Limited to 75 Entries
43 Complete
55 Total
1 Day EventAugust 14, 2022
Registration Limit
75 Entries
Registration Dates
March 14-August 5, 2022
Wyoming CMSA
Event Type
Frontier Arens
519 W Yellowstone Ave
Cody, WY 82414
United States
Office/Grounds Fee:
The Historic town of Cody, Wyoming welcomes everyone to the iconic Stampede Rodeo Grounds. Home of the Cody night rodeo. This is cowboy country! We will have 2 one day shoots in the Frontier arena. Double points both days. Rider's meeting Saturday will be at 930 and go right into the main match. We will have 3 stages of main match, followed by 1 stage of jackpot and the long guns. As always, we will have a silent auction to benefit the Wyoming Disabled Hunters. The Cody night rodeo will be performing, and I am working on a possible showcase during the show. Come to the home of Buffalo Bill and have a blast!
High Roller Jackpot- This will be two stages. Split open/limited and gender. The second stage will possibly be the showcase at the night rodeo. If not, it will be stage 4 on Sunday. $100 entry with a 100% payback. Money stays in class and gender. If we have 10 limited ladies, one of them will walk away with $1000.00
There are 50 covered stalls. They are $20/night. Portable Pens are welcome. Please clean up after yourselves. This is dry camping, and we do have onsite restrooms. Unfortunately, no shower house.
**Registration** Registration will close 1 week prior to the shoot. Please make all changes, including cancelation, prior to the deadline of August 12. Also, a $50 deposit will be required by June 1. That can be mailed to WYCMSA 625 Lane 10, Powell, Wy 82435. Refunds will be issued after the shoot.
Added money and prizes as they come available. Payout will be listed as 30% as a minimum for main match. I will pay out maximum after expenses. 50% for long guns