangers Arena
515315 Madras Hwy
Prineville, OR 97754
DWPQ September 25, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
2009 State Shoot Warm-up
Southeastern Arena
2410 Arena Road
Unadilla, GA 31091
DWPQ September 25, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Big Irons Duquoin Warm Up
Missouri Big Iron host a warm up DWPQ for the Illinois State Championship, Friday night. 6:30 Shooters meeting, $65 entry fee, 50% circuit payback, $10 jackpots. Friday Roy and Theresa Cox mounted shooting clinic, $65 entry fee. Limited to 20 entries.  Noon til 5:00pm, two stages shot with ammo provided. Saturday; Rifle jackpot 2 stages, $50, Limited & Open, 50% payback.  
Duquoin State Fair Grounds
655 Executive Dr
Duquoin, IL 62832
DWPQ September 25, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Custers Last Stand
Williams County Fairgrounds
po box 28
Montpelier, OH 43543
State September 25-27, 2009
3 days
Illinois Renegades
Illinois State Championship
2009 Illinois State Championships,Illinois State Fairgrounds DuQuoin Illinois,covered arena rain or shine,6 stage state championship,cost $150 for the 2 day event.Fri. Noon - 5pm Roy and Thersa Cox clinic ,cost $75 per rider limited to first 20 entries,2 stages of shooting ammo provided. Fri nite 6:30 shooters mtg.DWPQ warm-up match hosted by Missouri Big Irons 4 stages cost $75 .Sat. noon start w/4 stages.Rifle jackpot following $50 /50% payback ,limited and open class.Sun. 9am cowboy church ,10:30 start  $50 2 stage  Cavalry jackpot 50% payback limited and open class,immediatly  following 2 final stages of main match.Great attendence prizes,concessions on site breakfast- dinner.Stalls available $15/nite.Shavings on site $7.50/bale. Camping next to arena $15/nite .5
Duquoin state fairgrounds
655 executie dr
duquoin, IL 62832
WPQ September 20, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Buzzard's Hangover
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd
Malta, IL 60150
State September 20, 2009
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Kansas State Championship
Kansas State Championships.  Indoor arena.  Coggins and health papers current within last 30 days required. 
Reno County Fairgrounds
2000 N Poplar
Hutchinson, KS 67502
DWPQ September 20, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Grey and the Blue Shootout
This shoot is being held on the Jackson County Fair Grounds during there Pioneer days. The theme this year is the Civil War. Come battle for your side.
Jackson County Fair Grounds
1212 Quarry Street
Maquoketa, IA 52060
DWPQ September 20, 2009
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
Shootin' Before the Rodeo
WPQ, $200 added money, $40 registration, $10 Wranglers, 40% circuit payback, start time 1:00, must be clear of arena by 5:00 for rodeo start.  Part of Syracuse, MO 150-year celebration. Limited to 20 shooters. For more information or in case of rain, contact George Hartman, 660/841-5351 or
Syracuse Arena
204 S. Broadway (hwy. D)
Syracuse, MO 65068
State September 20, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Ct State Championship
Double Nickel Ranch
45 Kelly Lane
Granby, CT 06035
WPQ September 20, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Season's End
Safety Meeting at 8:30 with the shoot beginning at 9 am. Coffee, Hot Tea and Donuts available for the shooters. Consession stand at the match.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood , DE 19950
WPQ September 20, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Shootin' Paradise II
Second 4-stage shoot, see 9/19/09 Shootin' Paradise I.
Paradise Stables
W4368 Long Crossing Road
Rio, WI 53960
DWPQ September 20, 2009
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
"Rawhide Roundup"
DWPQ Shoot  Location: Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio Safety Meeting 9:30 am  Shoot starts at 10:00 am    Cowboy Church on Sunday at 8 am Entry Fees: Adults,Seniors & Juniors $55    Wranglers(Open) $25     Wranglers (Limited) $15 Stalls: $25 for the weekend (shavings included) $5 refund if stall is cleaned out after your done showing Tack Stalls: $15 for the weekend  Lots of parking and camping space   Very limited electric hook ups Pot luck dinner on Saturday evening-    Award for the Best Period Dressed Shooter For more information : 440-474-9801 or 440-858-2869
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds
P.O. Box 447
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Lake Erie Mounted Vaqueros
"Cattle Rustlers Shoot Out"
DWPQ Shoot  Location: Ashtabula County Fairgrounds Jefferson, Ohio Safety Meeting 9:30 am  Shoot starts at 10:00 am    Cowboy Church on Sunday at 8 am Entry Fees: Adults,Seniors & Juniors $55    Wranglers(Open) $25     Wranglers (Limited) $15 Stalls: $25 for the weekend (shavings included) $5 refund if stall is cleaned out after your done showing Tack Stalls: $15 for the weekend  Lots of parking and camping space   Very limited electric hook ups Pot luck dinner on Saturday evening-    Award for the Best Period Dressed Shooter For more information : 440-474-9801 or 440-858-2869      
Ashtabula County Fairgrounds
P.O. Box 447
Jefferson, OH 44047
DWPQ September 19-20, 2009
2 days
Western Washington Mounted Shooters
Western Washington Mounted Shooters NW Classic
Friday Night - Shotgun, Rifle, Eliminator Sat Stages 1-3 Sat. Night Showcase - Wear Red to honor our Troops. Sun. Stages 4-6  
Black Raven Stables
24717 43rd Ave NE
Arlington, WA 98223
DWPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Old Pueblo Peacemakers
Santa Cruz Posse Jackpot Shoot
Double points Jackpot shoot
Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds
Sonoita fairgrounds
Sonoita, AZ 85637
DWPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks Shoot
Brass Tacks Shoot , Willow Creek Country Club, 13550 FM 2210 E, Bridgeport, TX. 76426   Double Points, Balloon Setters Registration 8:30 to 9:30 am First Stage 10:00 am   4 Stages Cost $60 Adults Save $5.00 if you Pre-Registar, $25.00 WR $25.00 Information go or call Lou Ciferni 817-368-0627
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
WPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Shootin' Paradise I
4-stage WPQ at Paradise Stables, Rio, WI, secojnd shoot on Sunday. There are 14 stalls available on first come, first served basis. Check the website for more information.
Paradise Stables
W4368 Long Crossing Road
Rio, WI 53960
State September 19, 2009
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
South Carolina State Championship "Border War"
This is our State Championship shoot. We will have a Trophy/prize for the state that brings a minimum of 4 shooters and has the best average during the shoot. So load up and come defend your State in South Carolinas first ever "BORDER WAR"
Double J Arena
Pendleton, SC 29624
DWPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Oklahoma Outlaws
Meeker Showdown
CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Out door arena, in Meeker, OK. If it isn't hot, the match will start at 1:00 P.M. If the weather is hot ,we will make it a night match, and will start at 7:00 P.M. There are some pens, and they are first come basis, and free of charge. There are a few places to plug in your trailer, and they are also first come basis, and there is a $10.00 fee. You can also bring portable pens, and picket. Lots of parking, and camping.
Meeker Roundup Club Arena
Hwy. 62 E.
Meeker, OK 74855
GrandAm September 19-20, 2009
2 days
Dakota Territory Mounted Shooters
Shootin' in the Dakota Territory/Spirit of the Wes
Registraction due Sept 12 Grand American - Double Point 4 stage Pistol, 2 stage Rifle, and Wrangler Payback and prizes for all levels Contact:  Mike Whitehead  605-261-9766    Kevin Finck  605-321-1101 for entry form & further information    
Spirit of the West
1100 Southeastern Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57103
DWPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Montana Misfits
Roundup 4 Stage
4 Stage fun shoot in Rounup Montana Saterday Sept. 19th 2009.  Shooters meeting  10 AM.   Stalls available for Friday and/or Saturday night.  Stall fee $5 per night.   Entry Fee $85 Come haveFun
Roundup Fair Grounds
116 st west
Roundup , MT 59072
WPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
The Gerald Breeding Memorial Shoot
Safety Meeting at 5:30 with the shoot beginning at 6pm. Consession stand at the match. Campfire after the shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
WPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Practice For Points
Practice for Points (WPQ) 2:00pm CT Panhandle Peacemakers Shooting Arena, 2219 Kilpatrick Lane, Sneads, Florida 32460 Contact: Ed Kilpatrick (850) 272-4936
Panhandle Peacemakers Shooting Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
GrandAm September 19-20, 2009
2 days
California Range Riders
Gold Dust Fever VIII
Diamond Bar Arena
6055 S. Central Ave
Ceres, CA 95307
WPQ September 19, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Buzzard's Banquet
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd
Malta, IL 60150
State September 19-20, 2009
2 days
Indiana Rough Riders
Indiana State Championship
Indiana State Championship.  For more information go to Contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Johnson County Horse Park
Schoolhouse Rd
Edinburg, IN 46124
State September 18, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Indiana State Eliminator
Indiana State Eliminator, 2 stages, 50% of shooters come back for the 2nd stage.  Money pay back.
Johnson County Horse Park
Schoolhouse Rd
Edinburg, IN 46124
State September 18-20, 2009
3 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
The Chisum...New Mexico State Championship
For more information go to    
Bob Crosby Arena
East Brasher Road
Roswell, NM 88201
DWPQ September 13, 2009
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Fall Shoot-out
See Arkansas CMSA website for more info.
PO Box 27
Clarksville , AR 72830
DWPQ September 13, 2009
1 day
Summer Madness
September 13th,   4 stages      (2X WPQ)       Location:  Equestrian Estates Flagastaff, Arizona  Visit for more information
Equestrian Estates
2600 W Kiltie Lane
Flagstaff, AZ 85086
DWPQ September 13, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Blazin' Days II
Blazin' Days II  DWPQ $60 entry fee.  Circuit payback.  . Start time is 10:00 AM . CMSA fee to be donated to construction of the Ben Avery Mounted Shooting Center.  Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2564.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
WPQ September 13, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Never Too Broke to Shoot II
Shoot number two hosted by MMSA at Broken Bit Arena this weekend.  For more information and to pre-register for this event, please go to our website at  The match directors for this shoot are Lisa Grimsley and Brian Wakefield.  Questions?  Contact Lisa at (320) 493-7493 or
Broken Bit Arena
2311 115th Ave
Braham, MN 55006
WPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Never Too Broke To Shoot I
This is the first of two four stage shoots hosted by MMSA at Broken Bit Arena this weekend.  For more information and to pre-register for this event, please go to our website at  The match directors for this shoot are Lisa Grimsley and Brian Wakefield.  Questions?  Contact Lisa at (320) 493-7493 or
Broken Bit Arena
2311 115th Ave
Braham, MN 55006
GrandAm September 12, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Blazin' Days I
Blazin' Days I  Grand American $55 entry fee.  Circuit payback.  4 Buckles to be awarded. Ladies and mens overall, ladies and mens first place limited(classes 1 and 2)  Start time is 12:00 noon . Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2564.  
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
Hawk Point, MO 63349
DWPQ September 12-13, 2009
2 days
Idaho Regulators
Idaho Regualtors Fall Round Up
Stalls and RV sites are available. Contact Kent Spaulding 208-431-4553 to reserve.
Gooding County Fair Grounds
State St
Gooding , ID 83330
DWPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
Summer Madness
September 12th,   4 stages      (2X WPQ)       Location:  Equestrian Estates Flagstaff, Arizona  Visit for more information
Equestrian Estates
2600 W. Kiltie Ln
Flagstaff, AZ 85086
DWPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Fall Round-up
See Arkansas CMSA for more info
PO Box 27
Clarksville , AR 72830
State September 12-13, 2009
2 days
Iowa CMSA Championship Shoot
Run for the Overall Womens and Mens buckles to be awarded.  Also will be other prizes and we try to make sure nobody goes home without a nice prize for this event.  Same location as our shoot the end of May,  COVERED arena, stalls INSIDE a building, rain or shine, this is a great place to come and ride on good footing.  Two sets of showers and flush toilets right by the arena.  Lots of electricial hookups for camping.  Check our website for all the good stuff on this event.  Has been a great place in the past and if you have been there, we are sure you will want to come back.  Call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or Len Abels at 515-360-0809 for more if ya need to.
Central Iowa Fair Arena
1308 East Olive Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
DWPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
POSSE Points for Practice
Greeley, CO 80631
WPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
Shootout at the Fair
Shootout at the Hillsborough County Fair. Unlimited entry.
Hillsborough County 4H Foundation
Hilldale Lane
New Boston, NH 03070
DWPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
Sin City Mounted Shooters
The Aladdin DP-WPQ
Sin City Mounted Shooters Presents the Aladdin WPQ NIGHT SHOOT.  This is a Double Points match beginning at 6pm at Bonnie Springs Ranch, just 20 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. Come see our fantastic mountain venue and play with us! Please call Joel at 702 355-2717 to pre-register for the match, or visit our website for forms and additional details at Dry Camping, Boarding, and Lodg
Bonnie Springs Ranch
1 Gunfighter Lane
Blue Diamond, NV 89004
DWPQ September 12, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shoot Out at Connie's
Four stage match DWPQ, contact Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046
Connie Gills Arena
1945 Heritage Road N.
Limestone , TN 37681
WPQ September 6, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Eagle Trail Shootout II
Second of two shoots at this location - see Eagle Trail Shootout I on Sept 5th.
Pietrek Park Arena
State Road 93
Arcadia, WI 54612
WPQ September 5, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Eagle Trail Shootout I
4-stage WPQ in large outdoor arena (140' X 300'), rough camping, porta pens OK, showers available in park shelter. Check website for more information and to register online.
Pietrek Park Arena
State Road 93
Arcadia, WI 54612
WPQ September 5, 2009
1 day
Single Action Mounted Shooting
Las Vegas SAMS Boulder-City-Still-Too-Hot-Dam
Single Action Mounted Shooting Based in Las Vegas , Nevada , SAMS hosts CMSA World Point Events and Clinics in Las Vegas , Boulder City , and Henderson . We have all the mounted shooting events and practices you could need to boost your game and kick some butt!!!
Boulder City Horsemans Association
1 Corral Rd
Boulder City, NV 89005
GrandAm September 5-6, 2009
2 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Labor Day Shootout
For Information go to    
Bar B Rodeo Co Arena
51 Sioux Trail
Tularosa, NM 88352
GrandAm September 4-6, 2009
3 days
Northwest Mounted Shooters
Farragut State Park Grand American
Farragut State Park Grand American Go to for more information and entry forms.
Farragut State Park Arena
13400 Ranger Road
Athol, ID 83801
DWPQ September 4-5, 2009
2 days
Cowboy Capital Mounted Shooters
Celebrate Bandera
see website at 
Mansfield Park
2886 State Highway 16 N
Bandera, TX 78003
CMSA September 2-6, 2009
5 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Sundowner Eastern US Championship
20 MORE RV SITES ADDED! (Sorry all RV sites have been sold) Don't forget that unpaid pending entries do NOT guarantee RV spots!  If you haven't paid for your entry please call the office ASAP.  Thanks SUNDOWNER Eastern United States Championship - Don't Miss it!
Miller Coliseum
394B West Thompson Lane
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
WPQ September 1, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Grand American at Miller Arena
Come join the Elk River CMSA Outlaws at Miller Arena for our Grand American.  This event is being held at the same location as the Midsouth Regionals and CMSA Eastern Championships and will be held on Tuesday September 1st between the Mid South Regionals and Eastern CMSA Championship. There is a $95 entry fee, 3 stages, no rider limit.  You must pre-register by Sunday August 30th.  Visit our web site at htp:\\ for more information. We will also be giving away a set of K Bar A holsters at the Grand American.  Everyone who competes in the match will be automatically entered into the drawing.
Miller Arena
394B West THompson Lane
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
DWPQ August 30, 2009
1 day
California Range Riders
Faultline War V
Diamond Bar Arena
6055 S. Central Ave
Ceres, CA 95307
DWPQ August 30, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Fun Time Shootin' Day 2
Fun Time Shootin' Day 2 - $55 entry fee. Shooters meeting - 1:30 PM Match begins - 2:00 PM Contact Gene Cockrum - 217-430-4194 or Sue Campbell - 217-242-5696.
Mendon Fairgrounds
PO Box 108
Mendon, IL 62351
WPQ August 30, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Six Shooters at Dawn
Boone County Fairgrounds
8791 SR 76
Belvidere, IL 61008
DWPQ August 30, 2009
1 day
Kansas CMSA
The Beautiful Prairie Rose Day 2
                          Kansas CMSA *** The Beautiful Prairie Rose ***                             Prairie Rose Chuckwagon supper club – Benton, Kansas
Prairie Rose Chuckwagon
15231 SW Parallel St
Benton, KS 67017
DWPQ August 29, 2009
1 day
Kansas CMSA
The Beautiful Prairie Rose
Prairie Rose Chuckwagon
15231 SW Parallel St
Benton, KS 67017
DWPQ August 29, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Fun Time Shootin' Day 1
Fun Time Shootin' Day 1 $55 entry fee. Start time noon.  Contact Gene Cockrum - 217-43-4194 or Sue Campbell 217-242-5696. Check website:
Mendon Fairgrounds
PO Box 108
Mendon, IL 62351
DWPQ August 29, 2009
1 day
California Range Riders
Faultline War IV
Diamond Bar Arena
6055 S. Central Ave
Ceres, CA 95307
State August 29-30, 2009
2 days
North Range Riders
Shoot Out at the Lucky 13 Arena
Two day event.  Sign up  at 11AM to 12:30 PM Saturday , Riders Meeting 12:45 PM both days, Flag Presentation and Start 1PM.  both days.  Award presentation and pot luck supper Sunday following the end of shoot.  Camping and horse holding areas available on site, but call ahead to make arrangements.
