cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Pile 'O' Bones CMSA Shootout 2016

Event Dates

Nov 26 2016


Limited to 40 Entries
40 Complete
40 Total


Brandt Center
1700 Elphinstone St
Regina, SK S4P 2Z6


November 1-9, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L3 225 12810 Lisa Mitchell
2 M4 220 9687 Clint Bowman
3 SM4 215 10699 Ken Wick
4 L4 210 12987 Holly Schuk
5 M3 205 13837 Chris Epp
6 SM5 200 10255 Gary Couch
7 M2 195 14201 Lucas Thiessen
8 SM1 190 15008 Dwayne Savage
9 SM5 185 7108 Craig Shryock
10 M5 180 11573 Cain Quam
11 M2 175 11495 Gary Charnock
12 M2 170 14944 Markus Hofer
13 M3 165 11849 Todd Craplewe
14 M1 160 15020 Jared Mills
15 SM1 155 8802 Lionel Duh
16 SM4 150 10703 Duncan MacMillan
17 SM3 145 8520 Ken Kusk
18 SL4 140 7109 Kelli Shryock
19 L1 135 14489 Miranda Wiens
20 SM2 130 12965 Phil Woods
21 SM2 125 10700 Kevin Wenger
22 SM3 120 13321 Bob Irwin
23 L3 115 11574 Roberta Quam
24 SM1 110 12809 Bruce McKenzie
25 SL3 105 13320 Cathy Irwin
26 SL3 100 12386 Dora Hakl
27 M1 95 15677 Tyler Donaldson
28 L3 90 11777 Michelle Pipke
29 L3 85 9686 Michelle Bowman
30 L2 80 14651 Marissa Epp
31 SM1 75 15572 Stan Waddell
32 SL3 70 10704 Jean MacMillan
33 SL4 65 8521 Sheryl Kusk
34 SL2 60 15622 Barbara Munn
35 M3 55 12720 Shawn Parsons
36 L1 50 14496 Meagan Charnock
37 L1 45 15676 Jill Donaldson
38 SL2 40 12103 Brenda Kwiatkowski
39 L1 35 15986 Kristy Thiessen
40 L1 30 13812 Raelene Prieb
41 SL1 25 13840 Judy Wright
42 SL1 20 14925 Jayne Woods
43 SM2 15 10784 Howard Jesse
44 SM3 10 12387 Thomas Hakl
45 M1 5 15945 Tyler Mills