cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

CMSA Payout

Note: All payout information below is the typical standard for CMSA Major Events. If any event deviates from this formula, it will be noted on the event details. Please check all event information listed for current payback information as it is subject to change.

Senior Incentive

The entry fee will be $100 with 50% payback at each of the major CMSA Championships. In addition to the payback CMSA will escrow another $20 per entry and put it into the Senior Incentive Fund that will be paid out to the Senior Incentive winners at the CMSA World Championship. There will be two gender split Divisions, Men's and Women's Limited (S1, S2 and S3) and Men's and Women's Open (S4, S5 and S6).The first two stages of the main match will be used as qualifiers for the Senior Incentive Finals. The top five qualifiers in each of the four categories will be called back for the finals. The pay-out in the Finals will include the 50% payback plus any added money, if applicable. The accumulated Senior Incentive Fund will be paid out at the World to the Senior Incentive winners plus the 50% payback along with added money. In order to compete in the Senior Incentive at the World championship, you must have competed in one Senor Incentive event at a major championship in that competition year. No buy-ins will be allowed.


At most* CMSA Major events, the Eliminator will be run as follows: There will be two gender split divisions: Men's and Women's Limited (1, 2, 3) and Men's and Women's Open (4, 5, 6). All entries will run stage 1. The top twenty of each division will come back and run stage 2. The top ten of each division will then come back for the final stage. Payout will be 50% in the final stage, paid 1 spot for every 5 entries.

* Any changes will be noted on the published schedule and/or event details.

Class Payout

CMSA Class Payout at major events is 50%, paid 1 spot for every 5 entries.


The payout percentage for rifle and shotgun is 50%, based upon stage 1 and 2 cumulative times. Payout will be split limited (1, 2 3) and open (4, 5, 6) and will be gender split if there are at least 2 or more of each gender in a division.


100% Payback

Stage 19 sec
Stage 28 sec
Stage 37 sec
Stage 46 sec
Stage 54 sec
Stage 63 sec
3-D Jackpot

3D. What is it? Where did it begin? Who invented the concept? Who owns the idea?

Nobody that I have ever asked these questions seems to know. I have been running in speed events longer than I care to admit and 3D has always been there so who knows and who cares where it came from. All I'm really sure of is that it works, it's fun, and it's a proven payback method that will spread the wealth among many skill levels. Plus, it doesn't cost the club hosting the match one red cent to include it in the match (ok maybe 5 cents for pencils, paper and some volunteer to administer them).

To put it real simple multiple speed division jackpots are as follows: The fastest time of all who are entered in the jackpot (stage or match) becomes 1D (1st Division). You then add a predetermined number of seconds to the fastest time of those entered. The sum of these two becomes the time for 2D (2nd Division). The process is repeated for 3D (3rd Division) and could go beyond three. Although among barrel racers 2, 3 and 4 are the most popular number of divisions.

Once you've established your divisions you must know how to separate the times that will be VERY close. Here's how it works if the top time is 10 seconds even and you are running a 5 second division split 2D would be 15 seconds, 3D 20 seconds. If you have a 14.999 you are in the 1D, but a 15.001 puts you in the 2D. It's that simple.

Multiple speed division jackpots are figured in many ways. I'm sure those of you with a similar background have seen this too so let me make it clear in the beginning that this is by no means the 'final word' on the administration of a 3D Jackpot. This is just the way we do it here in Tennessee. It's the formula used at the Eastern United States Championship (EUSC) in Tunica, Mississippi and I have to tell you we had a lot of shooters' really enjoyed it and came away wanting to know how it worked.

But before I explain the mathematics of how it's figured I want to explain what 3D or any other Multiple Speed Division Jackpot is designed to accomplish. Equity Fairness Inclusion whatever you want to call it, the main point of a multiple speed division jackpot is so all skill and speed levels can participate in the optional jackpots without seeing all the money go to the 'top dogs' all the time. At the EUSC we used time separations from 4 to 14 seconds in an attempt to find the number of seconds to base the divisions upon that included riders from all levels and classes. Knowing that enough would enter to give us more accurate data than your average WPQ. The data collected from the jackpot entry forms has indicated that 4 and 6 is the number of seconds that should be used. But remember one thing. You can use many different totals, or you can use the same one over and over. That is up to each club.

Here's the math

You must first figure the Total Payback - Then Division Paybacks - Then decide how many places per division are being paid back and figure them.

3D Total Payback -

Entry Fee X Number of Entries X Percentage of Payback (in decimal form) = Total Payback.

Division Payback

There are 3 divisions (the exception to that will be explained after this) which payback in the following way.