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
Regional August 29-30, 2009
2 days
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee SC Regional Championship Miller Coliseum
Tennessee CMSA is proud to host the five stage South Central Regional Championship at Miller Coliseum Saturday and Sunday at Miller Coliseum in Murfreesboro, TN. This event is the weekend prior to the mid-week kickoff to the Eastern US Championship at the same facility. Pre-Entry $125.00 - Entry Day of event $145.00
Miller Coliseum
304B Thompson Lane
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
DWPQ August 29, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks Shoot
Willow Creek Country Club, 1231 CR 4380, Bridgeport, Texas Registration 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm First Stage 6:00 pm, Balloon Setters, Concession Stand Cost $60.00 Pre Register and Adults Save $5.00 Wrangler $25.00 More infor go to or contact Lou Ciferni 817-368-0627
Willow Creek Country Club
1231 CR 4380
Bridgeport, TX 76426
GrandAm August 28-30, 2009
3 days
Oregon Mounted Shooting Association
Molalla Buckeroo Shootout
Three days of fun, shooting with friends at the Molalla Buckeroo.  We will be holding a mixed jackpot Friday night. Saturday will include rifles and shotguns and the Bloecher BBQ dinner to follow.  Sunday we will finish up the weekend with the final two stages and awards. Hope to see you there.  
Molalla Buckeroo
PO Box 601
Molall, OR 97038
DWPQ August 23, 2009
1 day
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
South Texas Bakeoff
2nd Annual Lavaca County Musuem Benefit Enclosed Arena with Big Ass Fans, Concession Stand, Full Service RV Park, Covered Stalls and outside warm-up arena.  RV and Stalls first come first served Visit for additional information
Wilbur Baber Expostition Center
499 County Road 200
Hallettsville, TX 12345
DWPQ August 23, 2009
1 day
Kitsap County Sheriff's Posse
Sheriff's Posse Annual Shoot
Application and flyers available on our website at $65 double point  DWPQ 4 stage shoot. For more information call Bob Battin at 360-830-9510 or email at Dry camping and portable stall available at additional charge.  Buckles to Men's and Ladies 1's, and cash payouts to all other full classes on a 1 for 3 entries.  
Silver Spur Arena
8000 Nels Nelson Road
Bremerton, WA 98311
Regional August 23, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Northeast Regional
First Company Governors Horse Guard
280 Arch Road
Avon, CT 06001
DWPQ August 23, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Practice for Points
Practice For Points, 2:00p.m. CT Contact:  Ed Kilpatrick @ 850-272-4936
Panhandle Peacemakers Shooting Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
DWPQ August 22-23, 2009
2 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Bishop's Golden Bash
Come Help Celebrate Hugh and Jeannie Bishop's 50th Wedding anniverssary with lots of Balloon bustin' Food Fun and Entertainment!   CMSA and NMTCMSA double points shoot, 6 stages over two days Main match $150.00- 50% payback. Eliminator $50.00 (2 Stages) 70% Payback Rifle match $50.00 (2 Stages) 70% Payback for more Information  
Pete V Dominici Arena
12125 Robert Larson Blvd
Las Cruces, NM 88007
State August 22-23, 2009
2 days
California Desperados
California State Championships Pismo Beach
California Desperados Present the California State Championships Pismo Beach Bash Three Day Event- Come enjoy this match and them a ridein the Ocean with your Horses. Check the Desperado website for all the info at or call Joe at 818-519-0921 or Victor 661-478-3522 California State Championships Pismo Beach Bash August 21-22-23, 2009 Pismo Beach Bash-Pacific Dunes RV Park - 6 Stage- WPQ State Championships Triple Points    Buckles for Overall Men and Women. Buckles for Class Winners awards for 2nd & 3rd. CMSA Rules Apply-Period Dress Required Each rider must show 2009 CMSA competition card in
Pacific Dunes Equestrian Ranch
1205 Silver Spur
Oceano, CA 93445
Regional August 22-23, 2009
2 days
Missouri Big Irons
Mid Central Regional Championship
  Missouri Big Irons hosting the Regional Championship at Flickerwood Arena. AJ Horses and Colt have donated a .45 cal Colt Peacekeeper pistol to be awarded to the randomly drawn class winner. One bottle of EQ solution awarded to each class winner.  Entry fee: $125, 50% circuit payback, $10 jackpots 6 stages.  We will start at 10:00am Saturday and 10:00am Sunday. Saturday Rifle jackpot 2 stages, $50, Limited & Open, 40% payback; Sunday, Calvary Class $50, 40% payback.  Added prizes:    Also, videos, earplugs, airsticks, training tapes and many other prizes. 
3027 Larch Lane
Jackson, MO 63755
Regional August 22-23, 2009
2 days
Montana's Wild Bunch
North Mountain Regional Finals
Headwaters Community Fairgrounds
9010 Old Yellowstone Trail
Three Forks, MT 59752
DWPQ August 22, 2009
1 day
Kitsap County Sheriff's Posse
Sheriff's Posse Annual Shoot
For applications and flyer go to our website at more information call Bob Battin at 360-830-9510 or email at $65 double point  DWPQ 4 stage shoot.  Buckles or cash will be awarded to all  full classes. For more information call Bob Battin at 360-830-9510 . > > In addition to a Double point shoot,  buckles to Men and Ladies 1's with payouts in all other full classes with > 1 payout for every 3 entries.    
Silver Spur Arena
8000 Nels Nelson Road
Bremerton, WA 98311
DWPQ August 22-23, 2009
2 days
Double L Bar Shooters
Dog Days of Summer Shootout
Dog Days of Summer Shootout Rifle if enough interest 2 stages $40.00 Sat after lunch break Dinner and Entertainment Saturday night  
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford , NC 27565
DWPQ August 22, 2009
1 day
The Island Long Riders
Summer Showdown
 Travel the dusty summer trail and support New York's Island Long Riders in the Summer Showdown against the other hard ridin' New England clubs. Double Points Match on Saturday at high noon. Roundtuit Ranch 100 Fletcher Road Enfield, CT 06082   For registrations forms and details, email or visit our website at  
Roundtuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Road
Enfield, CT 06082
DWPQ August 22, 2009
1 day
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
Hotter Than Hallettsville
2nd Annual Charity Event benefitting Lavaca County Museum Full Service RV Park, Covered Stalls and Outdoor Warm-Up arena.  First come, first served Enclosed Event Arena with Big Ass Fans For more details, visit
Wilbur Baber Expostitioni Center
499 County Road 200
Hallettsville, TX 12345
State August 21-23, 2009
3 days
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Ohio State Shoot
Ohio State Shoot Circle G Arena, Lewisburg Ohio 8/21 Buckeye Eliminator 8/22 1st 4 stages main match 8/23 Main match stages 5 & 6.  2 Stages Rifle and 2 Stages Cavalry
Circle G
10816 Verona
Lewisburg, OH 45338
Regional August 21-23, 2009
3 days
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
North Central Regionals
The Minnesota Mounted Shooters Assoc is proud to host this years NORTH CENTRAL REGIONALS!! We will have some fun events scheduled for Friday  night, and the shoot will start Saturday with a few stages of pistol  with an eliminator Saturday night. We will finish up on Sunday with the remaining pistol stages and rifle. The contacts for this event are Jason Gray 612-867-0603, and Kerri Steinbrecher 763-286-5393, q
Freeborn County Fair Grounds
1031 Bridge Ave
Albert Lea, MN 56007
DWPQ August 21, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
practice for points
This is a 3 stage event on Friday Afternoon to kick off the regional weekend. Riders will also set the balloons. Rough camping available  Saturday will be a 4 stage match hosted by the Long Island club. Than we will have a Regional match on Sunday held in Avon CT at the First Company Governors Horse Guard.  Will Be a blast of a weekend!
Round tuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Road
Enfield, CT 06082
State August 20-21, 2009
2 days
Montana's Wild Bunch
Montana State Championship
Headwaters Community Fairgrounds
9010 Old Yellowstone Trail
Three Forks, MT 59762
DWPQ August 16-17, 2009
2 days
Missouri Big Irons
Starline Brass Missouri State Fair Pro Championshi
Starline Brass and Missouri Big Irons host the Missouri State Fair Pro Championship Sunday and Monday evenings at the Missouri State Fair with $4,000.00 added money - limited to 75 entries. Come shoot with us in the Matthewson Center Arena in front of 15,000 spectators. $4,000.00 added to the Pro Shoot run in conjunction with the DWPQ, 70% payback to the top 10 men and top 10 women, gender split, limited to 2 horses maximum, must ride the same horse for each stage, $250 per horse pro entry fee.  Circuit Payback 40% for DWPQ classes, $80 entry fee.  Buckles awarded to Overall Cowboy and Cowgirl.  Stalls $30 available Monday, dry camping only in lot D, photos at 4:00pm, shooters meeting at 6:00pm.  Pre-regis
Mathewson Exhibition Center
2503 West 16th Street
Sedalia, MO 65301
WPQ August 16, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Broken Bit II
The second four stage shoot hosted by MMSA at Broken Bit Arena this weekend.  For more information and to pre-register for this event, please go to our website at  The match directors for this shoot are Kevin Gustafson and Dan Roghair.  Questions?  Contact Dan at (763) 286-8914.
Broken Bit Arena
2311 115th Ave
Braham, MN 55006
DWPQ August 16, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Lynchin at Schone's
Lynchin at Schone's is about 15 miles from the New Windsor Shoot on the 15th. Shoot at the New Windsor Rodeo on Saturday and convoy to the Lynchin for the 16th.
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan , IL 61264
GrandAm August 16, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Dog Days of Summer Shoot Out
Start time 10:00AM $65 shoot fees
Putnam Co 4-H Fair Grounds
191 N US Hwy 231
Greencastle, IN 46135
WPQ August 16, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Morning After
Safety Meeting at 8:30 with the shoot beginning at 9 am. Coffee, Hot Tea and Donuts available for the shooters. Consession stand at the match.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ August 16, 2009
1 day
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
Louisiana-Texas Border War
3 Stage Sunday Match.   Starts 9:00 a.m.    Entry $65 adult, $25 Wrangler.   CMSA 40% Circuit Payback Stalls and RV hookups are reserved through Blazin Cajun Club which is hosting LA State Match on Saturday.  Contact Charles Haddad 337.319.1359 for stalls and RV sites
Beauregard Parish Civic Center
5515 Highway 190 W
Deridder, LA 12345
DWPQ August 16, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin Sunday
Registration starts at noon, shootin starts at 1:00.  Bring your begginers and training horses, we'll get you started. Contact Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
State August 16, 2009
1 day
The Island Long Riders
New York State Championship
New York gets up and running with an exciting State Championship match. Hosted at Old Bethpage Village Restoration, we will be competing right in the middle of  a 19th Century Living History Museum! Don't be afraid of the traffic... we are conveniently located in eastern Nassau County, Long Island. No need to drive through the city! Easy access from points north and south. A short ride from New England, PA, NJ, DE, MD... just 1/2 mile off the expressway. Come join us in New York for our inaugural shoot - it is going to be a blast! visit for more information or email me at En
Old Bethpage Village Restoration
1303 Round Swamp Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
DWPQ August 15, 2009
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
One Day Shoot Out
Join us for a One day Shootout. Low entry fees, points only, If it rains we will move the event to The Double J Arena in Pendelton SC.
Triple Oaks Arena
501 Tripp st.
Williamston, SC 29697
State August 15, 2009
1 day
The Cajun Posse Mounted Shooters
Louisiana State Championships
$95 for main match. Wranglers $25. Special rate for famiies of 3 or more entries $90 each and $25 for Wranglers. Arena available Friday until 9 p.m.
Beauregard Parish Arena
5515 Highway 190 W
DeRidder, LA 70657
WPQ August 15, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Running Down Soot Out
One day event  Sign-up and 1st time rider pe-qualification 11AM to 12:30PM Riders meeting 12:45 PM Flag presentation and start 1 PM
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
GrandAm August 15, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
The Day of the Dog Shoot Out
Grand AM in conjunction with Illiana Ranger's Grand Am on August 16 contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Putnam County 4-H Fairgrounds
191 N US HWY 231
Greencastle, IN 46135
DWPQ August 15, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Lynchen at Schone's Day One
Shoot the New Windsor Rodeo on Saturday and travel 15 miles to Schone's Friendship Farm and shoot another double point shoot on Sunday.
Schone's Frienship Farms
15711 13th Street
Milan, IL 00000
WPQ August 15, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Broken Bit I
This is the first of two four stage shoots hosted by MMSA at Broken Bit Arena this weekend.  For more information and to pre-register for this event, please go to our website at  The match directors for this shoot are Kevin Gustafson and Dan Roghair.  Questions?  Contact Dan at (763) 286-8914.
Broken Bit Arena
2311 115th Ave
Braham, MN 55006
State August 15-16, 2009
2 days
Custer's Cowboys
Michigan Championships
R/C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd.
Elsie, 23 48831
DWPQ August 14, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
R/C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd
Elsie, MI 48831
DWPQ August 14, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Dog days of Summer shot out
3 stage points only Friday night shoot First shot at 8:30PM $45
Putnam County 4-h Fair Grounds
191N U.S. Highway 231
Greencastle , IN 46135
WPQ August 10, 2009
1 day
Swedish Mounted Shooters
Swedish Nationals
International WPQ Match -  "Swedish Nationals" Held in conjunction with the Ranch Team Challenge competition that promotes all-around ranch horses and team work. Arena situated adjacent to High Chaparral western theme park. Expecting spectators in the thousands. Camping and Outdoor horse pens are free of charge for competitors. 2 stages per day. Saturday evening fiesta in the Mexican Village. E-mail Contact:  More details found at:
High Chaparral Arena
Box 56
Hillerstorp, SE 33033
DWPQ August 9, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA Hyder Burks Pavillion Cookeville
Tenn CMSA at Hyder Burk Pavillion in Cookeville, TN. DWPQ Saturday and Sunday. Indoor climate controlled arena and attached barn. Books close Sat morn at 8:30. Pre-registration encouraged at Shooters meeting at 9:00 am Saturday. Shoot begins at 10:00 am on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday
Hyder Burks Agricultural Pavillion
2390 Gainesboro Grade
Cookeville, TN 38501
WPQ August 9, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Thunder Ridge Shootout II
4 stage with 2 stage rifle. 10:00 am start, registration 9:00 - 10:00.
Thunder Ridge Arena
7878 State Road33
Potosi, WI 53820
GrandAm August 9, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
Grand American
Silver Sands Bridle CLub
625 Tomoka Farms Road
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
DWPQ August 8, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
FCMSA August Blowout
SIlver Sands Bridle Club
625 Tomoka Farms Road
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
DWPQ August 8, 2009
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Carlsbad Classic
Our first shoot in Carlsbad, NM We'll shoot 4 stages at night under the lights on Saturday For more information go to
Eddy County Arena
RT 375
Carlsbad, NM 88220
WPQ August 8, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Outlaw Dirt Nap
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ August 8-9, 2009
2 days
Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Maine Double Grand American w/ Maine & NH
This is a back to back Grand American with Maine and New Hampshire.  Event to be held at the Hollis Equestrian Park in Hollis Maine... Directions to the park can be found on Maine's web page. Contact Bill Ledoux for more information.
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Road
Hollis Center, ME 04005
WPQ August 8, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Thunder Ridge Shootout I
4 stage WPQ with 2 stage rifle to follow. Nice outdoor arena. See 08/09/2009 for second shoot at this location. 12:00 start, registration from 10:00 - 11:00. See for more details.
Thunder Ridge Arena
7878 State Road 133
Potosi, WI 53820
DWPQ August 8, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA Hyder Burks Pavillion Cookeville
Tenn CMSA at Hyder Burk Pavillion in Cookeville, TN. DWPQ Saturday and Sunday. Indoor climate controlled arena and attached barn. Books close Sat morn at 8:30. Pre-registration encouraged at Shooters meeting at 9:00 am Saturday. Shoot begins at 10:00 am on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday
Hyder Burks Agricultural Pavillion
2390 Gainesboro Grade
Cookeville, TN 38501
GrandAm August 8-9, 2009
2 days
Dakota Running Irons
Fur Trader Days
Added Money! Grand American Buckles & Prizes - For more Information and Entry Form visit our web site:
Geddes Horsemans Arena
West 6th Street
Geddes, SD 57342
GrandAm August 8, 2009
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
Shootout in Hollis, Maine
This will be a back to back with the Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters Grand American on Sunday Aug. 9.
