cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Mid Central Regional Championship

Event Dates

Aug 21 2016


No Registration Limit
65 Complete
65 Total

Hosting Club

CMSA of Oklahoma
0 Upcoming Events
Mid Central Region


Tulsa RV Ranch Arena
10085 Ferguson Rd
Beggs, OK 74421


July 15-August 17, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 236 12840 Ethan Wilkinson
2 SM6 232 5339 Mark Allen
3 M5 228 11926 Mitchell Kramer
4 M5 224 2991 Eric Hagedon
5 L4 220 8645 Deana Miller
6 M6 216 334 Zane Chunn
7 SM5 212 10503 Richard McDaniel
8 M1 208 7651 Jeff Middleton
9 SM4 204 2992 Marty Hagedon
10 L4 200 10865 Kristine Huber-Day
11 SM5 196 6652 Brad Binkley
12 L6 192 5044 Lisa Jean DiBenedetto
13 M6 188 1000 Matt Sronce
14 SM4 184 8644 Eddie Miller
15 L5 180 6890 Tammy Esau
16 M5 176 5116 Shawn Day
17 L3 172 9959 Shannon Rowl
18 M6 168 8413 Dawson Smith
19 L4 164 12240 Jennifer Pike
20 L4 160 10502 Trisha McDaniel
21 SM5 156 2714 Pat Gurule
22 L6 152 8205 Sara May Stahmer
23 SL4 148 11310 Tracy Gooch
24 M2 144 14311 Tucker Buss
25 L3 140 10785 Cassie Brown Wiesman
26 SM2 136 12279 Scott Troop Duch
27 M5 132 5722 Trevor Lewallen
28 SM4 128 11314 Phil Wogoman
29 SM5 124 271 Don Sronce
30 L4 120 11554 Lindsey Reister-Hendricks
31 SM3 116 14357 Bryant Pace
32 M5 112 1499 Ty White
33 L4 108 10484 Kala Wilson
34 M3 104 12189 Matthew Jobe
35 L1 100 14946 Dawn Baxstrom
36 SL3 96 13699 Janie Ford-Sales
37 M1 92 15767 Landon Summers
38 SM3 88 11329 Nathan Gooch
39 SM1 84 14289 John Wilson
40 SM1 80 14402 David Buss
41 M6 76 5720 Mike Lewallen
42 SM2 72 13111 Kenneth McKee
43 M5 68 6891 Collin Esau
44 L5 64 5045 Shelby DeGeare
45 L4 60 6892 Abby Esau
46 L2 56 11288 Schailynne Huber
47 SL3 52 2715 Sherii Gurule
48 L3 48 11037 Shalom Schuldt
49 M1 44 14403 Bo Buss
50 M2 40 14308 Brendan Hembree
51 SM5 36 1994 Donnie Sales
52 SL4 32 2993 Sharon Hagedon
53 M3 28 9993 Kevin Rowl
54 L1 24 15160 Leslie Berry
55 M1 20 8647 Will Miller
56 SL5 16 9438 Andree Langlois
57 SM5 12 9437 Yves Langlois
58 SL2 8 870 Carlene Cobb
59 SM4 4 7689 Tim Dernosek
1 WRO 28 11059 Trinity Kruse-Schuldt
2 WRL 24 11087 Sophia Duch
3 WRL 20 9022 Katrina Gurule
4 WRO 16 9943 Haze Hagedon
5 WRO 12 11289 Aighdanlee Huber
6 WRO 8 11149 Katelyn Hagedon
7 WRL 4 14965 Madelyn Hagedon