cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Mid-Mountain Regional

Event Dates

Jun 02 2023 Jun 03 2023


No Registration Limit
234 Complete
234 Total

Hosting Club

Colorado Regulators
4 Upcoming Events
Mid Mountain Region


Sweetwater Events Complex
3320 Yellowstone Road
Rock Springs, WY 82901


January 15-May 30, 2023

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L1 17900 Jodi Kelly
119 L1 18698 Harley Armstrong
121 L1 19574 Jenna Flumerfelt
128 L1 16942 Hadlee Casperson
135 L1 11143 Laurelle Parsons
136 L1 19509 Brooke Rice
146 L1 19118 Jessica Baker
147 L1 18335 Tanya Ward
148 L1 18699 Jocelyn Armstrong
158 L1 18275 River Webb
164 L1 19505 Chrissy Lindahl
175 L1 19585 Chrissy Riley
177 L1 19611 Forrestte Brinkerhoff
181 L1 18430 Haley Kenna
194 L1 19826 Jessica Johnston
196 L1 19286 Jennifer Rimestad
1 L2 17625 Jackie Materi
31 L2 18045 Londyn McKnight
37 L2 5752 Jamie Webb
56 L2 18064 Faythe Yarbrough
72 L2 19134 Paulette Benedict
81 L2 17997 Macy Mortensen
85 L2 11016 Celeste Ellmaker
143 L2 17883 Audrey Wright
157 L2 10024 Jodi Parsons
178 L2 16277 Megan Fischer
1 L3 14601 LillyAnn Chromey
39 L3 16092 Halie Walker
49 L3 18014 Janessa Casillas
57 L3 16968 Taylor Kahl
58 L3 14549 Laura Grazier
64 L3 13521 Laura Lee
74 L3 13248 Sammi-Jo Worley
75 L3 13254 Angela Seagle
78 L3 13806 Heather Badley
114 L3 10875 Christa Paterson
125 L3 14911 Emilee Shearer
151 L3 18428 Heather Kenna
152 L3 13246 Kim Worley
159 L3 8334 Kaitlynne Parsons
171 L3 8067 Samantha Ostrovsky
179 L3 8335 Elizabeth Parsons
1 L4 13508 Morgan Stumpf
12 L4 13931 Selena Davis
29 L4 19344 Sadinia Decker
42 L4 16794 Emma Leute
44 L4 8690 Rachelle Henne
68 L4 9022 Katrina Gurule
69 L4 9548 Tasha Chevarria
71 L4 16722 Avery Persch
73 L4 16699 Nekkei Sanford
87 L4 9879 Kristel King
88 L4 18015 Jessica Van Lohn
127 L4 17932 Rachelle Stevens
140 L4 14235 Mandee Fetzer
1 L5 17688 Emily Honeyman
34 L5 13936 Jessie Johnson
60 L5 17901 Ella Kelly
66 L5 17176 Reese Guier
90 L5 15708 Kymberly Mercier
101 L5 15011 Clara Oyer
116 L5 4803 Vayle Johnson
126 L5 11005 Torrie Philippi
187 L5 13797 Amber Rinell
197 L5 11421 Diane Male
1 L6 11601 Jamie Marshall
8 L6 3616 De Chapman
35 L6 8328 Paige McGinnis
40 L6 5928 Dianne Lipham
52 L6 87 Kenda Lenseigne
53 L6 9299 Carrie Hirshberg
102 L6 6506 Jeanne' Davis
1 M1 19510 Matt Yarbrough
59 M1 19664 Trevor Scott
89 M1 17198 Mike Daniels
100 M1 15861 Avery Searle
106 M1 11007 Radley Griggs
138 M1 16945 Judd Casperson
141 M1 19309 Kory Jones
162 M1 18695 Will Armstrong
172 M1 19827 Rick Holbrook
173 M1 19557 Justin Benedict
180 M1 18431 Bryce Kenna
184 M1 11577 Callen Chevarria
193 M1 19842 Justin Talbot
195 M1 18937 Thomas Hansen
1 M2 18436 Shaun Guier
36 M2 14397 Mark (Jr) Plowman
67 M2 18429 Scott Kenna
96 M2 18758 Justin Alps
99 M2 14236 Josh Fetzer
113 M2 18217 Corbin Davis
1 M3 16944 Trey Casperson
50 M3 17885 Michael Wright
84 M3 16576 Greg Wilson
104 M3 17931 Mike Stevens
144 M3 14917 David Badley
1 M4 17624 Raitis Sipols
25 M4 18037 Jesse Anderson