Hollis Equestrian Park
123 New County Rd.
Hollis , ME 04042
Regional August 8-9, 2009
2 days
North Carolina CMSA
Mid Atlantic Championship
Davis Arena
1301 Fanning Bridge Road
Fletcher, NC 28732
State August 8-9, 2009
2 days
Riverbottom Shooters
Mississippi State Shoot
4 Stages on Saturday & 2 on Sunday Entry fee will be $100.00 Wranglers $25.00 Covered Arena, Plenty of RV Hookups and Stalls Shooters Meeting @ 9:30 Match Starts @ 10:00 Limited to 35 Riders Buckles for overall mens and ladies  
Lauderdale County Agri Center
1022 Hwy 19 South
Meridian, MS 39301
GrandAm August 7, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
St. Francois County Fair Grand American
The Missouri Big Irons have rescheduled our Grand American due to Rain.  Friday night at the St. Francois County Fair Arena, shooters meeting at 6:30pm, shoot at 7:00pm.  Entry fee $65  Two buckles awarded to Overall Cowboy and Overall Cowgirl.  For more information contact Gary Miller at 573-760-6022.
St Francois County Arena
1234 Outer Rd.
Leadington, MO 63640
CMSA August 6-9, 2009
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Western US Championship
Western US Championship at the Idaho Horse Park  - Don't Delay!! NOTICE - Randy & Heidi and the Gunn Point Band will be conducting Cowboy Church at the Western!  If you haven't had the opportunity see them - Sign up NOW!  If you have any problems logging into the new system- just call 888-960-0003 and we'll do our best to help you through it.  If the CMSA doe
Idaho Horse Park
16114 Can-Ada Rd, Ste 2
Nampa, ID 83687
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Byers Points for Practice
Quint Valley
Quint Valley
Byers, CO 80103
GrandAm August 2, 2009
1 day
Idaho Regulators
Warm Up For Western Day 2
Second Stage Rifle. Stalls and RV sites.
Cassia County Fair Grounds
Overland Ave
Burely, ID 83318
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
Osage Outlaw Roundup, Day two
Second Day of the two days of 4 stages per day double point qualifier events at the Calhoun County Fair, in Osage, Iowa.  Nice sandy arena, camping available at the edge of town, tie outs and or portable pens allowed.  Camping fees are nominal, we camped there last year, nice bath house with showers too for a nominal fee.  We will keep entry fees as low as possible for this event.  Look at our website  or call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or Len Abels at 515-360-0809 for more on this event.
Calhoun Country Fairground arena
10th & Chestnut Street
Osage, IA 50461
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
PeachState- Six Gun Shoot Out
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Sweat'n Bullets
Double Point match Contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
E. SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
It's a Hoot Summer Shoot
SoCalCMSA Inaugural “It’s a Hoot Summer Shoot!” George Ingalls Equestrian Arena, Norco CA 1 Day Shoot $100 Entry Fee
Morena arena at George Ingalls Park
3737 Crestview Avenue
Norco, CA 92860
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Rugged Range Shoot Out Sunday
    Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot will be held at Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Friday night is a Fun Shoot starting with the safety meeting at 7:30 p.m.; shoot at 8:00 p.m.      Saturday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages, plus 2 stages of exhibition on Saturday with a limited number of horses and there will be 2 stages of rifle on Saturday. Saturday night is known for a great potluck and sitting aro
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ August 2, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Mayatex Blanket Shoot
Mayatex Blanket Shoot Adults $75.00, WR$30.00 Blankets for every Class full or not Overall Men, Overall Women, WR Limted and WR Open Stall $20.00, RV Hook ups $20.00 Enclosed Arena and Covered Stalls, Concession Stand, Restrooms with Showers Balloon Setters See web site for more details  
Young County Arena
120 Barcaly Pl
Graham, TX 76450
DWPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Shootin' For The Cure
Neoroblastoma Cancer Shoot Indoor Arena Young County Arena, Graham Texas, Covered Stalls, Balloon Setters Entry Fee $75.00Adults, $ 30.00 Wranglers, Stalls $20.00.Hookups $20.00 First Come First Served 40% Circuit Payback Silent Auction, Cocession, Restrooms with Showers
Young County Arena
120 Barclay Pl.
Graham, TX 76450
DWPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Wyoming Rough Riders
Soldier's Ghost Shoot
1 Day 4 stage double point shoot in historic beautiful Fort Robinson, Nebraksa.  Fort Robinson has lots of trail riding available, museums to tour and lots of history as this is an old remount calvary station.  Fort Robinson was the site of the death of Chief Crazy Horse.  Lots of fun and of course it's beautiful with large bluffs and ridges and pine trees.  There is a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. There's even a swiming pool to cool off in when your all done riding.  Camping and stall reservation available through Fort Robinson State Park, must purchase park pass for the duration.  Call Fort Robinson at (308)664-2900 for your camping, stalls, park pass and other information.  Visit their website at
Fort Robinson
3200 Highway 20 - PO Box 392
Crawford, NE 69339
WPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Summer Sundown Shootout - practice for points
This is a practice for points event, low entry, no payback, no balloon setters.  Camping available at the arena, no electricity or drinking water.  For information call Greg Lund 218-584-8685 or Wayne Gwin 218-584-5577.
Twin Valley Riders Arena
County Road 29 East
Twin Valley, MN 56584
DWPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Sweat'n Bullets
Double Point Match Contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
E. SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Idaho Regulators
Warm Up for the Western
First Stage of the Rifle. Added money to the LEVER rifle. RV and Stalls Dinner 7:00pm Warm Up for the Western Ben Avery Shoot    
Cassia County Fair Grounds
Overland Ave
Burley, ID 83318
DWPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Osage Outlaw Roundup
Double Point event at the Calhoun County Fairgrounds in Osage, Iowa.  Nice sandy arena that still runs very good when wet.  Camping available about a mile away from arena on edge of town at county park, tie outs and portable pens are allowed at this campground.   This is the first of a two day event.  Entry cost will be kept as low as possible.  Look on our club's website,  to see more about all of our events.  Call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or Len Abels at 515-360-0809 for more about this event.
Calhoun County Fairgrounds
10th & Chestnut Street
Osage, IA 50461
DWPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
PeachState- Dog Daze
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ August 1-2, 2009
2 days
California Range Riders
Hangman"s Noose VII
Hangman"s Noose VII   Driscoll Coastside Rodeo Arena   CMSA WPQ 2x $110 entry + optional Jackpot, rifle, shotgun, extreme cowboy challenge 
Driscoll Coastside Rodeo Arena
5640 La Honda Road (Hwy 84)
La Honda, CA 94020
WPQ August 1, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
The good the bad and the ugly shoot
One day event  Sign-up and 1st time rider pe-qualification 11AM to 12:30PM Riders meeting 12:45 PM Flag presentation and start 1 PM
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ July 31, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Friday Night Stampeed
3 Stage Double Point Match.  $40.00 entry fee.  Points only.
Rushville Horse Park
East SR 44
Rushvillei, IN 46173
DWPQ July 31-August 2, 2009
3 days
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Rugged Range Shoot Out
Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot will be held at Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Friday night is a Fun Shoot starting with the safety meeting at 7:30 p.m.; shoot at 8:00 p.m.      Saturday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages, plus 2 stages of exhibition on Saturday with a limited number of horses and there will be 2 stages of rifle on Saturday. Saturday night is known for a great potluck and sitting around the fire.   Sunday, Cowboy Church will be at 8:00 a.m.   Sunday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m. There will be 4 stages. There will be no rifle or e
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ July 29, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Salida Rodeo Shootout
Come shoot in the Banana Belt in Beautiful Salida, CO.  This is being sponsored by the Salida Rodeo and we hope to have a nice crowd!  This is a great opportunity to showcase mounted shooting and get some new interest in our sport!  Contact Pat Gurule for more information:  719-251-4177
Salida Rodeo Grounds
347 Matt Drive
Salida, CO 81007
DWPQ July 26, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Sunday Shootout
Practice for points, local club match.  Starts at 4 pm CDT.  Refreshments served afterwards.
Panhandle Peacemakers Arena and Sport Shooting Range
2219 kilpatrick lane
sneads, FL 32460
DWPQ July 26, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
'Fair Time Shoot'
DP WPQ 40% Circuit Payback   Clark County A & M Fair, Kahoka MO gave $1000 added money.  2 stages will be jackpot stages at $10 each stage (which is optional).  Match cost - $55.00.  Location of shoot is Clark County A & M Fair grounds, Kahoka MO  63445.  Gate admission is $10 per person - children under 12 free.  Please call for weather conditions. Contact person:  Gene Cockrum - 217-430-4194 Sue Campbell - 217 242-5696
Clark County A & M Fair
Business Hwy 136
Kahoka, MO 63445
DWPQ July 26, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Shootout III
Williams County Fairgrounds
po box 28
Montpelier, OH 43543
State July 26, 2009
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
New Hampshire State Championship
There is no limit on the number of entries.
Furnace Brook Farm
158 Appleton Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03071
DWPQ July 26, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Summer Shoot Out II
Summer Shoot Out starts at 10:00am, entre at 9:00pm.  Entre fee is $75, 3D jackpots, circuit paybacks.   Bring your training horses and begginers!  Contact Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046, website for additonal information.
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
DWPQ July 25-26, 2009
2 days
Lone Star Regulators
Day Of The Cowboy
A 5 stage match in the beautiful air conditioned Somervell County Expo Center in Glen Rose,Texas. Sponsored by Stephenville Trailers and truck accessories and the Glen Rose Convention & Visitors Bureau.         There will be 3 stages Saturday and 2 stages Sunday. Also a Saturday Night Showcase.There will be a 2 stage Eliminator with the 1st stage being run after the 3rd stage of the Main Match.The top 10 women and top 10 men will come back for the showcase. There will be a 2 stage Rifle Match with both stages being run Saturday Night. The top 10 will run the 2nd stage. Also,  a 1 stage Cavalry Demo (or Jackpot) will be run. Sugar Ray Quinn will be announcing. There will be Overall Buckles.The Main Match will cost $100.00. The Eliminator w
Somervell County Expo Center
202 Bo Gibbs Drive
Glen Rose, TX 76043
DWPQ July 25, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Summer Shoot Out I
Summer Shoot Out starts at 10:00am, entre at 9:00pm.  Entre fee is $75, 3D jackpots, circuit paybacks.   Bring your training horses and begginers!  Contact Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046, website for additonal information.
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
Knob Park Rd.
Bristol, TN 37620
Regional July 25-26, 2009
2 days
Washington State Mounted Shooters
North Pacific Regional Championship
$$$$$$$ADDED MONEY$$$$$$$ visit for full schedule of events and registration details. 
Klickitat County Fairgrounds
903 Fairgrounds Road
Goldendale, WA 98063
DWPQ July 25-26, 2009
2 days
Dakota Running Irons
Desporado Days
$1000. Plus Added Money! 5 Buckles - Double Points - For more Information and Entry Form visit our web site:
Horsemans Arena
SD Hwy 45
Kimball, SD 57355
DWPQ July 25, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Shootout II
Wayne County Fairgrounds
P.O. Box 28
Montpeleir, OH 43543
DWPQ July 25, 2009
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
MRMS July Shoot
DWPQ shoot to be held at Frick Park Arena in Oak Grove MO.  This will be a 4 stage match, entry fee $55.00, wranglers $15.00, 2 stage jackpot at  $10.00 per stage.  Shooters meeting at 10:30am and shoot to begin at 11:00am.  Directions to the arena:  I-70 to exit 28 (Oak Grove) go south to 4 way lights, turn west on 12th street go 1 1/2 miles arena is on left.  Any questions call Steve at 816-215-9890.
Frick Park Arena
SW 12th & Cemetary Rd
Oak Grove, MO 64075
DWPQ July 25, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Arapahoe County Points for Practice
Arapahoe County Fairgrounds
Quincy Ave
Aurora, CO 80015
WPQ July 25, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Traveling Guns Shoot Out
One day event  Sign-up and 1st time rider pe-qualification 11AM to 12:30PM Riders meeting 12:45 PM Flag presentation and start 1 PM
Deltana Fairgrounds Arena
Nistler Street
Delta Junction, AK 99737
WPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Balloon Blowout
Safety Meeting at 8:30 with the shoot to start at 9 am. Coffee, Hot Tea and donuts available for the shooters. Consession stand at the match.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood , DE 19950
DWPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Deitrich Excavating Shoot
Visit for more information
Leadville Fairgrounds
Leadville, CO 80118
DWPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Sunset Showdown
Sunset Showdown   WPQ $55 entry fee.  Circuit payback.  . Start time is 10:00 AM . Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2564.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
WPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Points only set your own balloons $40  Jim#812-890-4326 Steve #812-236-2361
Gray Acres Ranch
Fountintown, IN 46130
DWPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Dust Bowl Shoot Out
Double Point match Contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
E. SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Big Valley Shoot-Out
Registration ends Sun. promptly @ 8:00 AM. Safety meeting 9 AM match starts 9:30 AM.  DOULBE POINTS.  Ariive early on Friday for team penning/sorting event. Cavarly held right before main match, and Rifle held immediately after main match on Sat. Covered arena 120x240; Limited number of stalls & RV hook-ups; Dogs must be on leash at all times; Neg. Coggins REQUIRED~ Ammo Producer:  Whithouse; Registration Form located under "Club & Events Docs. on club web site ~
Calf pasture Farm
4764 Yanceyville Rd.
Lousia, VA 23093
DWPQ July 19, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA Hyder-Burks Pavillion Cookeville
Tenn CMSA at Hyder Burks Pavillion in Cookeville, TN. DWPQ Saturday and Sunday. Indoor climate controlled arena and attached barn. Books close Sat morn at 8:30. Pre-registration encouraged at Shooters meeting at 9:00 am Saturday. Shoot begins a 9:00 am Sunday
Hyder-Burk Agriculltural Complex
2390 Gainseboro Grade
Cookeville, TN 38501
DWPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA Cookeville Sat
Tenn CMSA at Hyder Burke Pavillion in Cookeville, TN. DWPQ Saturday and Sunday. Indoor climate controlled arena and attached barn. Books close Sat morn at 8:30. Pre-registration encouraged at Shooters meeting at 9:00 am Saturday.
Hyder-Burkes Agricultural Pavillion
2390 Gainesboro Grade
Cookeville, TN 38501
DWPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Firecracker Shoot "em Up
Registration ends Sat. promptly @ 8:00 AM. Safety meeting 9 AM match starts 9:30 AM.  DOULBE POINTS.  Ariive early on Friday for team penning/sorting event. Cavarly held right before main match, and Rifle held immediately after main match on Sat. Covered arena 120x240; Limited number of stalls & RV hook-ups; Dogs must be on leash at all times; Neg. Coggins REQUIRED~ Ammo Producer:  Whithouse; Registration Form located under "Club & Events Docs. on club web site ~  
Calf Pasture Farm
4764 Yanceyville Rd.
Louisa, VA 23093
State July 18-19, 2009
2 days
Dakota Territory Mounted Shooters
South Dakota State Shoot
Registration due July 11 6 stage Pistol, 2 stage Rifle, and Wrangler Payback and prizes for pistol and rifle Contact:  Mike Whitehead 605-2619766      Kevin Finck 605-321-1101 for entry form and further information
Whitehead Arena
28052 465th Ave.
Lennox, SD 57039
GrandAm July 18-19, 2009
2 days
Powder River Pistoleros
Shootout in the Blue Mtns.
4th annual "SHOOTOUT in the Blue Mountains" 4 stage Sat. 2 Sun. GRAND AMERICAN!   Pay backs and Prizes! Rib Eye Steak dinner Sat night. Randy Gunn Cowboy Church Sun. Morn.  Fantastic Arena - FREE CAMPING & Horse Pens! Shoping near by.  Fun Time for all!   Call Rick Hagen for more info. 541-910-7784
Elgin Stampede Grounds
Hwy 82
Elgin, OR 97823
WPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
One Day Shoot Out
Join us for a One Day Shootout. Low entry fees, Points only. If it rains the event will move to The Double J Arena in Pendleton SC.
Triple Oaks Arena
501 Tripp st.
Williamston, SC 29697
WPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Points only set your own balloons $40 Illiana Ranger , Jim 812-890-4326, Steve 812-236-2361
Gray Acers Ranch
Fountintown, IN 46130
DWPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Dust Bowl Shoot Out
Double Point match Contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
E. SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Pike County Fair Grand Am
Pike County Fair Grand Am - Pleasant Hill IL w/ $500 added money. Start time - 11:00 AM.  Contact Gene Cockrum - 217-430-4194 or Sue Campbell - 217-242-5696.
Pike County Fairgrounds
PO Box
Pleasant Hill, IL 62366
State July 18, 2009
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Shootin at the bad guys
"Shootin at the bad guys"
Bridge Meadowbrook Farm
137 Westford Rd
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
DWPQ July 18-19, 2009
2 days
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Bison Meadows Shootout
2009 Bison Meadows Shootout - Six Stage Double Point Shoot hosted by the Kuka's.  Click here for more information. This year we are very excited to be having a Dare to Dream Shootout with NARHA Ambassador Nevada Joe and Project Astride on Friday July 17th! If you are interested in helping out with this event contact Jessie at 612-599-2002.
