cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Pikes Peak Day 2

Event Dates

Jun 17 2018


No Registration Limit
39 Complete
39 Total

Hosting Club

Colorado Mounted Thunder
8 Upcoming Events
Mid Mountain Region


Norris-Penrose Event Center
1045 Lower Gold Camp Road
CO Springs, CO 80905


December 26-June 13, 2018

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 52 10331 Axel Thurner
2 M6 50 9547 Bobby Chevarria
3 M4 48 15138 James Tairney
4 L3 46 14158 Vanessa Lewis
5 L3 44 11875 Sophia Schrager
6 L6 42 4123 Biven Chapman
7 SM5 40 4645 Darrell Dye
8 SM3 38 9968 Dwight Barhite
9 SM4 36 14887 Larry Pagel
10 L6 34 3616 De Chapman
11 M6 32 3615 Paul Chapman
12 SL3 30 14885 Robyn Pagel
13 SM5 28 9695 Troy Kerr
14 M5 26 8333 Heath Marshall
15 L2 24 16714 Sally Stewart
16 L1 22 15084 Faith Cavanaugh
17 L4 20 9548 Tasha Chevarria
18 M3 18 12293 Eric Schrager
19 M1 16 16724 David Dunlap
20 M1 14 14079 Leon Lewis
21 SL4 12 1368 Melodie Beamon
22 L1 10 16276 Jessica Gorski
23 SL2 8 4662 Sue Dye
24 L1 6 15139 Pam Tairney
25 L1 4 16310 Lindsay Carleton
26 SL1 2 9696 Melody Kerr
1 WRL 6 16892 Claire Welker
2 WRL 4 15140 Hayden Tairney
3 WRL 2 12292 Dean Grant Marshall