51 M4 13247 Tim Worley
62 M4 15299 Delos Searle
91 M4 16721 Rafe Persch
103 M4 14344 Robert Rickgauer
111 M4 7546 Mike Parsons
123 M4 14572 Mark Urlacher
1 M5 16887 Tyler Johnson
6 M5 15755 Lincoln Male
16 M5 16515 JD Casperson
98 M5 10108 Rick Carlson
108 M5 14672 Caelan Garland
1 M6 9547 Bobby Chevarria
4 M6 14195 Turner Thompson
15 M6 334 Zane Chunn
43 M6 1726 Dan Byrd
1 SL1 17479 Jill Isaacson
182 SL1 16796 Victoria Dickinson
186 SL1 17856 Robyn Englert
188 SL1 16808 Pat Spratt
1 SL2 17817 Carlee Wallace
189 SL2 4326 Kristina Owens
191 SL2 18179 Holly Gaskell
199 SL2 9696 Melody Kerr
1 SL3 15675 Jennifer Jolley
95 SL3 14354 Mary Shue
110 SL3 4860 Lee Jean Stafford
122 SL3 9947 Kendra Sinclair
160 SL3 16720 Jean Henderson
168 SL3 18096 Joan Goodell
174 SL3 13855 Karmel Clay
198 SL3 14913 Alison Shearer
1 SL4 14759 Robin Howard
61 SL4 4641 Cheri Philippi
94 SL4 7615 Teri Morrison
105 SL4 3955 Judy Moore
107 SL4 12474 Patti Monson
124 SL4 14771 Traci Garland
134 SL4 18115 Rhonda Dimmick
153 SL4 2715 Sherii Gurule
161 SL4 9664 Cheryl Hibbert
169 SL4 1368 Melodie Beamon
170 SL4 4358 Cindi Ackerlund
176 SL4 7779 Gail Cook
200 SL4 17795 Ginger Mitchell
1 SL5 7109 Kelli Shryock
93 SL5 657 Debra Harty
109 SL5 10644 Katrina Klotz
167 SL5 12805 Darien Ross
1 SL6 8923 Betty Jarrard
1 SM1 19618 Danny Decker
131 SM1 19475 Joe Shinkle
156 SM1 19859 Brent Jones
1 SM2 17978 Steve Flint
28 SM2 19153 Ramiro Gonzalez
112 SM2 15794 Dean Seagle
130 SM2 16724 David Dunlap
150 SM2 14796 Bob McHargue
154 SM2 18180 Larry Gaskell
185 SM2 14304 Chris Heyer
1 SM3 8728 Brent Daniels
63 SM3 15078 Danny West
65 SM3 14833 Lon Pritchard
115 SM3 11366 Don Brust
137 SM3 18245 Paul Reyes
142 SM3 9968 Dwight Barhite
165 SM3 4327 Don Owens
192 SM3 15572 Stan Waddell
1 SM4 11549 Kevin Koyle
22 SM4 15324 Dan Littlefield
45 SM4 13079 Frank Young
48 SM4 14078 Nowell Shaw
70 SM4 16848 Rick Johnson
80 SM4 5730 Ken Monson
83 SM4 18290 Lonnie Nye
129 SM4 15031 David Royal
145 SM4 13679 Tad Jolley
155 SM4 3458 Dan Moore
163 SM4 6397 Joel Ostrovsky
183 SM4 15821 Kevin Thacker
1 SM5 10271 Blair Philippi
13 SM5 15439 Chris Dye
19 SM5 7108 Craig Shryock
21 SM5 16068 Trevor Hirshberg
38 SM5 13602 Ken Jardine
46 SM5 10643 Dale Klotz
118 SM5 1369 Bill Beamon
120 SM5 9695 Troy Kerr
132 SM5 12912 Scott Duke
149 SM5 16973 Steve Keech
190 SM5 8460 Lee Stuckey
1 SM6 14745 David Mitchell
17 SM6 5720 Mike Lewallen
24 SM6 2714 Pat Gurule
27 SM6 13787 Kyle Kisse
32 SM6 15161 Cecil Berry
47 SM6 5927 Darren Lipham
54 SM6 10073 Joe Sekutera
79 SM6 4788 Don Jarrard
82 SM6 4481 Gary Vickers
86 SM6 3615 Paul Chapman
133 SM6 11927 Rob Boucher
1 WRL 17857 Brandt Guier
203 WRL 16946 Case Casperson
205 WRL 19408 Boston Jones
206 WRL 17840 William Sipols
208 WRL 17872 Malakai Willett - Owens
1 WRL 18940 Lily Hansen
1 WRL 19020 Beau Van Lohn
211 WRL 18646 Bayler Brgoch
1 WRL 19407 Serenity Sipols
1 WRL 19757 Wes Casperson
214 WRL 17476 Aiden Badley
1 WRL 18941 Oakley Hansen
1 WRO 17626 Robert Sipols
1 WRO 17513 Brylen Haller
1 WRO 18700 Justin Armstrong