Bison Meadows
4405 County Rd 92
Maple Plain, MN 55359
WPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Shoot at Sunset
Safety Meeting at 5:30 with the shoot beginning at 6pm. Consession stand at the match. Campfire after the shoot. Part of a 2 day shoot weekend. Part of a 2 day shoot weekend.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood , DE 19950
GrandAm July 18, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Fire in the Hole Grand American Shoot
Visit for more information
Leadville Fairgrounds
Leadville, CO 80118
WPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Golden Days Shoot Out
One day event  Sign-up and 1st time rider pe-qualification 11AM to 12:30PM Riders meeting 12:45 PM Flag presentation and start 1 PM
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Rd
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
Northeast Alabama Rough Riders
Shoot out King Gap Mtn
Safety meeting at 9:00am     contacts Steve Bullard 256 996 2471  Richard Tumlin 256 516 2355
King Gap Mtn Arena
90 King Gap Mtn RD
Peidmont, , AL 36272
DWPQ July 18, 2009
1 day
Northeast Alabama Rough Riders
King Gap Shoot Out
King Gap
90 King Gap Mtn. Rd.
Piedmont, AL 36272
DWPQ July 17, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
Bullets at Dusk
3 Stage Double Point Match.  $40.00 entry fee.
Rushville Horse Park
East SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ July 17, 2009
1 day
Powder River Pistoleros
Shoot Out in the Blue Mountains
1 Day D.P.W.Q. 3 stage match-Start time 2:00 pm July 17, 2009. in conjuction with the 2 day Grand American held in Elgin ) Or.
Elgin Stampede Rodeo Grounds
Hwy 82
Elgin, OR 97832
DWPQ July 15, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Hancock County Fair Shoot
Hancock County Fair at Augusta IL fairgrounds - $55 entry fee w/ $750 added money.  Start time 6:30 PM.  Contact Gene Cockrum - 217-430-4194 or Sue Campbell - 217-242-5696.
Augusta Fairgrounds
PO Box
Mendon, IL 62351
DWPQ July 12, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Lewis County Fair Shoot
Lewis County Fair CMSA Shoot $55 entry fee w/ $500 added money  
Lewistown Fairgrounds
PO Box
Lewistown, MO 63452
DWPQ July 12, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
Summer Shootout
Silver Sands Bridle Club
625 Tomoka Farms Road
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
WPQ July 12, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Summer Sizzler
Double Nickel Ranch
45 Kelly Lane
Granby, CT 06035
WPQ July 12, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Renegades in Rodeo City - II
Manawa Rodeo Grounds
Cty road B
Manawa, WI 54949
DWPQ July 12, 2009
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Northen Prairie Shootout II
This is the second day of two double point events.  Camping available at the arena, no electricity or drinking water.  For information call Greg Lund 218-584-8685 or Wayne Gwin 218-584-5577.
Twin Valley Riders Arena
County Road 29 East
Twin Valley, MN 56584
DWPQ July 12, 2009
1 day
Double L Bar Shooters
First Annual Club Shootemup!
First annual Club Shootoutemup! July 11 and 12th 2009. Two days of shooting with NCCMSA and Double L Bar Shooters. Can the fledgling Double L Bar Shooters stand ut to the seasoned veterans of NCCMSA. Comon down 'N help us out.. RV hookups on first come first serve.Reservations for stalls needed.
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
DWPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Northern Prairie Shootout I
This is the first day of two double point events.  4 stage rifle.  Camping available at the arena; no electricity or drinking water.   For incormation call Greg Lund 218-584-8685 or Wayne Gwin 218-584-5577.
Twin Valley Riders Arena
County Road 29 East
Twin Valley, MN 56584
WPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Renegades in Rodeo City I
Renegades in Rodeo City I
Manawa Rodeo Grounds
River Road and Cty Hwy B
Manawa, WI 54949
State July 11-12, 2009
2 days
Oklahoma Outlaws
Oklahoma State Finals
Grady County Fairgrounds
808 E. Choctaw Ave.
Chickasha, OK 73018
GrandAm July 11-12, 2009
2 days
Montana Misfits
Roundup Where Cowboys Ride-N-Shoot
Six  Stage Grand American    Two day shoot. Entry fee $125 Stalls $10 for the weekend No host supper on Saterday evening  
Roundup Fairgrounds
#1 4H Road
Roundup , MT 59072
DWPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
North Carolina CMSA
July Balloon Melt Down
Shoot will be held at Wild winds Farm , 1626 Enon Road Oxford NC, There web site is Wild Winds This will be a 2 day shoot. The NC CMSA Will host the Saturday Shoot and help to kick off the first ever shoot hosted by the Double L Bar Shooters. Excelent indoor arena in the quiet setting of Oxford NC. Arena is 240 X 120. There web site states 200 long but owner is moving the end to make it 240. Footing is great as well as the owner. She really wants to see this sport grow in the area and is willing to accomadate.  
To be determined
Wherever she is
Monroe, NC 01182
DWPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
Summer Sizzler
Silver Sands Bridle CLub
625 Tomka Farms Road
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
DWPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Kiowa Points for Practice
Kiowa Fairgrounds
Kiowa, CO 80117
DWPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
Gunsmoke in Schuyler County
Nice outdoor arena with good footing.  Located in small rural town.  Electric hookups and restrooms.  Bring corrals/tie outs.  DWPQ with $55 entry fee and 50% circuit payback.  Start time of 10:00am. In case on inclement weather contact Carl Watson at 660/627-5857 or George Hartman at 660/841-5351. Sunday shoot down the road in Lewistown at Lewis County Fair sponsored by Broken Spoke Mounted Posse of Mendon, IL.
Coffey Ropers Arena
Downing City Park
Downing, MO 63501
DWPQ July 11, 2009
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Johnson County Fair Shoot Out
DWPQ:  Match will be a 4 stage match, shooters meeting at 6:30pm with match begining at 7:00pm.  Entry fees $55.00, Wranglers $15.00 with 2 stage jackpot $10.00 each.  Arena located 2 miles west of Warrensburg, MO on north side of 50Hwy just west of airport.  For more information contact Steve Butler @ 816-215-9890.
Johnson County Fair Grounds
386 NW 145th
Warrensburg, MO 64093
DWPQ July 10, 2009
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
Sullivan County Showdown - $500 added money
Evening shoot at Sullivan County Fair. County fairgrounds in town of Milan.  Start time 7:00 pm.  Large outdoor arena and expect a crowd of 150 to 200 spectators.  DWPQ entry fee $55  with $500 added money and 50% circuit payback.  Limited electric hookups;bring generators and corrals/tie outs.  Restroom facilities available. First shoot of a Northeast Missouri shooting weekend.  Saturday shoot in Downing sponsored by Show Me Shooters and Sunday Lewis County fair (Lewistown) shoot sponsored by Broken Spoke Mounted Posse. In case of inclement weather contact Carl Watson (660/627-5857) or George Hartman (660/841-5351).
Sullivan County Fairgrounds Arena
600 Spring St
Milan, MO 63556
Regional July 10-12, 2009
3 days
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Midwest Regional
The Midwest Regional at Circle G Arena, Lewisburg, OH July 10  Eliminator July 11 - Main Match July 12 - Main Match, 2 stages Rifle, 2 stages cavalry
Circle G
10816 Verona
Lewisburg, OH 45338
DWPQ July 5, 2009
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Ohio / Michigan Border War Fireworks Sunday
Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot will be held at Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Sunday, Cowboy Church will be at 8:30 a.m.   Sunday shoot will start with safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m. There will be 4 stages.  
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ July 5, 2009
1 day
Dakota Territory Mounted Shooters
He Paid Your Fees
No Entry Fees $3000 plus added money Registration due by June 29 Must attend church on grounds to shoot Limit 50 Entries Camping available =Contact Larry Fossum @ 605-351-1453 Contact: Mike Whitehead 605-261-9766   Kevin Finck 605-321-1101 www.daktms.coms for entry form & further information
Horse Haven Arena
46089 263rd Ave.
Hartford, SD 57033
WPQ July 5, 2009
1 day
Western Washington Mounted Shooters
Practice for Points
Practice for Points At CAP Farms Arena, 33319 Mann Rd. Sultan WA. 98294 Entry Fees: Adults, Seniors, Junior $40------Wrangler $15----------time only $15
CAP Farms Arena
33319 Mann Rd.
Sultan, WA 98294
DWPQ July 5, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Star Spangled Shootout
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan, IL 61264
DWPQ July 5, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Colorado/New Mexico Border Wars
Visit for more information Event follows New Mexico/Colorado Border Wars on 7/4/09
Springer Arena
Springer, NM 80118
GrandAm July 5, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
PeachState- Southern Pride Grand American
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ July 4, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
PeachState- Red, White, and Blue
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
DWPQ July 4, 2009
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
NMTCMS - Colorado Mounted Thunder NM/CO Border W
NMTCMS and Colorado Mounted Thunder  NM/CO Border War CMSA and NMTCMS Double Points  2 Days 2 shoots 2 times the points. New Mexico sponsored shoot Saturday and Colorado Sponsors Sunday shoot. or
Colfax County Fairgrounds
Off I-25
Springer , NM 87747
WPQ July 4, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Old Glory Still Waves Here Shoot
One Day Event Rregistration and 1st  time rider pre-qualification  11Am to 12:30 PM  Ricers Meeting 12:45 PM Flag presentation and start 1 PM
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
Regional July 4-5, 2009
2 days
California Desperados
Southern Pacific Regionals
  Southern Pacific Regional Championships & Fouth of July Celebration Southern Pacific Regional Championships July 3, 4, 5, 2009 Bloomquist Ranch-Gilroy Ca 6 Stage- CMSA Quadruple Points  “Regional Buckle Match” Southern Pacific Regional Championships 8885 Guibal Ave. Gilroy Ca 95020 Phone 408-310-0081   Montana Silversmith Regional Buckles for Overall Men and Women and Div Winners  (3 Riders to make a class) CMSA Rules Apply WhiteHouse Ammo will be used. Entry fee payable at match. Each rider must show 2009 CMSA competition card in order to participate. Shasta Eliminator Top Ten Men & Women&
Bloomquist Ranch
8885 Guibal Ave
Gilroy, CA 95020
GrandAm July 4, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Independence Day Blast
Four buckles will be awarded. Mens open and limited. Womens open and limited.  There will be another 4 stage double point shoot the following day. Star Spangled Shootout on July 5th.
Schone's Frienship Farm
15711 13th Street
Milan , IL 61264
DWPQ July 4, 2009
1 day
Kansas CMSA
Chisholm Trail Days
Newton Saddle Club Arena
700 W 1st
Newton, KS 67114
WPQ July 4, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Rowdy and Scarlet's Shoot
 Missouri Big Irons Fourth of July make up shoot at the Rowden Arena.  Low cost, no pressure shoot for the beginning shooter.  We will BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs after the shoot.  Bring a dish if you would like to do so.  New start time: 10:30am shooters meeting, 11:00am start time. We want to beat the heat.  We will finish in good time for everyne to go watch the fireworks.&n
Rowden Arena
3650 White Oak Creek Rd
Farmington, MO 63640
DWPQ July 4, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Independence Shootout
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover St PO Box 3
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ July 3, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Independence PreParty Shoot
Go to for event flyer and pre-registration information. Call Peach State President Robbie Henderson at (770) 519-3389 or Marvin Rickman at (404) 886-6212
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd
Gainesville, GA 30507
GrandAm July 3-4, 2009
2 days
Wyoming Rough Riders
Let Freedom Ring Grand American Shoot
This will be an evening shoot starting at 4:00 PM both days.  Come spend the week at the Lone Tree Bible Ranch/Camp with lots of Jackpots and clinics.  Wes and Bobbie Walton will be your hosts for the week, for more information on the camp and what they have planned for the week call (307)735-4577.
Wyoming State Farigrounds
PO Box 10
Douglas, WY 82633
DWPQ June 29, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
Shootin Sunday at McPherson's .  Registration starts at 12:00, Match starts at 1:00.  Come on out, begginers always welcome or your training horses.  Contact Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046.
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park Rd.
Bristol, TN 37620
State June 29-July 1, 2009
3 days
Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association
Western Canadian Shoot-out
CCMSA  3X points match in OLDS ALBERTA, $6000.00 Added money,   NEW Gender Split  4 DIVISION PAYBACK DIV 1--LEVEL 1  ,   DIV 2-- LEVEL 2 ,  DIV 3--- LEVEL3&4  ,  DIV 4-- LEVEL5&6 Addition of downloadable pdf of Invitation Letter with firearms  requirements, event poster, downloadable entry form. PDF files from or 403-892-8789 Requirements and forms available at  e-mail: PHONE: 1-800-570-8663  or&nb
Olds ag society
Olds, AB 59484
DWPQ June 28, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
Shootin' Suday starts at 1:00am, entre at 12 noon.  Entre fee is $60.  Bring your training horses and begginers!  Contact Rob Twaddle at 423-753-6046, website for additonal information.
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
WPQ June 28, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Preacher with a Gun/Shootin' on Sunday
Practice for Point Four Stage Match.  Registration closes at 3 pm CDT, match begins at 3:30 pm CDT.
Panhandle Peacemakers Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
sneads, FL 32460
WPQ June 28, 2009
1 day
Summer Cool Down Shoot 2
  No frills single pointed, come help us break in a new shoot arena.  Beat the heat in Flagstaff!  Covered arena, no rain out!  Must use stalls onsite if staying over.  Go to for flyer.  RSVP appreciated.
Flagstaff area
2600 Kiltie Lane,
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
DWPQ June 28, 2009
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Breezy Hill Stampede
Located at Breezy Hill Farm $75 entry Fee both days and $20 for Wranglers. Primitive camping and limited stalls. Please register early and let us know how many stalls you need. We have been able to accommodate everyone so far. Rifle Match on Saturday. Pot Luck Dinner Saturday Night. We will start at 9:00am both days. For more information go to and register there.  
TBA, NC 27370
DWPQ June 28, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Great Lakes Challenge II
R/C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd.
Elsie, MI 48831
GrandAm June 28, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana Mtd Regulators @ Noble County Saddle Club
This is our Grand Am, with buckles awarded to the top cowboy and cowgirl.     Contact Rick Deckena for addditiomal info.  260-839-0101
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
DWPQ June 28, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Summer Shoot Day 2
Summer Shoot Day 2 $55 entry fee
Mendon Fairgrounds
PO Box 108
Mendon, IL 62351
WPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Ghost Riders Shoot
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Broken Spoke Mounted Posse
Summer Shoot Day 1
Summer Shoot Day 1 $55 entry fee
Mendon Fairgrounds
PO Box 108
Mendon, IL 62351
DWPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana Mtd Regulators @ Noble County Saddle Club
The Noble County Saddle Club has an on site Club House with great home cooked food available.   There are showers and restrooms.    Limited electric and stalls.   Tie outs welcome.    Shoot start times are at 10:00 am, with the mandatory safety meetings at 9:30 am.   To reserve,     Contact Rick Deckena @ 260-839-0101.     
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
DWPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Great Lakes Challenge
R/C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd
Elsie, MI 48831
State June 27-28, 2009
2 days
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Shootin' The Rapids
WELCOME to the MINNESOTA STATE SHOOT! This event will be held at the Itasca County Fair Grounds in Grand Rapids, MN. Jan and Steve Moe will be your match directors for this event 218-326-5349 or Please go to our website for further information and to pre-register
Itasca County Fair
1336 Fairgrounds Rd
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
WPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Raisin' Cane at Cain's
Join the fun with the Missouri Big Irons at Cain's Ranch with ~40 mounted shooters. Starting at 6:00pm for the heat. Low pressure, inexpensive, oriented to the begining shooter.  We will have Sloppy Joe's after the shoot, so bring some chips and soft drinks and something to share.  $40 entry fee - no payback $10/stage jackpots, 5:30pm shooters meeting. Rifle jackpot 2 stages, $30, Limited & Open
1265 Old Cadet Rd
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
DWPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Summer Shoot Out
Located at Breezy Hill Farm $75 entry Fee both days and $20 for Wranglers. Primitive camping and limited stalls. Please register early and let us know how many stalls you need. We have been able to accommodate everyone so far. Rifle Match on Saturday. Pot Luck Dinner Saturday Night. We will start at 9:00am both days. For more information go to and register there.  
TBA, NC 27370
WPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Summer Cool Down Shoot 1
      No frills single pointed, come help us break in a new shoot arena.  Beat the heat in Flagstaff!  Covered arena, no rain out!  Must use stalls onsite if staying over.  Go to for flyer.  RSVP appreciated.
