cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Southern Pride Shootout

Event Dates

Aug 06 2016


No Registration Limit
52 Complete
52 Total


Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center
1855 Calvary Church Rd
Gainesville, GA 30507


July 4-August 3, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 96 8413 Dawson Smith
2 SM6 94 8611 Byron Walters
3 M5 92 8920 Sam Andress
4 L4 90 8939 Grace Sanford
5 L5 88 8041 Kelly Sams
6 SM5 86 2873 Mike Duck
7 L2 84 11038 Jamie Losure
8 SM5 82 4737 Tim Hilderbrand
9 L2 80 12568 Kristen Woodhead
10 M3 78 14028 Dave Kennedy
11 SM5 76 1858 Tony Black
12 L3 74 11657 Paula Dooley
13 L6 72 6898 Heather Brown
14 SM4 70 6902 John Thurow
15 SM6 68 1237 Joel Paulk
16 L1 66 11026 Delaney Snyder
17 SL5 64 1807 Shanon Wilson
18 L2 62 9659 Peyton Black
19 M5 60 4665 Robbie Henderson
20 L2 58 12413 Michele Lawson
21 L5 56 11235 Courtney Chapman
22 L5 54 5267 Leah Lloyd
23 M4 52 9983 Mark Shurley
24 M4 50 4813 Dennis Bougher
25 L5 48 8739 Madison Gravitt Walls
26 SL5 46 1806 Brenda Duck
27 L2 44 15053 Natalie Dalesio
28 M4 42 3683 Keeve Krasner
29 L4 40 9754 Rachel Baker
30 SL4 38 11121 Linda Gould
31 M4 36 9093 Johnny Gravitt
32 M4 34 8918 Allan Andress
33 L2 32 13678 Kim Kennedy
34 M5 30 4388 Gary Duck
35 SL5 28 4043 Michelle Ruper
36 L3 26 8919 Shannon Andress
37 L3 24 7604 Megan Jackson
38 L1 22 14129 Ciera Noe
39 M3 20 12569 Mark James
40 L1 18 13896 Madelyn Martin
41 M5 16 9063 Rodney Alldredge
42 L5 14 4814 Christine Bougher
43 SL4 12 8612 Betty Walters
44 SM4 10 5665 Jim Harrison
45 SM1 8 15603 Justin Christofferson
46 L3 6 11025 Bailey Plymel
47 SL3 4 2083 Mary Ellen Carson
48 SM1 2 8054 Bill Simpson
1 WRO 14 15052 Alexandra Nicolini
2 WRL 12 11674 Makena Corry
3 WRO 10 11789 Blake Dooley
4 WRL 8 11894 Taylor Dooley
5 WRL 6 12524 Kent Chapman
6 WRL 4 14922 Amelia Garlepp
7 WRL 2 15763 Lelan Walters