cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Shoot at the Rodeo Day 1

Event Dates

Jun 25 2016


No Registration Limit
79 Complete
79 Total

Hosting Club

6 Upcoming Events
Southwest Region


Marshall Knoles Arena
2446 Fort Tuthill Loop
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


April 18-June 21, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L6 130 87 Kenda Lenseigne
2 L3 128 14778 Katie Magowan
3 L4 126 8892 Kathleen Callander
4 L3 124 12771 Kaylea Stuart
5 SM5 122 6888 Scott Crawford
6 M3 120 11655 Regan Anderson
7 SM4 118 13079 Frank Young
8 L1 116 14209 Tia Weiss
9 L4 114 12355 Shiloh Garner
10 L3 112 11334 Kristen Daulton
11 L4 110 11147 Von Brady
12 SL4 108 7268 Hallie McFadden
13 SM4 106 9311 Alan Firetto
14 L5 104 9619 Kimberly Larsen
15 L1 102 14210 Gabrielle Brennan
16 SM4 100 11314 Phil Wogoman
17 SL4 98 12486 Leslie Ivanchan
18 L3 96 10118 Cristina Beloud
19 L4 94 11046 Tracy Reinhart
20 SL4 92 11653 Molly Anderson
21 L2 90 11139 Tracy Reinke
22 L3 88 12434 Wendy Schaefer
23 SM4 86 12436 Dale Schaefer
24 SL4 84 10062 Susan Anderson
25 L2 82 12743 Tina Baldocchi
26 L2 80 12335 Sherrie Mincks
27 L1 78 12438 Sammy Schaefer
28 M6 76 1726 Dan Byrd
29 L1 74 15123 Samantha Fletcher
30 L1 72 15100 Amanda Ellis
31 M1 70 10084 Chad Brewer
32 SM3 68 7269 John McFadden
33 SL4 66 3010 Deb Smith
34 L3 64 3854 Kelly Bennett
35 L1 62 13068 Dusti Baker
36 SL3 60 10066 Tamara Helmkay
37 L1 58 13709 Molly Leach
38 L2 56 12437 Tucker Schaefer
39 L1 54 15532 Erin Hood
40 SM4 52 12182 Cliff Garner
41 SM3 50 9616 Dan Tice
42 SL4 48 6887 Linda Crawford
43 M1 46 11465 Chad Reinhart
44 SM2 44 10159 Don Donka
45 SM3 42 10061 David Anderson
46 SM2 40 1019 Raymond Crandell
47 L4 38 8328 Paige McGinnis
48 L1 36 15279 Taylor Ernstmeyer
49 L2 34 9626 Ronda Blauvelt
50 SL6 32 1938 Diane Holmes
51 L2 30 8067 Samantha Ostrovsky
52 L5 28 11601 Jamie Marshall
53 L4 26 6241 Renee Robichaud
54 SL1 24 14256 Patti Donka
55 L1 22 5396 Kelly Roberts
56 SL1 20 10358 Krisee Eckert
57 SL4 18 559 Denise Darr
58 SL2 16 10063 Sherri McKinstray
59 M3 14 8329 Paul Ambrose
60 SM6 12 1 Jim Rodgers
61 M1 10 15552 Rudd Brown
62 L3 8 10514 Denise McGinnis
63 L1 6 10083 Stephanie Brewer
64 L1 4 15531 Laura Smith
65 L1 2 15103 Vicki DeWitt
1 WRO 6 10107 Liam Stillson
2 WRL 4 10937 Keeley Callander
3 WRO 2 8068 Mitchell Ostrovsky