Flagstaff area
2600 Kiltie Lane,
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
DWPQ June 27, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks VI
Brass Tacks VI  Location Willow Park Country Club, 13550 FM 2210E, Bridgeport, Texas Registration 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Safety Meeting 5:45 First Stage 6:00 PM Cost $60.00 Pre regisitar Cost $55.00 Wrangler $20.00 Balloon Setters and Concession Contact Lou Ciferni for question 817-368-0627
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
State June 27-28, 2009
2 days
Turkey Creek Regulators
Nebraska State Championship
Columbus Ag Park
822 15th St.
Columbus, NE 68601
DWPQ June 26, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
IMR Eliminator
This is our annual IMR eliminator.   Added Money.     More info to come.
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
GrandAm June 26-28, 2009
3 days
Snake River Rangers
Outlaw Roundup
  OUTLAW ROUNDUP SHOOT-OUT  SPONSORED BY: PETERSON STAMPEDE, PREMIERE INSURANCE AND IDAHO EQUINE  JUNE 26 – 28, 2009     Location: Garden Valley Arena Address: Crouch Road, Garden Valley, Idaho  The Snake River Rangers want to welcome everyone to the Outlaw Roundup Shoot-Out. We have been told that this is one shoot that you don’t want to miss. After the shooting is over on Friday and Saturday nights, everyone takes their horses down to the river to cool off! . Double Point Shoot . Cash Payback in all Classes . Buckles/Awards for Class Winners in M1, L1, SL1, SM1 (If full cl
Garden valley arena
crouch rd
garden Valley, ID 83622
GrandAm June 25-26, 2009
2 days
Big Horn Basin Regulators
Buffalo Bill Days Grand American
Unique Grand American shoot combined with popular western festival. Produced by Big Horn Basin Regulators in historic Sheridan, WY as part of Buffalo Bill Days June 25 and 26. Includes rifle and eliminator classes as well as four-stage pistol competition. The festival features parade, old timey ball, and wild west show. Saturday showcase of top shooters and Super Horse follow event. Cowboy church on Sunday. Well-appointed fairgrounds. Circle E Ammo. Payout and entry fees to be determined. Pre-registration encouraged. For more information, contact Match Director Nicole Michaels, 307-202-0187, Festival info Super Horse info
Sheridan County Fairgrounds
1753 Victoria St
Sheridan, WY 82801
GrandAm June 22, 2009
1 day
Seven Down Mounted Shooters
WEL Classic Grand American
3rd Annual Will Lantis Memorial Shoot June 19th through June 23rd.  Please go to for complete information and event flyer.  For more information on the Superhorse Championships event on June 23rd please visit Entries will open May 1, 2009 at and close on June 12, 2009.  Entries are only
Seven Down Arena
6625 Centennial Rd
Spearfish, SD 57783
DWPQ June 21, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tenn CMSA DWPQ All New Stages
Tenn CMSA James E Ward Ag Ctr in Lebanon, TN. We will be running ALL NEW stages in this new covered arena at the Wilson Co Fairgrounds. New barn, ample hookups, and huge arena. Stages are currently not in the rule book, but may land there based on the shooters feedback.
James E Ward Ag Ctr
945 Baddour Parkway
Lebanon, TN 37087
DWPQ June 21, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Spring Roundup day 2
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ June 21, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Shootin Silver Bullets
Mercer County Fairgrounds in Celina, Ohio.  Entry books close at 9:00 am.  Shooters meeting at 10:00 am.  First shot at 10:30 am.  NO STALLS-Porta-pens welcome.  Electric available.  More information:  Rick Deckena 260-839-0101
Mercer County Fairground
1001 W. Market Street
Celina , OH 45822
DWPQ June 21, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Sam's Benefit
A beneit match being held for a local youth. More info to follow. there will be a rifle class.
Chaplin Fin Fur and Feather Gun Club
Chewink Rd
Chaplin , CT 06235
GrandAm June 20-21, 2009
2 days
California Desperados
Vincent Hill Grand American
California Desperados present the Vincent Hill Grand American CMSA Double Points Two day Event
Vincent Hill
Sierra HWY
Acton, CA 93550
WPQ June 20, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Shootout Under the Mid-Night Sun
One day event - registration and pre-qualification starts at 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Riders meeting at 12:45 PM Flag Presentation and Start at 1:00 PM
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ June 20-21, 2009
2 days
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Lake Arthur Classic
> CMSA and NMTCMS Double Point shoot > > Main match $150.00 for 6 stages (4 Sat, 2 Sun.)50% Payback > > Eliminator $50.00 2 Stages 70% payback > Rifle match $50.00 2 stages 70% payback > > Saturday night BarBQue > Sunday Cowboy Church > > for more information
Artesia Horse Council Arena
3402 13th St
Artesia, NM 88253
DWPQ June 20, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Spring Roundup
There is a Double Point Shoot the next day at the same location.
17509 130th Ave
Monticello, IA 52310
DWPQ June 20, 2009
1 day
Idaho Regulators
Heritage Days
Registration  at the gate 12:00pm. Riders meeting 12:45. Shoot starts at 1:00pm. Cost is $75.00 Pay back to all classes. RV sites and Stalls are available. Call Kent Spaulding 208-532-4553 to reserve.
Cassia County Fair Grounds
Overland Ave
Burley , ID 83318
WPQ June 20, 2009
1 day
Show Me Mounted Shooting
Hallsville Heritage Days Shootout
WPQ held in conjunction with Hallsville Heritage Days.  Evening shoot, 7:00 pm start.  No camping facilities. $55 entry, 50% circuit payback.  Outdoor arena.  In case of inclement weather, contact George Hartman 660/841-5351 or Joe Garcia 573/687-3161. Add to Details:  Directions to Arena - 12 miles from Columbia. Take US 63 north from I-70. Take  second exit, Hwy B, to Hallsville. At stoplight in Hallsville, turn right on Hwy OO.  Go about 3/4 mile to arena on right,  
Hallsville Community Arena
Box 346
Hallsville, MO 65255
DWPQ June 20, 2009
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
MRMS June Shoot
DWPQ Shoot  will be held at Frick Park Arena in Oak Gove, MO.  This will be a 4 stage shoot, entry fee will be $55.00, wranglers $15.00, there will be a 2 stage jackpot  at $10.00 per stage.  Shooters meeting will be at 10:30am and shoot will start at 11:00am.  Directions to arena:  I-70 to exit 28 (Oak Grove) go south to 4 way lights, turn west on 12th street go 1 1/2 miles arena is on left.   In case of rain contact Steve at 816-215-9890.  Primitive camping and stalls avaliable 3 miles south of town.
Frick Park Arena
SW 12th & Cemetary Rd
Oak Grove, MO 64075
GrandAm June 20, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA Grand American All New Stages
Tenn CMSA Grand American at James E Ward Ag Center in Lebanon, TN.  Please note:  We will be running ALL NEW stages Sat for this event and Sunday for the DWPQ. These stages are currently not in the rule book, but could be based on shooter feedback following the event.
James E Ward Ag Ctr
945 Baddour Parkway
Lebanon, TN 37087
Regional June 20-21, 2009
2 days
Seven Down Mounted Shooters
Will Lantis Memorial/Seven Down Regional
3rd Annual Will Lantis Memorial Shoot June 19th through June 23rd.  Please go to for complete information and event flyer.  For more information on the Superhorse Championships event on June 23rd please visit Entries will open May 1, 2009 at and close on June 12, 2009.  Entries are only accepted via the online registration at  Entry is not considered official until paid in full.  Late entries will be accepted one site starting June 18th and close one hour prior to start of event being en
Seven Down Arena
6625 Centennial Rd
Spearfish, SD 57783
DWPQ June 20, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
How The West Was Won!
Mercer County Fairgrounds in Celina, Ohio.  Entry books close at 9:00am.  Shooters meeting at 10:00am.  First shot at 10:30am.  NO STALLS-Porta pens welcome.  Electric available.  For information Eric Nelson 513-255-1011
Mercer County Fairgrounds
1001 Market St.
Celina, OH 45822
DWPQ June 19-21, 2009
3 days
Lone Pine Rangers
Lone Pine Shootout
Double Points Match, at Lone Pine Rangers Arena, Hwy 26 MP14.5 between Prineville and Madras, Or. Rifle and Shotgun, and Eliminator Friday evening.  Free camping, no stalls at arena, portable pens OK.  See our website:  for more info.
Lone Pine Rangers Arena
515315 Madras Hwy
Prineville, OR 97754
DWPQ June 14, 2009
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Rhinestones & Rawhide Sunday
Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot will be held at Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Sunday, Cowboy Church will be at 8:30 a.m.   Sunday shoot will start with safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m. There will be 4 stages.
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
GrandAm June 14, 2009
1 day
North Carolina CMSA
North Carolina Grand American
Davis Arena
1301 Fanning Bridge Road
Fletcher, NC 28732
DWPQ June 13, 2009
1 day
North Carolina CMSA
June Shoot Out
Davis Arena
1301 Fanning Bridge Rd
Fletcher, NC 28732
GrandAm June 13, 2009
1 day
Sin City Mounted Shooters
The Sands Grand American
NIGHT SHOOT!  6pm Start.  40% payback; Optional Jackpot; Double Points; Overall & Reserve Buckles.  20 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip.  Horse boarding, dry-camping, and lodging available on the premises at Bonnie Springs Ranch and Red Rock Arena.  Limited electrical hook-ups -- first come / first serve.  Please call Joel at 702 355-2717 or  visit our website for details on pre-registration at WWW.SINCITYMOUNTEDSHOOTERS.COM
Bonnie Springs Ranch
1 Gunfighter Lane
Blue Diamond, NV 89004
DWPQ June 13, 2009
1 day
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Rhinestones & Rawhide
Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot will be held at Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Friday night is a Fun Shoot starting with the safety meeting at 7:30 p.m.; shoot at 8:00 p.m.       Saturday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages, plus 2 stages of exhibition on Saturday with a limited number of horses and there will be 2 stages of rifle on Saturday. Saturday night is known for a great potluck and sitting around the fire.   Sunday, Cowboy Church will be at 8:3
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ June 13, 2009
1 day
Dakota Running Irons
River City Shootout
Over $2500 Added Money! Buckles & Prizes - There will also be a Friday Night - 3D Jackpot Shoot (non-sancioned). For more Information and Entry Form visit our web site:
Chamberlain Rodeo Grounds
Rodeo Road
Chamberlain, SD 57325
WPQ June 13-14, 2009
2 days
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters
June Shootout under the Sun
June shootout under the sun , Double Point WPQ Call for detail 509-782-1619 or e-mail
Chelan Co Fairgrounds
5700 Westcot Dr
Cashmere, WA 98815
DWPQ June 13-January 1, 1900
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Great Lakes Showdown I
This event will follow a new shooters clinic that will be held at the same location in the morning, please go to our website for further information on the clinic. We will host two 4 stages shoots this weekend! This event is just minutes from beautiful Duluth, MN. Come see the scenic shores of Great Lake Superior. The match director for this event is Rick Gustafson, 218-345-6966 or Please go to our website for further information and to pre-register
Dirt Floor Arena
800 N Boundry Ave
Proctor, MN 55810
State June 13, 2009
1 day
Maine Cowboy Mounted Shooters
Maine State Championship
Hollis Equestrian Park
P.O. Box 7,
North Waterboro, ME 04061
WPQ June 13, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Practice for Points
Practice for Points, Local Club Match, everybody is welcome.  Registration closes at 4pm CDT,  followed by safety meeting.  Match begins at approximately 4:30 pm CDT. Ice cold watermelon served after the match, followed by a seed spitting contest.
Panhandle Peacemakers Arena
2219 kilpatrick lane
sneads, FL 32460
CMSA June 11-14, 2009
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Behlen Classic
The Behlen Clasic at Lazy E Arena is Limited to the first 200 Main Match Entries - So don't Delay       -  $500 Added Rifle &  $500 Added Cavalry Finals for Saturday Night Showcase!     - Clinic of Champions on Wednesday at 2:00 PM in the main arena.  Open to all CMSA Members to improve your performance from the leading clinicians in the sport.  Topics will include course management, equipment and horse selection, gun handling skills, mental preparation, keeping your shooting horse running strong and more.      -
Lazy E Arena
9600 Laze E Drive
Guthrie, OK 73044
DWPQ June 7, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
PeachState- Summer Heat Shoot Out
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
WPQ June 7, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Shoot at Sunrise
Safety Meeting at 8:30 with the shoot beginning at 9 am. Coffee, Hot Tea and donuts for shooters. Consession stand at the match Part of a 2 day shoot weekend..
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ June 7, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
POSSE Points for Practice
Greeley, CO 80631
DWPQ June 7, 2009
1 day
California Range Riders
High Noon II
Held in conjunction with the California State BBQ Cook-off At the Penn Valley Rodeo Grounds $75 entry fee + optional jackot, rifle, shotgun, & extreme cowboy challenge.
Penn Valley Rodeo
10513 Spenceville Dr
Penn Valley, CA 95946
WPQ June 7, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Summer Showdown II
Summer Showdown II  WPQ $45 entry fee.  No payback. Start time is 10:00 AM . Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2564.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
WPQ June 6, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Summer Showdown I
Summer Showdown I  WPQ $45 entry fee no payback. Start time is 12:00 noon . Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2564.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
State June 6, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Delaware State Championship
Safety Meeting at 3:30 with the shoot beginning at 4 pm. Consession stand at the match. Campfire after the shoot. Part of a 2 day shoot weekend.  
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ June 6, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
PeachState- Lake Lanier Shoot Out
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
WPQ June 6, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Springing into Action Shot
One day event. Registration 11 AM to 12:30 PM (also time for prequalification for 1st time riders) 12:45 Riders Safety Meetimg. Flag Presentation and Start 1 PM
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ June 6-7, 2009
2 days
California Range Riders
High Noon I
High Noon I a CMSA WPQ 2x Held in conjunction with the California State BBQ Cook-off At the Penn Valley Rodeo Grounds $75 entry fee + optional jackot, rifle, shotgun, & extreme cowboy challenge. Visit our website:          
Penn Valley Rodeo
10513 Spenceville Dr
Penn Valley, CA 95946
DWPQ June 6-7, 2009
2 days
California Mounted Shooters
Kick'N Jack Shootout
Get additional information at our website HERE
Buffalo Ben Arena
8885 Guibal Road
Gilroy, CA 95020
DWPQ June 6-7, 2009
2 days
Double L Bar Shooters
Clinic and Practice for points
Double L Bar Shooteres is having a Clinic on Sat June 6, 2009 for new shooters and a Practice for points on Sunday June 7. We'll have 4 stages on Sunday for points. Sunday shoot ONLY IS $50.00 Exhibitions $15.00
Wild Winds Farm
1626 Enon Rd
Oxford, NC 27565
WPQ June 6, 2009
1 day
Single Action Mounted Shooting
Las Vegas SAMS Henderson Its-A-Dry-Heat
Single Action Mounted Shooting Based in Las Vegas , Nevada , SAMS hosts CMSA World Point Events and Clinics in Las Vegas , Boulder City , and Henderson . We have all the mounted shooting events and practices you could need to boost your game and kick some butt!!!
Wisener Way
Henderson, NV 89011
DWPQ June 6, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks
Brass Tacks Shoot Double Points, Balloon Setters and Jackpot Available. Safety Meeting 9:45 am First Stage 10:00 am Registration 8:00 am to 9:15 am Check Web Site for Flyer Contact Lou Ciferni or 817-368-0627
Lonesome Dove Arena
1231 CR 4380
Decatur, TX 76234
DWPQ June 6, 2009
1 day
Texas Mounted Shooters
Brenham Blast
4 stage match double point. Riders meeting at 4:00 PM, and first rider out and 4:30 PM. There will be a balloon crew. $45.00 entry fee for competition and time only. Wranglers ride for free. 
Washington County
1305 East Blue Bell Rd
Brenham, TX 77834
State June 5-7, 2009
3 days
Wyoming Rough Riders
Silver Cliff Shoot
Guns, Cans & Cattle Classic Jackpot on the 5th.  100% Payback.  Pay down minimum 5 places.  Saddle to top Cowboy, Saddle to Top Cowgirl.  Shoot, Barrel Race and One on One Sort. Must use same horse for all 3 events. Main Match June 6 & 7.  Richest Shoot in Wyoming!
Niobrara County Fairgrounds
310 US Hwy 20
Lusk, WY 82225
State June 5-7, 2009
3 days
Northwest Mounted Shooters
Idaho State Shoot
Idaho State Shoot For more Information go to: Contact: Rhonda Ellerbroek :208-773-9428 or email:, Rachel Peters: 208-773-7970 or email:  
Kootenai Co. Fairgrounds & Event Center
4056 N Government Way
Coeur d' Alene, ID 83815
DWPQ June 2, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Tuesday Night Practice for Double Points
Event is limited to the first 35 riders that sign up on-line at  Entery deadline is noon June 1st No prizes or buckles, just double points and braggin' rights.  No balloon setters. All competitors must help setting and blowing up ballons.
Clear View Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231 South
Shelbyville, TN 37160
DWPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
Starts at 1:00 PM,  registration at noon.  Entre fee $60,  bring your training horses, and begginers. 
