Pile 'O' Bones CMSA Shootout 2016
Limited to 40 Entries
40 Complete
40 Total
1 Day EventNovember 26, 2016
Pile 'O' Bones CMSA Shootout 2016 - $6,500 added money!
Main Match entry $165
3 stages
$2000 added, split evenly between classes
1 in 3 payout
$1000 added to overall - gender split
$300 to men's champion
$200 to reserve men's champion
$300 to ladies champion
$200 to reserve ladies champion
Incentive Buckle for top level 1 main match, who has never won a buckle. $20 entry fee. This includes SL1, SM1, M1, L1
Rifle entry $100, $1000 added
2 stage aggregate
$500 added limited rifle
$500 added open rifle
ammo circle e, prairie mountain and lonesome pine
Shotgun entry $100, $1000 added
2 stage aggregate
$500 added limited shotgun
$500 added open shotgun
Second stage of rifle and shotgun will be run in showcase
All entries in main match will run sudden death bonus stage in showcase. $1500 added, payout will be gender split. Payout details will be announced at rider meeting.
Clean shooter jackpot. $20, 100% payback.
Rider meeting 7:30 am, Nov 26th. Main match starts 8 am. First stage of rifle/shotgun to follow 3rd stage of main match.
Showcase: 12 pm, bonus pistol stage followed by shotgun and rifle
Stalls fees are $55, shavings are $8/bag
Please prebook stalls and shavings at: hakldora@hotmail.com
Schedule subject to change, depending on entries
Registration: Nov 25, 2016 5 pm - 8 pm. Any riders wishing to change their entries, who will not be present at registration, must phone in their changes before registration closes at 8 pm Nov 25th. No exceptions. Call Dora 306-537-4550
for hotel information www.stayinregina.com
Arrival Date Nov. 25, arrival plan to be sent out when available.