  • 1D pays 50% (.50)
  • 2D pays 30% (.30)
  • 3D pays 20% (.20)

Here is the formula for the divisional breakdown

  • .50 X Total Payback = 1D Payback
  • .30 X Total Payback = 2D Payback
  • .20 X Total Payback = 3D Payback

Number of placed paid per division are as follows. Since we nearly always us $10.00 as the entry fee for our stage jackpots the following formula works very well for spreading the payback while keeping the amount enough to be worth entering.

  • 1 10 Entries pays 1 place (100%) per division.
  • 11 25 Entries pays 2 places (60/40%) per division.
  • 26 50 Entries pays 3 places (50/30/20%) per division.
  • 51 + Entries pays 4 places (40/30/20/10%) per division.

I don't recommend ever going beyond 4 places because too often you won't have enough in the division to pay 4 places let alone more than 4.

Here's how it works

  • 25 Entries X $10.00 Entry Fee = $250.00 Total Payback (using 100% payback)
  • $250.00 total payback X .50 = $125.00 Division Payback
  • $250.00 total payback X .30 = $75.00 Division Payback
  • $250.00 total payback X .20 = $50.00 Division Payback
  • 1D pays 2 places (60/40%)
    • 1D 1st = $125.00 X .6 = $75.00
    • 1D 2nd = $125.00 X .4 = $50.00
  • 2D pays 2 places (60/40%)
    • 2D 1st = $75.00 X .6 = $45.00
    • 2D 2nd = $75.00 X .4 = $30.00
  • 3D pays 2 places (60/40%)
    • 3D 1st = $50.00 X .6 = $30.00
    • 3D 2nd = $50.00 X .4 = $20.00

Easy Right?

Here's where it gets a little sticky. Many times when you run Multiple Speed Division Jackpots there may not be a time that fits a division at all or not enough who have entered to pay the number of places planned on. Here's how you handle those situations.

If you have no entered time that fits one of your divisions you eliminate that division (2D or 3D) and payback two divisions instead of three. Using the example above, if for example there was no time that fell in the 2nd Division you simply refigure your Division Payback except you us a 60/40% split (instead of 50/30/20), because you no longer have three divisions. Multiplying ALL of Total Payback by .60 and .40.

Here's how it would look on paper

  • Total Payback $250.00 X .60 = $150.00 this is now your 1D payback (split 60/40 paying 2 places per division- 1D 1st = $90, 1D 2nd = $60)
  • Total Payback $250.00 X .40 = $100.00 this is now your 3D payback (split 60/40 paying 2 places per division- 2D 1st = $60, 2D 2nd = $40)

When this situation happens we always explain it to the shooters at the awards ceremony.

The other thing that can happen is when you are set, as we are with this example to payback more that one place per division, but only one of the entrant's times falls in that division. Well it is that shooters lucky day! They get ALL of that division's payback.

Likewise, if you're paying back four places and only two fall into that division. You simply refigure that division on a 60/40 split instead of the 40/30/20/10 split.

See it really is simple to do these and your contestants really do enjoy them. These types of jackpots do not add any additional cost to your event, because you're using times generated by the main match, for which you've already paid for the blanks and balloons!

So go put on a shoot and try some 3D Jackpots. If you have any questions contact the CMSA office.

3-D Jackpot

Double Down - Ten to Win!

The new Double Down payback method will give a bonus to the class payback. The CMSA has raised the class payback from 40% to 50% and eliminated the 30% that was removed from the class payback for Overall/Reserve payouts. Now every dollar that goes into your class STAYS in YOUR CLASS! That equals a 22% increase in class payouts. Montana Silversmith buckles, Classic Equine and other class prizes will be earned based upon your performance in the class portion of the event.

The Double Down option is designed for those competitors who wish to run for significantly more prize money. As the name indicates, to enter you pay a second entry fee equal to the first. Just like splitting Aces in Blackjack! In the Double Down, the stages you run in the class portion of the event are your qualifying stages. The top ten from each of the six divisions (L1-2, M1- 2, L3-4, M3-4, L5-6, M5-6) come back for a final run for 70% of their entry fees and all added money. Added money (CMSA defines added money as being GUARANTEED and not tied to the number of entries) is paid back 20% to the Limited Division, 30% to the Express Division and 50% to the Master Division. Added money is divided 50/50 by gender.

The Double Down pays two places for the first five, and one place for each five after that to a maximum of 6 places. (1-4 entries pays 1 place, 5 pays 2 places, 10 pays 3, etc.) ayback is capped at six places in the finals up to 100 entries in a single division. Over 100 pays eight places. Here are examples of just how the money would be paid out.

Double Down Guidelines

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