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
WPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
Shootout on the Piscataquog
Contact  Dick Moody   Home  603-487-3379   Cell  603-660-0393
Hillsborough County 4H Foundation Youth Center
Rt. 13
New Boston, NH 03070
DWPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Gotcha Covered Last Day of Battle
Second day of riding at the covered arena at Marshalltown at the Central Iowa Fairgrounds.  Stall available but bring your own shavings.  Stalls are inside a building very close to the arena.  Flush toilets and showers on grounds.  Lots of camping with electric available.  More info call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or Len Abels 515-360-0809 or look at our Iowa CMSA website at  Come to Marshalltown and be assured of running in the shade on good ground.
Central Iowa Fair
1308 East Olive Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
DWPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Vigo Shoot Out
Start time 10:00AM $55 shoot fees
Vigo county 4-H Arena
US 41 South
Terre Haute, IN 43805
WPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Missoura Six Shooters
Ozarks Shootout II
  Ozarks Shootout II 5/31/09 Host:  Missoura Six Shooters Location:  Ozark Saddle Club Arena, Neosho, MO   
Ozark Saddle Club and Arena
19372 Quail Rd
Neosho, MO 64850
DWPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Meetin at The Ranch
R/C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd
Elsie, MI 48831
DWPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Gunnin' & Runnin' at Breezy Hill
DWPQ Event---$75.00 Entry Fee   $20.00 Wrangler Fee  Limited Stalls, Primitive Camping.  Arena is not covered. Buckle Option for Overalls and Move Ups. Please see for more information.
Breezy Hill Farm
6536 Kennedy Rd.
Trinity, NC 27370
WPQ May 31, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
May Shootout
My Jestic Ranch
26722 Leeward Street
Eustis, FL 32736
GrandAm May 30, 2009
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Carolina Shoot Out
Grand American  $80 Entry Fee  $20 Wrangler Fee  Limited Stalls, Portable Pens are Welcome, Arena is not covered. Primitive camping. Buckle option on Move ups and Overall wins. Additional Information and Registration available online at
Breezy Hill Farm
6536 Kennedy Rd.
Trinity, NC 27370
DWPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Custer's Cowboys
Meetin at the Ranch
R?C Ranch
3341 E. Marshall Rd.
Elsie, 23 48831
WPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Missoura Six Shooters
Ozarks Shootout
  Ozarks Shootout 5/30/09 Host:  Missoura Six Shooters Location:  Ozark Saddle Club Arena, Neosho, MO    
Ozark Saddle Club and Arena
19372 Quail Rd
Neosho, MO 64850
WPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Shootout at Rowdy's
$40 entry fee - no payback $10/stage jackpots, noon shooters meeting Rifle jackpot 2 stages, $30, Limited & Open, No payback.  We will potluck and bbq hamburgers and hotdogs after the shoot. Come shoot with us for the fun and friendship. Stick around for food and fellowship afterwards.
3650 White Oak Creek Rd
Farmington, MO 63640
DWPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Vigo Shoot Out
Start time 10:00AM  $55 shoot fees
Vigo County 4-H Arena
US 41 South
Terre Haute, IN 43805
DWPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Gotcha Covered First Day of Battle
Come shoot with the Iowa CMSA at Marshalltown Iowa's Central Iowa Fairgrounds COVERED ARENA.  Nice facility with covered arena, stalls inside a building, lots of electric hookups, flush toilets and showers available.  This is day one of a two day event.  For more info contact Eric Viers at 515-708-0221 or Len Abels at 515-360-0809, or look at the Iowa CMSA web site at    Not to worry about the weahter, come to Marshalltown the weekend of May 30-31.
Central Iowa Fair
1308 East Olive Street
Marshalltown , IA 50158
DWPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Montana's Wild Bunch
LaCense Grand American to Ben Avery Benefit
This will be a 4 stage DWPQ to benefit the Ben Avery Mounted Shooting Facility held during the 2nd annual AQHA Horse fair at LaCense Ranch in Dillon MT. Rain or Shine! We have both the indoor and outdoor arenas available to us for the weekend. Sunday will be a clinic and jackpot. For more information contact Suzy Beauregard 406-763-4456 ( or Patti Holland 406-683-2263(   Entries available from Suzy OR  Teri Tonn  
LaCense Arenas
Dillon, MT 59683
DWPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Wild Rice Peacemakers
Wild Rice River Shootout-practice for points
This is a practice for points event, low entry, no payback, no balloon setters.  Camping available at the arena, no electricity or drinking water.  For more information call Greg Lund 218-584-8685 or Wayne Gwin 218-584-5577.
Twin Valley Riders Arena
County Road 29 East
Twin Valley, MN 56584
WPQ May 30, 2009
1 day
Riverbottom Shooters
Ranking County Shootout
Shooting Six Stages Covered Arena, Stalls, RV Hook Ups Details: Shooting Six Stages @ $95.00, Wranglers @ $25.00. Payout for Mens/Ladies Overall and winner of full classes. Covered Arena, Stalls $15.00, RV Hookups $20.00 Shooters meeting @ 9:30, match will start @ 10:00..
Rankin County Multi Purpose Arena
649 Marquette Road
Brandon, MS 39042
DWPQ May 29, 2009
1 day
Illiana Rangers
Vigo Shoot Out
Start time 8:00PM Friday Night 3 stages   $45 Points only
Vigo County 4-H Arena
US 41 South
Terre Haute, IN 43805
DWPQ May 25, 2009
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
I-70 Series
DWPQ, Shoot will be held at Ashland MO.  MRMS will be hosting the third day of the three day  I-70 series.  This shoot will be 4 stages, entry fees will be $65.00, wranglers $15.00, there will also be a $10.00 per stage 2 stage jackpot, 50% circut payback.   Shooters meeting at 8:30am and shoot will start at 9:00am sharp.   Any questions contact 660-492-2859 ask for Leon.
Cedar Valley Riders
#1 Optimist Drive
Ashland , MO 64010
WPQ May 25, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Practice for Points
Practice for points, single points match.  Start time 4pm CDT.  Refreshments served afterward.
Panhandle Peacemakers Arena and Sport Shooting Range
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
DWPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
Connecticut Renegades
Battle for thr Ranch Day 2
This is the second day of a 2 day match co-hosted with the Massixshooters.   Mass hosts Saturday's match, see their website for more info. There is rough camping availible.  Enter both days or one day.
Roundtuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Rd.
Enfield, CT 06082
WPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Remember THe Fallen
One day event to Honor The American Heros who gave all.  Registration 11AM to 12:30 PM (also time for pre-qualifiction for 1st time riders) Riders Safety Meeting 12:45 PM, Flag presentaion and Start 1 PM.
Lucky 13 Arena
Salcha, AK 99714
DWPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
California Desperados
May Double WPQ
 California Desperados May 24- Double Points WPQ-  New Rider Workshop on Saturday the 23 Starting at 10:00am with open Practice at 12:00pm.  Main match 4 stages on Sunday at 10:00am. Sign ups start an 8:00aM   Check the Desperado website at for all the details. For further info call Joe Whiteley 818-519-0921 or Victor Penner 661-478-0146 or email  
Vincent Hill
533 Sierra Hwy
Acton, CA 93510
DWPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
I-70 Series
Start time is 11:00 AM.  DWPQ, $55 entry fee, 50% circuit payback..  Shoot will be held at Ashland Mo.  MMS will be hosting the second day of the three day I-70 series.  This will be a 4 stage event.  No stalls, limited electric hook up.
Cedar Valley Riders
#1 Optimist Dr.
Ashland, MO 65010
GrandAm May 24, 2009
1 day
Border Wars
Second day of three days a Grand American each day.  Centrally located between Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.  NEW LOCATION for this 2009 event.  Call Eric Viers 515-708-0221  or Len Abels at 515-360-0809 for more imfo, or look on our Iowa CMSA web site at 
Montfort, WI 53569
DWPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Cowboy Pay Day
DWPQ  Gymkhana Arena in Miamitown, Ohio.  Entry books close at 9:00am.  Shooters meeting at 10:00am.  First shot at 10:30am.   Porta Pens welcome.  Primitive Camping.   Information Eric Nelson  513 255-1011
Gymkhana Arena
Harrison Ave.
Miamitown, OH 45247
DWPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA Hyder Burks Pavillion Cookeville
Tenn CMSA at Hyder Burk Pavillion in Cookeville, TN. DWPQ Saturday and Sunday. Indoor climate controlled arena and attached barn. Books close Sat morn at 8:30. Pre-registration encouraged at Shooters meeting at 9:00 am Saturday. Shoot begins at 10:00 am on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday
Hyder Burk Agricultural Pavillion
2390 Gainesboro Grade
Cookeville, TN 38501
DWPQ May 24, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Willow Creek Shootout
WILLOW CREEK SHOOTOUT 4 STAGES, DPQ, Registration Books Close 8:30 am Cowboy Church 9:00 am, 1st Stage 10:00am Adults $60.00 Wranglers $20.00 TSG payout $5.00 to each stage and $2.00 to 1 overall rider Classes pays 1 for every 5 Balloon Setters Provided Flyer and pre Registration on web-site
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
DWPQ May 23, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Willow Creek Shootout
DPQ 4 Stages Registration Books Close 8:30 am first stage 9:30 Cost $60.00 Adults, WR $20.00  TSG Payback $5.00 to Class ( 1 for every 5 ) and $2.00 to 1 Overall Shooter Rifle Shoot $50.00 50% payback 1 Hour after match
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
GrandAm May 23-25, 2009
3 days
Mounted Justice
Border Wars - WI
Third of three Grand Americans held at the same location. Come on out and shoot three Grand Americans over the Memorial Day weekend and earn a chance to win a Colt pistol sponsored by Colt and AJ Horses. Please pre-register for one, two , or all three shoots at  
Meuller Arena
425 US Hwy18
Montfort, WI 53569
DWPQ May 23, 2009
1 day
Tennessee CMSA Inc
Tennessee CMSA May Cumberland Plateu
Hyder-Burk Agricultural Complex
2390 Gainesboro Grade
Cookville, TN 38501
DWPQ May 23, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Meetin' at the Little Miami -True Grit
True Grit (John Wayne) Cancer Charity Shoot.  Entry books close at 9:00am.  Shooters meeting at 10:00am.  First shot at 10:30am.  Gymkhana Arena in Miamitown, Ohio.  Chili Cook Off.  Dessert Bake Off.  and The Duke 'dress' alike contest.  Proceeds to John Wayne Cancer Foundation.  For more information Eric Nelson 513 255-1011 or Bobby Ruwe 513 367-0644
Gymkhana Arena
Harrison Ave.
Miamitown, OH 45247
GrandAm May 23-24, 2009
2 days
Montana Mounted Shooting Assoc
10th Annual Townsend Ranch Shoot for Ben Avery
  2009 SHOOT FORMAT   FRIDAY MAY 22nd 2pm Jackpot  - Entry fee $100 BUCKLE SHOOT     Entry fee $125         Buckles and prizes awarded by class.         Buckles will be awarded to classes with three or more entries.     Men’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Townsend Ranch
3278 Standing Bear Rd
Darby, MT 59829
WPQ May 23, 2009
1 day
Northern Illinois Outlaws
Sniffin" The Hangman's Breath
Amber Sun Acres
19819 University Rd
Malta, IL 60150
DWPQ May 23, 2009
1 day
Bay State Bandits
Battle for the Ranch
 Battle for the Ranch, MA day of a 2 day event. Held in Enfield CT at the Roundtuit Ranch. Contact Cindy Karp at or Cindy Newton at for more information
Roundtuit Ranch
100 Fletcher Rd
Enfield, CT 00001
DWPQ May 23-25, 2009
3 days
Show Me Mounted Shooting
I-70 Shootout
Three day competition sponsored by the three I-70 clubs in Missouri. Show Me Mounted Shooters sponsors the Saturday, May 23 shoot.  $65 registration, 50% circuit payback.  Saturday shooters meeting 12:30, shoot starts 1:00.  Large outdoor rodeo arena with bleachers.  Limited electric, bring generators and corrals/tie outs.  Arena located in Ashland, MO, 12 miles south of I-70 on US Hwy 63.  Take Ashland exit, turn right onto M.  At 4-way stop, turn right on Henry Clay Blvd.  Look for "Optimist Sports Complex" sign and turn left on Optimist Road.  Follow to arena. Sunday shoot sponsored by Missouri Mounted Shooters.  Starts at 11:00am. Monday shoot sponsored by Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters.  Sta
Cedar Valley Riders Saddle lClub Arena
511 Optimist Drive
Ashland, MO 65010
GrandAm May 23, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Border Wars!!!
THREE GRAND AMERICANS IN ONE WEEKEND!! Border Wars will be held on Memorial Weekend, the Minnesota Mounted Shooters will host Saturday the 23rd, Iowa CMSA will host Sunday the 24th, and Mounted Justice (WI) will host Monday the 25th! Each day will consist of 4 stages of pistol and 2 stages of rifle. We will have awards after each event, and a potluck on Sunday night.  We are excited to announce that AJ HORSES and COLT will be giving away a colt .45 at this event! Please look to our website for further information
Mueller's Arena
Hwy 18 West
Montfort, WI 53533
Regional May 23-24, 2009
2 days
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Mid-Mountain Regional Championships
Visit for complete information.  Pre-enter and pay when you arrive. > $6650 Added Money for the weekend > $4000 Added Prizes:  Saddles, Buckles, Entries, Holsters    
Pueblo West Campground
480 E. McCulloch Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
WPQ May 23, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
May Shootout
My Jestic Ranch
26722 Leeward Street
Eustis, FL 32736
State May 22-25, 2009
4 days
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Colorado State Championships
Visit for complete information and an entry form.  Pre-enter and pay when you arrive. > $6650 Added Money for the weekend > $4000 Added Prizes:  Saddles, Buckles, Entries, Holsters  
Pueblo West Campground
480 E. McCulloch Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
GrandAm May 22-24, 2009
3 days
WSH The Vaqueros
Memorial Day Classic
Western Shooting Horse - Vaqueros -  Memorial Day Classic  - Grand American Double Points - MNTCMS Sanctioned points. Moriarty , NM  Heritage Arena.  6 Stage Main Match   $150.00 includes Burgers & Hot Dog Saturday night. 4 Stages Saturday, 2 Stages Sunday.  2 Stage Eliniminator Saturday Night - $50.00- 2 Stage Rifle Saturday Night -$50.00. Dry Camping - Stalls $10.00 a night. Contact Cynthia 505-2860100    Online registration    
Moriarty Heritage Arena
PO Box 130
Moriarty, NM 87059
DWPQ May 21, 2009
1 day
Old Pueblo Peacemakers
Arena Bar
Exit 303
Benson, AZ 85742
DWPQ May 18, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
Hot Summer Shootout
Silver Sands Bridle Club
625 Tomoka Farms Road
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
DWPQ May 17, 2009
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Tequila Sunrise
Tequila Sunrise at the Arena Bar in Benson AZ. Presented by the Tombstone Ghost Riders. Second day of two one day shoots.  Double points. Entry fee $65.00 for a points only shoot.  Four stages. Door Prize: Ruger SR9 semi-auto pistol.  MUST ENTER BOTH SHOOTS AND BE PRESENT TO WIN. Door Prize drawing at the awards presentation. Contact: John Wiest (520-508-1802)
Arena Bar
PO Box 58
Tombstone, AZ 85638
DWPQ May 17, 2009
1 day
California Range Riders
Frog Leg Massacure
3 stage CMSA 2X  
Frogtown Arena
101 Frogtown Road
Angels Camp, CA 95222
DWPQ May 16, 2009
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Shoot the Moon
Shoot the Moon at the Arena Bar in Benson AZ, night shoot!  Presented by the Tombstone Ghost Riders. First day of two one day shoots.  Double point shoot.  Entry fee $ 65.00 for a points only shoot.  Four Stages plus the Pony Express Run. Door Prize: Ruger SR9 semi-auto pistol.  MUST ENTER BOTH ONE DAY SHOOTS AND BE PRESENT TO WIN. Contact: John Wiest (520-508-1802)
Arena Bar
PO Box 58
Tombstone, AZ 85638
DWPQ May 16, 2009
1 day
1st Virginia CMSA
Calf Pasture Shoot-Out I
Calf Pasture Shoot out--This is going to be a fun-filled weekend.   This is our new arena to shoot at.  On Friday if you arrive early there will be a team penning/sorting event.   Dogs must be on leash at all times..Neg. Coggins a must, no exceptions.   Registration ends promptly at 8:oo A.M.   Registration form is located under "Club & Events Docs."
