cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

South Sound Shootout

Event Dates

Sep 02 2016 - Sep 04 2016


No Registration Limit
71 Complete
71 Total

Hosting Club

South Sound Mounted Shooters
0 Upcoming Events
North Pacific Region


Rock n Horse Arena
12810 175th ave
Rochester, WA 98579


June 16-August 28, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L4 124 12506 Breanna Coston
2 M3 122 7609 Lee Hays
3 M2 120 15212 Chad Hermansen
4 M2 118 13247 Tim Worley
5 SM5 116 11927 Rob Boucher
6 L4 114 11005 Torrie Philippi
7 M5 112 9517 Dan Kelley
8 L2 110 11734 Tenley Haaby
9 M3 108 10882 Josiah Haaby
10 L4 106 4749 Tara Gokey
11 SM2 104 13547 Wayne Cordeiro
12 SM2 102 14248 Paul Perona
13 L3 100 9175 Carissa Kirk
14 L1 98 13931 Selena Davis
15 SM2 96 13413 Dale Gilbert
16 M3 94 7571 Brian Wing
17 SM3 92 13187 Scott Byrd
18 SM2 90 9711 Cliff Kelley
19 SL4 88 10512 Jennifer Burnell
20 L1 86 13797 Amber Rinell
21 M3 84 11311 Jeffery Kirk
22 L3 82 7075 Christy Patterson
23 L1 80 9125 Tanna Stewart
24 L1 78 15348 Delisa May
25 L1 76 12069 Kristen VanValkenburg
26 L1 74 14328 Carla Fitzsimmons
27 SL3 72 9052 Karen Plumlee
28 L2 70 10236 Ashley Anderson
29 L2 68 12963 Tanya Parsons
30 L2 66 14251 Kristina Bates
31 SM1 64 14286 Larry Davis
32 M1 62 14729 Rick Harkness
33 SL2 60 13372 Dee Dee Tretter
34 M2 58 9123 Daryl Stewart
35 L1 56 13791 Elizabeth Bowman
36 M2 54 14600 Matthew Chromey
37 L1 52 15202 Julie Georgell
38 L1 50 15211 Cally Hermansen
39 SM1 48 13731 Drexel White
40 M3 46 13085 Walker Dixon
41 L1 44 13246 Kim Worley
42 SM2 42 7495 Randall Gilden
43 SM1 40 14689 Van Winters
44 SL1 38 14629 Jeanne Ballard
45 SM2 36 14366 Don Pack
46 M1 34 13522 Mike Lee
47 SL3 32 11169 Dalarie Philippi
48 SM1 30 12470 Kurt Sellner
49 SM1 28 14276 Dan Howe
50 SL2 26 10310 Laurie Hughes
51 L1 24 10233 Beth Anderson
52 L1 22 12471 Brenda Sellner
53 SL1 20 14690 Jill Winters
54 L1 18 13521 Laura Lee
55 L1 16 14249 Sarah Strasser
56 L1 14 14278 Erica Larson
57 SL1 12 13414 Pam Gilbert
58 L1 10 14285 Terra Fisher
59 SL1 8 14377 Debra Truax
60 SL1 6 15157 Lori Jenkins
61 SL2 4 1911 Kathy Orr
62 SL1 2 15778 Alexandra Kasuske
1 WRL 6 13248 Sammi-Jo Worley
2 WRL 4 14601 LillyAnn Chromey
3 WRL 2 15014 Jaelynn VanValkenburg