cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

CMSA Shoot at Clinton County II

Event Dates

May 15 2016


No Registration Limit
30 Complete
30 Total

Hosting Club

Keystone Cowboys
0 Upcoming Events
North Eastern Region


98 Racetrack Rd
98 Racetrack Rd Exit, 178, I-80, along Rt 220
Mill Hall, PA 17751


November 5-May 11, 2016

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M3 66 14748 David Okerlund
2 M3 64 13095 Christopher McElyea
3 SL4 62 11831 Tammy Angeletti
4 SM4 60 12425 John Berry
5 M1 58 14216 Caleb Cooper
6 M2 56 14691 Paul Treas
7 SL4 54 9473 Barbara Miller
8 M5 52 10598 Dave Billotte
9 L1 50 14750 Katie Sprague
10 L1 48 14867 Jennifer Treas
11 SM4 46 9206 Barry Larson
12 SM1 44 15435 Stephen Foulke
13 SM1 42 9441 Hal Welch
14 SM3 40 12405 Mark Mangus
15 SM1 38 13716 Robert Koniak
16 M4 36 9474 Matt Miller
17 SL3 34 9207 Linda Larson
18 L1 32 14751 Tanya Okerlund
19 SL2 30 13904 Kathy Henry
20 M1 28 15003 Brad Ennis
21 SM2 26 14214 Mick Cooper
22 SL2 24 13272 Barbara Welch
23 L1 22 15535 Nicole Haas
24 L2 20 10599 Elizabeth Billotte
25 M1 18 12593 William Berry
26 SL1 16 13717 Dawn Wojtowicz
27 L1 14 13605 Jeanette Black
28 M1 12 11513 David Owens
29 L1 10 14577 Stephanie Lucas
30 SL2 8 12687 Deb Matthews
31 SL1 6 14215 Gay Cooper
32 L1 4 14584 Amber Cooper
33 SL2 2 13800 Hilary Goff