cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Wrangle in Warren II

Event Dates

Jul 29 2018


No Registration Limit
65 Complete
65 Total

Hosting Club

Wild Rice Peacemakers
4 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


Rusty Gate Arena
Warren, MN 56762


June 21-July 25, 2018

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L6 98 1300 Jessie Graf
2 SM3 96 15405 Joe Zomer
3 M4 94 15016 Greg Stanke
4 M3 92 13174 Derek Peterson
5 L3 90 13167 Ashley Lyn Peterson
6 M5 88 11962 Rob Benes
7 M5 86 9755 Kyle Wavra
8 L4 84 12129 Sara Herrmann
9 L3 82 14000 Liza Manikowski
10 L4 80 11986 Jena Benes
11 L2 78 15919 Josie McEwan
12 M3 76 12720 Shawn Parsons
13 M3 74 14194 Mark Thompson
14 M2 72 15659 Dan Herrmann
15 SM4 70 2786 Steven Moe
16 M5 68 10133 Greg Wavra
17 SM3 66 12329 Sam Jesness
18 L3 64 15119 Michele Diehl
19 SL2 62 14988 Beth Brown
20 L3 60 14193 June Thompson
21 L3 58 13929 Angela Braun
22 L1 56 16496 ElizaBeth McKay
23 M4 54 6052 Wayne Gwin
24 SL3 52 12633 Peggy Penner
25 M2 50 16676 Steven Richman
26 M3 48 11849 Todd Craplewe
27 M3 46 11895 Kolt Wavra
28 M2 44 12950 Brent Woroniecki
29 SM2 42 13027 Barney Foerderer
30 M4 40 7447 Dan Bertils
31 SL3 38 15406 Herma Zomer
32 SM1 36 15712 Kevin Brown
33 L2 34 15015 Grace Stanke
34 M5 32 9328 Tyler Kasper
35 M2 30 14580 Levi Manikowski
36 M2 28 11963 Gary Ehalt
37 SL2 26 2900 Janice Moe
38 M1 24 16446 Greg Warren
39 L2 22 16644 Molly Roller
40 L2 20 15754 Naomi Haivala
41 L1 18 16590 Terrie Hoppe
42 SL3 16 11988 Rocky Blom
43 L3 14 9327 Michelle Johnson
44 M1 12 15920 Joe McEwan
45 L1 10 16447 Steph Warren
46 SL1 8 15820 Shelley Johnsen
47 M1 6 17172 Tyler Richman
48 L1 4 17003 Sam Bishop
49 L1 2 16673 Corinna Knecht
1 WRO 18 14195 Turner Thompson
2 WRL 16 14196 Taryn Thompson
3 WRO 14 16866 Gracyn Swanson
4 WRL 12 14274 Shyanne Benes
5 WRL 10 14768 Beau Benes
6 WRO 8 16677 James Buttke
7 WRL 6 16583 Ava McEwan
8 WRL 4 14197 Taylor Thompson
9 WRL 2 16330 Trenton Penner