Calf Pasture Arena
4764 Yanceyville Rd.
Louisa, VA 23093
DWPQ May 15-17, 2009
3 days
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Teen Challenge Series I
This is the first of the three Teen Challenge Series Matches for 2009,  Double Points, No Circuit Payback, Rifle Jackpot on Saturday Night Only.  All proceeds to benefit Teen Challenge Boys Ranch in Bonifay, Florida.  Limited to the first 50 competitors to sign up.  Placement Points and Participation Points accumulate throughout the Series.  Competitor with the most points at the end of the series wins a custom made, specially designed saddle.  For more information, go to
Jackson County Agricultural Center
3631 Highway 90
Marianna, FL 32446
CMSA May 14-17, 2009
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Mid-West Classic
The 2nd Annual Mid-West Classic at a new larger facility.  Limited to the first 200 Main Match Entries - So don't Delay!!!    This year's Mid-West Classic will feature a FREE (to all CMSA members who are entered in the Main Match) Clinic of Champions with Jim Rodgers sharing his tips and tricks on course management, John Clark will show his method of proper gun handling & practice methods to improve your accuracy and Roy Cox will address choosing the right horse and keeping that horse sound, in shape and mentally prepared. If you have any problems logging into the new system- just call 888-960-0003 and we'll do our best to help you throug
Crossroad Arena
253 W Stardust Rd
Cloverdale, IN 46120
DWPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
California Range Riders
Deadman's Walk III
Diamond Bar Arena
6055 S. Central Ave
Ceres, CA 95307
DWPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
Missouri Rawhide Mounted Shooters
Mrms May Shoot Out
DWPQ held at Frick Park Arena Oak Grove, MO.  This will be a 4 stage match.  Entry fees $55.00 , wranglers $15.00, $10.00 each  2 stage jackpot.  Shooters meeting will be held at 10:30am and match will start at 11:00am.   For those who come in on Saturday night  there is primitive camping and stalls avaliable only 3 miles south of arena.  Directions to the arena:  I-70 to exit 28 ( Oak Grove )  turn south, go to 4 way lights in town, turn west on 12th street go 1 1/2 miles and arena will be on left hand side. 
Frick Park Arena
SW 12th & Cemetary Rd
Oak Grove, MO 64075
DWPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
Eastern Iowa CMSA
Let's Get Poppen
There will be a new shooters clinic on May 9th the day before competition. The clinic will begin at 9am on the 9th. The new shooters clinic will cost $45 for a EICMSA member and $75 for a non member.  Guns and Horses will not be provided.
Schone's Friendship Farm
15711 13th. Street
Milan, IL 61264
DWPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
Lone Star Regulators
Fort Muster 2
4 stage match held in the outdoor Stockyards arena in the Historical Northside of Ft. Worth.Online registration at and click on event registration. May also register at the event. For all stall reservations you must call Gene at 817-905-9989. This includes all outdoor stalls. The Host hotel is the Hyatt Place and is right next door to the arena. For reservations call Linda at 817-378-1704 or Lana at 817-378-1702. The rooms are $159/night and you need to mention Cowboy mounted shooting to get this rate. Call before you haul. Also check out the Stockyards website for other activities going on .
Stockyards Arena
128 E.Exchange
Ft. Worth, TX 76164
DWPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
Lone Star Regulators
Ft. Muster II
DWPQ. 4 stage match at the outdoor Ft. Worth Stockyards arena in the Historical Northside. $85.00 entry fee. 40% payback and you can buy a buckle. Online registration at and click on event registration. You can also register at the match.For all stalls,indoor and outdoor, you must contact Gene @ 817-905-9989.Leave a mesage if he's not there. The Host Hotel is the Hyatt Place.It's right next door to the arena. Contact Linda @ 817-378-1704 or Lana @ 817-378-1702. You must mention Cowboy Mounted Shooting.Any other info call or e-mail Mike or Brad.
Stockyards Arena
128 E. Exchange
Ft. Worth, TX 76164
DWPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Double Points at Clear View Horse Farm
Register on-line before Noon May 8th and save $10 on adult entry fee. Register on-line at Indoor covered arena with 50+ stalls available and 25 campsites.  Conession stand will be open both days. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger!  Pappa Joe will also be providing the main course for the dinner Saturday night. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better
Clear View Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231
Shelbyville, TN 37160
WPQ May 10, 2009
1 day
Northeast Six Shooters
Mother's Day Shootout
Contact Dick Moody for more information. Home 603-487-3379   Cell 603-660-0393
Hillsborough County 4H Foundation Youth Center
Rt. 13
New Boston, NH 03070
DWPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
North Carolina CMSA
May Powers Bring Balloon Showers
Location subject to Change and we do have a back up plan for Rain.  Due to the weather this weekends shoot will be moved to the Sunnyside arena i Bessemer City NC. For more in fo gives us a call .704-201-5410  
Hedrick Quarter Horse Arena
4982 Millers Mill Road
Trinity, NC 27370
DWPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
Sin City Mounted Shooters
10am Start.  For additional details, please visit our website at
Bonnie Springs Ranch
1 Gunfighter Lane
Blue Diamond, NV 89004
State May 9-10, 2009
2 days
Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters
Columbia Basin Spring ShootOut, State Championship
Oregon State Championships with $2,000+ added money.  Entries postmarked by April 28, 2009.  Buckles to Mens 1,2, Ladies 1,2, Wranglers Open, Wranglers Limited, Overall Mens and Overall Ladies, Senior Mens Limited (1-2) and Senior Ladies Limited (1-2).  Buckle option to all full classes.  Money paid out to all class winners and overalls.  Open Wranglers to wear holsters and aim their firearms at targets.  Wranglers will ground shoot on Sunday.  Rifle and Shotgun competition will be on Sunday.  RV parking, limited box stalls, portable pens are acceptable, dry camping, some stock  pens.  Food vendor on site.  Watch our website for more information and entry forms.  www.cbmsh
Umatilla County Fairgrounds
515 W. Orchard
Hermiston, OR 97838
DWPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Double Points at Clear View Horse Farm
Register on-line before Noon May 8th and save $10 on adult entry fee. Register on-line at Indoor covered arena with 50+ stalls available and 25 campsites.  Bed and Breakfast rooms available, must make reservations through Clear View Horse Farm. Conession stand will be open both days. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger!  Pappa Joe will also be providing the main course for the dinner Saturday night. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competition
Clear View Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231
Shelbyville, , TN 37160
DWPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
Lone Star Regulators
Fort Muster 1
DWPQ.One day 4 stage match in the outdoor arena in the Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards.$85.00 entry fee..40% payback.Buy your own buckles.  For stalls you must contact Gene at 817-905-9989. All stalls to be reserved through him. Indoor and outdoor.Limited number of indoor. Host Hotel is the Hyatt Place next to the arena.$150.00/night. Ask for Linda @ 817-378-1704 or Lana @ 817-378-1702 . Must mention Cowboy Mounted Shooting to get this rate. Call before you haul in case of rain. Check out the Stockyards website for other events going on this week end.
Stockyards Arena
128 E. Exchange
Ft. Worth, TX 76164
WPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Mother's Day Melt Down!
This event will follow a new shooters clinic that will be put on in the morning, please go to our website for more information. We will have 4 stages of pistol and 2 stages of rifle. The match director for this event is Jason Gray 612-867-0603, or or Kerri Steinbrecher 763-286-5393 or Please go to our website for more detailed information and to pre-register.
Bison Meadows
4405 Co Road 92 N
Maple Plain, MN 55359
DWPQ May 9-10, 2009
2 days
Southwestern Regional
Globe Casino
Hwy 70
Globe, AZ 85630
WPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
1st State Shooters
Who can shoot?
Safety Meeting at 5:30 with the shoot beginning at 6pm. Consession stand at the match. Campfire after the shoot.
Levers Arena
543 Hickman Rd
Greenwood, DE 19950
DWPQ May 9, 2009
1 day
California Range Riders
Deadman's Walk II
 Deadman's Walk II, a CMSA WPQ 2x 
Diamond Bar Arena
6055 Central Ave
Ceres, CA 95937
WPQ May 8-9, 2009
2 days
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Johnny Mack Brown Western Festival
Special Event-  3 stages on Friday  and 3 stages on Saturday combines for a single points 6 stage match.  We have been invited back to WOW the crowd at the annual Johnny Mack Brown Western Festival in Johnny's home town of Dothan, Alabama.  Come join us for a fun filled celebration of the legendary silver screen star    
Landmark Park
430 Landmark Drive
Dothan, AL 36303
DWPQ May 8, 2009
1 day
Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters
Farm City Showdown
This is a 3 stage double point shoot.  We will be following CMSA rules.  We will pay back money to class winners and overalls.  Starting time is 12:00 pm on May 8th.  Entries must be postmarked by April 28th, 2009.  No entries taken the day of the event.  There will be two Wrangler classes, limited and open.  Open Wranglers will wear holsters and aim their firearms at each target.  This shoot is the day before our Oregon State Championships.  Watch our website for more information and entry forms.  Contact Cindy Griggs at 541-571-1153.  
Umatilla County Fairgrounds Arena
515 W. Orchard
Hermiston, OR 97838
DWPQ May 8-10, 2009
3 days
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Mother's Day Blast
Northern Ohio Outlaws CMSA Shoot will be held at Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio.  Friday night is a Fun Shoot starting with the safety meeting at 7:30 p.m.; shoot at 8:00 p.m.    There is no fee for spectators.     Saturday shoot will start with a safety meeting at 9:30 a.m. and shoot at 10:00 a.m.  There will be 4 stages, plus 2 stages of exhibition on Saturday with a limited number of horses and there will be 2 stages of rifle on Saturday. Saturday night is known for a great potluck and sitting around the fire.  
Wayne County Fairgrounds
199 Vanover Street
Wooster, OH 44691
DWPQ May 3, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Peachstate-Southern Rebel Roundup
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville, GA 30507
WPQ May 3, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Red Rail Ranch Shoot Out
This event will be held in conjunction with IA CMSA. IA CMSA will host Saturday's activities, and the MMSA will host Sunday's activities. We will host 4 stages of pistol and 2 stages of rifle each day. Saturday evening IA CMSA will be hosting the "Red Fred Run". This event will be held  in Albert Lea, MN at Meri Harris's Red Rail Ranch. The match director for this event is Jason Gray 612-867-0603 Please visit our website at for more details and to pre-register.
Red Rail Ranch
20790 700th Avenue
Albert Lea, MN 56008
DWPQ May 3, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
May Madness
Double Point match. Contacts: Bryan McDonald 765-561-3148 Russell Case 765-938-3191
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
E. SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ May 2, 2009
1 day
Indiana Rough Riders
May Madness
Double Point match.  Contacts: Bryan McDonald,:  765-561-3148 Russell Case:  765-938-3191
Rushville 4-H Horse Park
E. SR 44
Rushville, IN 46173
DWPQ May 2, 2009
1 day
Illinois Renegades
Drop the Hammer in DuQuoin 2, 2009
9am cowboy church w/ Randy Gunn, 10:30 a.m. start DWPQ 4 stages cost $75 ,circuit payback plus $750 added money,$10 jackpot stages  ,call Bill Holtzmann 800-533-5283 or 314-952-6066 ,
Duquoin state fairgrounds
655 excutive dr
duquoin, IL 62832
DWPQ May 2, 2009
1 day
Red Rail Shootout First Day
Meri Harris is hosting the Iowa and Minn CMSA clubs at her Red Rail indoor arena for a CMSA event, with Iowa hosting Saturday and Minn hosting the Sunday event.  Saturday there will be a buckle awarded for an extra-ciricular event (no horse needed) that has always been a great time.  Some stalls available, call Meri Harris at 507-383-8401 to reserve a stall.  For more info call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or look at the Iowa CMSA website at  
Red Rail Ranch
20790 700th Ave
Albert Lea, MN 56008
DWPQ May 2, 2009
1 day
Peach State Mounted Shooters Association
Peachstate-Guns and Horses
Go to for event flyer and pre-registration information. Call Peach State President Robbie Henderson at (770) 519-3389
Chicopee Woods Ag Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd.
Gainesville , GA 30507
GrandAm May 2-3, 2009
2 days
Colorado Regulators
Byers Rendezvous
Quint Valley
Quint Valley
Byers, CO 80103
DWPQ May 2-3, 2009
2 days
CMSA of Arkansas
May Shoot and Grand American
Hurley's Arena
Hwy 64
Clarksville , AR 72830
DWPQ May 2, 2009
1 day
Wyoming Rough Riders
Practice for Points Spring Shootout and Clinic
Mounted Shooting Clinic for new and recruted members starting at 10:00 in the morning.  Main Match will begin at 1:00 and any new members that want to shoot may.  Just a relaxed shooting day.
Legacy Arena
Hwy 59 South of Gillette
Gillette, WY 82719
WPQ May 2, 2009
1 day
Single Action Mounted Shooting
Las Vegas SAMS Boulder City Hoofin-It
Single Action Mounted Shooting Based in Las Vegas , Nevada , SAMS hosts CMSA World Point Events and Clinics in Las Vegas , Boulder City , and Henderson . We have all the mounted shooting events and practices you could need to boost your game and kick some butt!!!
Boulder City Horsemans Association
1 Corral Rd
Boulder City, NV 89005
DWPQ May 1-3, 2009
3 days
California Mounted Shooters
Shoot the Moon Shootout 2009
Get additional information here --->
Adobe Veterinary Hospital
7625 Estrella Road
San Miguel, CA 93451
DWPQ May 1, 2009
1 day
Illinois Renegades
Drop the Hammer in DuQuoin I 2009
Illinois State Fairgrounds DuQuoin covered facility.start time noon dwpq 4stages cost $75 Circuit paybackplus $750 added money $10 jackpot stages ,Rifle jackpot $50 entry/2 stages/40% payback/gender split/ limited and open classes ,no porta pens or tieouts ,stalls available$15/nite,camping $15/nite ,shavings available $7.50/bag call Bill Holtzman 800-533-5283 or 314-952-6066 or
Illinois State Fairgrounds
655 excutive dr
duquoin, IL 62832
DWPQ May 1, 2009
1 day
Missouri Big Irons
Duquoin Warm Up
$75, 50% circuit payback, $10/stage jackpots, 100% payback, 6:30pm shooters meeting, Satuday after main match, Rifle Jackpot, $50, 40% payback, 2 stages, limited and open, gender split.
Duquoin State Fair Grounds
655 Executive Drive
DuQuoin, IL 62832
DWPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana Mtd Regulators @ Noble County Saddle Club
The Noble County Saddle Club has an on site Club House with great home cooked food available.   There are restrooms and showers.   Limited electric sites and limited stalls.... Tie outs welcome,   contact Rick Deckena to reserve.  (260-839-0101)
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
DWPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
California Desperados
April Double Points WPQ
California Desperados Spring Shoot- Double Points Practice Match. Saturday the 25th will be New Rider Workshop form 10:00am till noon followed by open practice. Sunday the 26th Four stage match starting at 10:00am. Match fee $55.00 Free stalls for overnighters. For further info check the Desperado website or call Joe at 818-519-0921 or Victor 661-478-3522
Vincent Hill
533 Sierra Hwy
Acton, CA 93510
DWPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Dirty Dealin In Tombstone
Tombstone Livery Stable
WPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Dunston's Birthday Bash
Monthly Practice for Points, No Payback,  Start Time 2 PM CDT,  Dinner served after the Match
Panhandle Peacemakers Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
DWPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Pueblo West Campground
480 E. McCulloch Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
DWPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
Shootin' Sunday starts at 1:00 pm, Registration 12:00, Open entre $60
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
DWPQ April 26, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Pick'n Apples and Shootin Snakes
Eden Park Equestrian Center Double Grand Am with Northern Ohio Sunday April 26th 10:00 am, safety meeting 9:30 $65 main match entry fee $20 Rifle entry 2 stages $25 Exhibition 2 stages See for more details
Eden Park Equestrian Center
2607 Blayney Road
Sunbury, OH 43074
DWPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
North Carolina CMSA
Sunnyside Balloon Disintegration Emulation
Event will start at 11:00 am.
Sunnside Arena
Tryon Court House Road
Bessemer City, NC 28016
DWPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks IV
Brass Tacks IV Willow Creek Country Club, 13550 FM 2210 E, Bridgeport, Texas. 76426 Registration 9:00 am to 9:30 am, Safety Meeting 9:30 am, ist Stage 10:00 am Balloon Setters and Concession Available Cost $55.00 Adults, $20.00 Wranglers ($5.00 Saving if Registered on line by April 23rd. Adults Only) Contact Lou Ciferni 817-368-0627
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
WPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
Shootout Under the Lights
Shoot will be held under the lights at Julio's arrena near Dale, WI. # stage WPQ event. Rifle will be dependent on time and weather and will be an internal event with know points.
Julio's Arena
W9778 Cedar Road
Dale, WI 54931
DWPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Prairie Wars Shoot
Pueblo West Campground
480 E. McCulloch Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
WPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
Florida CMSA
Jackpot Shootout
My Jestic Ranch
26722 Leeward Street
Eustis, FL 32736
DWPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
Tombstone Ghost Riders
Pair-a-dice In Tombstone
Tombstone Livery Stables
DWPQ April 25, 2009
1 day
Indiana Mounted Regulators
Indiana Mtd Regulators @ Noble County Saddle Club
The Noble County Saddle Club has an onsight club house with great home cooked food available.  There are restrooms and showers.    Limited electric sites and limited stalls.  Call ahead for reservations   Rick Deckena (260-839-0101).   Tie outs welcome.   The address for GPS is Noble County Saddle Club 1111 E. Main St. Albion, Indiana. 46701
Noble County Saddle Club
1111 E Main Street
Albion, IN 46701
DWPQ April 24-26, 2009
3 days
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Northern Ohio Outlaws
Double Grand Am with Northern Ohio Outlaws and 1st Ohio.  Friday night is the Pony Express Eliminator starting at 7:00.  Saturday is Northern Ohio Outlaws and Sunday is 1st Ohio.  There will be 2 stages of exhibition each day with a limited number of horses and there will be 2 stages of rifle each day.
