
Aug 17 – Aug 18, 2013
4-Stage Double Point WPQ Shoot Saturday and Sunday
Buckle Option for Qualified Move Ups*
2-Stage 2X Points WPQ Rifle & Shotgun Matches Saturday
2-Stage Cavalry Match Sunday
Double J Arena (covered arena) at 501 Lockaby Road, Pendleton, SC
(Off of I-85 at Exit 27)
Entry Fees $55 plus Grounds Fee $20 with 40% circuit payback
Wrangler $20
Rifle & Shotgun Matches $50 with 40% circuit payback
Cavalry Match $50 with 40% circuit payback
3D Jackpots $10 ea (4s,3s,2s,4s)
Exhibition Runs $10 each if entered in main match $15 if NOT (only if less than 20 shooters on Sunday)
Whitehouse ammo & balloon setters
Shoot Starts at 11:00am Saturday / 9:00am Sunday
Safety Meeting at 10:30am Saturday / 8:30am Sunday
Onsite Registration Friday 7:00pm - 8:30pm and
Saturday 9:00am - 10:15am / Sunday 8:00am – 8:30am
Registering online at
The SCCMSA BOD reserves the right to remove any classes, adjust any times, shorten the match, or make any adjustments to the competition as required for the benefit of all.
Stalls $50 for the weekend (no one-day rentals) or shoot from trailer.
RV sites $25 per night.
Call Dennis Bougher for Facility Information. 864-505-0190.
* If buckle costs more than circuit payback, club will pay the difference; if the buckle costs less, shooter will receive the difference.