cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Richardson Ride Day 2

Event Dates

Nov 10 2024


No Registration Limit
111 Complete
111 Total

Hosting Club

5 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


Iowa Equestrian Center
801 76th Ave Dr SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404


October 14-November 6, 2024

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 SM6 226 3615 Paul Chapman
2 M6 224 14024 Adam Ross
3 M6 222 13919 Adam Travis
4 M6 220 13915 Connor Travis
5 SM6 218 14745 David Mitchell
6 SM5 216 333 Tim McDonald
7 SM6 214 11790 Bruce Travis
8 SM6 212 10073 Joe Sekutera
9 SM5 210 12975 Joel Yandell
10 M5 208 16521 Nic Hahn
11 M4 206 19679 Nathanial Reams
12 M4 204 17286 Scott Shearer
13 L5 202 12378 Cassie Law
14 L5 200 14105 Sheila Ross
15 SM5 198 3633 Vernon Vesperman
16 M2 196 19707 Chase Miller
17 SM5 194 5246 Loren Adrian
18 M4 192 15977 Mike Bloom
19 L3 190 19948 Allison Kloxin
20 M4 188 15600 Eric D Smith
21 SL4 186 13654 Maria Gregory
22 SL6 184 3616 De Chapman
23 SM4 182 14005 Doug Cook
24 SM6 180 3573 Kelly Leahy
25 L2 178 6858 Alexis Wertz
26 SM4 176 11778 Bill Phelps
27 L2 174 19764 Taylor Decker
28 SM5 172 18290 Lonnie Nye
29 SM5 170 10615 Sam Finch
30 L5 168 16633 Jocelyn Marner
31 M4 166 15417 Brian Leaders
32 L4 164 10115 Reata Mullins
33 M2 162 13922 Tyler Travis
34 L1 160 19480 Lilly James
35 L3 158 18888 Jessie Martin
36 SL4 156 2273 Nicky McDonald
37 L3 154 17206 Jillian Coglan
38 L3 152 14155 Gracie Travis
39 M2 150 18664 Chase Perkins
40 L2 148 19288 Eliana Nelson
41 M4 146 18183 Brent Friest
42 L2 144 19571 Ellie Dykstra
43 M3 142 19700 Chass Ossian
44 M4 140 16578 Carter Henderson
45 L4 138 18639 Sammi Langhans
46 M4 136 19780 Anthony Pinto
47 M1 134 18361 Thomas Pethoud
48 SL5 132 17212 Jan Corum
49 M5 130 13918 Luke Travis
50 L3 128 16299 Brooke Drewlow
51 SL3 126 9870 Monica Loeffler
52 SM2 124 6070 Joseph Garcia
53 SM5 122 13956 David Travis
54 M5 120 12009 Clint Travis
55 M5 118 13666 Jamie Travis
56 L3 116 19748 Ellie Evans
57 L1 114 19974 Jolee Ligneel
58 M5 112 12613 Shaun Teut
59 M1 110 19238 James Stewart
60 M1 108 17398 Isaac Isaacson
61 L2 106 19773 Rachael Decker
62 L6 104 10617 Lauren Finch
63 L4 102 16665 Allison Reisner
64 L2 100 19225 Megan Smith
65 M4 98 16577 Owen Henderson
66 SL3 96 10071 Jean Peterson
67 SM2 94 16304 Stan Teske
68 L2 92 17356 Madi Stultz
69 SM2 90 18927 Wayne Hanson
70 SL4 88 16672 Carol Lowery
71 SM3 86 11164 Marty Peterson
72 L3 84 17699 Kathryn Skowronek
73 L2 82 17035 Nikki Collins
74 SM2 80 7274 Bill Stahmer
75 L2 78 15931 Patty Pulford
76 SM4 76 8599 Gage Adams
77 SM4 74 11798 Jeff Yeager
78 SL5 72 17795 Ginger Mitchell
79 L1 70 19224 Carie Steinkamp
80 SL2 68 5056 Lu Wagner
81 SM5 66 3131 Todd Jackson
82 SL3 64 16112 Amy Caffery
83 L1 62 20276 Mary Marsolais
84 L3 60 17438 Olivia Burstad
85 M3 58 19949 Cody Kloxin
86 M4 56 13916 Lane Travis
87 L1 54 15411 Heather Ehrhardt
88 L1 52 17089 Chanelle Travis
89 L1 50 9363 Sondra Feldstein
90 SM3 48 17658 Joe Reynolds
91 SM3 46 16654 Tony Pulford
92 SM4 44 5000 Mike Wertz
93 L4 42 14051 Tessa Buckman
94 M6 40 8280 David Hassett
95 L4 38 13171 Melanie Meyer
96 L1 36 19391 Jillian Bentley
97 L5 34 13347 Becky Seevers
98 L3 32 15599 Sarah M Smith
99 SL4 30 17675 Carla Clark
100 L1 28 20634 Saphira Vick
101 L1 26 20173 Lydia Schuchhardt
102 M1 24 20304 James Smith
103 L1 22 19227 Austyn Smith
104 SM1 20 20605 Pat Zeimet
105 L1 18 20720 Amber Walter
106 M5 16 17766 Jerad Meyer
107 SL2 14 11799 Carol Yeager
108 L1 12 18892 Martha Allyn
109 L6 10 12017 Taylor Harper
110 L4 8 15516 Payton Leaders
111 L1 6 20597 Bailey Cory
112 L1 4 19765 Jorja Decker
113 L1 2 20741 Tessa Fellerer
1 WRO 22 15028 Travis Lents
2 WRL 20 19579 Corrie Perkins
3 WRO 18 19572 Haddie Dykstra
4 WRO 16 19368 Tenley Bentley
5 WRO 14 17039 Rylee Collins
6 WRO 12 20093 Morgan Decker
7 WRO 10 19710 Molly Miller
8 WRL 8 19944 Raylan Martin
9 WRL 6 19711 Brynlee Miller
10 WRL 2 20418 Clara Connell
10 WRL 2 20633 Esther Arn