Eden Park Equestrian Center
2607 Blayney Road
Sunbury, OH 43074
CMSA April 15-19, 2009
5 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
CMSA National Championship
  The CMSA National Championship in Tunica, Mississippi   This will be the third event to use a totally new and redesigned entry system.  There are a few changes - and a few challenges.  But together, we'll Cowboy Up and work out the kinks.  If you have any problems logging into the new system- just call 888-960-0003 and we'll do our best to help you through it.  Note: Office staff is in AZ this week.  Please call and leave a message we'll get back to you as fast as possible.   Stall Update! - The Battle Arena does NOT allow tieouts or horses in the RV areas.  Al
Paul Battle Arena
PO Box 99
Tunica, MS 29888
DWPQ April 12, 2009
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Spring Round Up
$75 Entry Fee,   $20 Wrangler Fee.  Limited Stalls, portable pens are welcome, primitive camping.  $10 3D jackpots on all stages. Cowboy Church will be 9:00 Am and safety meeting at 9:30 with first shot fired at 10:00. See for additional information.
Breezy Hill
6536 Kennedy Rd.
Trinity, NC 27370
DWPQ April 12, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
Stimulus Package Shootout
Monthly Practice for Points Match, Double Points,  No Payback , Match Starts at 2 PM CDT,  Dinner served after the Match
Panhandle Peacemakers Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
DWPQ April 11, 2009
1 day
Colorado Mounted Thunder
Springtime in the Rockies Shoot
8:00   Entries Open 9:45   Mandatory Rider's Meeting 10:00 Shoot Begins 4 Stages, Double CMSA Points $60 Main Match Entry (no payback) $20 Optional 3D Jackpot: 1D, 2D, 3D Split into even thirds of total entries. Last hole in 3D gets their entry fee back $10 Optional Class Paybacks Jackpot: Gender Split then Division Splits: Limited (classes 1-2), Express (classes 3-4), and Pro (classes 5-6) regardless of open/senior/junior $10/stage for Time Only Runs (Practice Runs) We have balloon setters hired for the day - things will move right along Everyone is welcome!  Please sign a waiver before riding For more information: C
Pueblo West Campground
480 E. McCulloch Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
DWPQ April 11, 2009
1 day
The Carolina Outlaws
Bustin' Out on Breezy Hill
$75 Entry Fee   $20 Wrangler Fee. Limited stalls and primitive camping. Arena is not covered. Buckle Option for Overalls and Move Ups. You can see additional information and register at
Breezy Hill
6536 Kennedy Rd.
Trinity, NC 27370
WPQ April 11, 2009
1 day
Sin City Mounted Shooters
For additional details, please visit our website at
Bonnie Springs Ranch
1 Gunfighter Lane
Blue Diamond, NV 89004
WPQ April 11, 2009
1 day
South Carolina Mounted Shooters
Practice for Points
Practice for Points Low fees no pay back just a lot of fun.  If they are calling for rain, the event will be moved to the Double J Arena in Pendleton SC. We will have balloon setters. 
Foothill Farms
501 Tripp st.
Williamston , SC 29697
DWPQ April 11-12, 2009
2 days
Dixie Rough Riders
Tune Up for Tunica
Tuneup for Tunica will be held at the Ranch One facility in Batesville, MS ( .  Ample RV hookups and stalls are available.  There are 3 covered warmup arenas, with a "hot-walker".  THe facility has a full menu restaurant and 315'X 175' main arena.   Contact club President R.D. King for assistance with pre-registration- 901-489-6169 or email  Ranche One is a convenient distance from Paul Battle Arena in Tunica, MS.  Many competitiors chos
Ranch One
562 Cutting Horse Lane
Batesville, MS 38606
DWPQ April 7, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Practice for Points
Event is limited to the first 35 riders that sign up on-line at  Entery deadline is noon April 6th. No prizes or buckles, just double points and braggin' rights.  No balloon setters. All competitors must help setting and blowing up ballons.
Clearview Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231 South
Shelbyville, TN 37160
DWPQ April 5, 2009
1 day
Wisconsin CMSA
Spring Shots
4 stages plus 2 stages of rifle online entries accepted at stalls and info Pam Bound 608-764-5555 or 608-692-5050
Showtime Arena LLC
3845 Oak Park Road
Deerfield, WI 53531
DWPQ April 5, 2009
1 day
Old Pueblo Peacemakers
4on4of4 (2)
Double points Jackpot
Arena Bar
Exit 303
Benson, AZ 85742
DWPQ April 5, 2009
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
April Fools Showdown
CMSA and NMTCMSA Double Points shoot Two days Two Shoots Two times the points $100.00 Main match 50% payback $50.00 (2 stage) Eliminator- 70% Payback $50.00 (2 Stage) Rifle Competition -70% percent payback for more information
Artesia Horse Council Arena
3402 S 13th St
Artesia , NM 88210
DWPQ April 5, 2009
1 day
Colorado Regulators
Holly's Points for Practice
Holly's Indoor Arena
Intersection Delbert and Singing Hills
Parker, CO 80134
DWPQ April 5, 2009
1 day
Iowa Horse Fair Final Day of Battle
Second of two days of riding at the Iowa Horse Fair in DesMoines, Iowa.  4 stages each day under a covered arena.  For more info call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or Len Abels at 515-360-0809.  Entry fees are $55 per day or $100 for both days.  Overall buckles to mens and womens overall for high points of the two days combined. check the Iowa CMSA website at for more info  
Iowa State Fairgrounds
Iowa State Fairgrounds
DesMoines, IA 50301
DWPQ April 5, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Spring Shoot Out II
Spring Shootout II   $45 entry fee.  No payback.  Ribbons awarded for 1-3 places per class and men and women overall. Start time is 10:00 AM. Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  Overnight camping.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2938.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prarie Rd.
Hawk Point , MO 63349
WPQ April 5-March 24, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Roghairs Ranch Rundown
This will be a four stage event at Herzog's Arena in Brooke Park, MN. Come and get your horses warmed up for the season!
Herzog's Arena
8840 state HWY 23
Brooke Park, MN 55007
WPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
Roghair Ranch Shootout
4 Stage single point shoot, 1pm entry deadline shoot starts at 2pm
Rainbow Stables
25915 Lily St
Isanti, MN 55040
DWPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
Missouri Mounted Shooters
Spring Shoot Out I
Spring Shootout I   $45 entry fee.  No payback.  Ribbons awarded for 1-3 places per class and men and women overall. Start time is noon.  Directions- From I-70 at Warrenton Mo. take Hyw. 47 north to the 4 way stop sign in Hawk Point.  Turn west on Hyw. A to Prairie Rd.  Then south on Prairie to #79 Prairie Rd.  Large outdoor arena.  Concessions available.  No stalls.  Bring corrals or picket lines.  Call in case of rain.  Rain date of April 11.  Contact Skip Wandersee 314-780-4211 or Buddy Cox 636-262-2938.
Skip-N-EZ Ranch
#79 Prairie Rd.
Hawk Point, MO 63349
DWPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
Iowa Horse Fair First day of Battle
First day of two days of riding at the Iowa Horse Fair in DesMoines, Iowa   4 stages each day under a covered arena at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in DesMoines, Iowa   for more imfo, call Eric Viers 515-708-0221 or Len Abels at 515-360-0809.  Entry fees are $55 per day or $100 if you enter both days.  Overall buckles given to high mens and womens for total of two days. check the Iowa CMSA website at for more info  
Iowa State Fairgrounds
Iowa State Fairgrounds
DesMoines, IA 50301
DWPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
New Mexico Territory Cowboy Mounted Shooters
April Fools Ambush
CMSA and NMTCMSA double points shoot Two days two shoots two times the points each day. Main match $100.00- 50% payback. Eliminator $50.00 (2 Stages) 70% Payback Rifle match $50.00 (2 Stages) 70% Payback for more Information
Artesia Horse Council Arena
3402 S 13th St
Artesia, NM 88210
DWPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
Old Pueblo Peacemakers
4 on 4 of 4 (1)
Double points Jackpot
Arena Bar
Exit 303
Benson, AZ 85742
DWPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
Single Action Mounted Shooting
Las Vegas 2X Points Saddle-Rocket-Shootout
Single Action Mounted Shooting Based in Las Vegas , Nevada , SAMS hosts CMSA World Point Events and Clinics in Las Vegas , Boulder City , and Henderson . We have all the mounted shooting events and practices you could need to boost your game and kick some butt!!!
6490 Wiesner Way
Henderson, NV 89011
DWPQ April 4, 2009
1 day
Wisconsin CMSA
Spring Shots
Online entries accepted at stalls and info Pam Bound 608-764-5555 or 608-692-5050
Showtime Arena
3845 Oak Park Road
Deerfield, WI 53531
State April 3-5, 2009
3 days
Gulf Coast Mounted Shooters
2009 Texas State Championship
2009 Texas State Championship at the NRS in Decatur, Texas about 20 west of Ft. Worth, Texas.  Friday afternoon is a shooting Clinic hosted by Champions Roy and Theresa Cox.   Friday evening is the Eliminator.  50% payout, only $10 class.  Gender Split.   Top ten men women return for final run.  Pays 1 in 5 up to 5 places based upon total entries. Enclosed arena, covered stalls, limited RV sites, first paid, first reserved.  Bunkhouse motel on site.  Outdoor stalls also available if all cover stalls are filled.  Cafe/Restaurant on site plus tack repair shop, western store. Saturday books close at 8:00, no excepti
NRS Training Facility
309 County Road 4228
Dectur, TX 76234
DWPQ March 31, 2009
1 day
Tennessee Ridge Runners
Shootin' Sunday
Shootin' Sunday Starts at 1:00PM, Registration at 12:00 Open entre $60
Mcpherson Quarter Horse Arena
934 Knob Park Rd
Bristol, TN 37620
GrandAm March 31, 2009
1 day
1st Ohio C.M.S.A.
Pony Express Grand American
New Indoor arena. Pony Express Eliminator Friday 8:00pm.  Double Grand Am Weekend.  Safety meeting 9:30am. First shot 10:00am. Entry $65-Awards.  Rifle-2stages-50% payback.  NO TIE OUTS- $55 Inside Stalls-$40 Outside Covered Stalls/Weekend.  Shavings $7.50ea or BYO.  more Bobby 513 367-0644 or Eric 513 255-1011
Eden Park Equestrian Center
2607 Blayney Rd.
Sunbury, OH 43074
DWPQ March 31, 2009
1 day
South Western Regionals
Go to for all event details.
Apache Gold Casino
Hwy 70
Globe, AZ 85630
WPQ March 29, 2009
1 day
Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
March Madness
Monthly Practice for Points Match,  Start Time 2 PM CDT,  Dinner served after the Match
PanhandlePeacemakers Arena
2219 Kilpatrick Lane
Sneads, FL 32460
DWPQ March 29, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Double Points at Clearview Horse Farm
Register on-line before Noon March 27th and save $10 on adult entry fee. Register on-line at Indoor covered arena with 50+ stalls available and 25 campsites.  Conession stand will be open both days.
Clearview Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231 South
Shelbyville, TN 37160
DWPQ March 28, 2009
1 day
Elk River CMSA Outlaws
Double Points at Clearview
Register on-line before Noon March 27th and save $10 on adult entry fee. Register on-line at Indoor covered arena with 50+ stalls available and 25 campsites.  Conession stand will be open both days. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand hamburger!  Pappa Joe will also be providing the main course for the dinner Saturday night. Pappa Joe specializes in cooking on the grill.  He's won awards at local competitions for both his brisket and chicken legs.  His pulled pork sandwiches are better than any ole concession stand h
Clear View Horse Farm
2291 Hwy 231
Shelbyville, TN 37160
DWPQ March 28, 2009
1 day
Texas Smokin' Guns
Brass Tacks III
Brass Tacks III Willow Creek Country Club, 13550 FM 2210E, Bridgeport, Texas 76426 Registration 9:00 am to 9:30 am Safety meeting 9:45, First Stage 10:00 Balloon Setters Provided, Cost $55.00 Adults  $20.00 Wranglers (Adults save $5.00 if register online by 3/26/09) Consession Available Contact Lou Ciferni 817-368-0627
Willow Creek Country Club
13550 FM 2210 E
Bridgeport, TX 76426
State March 28-29, 2009
2 days
North Carolina CMSA
North Carolina State Championship
Davis Arena
1301 Fanning Bridge Road
Fletcher, NC 28732
WPQ March 28, 2009
1 day
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters
Practice for Points
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters. WPQ Single Points Shoot March 28,09 Grant County Fairgrounds, Moses Lake WA.  11:00a.m. to 3:00 P.M.  
Ardell Pavilion
3953 Airway Drive NE
Moses Lake, WA 98837
DWPQ March 28, 2009
1 day
AZ Game and Fish Expo
Come celebrate and support the opening of phase one of our New Arena at the Ben Avery Shooting Range.  Part of the Arizona Game & Fish Outdoor Expo.       
Ben Avery Mounted Shooting Arean
4044 W BLack Cayon Rd
Cave Creek, AZ 85630
DWPQ March 28-29, 2009
2 days
California Mounted Shooters
Kern River Rendezvous
To be held at McCaslin Ranch Arena at 23751 Sidding Road, Bakersfield, CA  93314 LOTS OF ADDED $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $   For more information go to our website at   
McCaslin Ranch
23751 Sidding Road
Bakersfield, CA 93314
State March 28-29, 2009
2 days
Missouri Big Irons
Missouri State Championship
$125, 50% circuit payback, $10 jackpots 6 stages, noon Saturday, 10:00am Sunday; Saturday, Rifle jackpot 2 stages, $50, Limited & Open, 40% payback; Sunday, Calvary Class, $50, 40% payback.  $1500.00 added money to classes. 
3027 Larch Lane
Jackson, MO 63755
WPQ March 24, 2009
1 day
Oregon Mounted Shooting Association
Molalla Buckeroo Shoot-out
Molalla Buckeroo
PO Box 601
Molalla, OR 97038
WPQ March 21, 2009
1 day
Mounted Justice
March Madness
Pre-registration is desired but not required. Nice size indoor arena laocted near Waupun, WI. Pre-register at
Double Bar A Ranch
Dehring Rd.
Waupun, WI 00001
DWPQ March 21, 2009
1 day
CMSA of Arkansas
Spring Fling
Hurleys Arena
US Hwy 64 W
Clarksville , AR 72830
CMSA March 19-22, 2009
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Desert Classic
The first ever Desert Classic! Limited to the first 200 Main Match Entries - So don't Delay This will be the first event to use a totally new and redesigned entry system.  There are a few changes - and a few challenges.  But together, we'll Cowboy Up and work out the kinks.  If you have any problems logging into the new system- just call 888-960-0003 and we'll do our best to help you through it.  If the CMSA doesn't have an e-mail address for you simply CALL THE OFFICE at 888-960-0003 and we'll help you get updated.
Apache Gold
Hwy 70
Globe, AZ 88990
State March 17, 2009
1 day
North Range Riders
Shoot Out at the Lucky 13 Arena
Two day event.  Sign up  at 11AM to 12:30 PM Saturday , Riders Meeting 12:45 PM both days, Flag Presentation and Start 1PM.  both days.  Award presentation and pot luck supper Sunday following the end of shoot.  Camping and horse holding areas available on site, but call ahead to make arrangements.
Lucky 13 Arena
6045 Johnson Road
Salcha , AK 99714
DWPQ March 13, 2009
1 day
Lone Star Regulators
Day of the Cowboy
Will be able to ride in the arena Fri. night
Somervell County Expo Center
202 Bo Gibbs Dr.
Glen Rose, TX 76043
WPQ March 12, 2009
1 day
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters
Practice For Points
EWMS Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters PRACTICE FOR POINTS March 28, 09 Grant County Fairgrounds Moses Lake, Washington
Ardell Pavilion
3953 Airway Dr. N.E.
Moses Lake,, WA 98837
CMSA February 19-22, 2009
4 days
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
Atlantic Coast Classic - Jacksonville, FL
The first ever Atlantic Coast Classic! Limited to the first 200 Main Match Entries - So don't Delay This will be the first event to use a totally new and redesigned entry system.  There are a few changes - and a few challenges.  But together, we'll Cowboy Up and work out the kinks.  If you have any problems logging into the new system- just call 888-960-0003 and we'll do our best to help you through it.  If the CMSA doesn't have an e-mail address for you simply CALL THE OFFICE at 888-960-0003 and we'll help you get updated.
Jacksonville Equestrian Center
Jacksonville, FL 99999