cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

CMSA Wrangler World Championship

CMSA Wrangler World Championship

Event Dates

Oct 17 2018 - Oct 20 2018


No Registration Limit
347 Complete
347 Total

Hosting Club

Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
5 Upcoming Events
International Region


Tri-State Expo Ctr & Fairgrounds
3301 SE 10th Ave
Amarillo, TX 79120


September 11-October 9, 2018

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
Cimarron Fire Arms
# Class CMSA First Name Last Name
M3 9993 Kevin Rowl
SL5 11831 Tammy Angeletti
L2 15599 Sarah M Smith
SM2 14637 Les Steem
M3 12911 Justin Duke
M2 15677 Tyler Donaldson
M4 12968 Kenny Lawson
L2 14478 Cassie Oslund
L3 15537 Keelyn McGiboney
L3 14832 Melynda Larsen
SM4 14903 Lachlan Clarke
L4 14141 Carly Stavely
M6 11926 Mitchell Kramer
M4 7828 Josh Dones
L2 10126 Meg Gould
M6 12840 Ethan Wilkinson
SM5 14136 Mark Hallink
SM2 15646 Nelson Riollano
M3 13512 Craig Stodart
M2 15473 Matthew Nielson
L3 14051 Tessa Buckman
M2 15601 Logan D Smith
SM4 12016 Dale Erhardt
M6 1306 Charlie Little
L4 13136 Denise Sullivan
L5 10793 Michelle Long
M3 16068 Trevor Hirshberg
M6 1305 Chad Little
L6 12483 Alice Hallink
M6 334 Zane Chunn
M3 11963 Gary Ehalt
SM2 15572 Stan Waddell
SM4 8105 Jerry Jacobs
M4 12635 Cole Salopek
L4 14302 Lindsey Farrell
SM3 14048 Miles Cahoon
M4 9829 Robert Johnston
M2 15743 Jason Jendro
SL4 11367 Joan Brust
L4 16137 Emma Fitzgerald
SM6 8611 Byron Walters
SM3 8599 Gage Adams
M5 12972 Dylan Lawson
M6 7286 Roy Bean
L5 6892 Abby Esau
SM5 10073 Joe Sekutera
M1 16113 Joe Caffery
L5 14914 Kat Fisher
SM4 11908 Hugh Shelton
L2 15676 Jill Donaldson
M3 12791 Darrell Stortz
SM3 12226 JD Hughes
M3 16025 Ace Spratt
M2 14572 Mark Urlacher
L6 4123 Biven Chapman
L3 14000 Liza Manikowski
SM3 15042 Gerald McKelroy
M2 4503 Devin Nicholson
L4 9327 Michelle Johnson
L5 12876 Jessica Flores
M1 10390 Trenton Romero
M3 14403 Bo Buss
L3 10236 Ashley Anderson
L4 14158 Vanessa Lewis
M4 14101 Brent Larson
L3 15160 Leslie Berry
SM3 10414 Jon Gregory
L2 15084 Faith Cavanaugh
SM2 15877 Ronnie Smith
M6 10331 Axel Thurner
M4 14704 Scott Strader
L3 15469 Amy Senn
SM4 14156 Keith Benz
SL4 14885 Robyn Pagel
SM4 10255 Gary Couch
M5 11962 Rob Benes
SL5 7109 Kelli Shryock
SM1 15775 Jon Stormo