cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Never forget 9-11 Shoot Day 1

Event Dates

Sep 09 2017


No Registration Limit
23 Complete
23 Total


City of Socorro Rodeo and Sports Complex
1 Redeo Rd.
Socorro, NM 87801


January 18-September 6, 2017

Registration Closed

23 Entries across 12 Classes
CMSA First Name Last Name Class
16044 Jerzi Martinez L1
11911 Dakota Shelton L1
11639 Maddie Lowe L4
11638 Callie Lowe L5
11601 Jamie Marshall L6
1726 Dan Byrd M6
9769 Dana Scott SL2
15793 Susan Cone SL3
8092 Susan Hill SL3
5160 Melodee Smith SL3
7268 Hallie McFadden SL4
13504 Carol Menuey SL4
14206 Lisa Shiflett SL5
15792 Robert Cone SM3
14146 David Johnson SM3
7269 John McFadden SM3
3302 Robert Barnard SM4
7829 Ralph Hill SM4
11982 James Schafer SM4
10180 Stoney Burks SM5
4070 Donny MacDougall SM5
11908 Hugh Shelton SM5
8336 David Sterrett SM5