Battle In The Basin I & Wild Wyo Charity Jackpot
Event Dates
No Registration Limit
11 Complete
11 Total
2 Day EventAugust 26-27, 2016
Registration Dates
July 6-August 24, 2016
The Wyoming Desperados
Event Type
Park County Fairgronds
665 E. Fifth ST.
Powell, WY 82435
United States
Everyone has enjoyed our Wild Wyoming Charity Jackpot so much the last couple of years (bank robberies, shootouts, cattle rustling etc.) that we are doing it again. With all the fun comes the satisfaction of doing it for a great cause, all proceeds from this Friday evening event will go to Dacean Thomas's Medical Expenses. 15 year old Dacean or "Diz", as we love to call her, is one of the original Wyoming Desperados and the 2014 Wyoming and Montana State Champion. She fractured her scull in a horse accident June 26th and will spend much of her summer in the hospital. This comes on the heels of her father Jason's accident in which he broke his scapula and several ribs. Needless to say it has been a tough go for this wonderful shooting family. Chuck of Gremp Photography is sponsoring $250 added money. Please sign up under Custom #1 below. If you cannot attend this event but would like to donate for Diz please send donations to The Wyoming Desperados, 6 Lazy JD Ranch RD, Cody WY 82414.
Friday's Wild Wyoming Jackpot is just the beginning, we will also host a 3 stage DWPQ Main Match both Saturday and Sunday, Eliminator (A = 1 &2, AA = 3 & 4, AAA = 5 & 6) following Saturday's match and Rifle/Shotgun following Sunday's. There will be $500 minimum added in each main match. No host dinner Saturday evening at Hansel & Gretels in Powell where we will have a Mechanical Bull Bash all proceeds again going to "Diz". Brock Ninker of Hansel and Gretel's graciously donated the bull for this event. A silent auction to benefit the family will also be held throughout the weekend.
On-line entries close 8/24/16, $25 late fee after that. Paying 1 in 4, buckle-option in all classes. Paying Men's and Ladies Overall and Reserves. Registration Friday evening and again Saturday 6:30 - 8:30 a.m., you will not shoot until you have paid. Rider's meetings at 9:30 Saturday and Sunday, matches start at 10:00. Saturday awards at dinner and Sunday's one hour after last shot.
Time Onlys - $7.50 WD members $10 non WD members.
Please RSVP # in party attending dinner under Custom #2 below.
Concessions available both days, covered stalls, full hookups, showers minutes to town and amenities.
No loose dogs!
Please check our Facebook for more info and updates or call Scooter for more info 406-291-3202.