cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Shoot For The Troops

Event Dates

Jun 14 2016


Limited to 80 Entries
15 Complete
22 Total

Hosting Club

Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association
6 Upcoming Events
International Region


Lone Star Arena
4696 N US Highway 377
Stephenville, TX 76401


May 24-June 10, 2016

Registration Closed

22 Entries across 14 Classes
CMSA First Name Last Name Class
14818 Addison Thrower L1
14522 Isabella Brandreth L3
4123 Biven Chapman L6
11333 Greg Hopper M2
11960 Josiah Boriack M4
5722 Trevor Lewallen M4
11959 Daniel Boriack M6
1562 Denny Chapman M6
8185 Sam Helms M6
12840 Ethan Wilkinson M6
10428 Cindy Mergen SL2
5161 Martha Hallman SL3
10961 Gloria Douglass SL4
3010 Deb Smith SL4
11276 Donna Waldrup SL4
5559 Shannon Males SL5
3616 De Chapman SL6
10584 John Brandreth SM3
9905 Jim Pinson SM3
10427 Nick Mergen SM4
13557 Andy Waymire SM4
  Private Rider SM5