cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Blast your hangover

Event Dates

Dec 31 2017


No Registration Limit
39 Complete
39 Total

Hosting Club

Tombstone Ghost Riders
0 Upcoming Events
Southwest Region


Robertson Arena
714 N Madison
Benson, AZ 85602


December 4-28, 2017

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L5 56 14778 Katie Magowan
2 SM5 54 3248 Scott Little
3 SM5 52 12436 Dale Schaefer
4 L4 50 10118 Cristina Beloud
5 L4 48 12434 Wendy Schaefer
6 L6 46 11601 Jamie Marshall
7 SM4 44 11655 Regan Anderson
8 M2 42 16068 Trevor Hirshberg
9 SM2 40 11366 Don Brust
10 L6 38 9299 Carrie Hirshberg
11 L3 36 4641 Cheri Philippi
12 SL3 34 2667 Nell Kline
13 SL3 32 7082 Carol Slagle
14 M1 30 15552 Rudd Brown
15 SL5 28 346 Nancy Crosby
16 L4 26 11638 Callie Lowe
17 SL3 24 14206 Lisa Shiflett
18 L1 22 5396 Kelly Roberts
19 L3 20 11639 Maddie Lowe
20 L1 18 15532 Erin Hood
21 SM6 16 10271 Blair Philippi
22 SL3 14 11367 Joan Brust
23 M6 12 1726 Dan Byrd
24 SL5 10 11653 Molly Anderson
25 SL3 8 13412 Kathy Maynard
26 SM1 6 16048 Richard Herrera
27 SL2 4 10063 Sherri McKinstray
28 SM1 2 2125 Richard Morrow