Winter Buckle Series Shoot 4
No Registration Limit
67 Complete
67 Total
1 Day EventApril 22, 2023
Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the
Times tab above.
- Rifle Results /
- Class Results
# |
Class |
First Name |
Last Name |
1 |
M3 |
17931 |
Mike |
Stevens |
SM2 |
18180 |
Larry |
Gaskell |
1 |
SM6 |
10073 |
Joe |
Sekutera |
SM5 |
14887 |
Larry |
Pagel |
SM5 |
9695 |
Troy |
Kerr |
L6 |
3616 |
De |
Chapman |
SM6 |
3615 |
Paul |
Chapman |