cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Shoot For Hope Shootout $5000 added

Event Dates

Apr 20 2024 Apr 21 2024


No Registration Limit
112 Complete
112 Total

Hosting Club

Double L Bar Shooters
5 Upcoming Events
Mid Atlantic Region


Southeast Ag Center
1027 US Alt 74 - take exit 13A off of I-95
Lumberton, NC 27525


March 21-April 17, 2024

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 525 8628 David Lohrey
2 SM6 520 15161 Cecil Berry
3 L6 515 15537 Keelyn McGiboney
4 SM6 510 14745 David Mitchell
5 M6 505 10792 Colton Davis
6 L4 500 15758 Jessi Cook
7 L6 495 7588 Elizabeth Clavette
8 L6 490 12859 Jessica Amos
9 M6 485 12444 Sergio Bevacqua
10 SM5 480 13787 Kyle Kisse
11 M6 475 17123 Justin Naff
12 L5 470 17891 Leah Pendleton
13 M1 465 20086 Justin Pinkard
14 M3 460 14174 Chase Combs
15 L5 455 10048 Pamela Lohrey
16 SM4 450 11854 Mike Brogan
17 SM5 445 8902 Chris Coats
18 SM4 440 15698 Steven Lewis
19 M6 435 11256 Josh Ingle
20 SM5 430 1131 Mike Nickerson
21 M5 425 13290 Paul Henry
22 L3 420 15488 Briahna Greaux
23 SM5 415 9983 Mark Shurley
24 SL5 410 15756 Anita Mayfield
25 L5 405 12510 Emma Morey
26 M2 400 15024 Layne Oakes
27 M6 395 12511 Braden Morey
28 L6 390 14141 Carly Stavely
29 M2 385 19514 Tracy Sides
30 L3 380 11382 Jennifer Lenfestey
31 SM6 375 3848 Ron Differ
32 L5 370 11338 CariBeth Ingle
33 M1 365 20072 Jason East
34 SM3 360 7425 Mickey Helms
35 M1 355 11383 William Lenfestey
36 L5 350 18273 Jacee Ball
37 SL6 345 4930 Sandy Nickerson
38 SM5 340 9025 Vernon Shaw
39 L3 335 15863 Kristen Leigh Johnston
40 SL5 330 17795 Ginger Mitchell
41 SM6 325 15320 Kenny Kline
42 M1 320 19602 Justin Mack
43 M1 315 20161 Josh Taylor
44 L2 310 14941 Isabella Bevacqua
45 SL4 305 15699 Kelly Lewis
46 SL6 300 9976 Deonna Wicker
47 L3 295 14935 Ellie Almond
48 SM4 290 9465 Tom Hockran
49 L6 285 5723 Kayla Lewallen
50 L1 280 20078 Katlyn Conley
51 SM3 275 13884 Jimmy Primm
52 SL5 270 5129 Nina Differ
53 M1 265 19762 Jessie West
54 SM6 260 8611 Byron Walters
55 M4 255 12124 Ronald Macon
56 L5 250 9378 Olivia Wedegaertner
57 SM5 245 9802 Fred Shoffner
58 L5 240 8633 Jaime Lohrey
59 M3 235 19780 Anthony Pinto
60 L2 230 17513 Brylen Haller
61 SM3 225 4572 Richard Howes
62 L6 220 12352 Taylor Fowler
63 L4 215 16714 Sally Stewart
64 L2 210 19501 Hope Sides
65 L3 205 7427 Anna Helms
66 L2 200 16869 Melissa Shaner
67 SL4 195 14273 Crystal Moles
68 M5 190 18240 Colton Stegall
69 SL3 185 12413 Michele Lawson
70 M2 180 8711 TR Vernal
71 L3 175 18926 Shayla Drabek
72 SM5 170 13263 Ricky Wooten
73 SL4 165 8612 Betty Walters
74 SM4 160 15031 David Royal
75 SM4 155 16428 Glenn Sweeney Sr
76 SL4 150 14316 Cindy Stavely
77 SL3 145 5123 Candy McCrary
78 SM1 140 14923 Joe Yates
79 M3 135 16094 Ethan Moody
80 M1 130 20076 Sean Conley
81 SM1 125 19892 Michael Mack
82 L1 120 15489 Kenslee Greaux
83 M3 115 10049 Jacob Campbell
84 L4 110 14804 Abigail Hubbard
85 SL4 105 13883 Linda Primm
86 SL3 100 17357 Robyn Hayes
87 SM2 95 17361 Patrick Hayes
88 L4 90 17758 Claudia Jenkins
89 SM4 85 14139 Tommy Moles
90 SL4 80 5721 Sabrina Lewallen
91 SL4 75 10032 April Clark
92 SL1 70 19264 Vicky Chance
93 SL1 65 19576 Christine Steadman
94 L3 60 13355 Heather Whitfield
95 L1 55 20118 DeLana John
96 M1 50 15221 Brandon Whitfield
97 SL5 45 15684 Lori Mullis
98 L1 40 19044 Stephanie Foschini
99 SL1 35 14622 Lisa Phillips
100 SM2 30 14963 Steven Oakes
101 L1 25 19263 Jeanann Evans
102 SL3 20 13798 Machion Morris
103 L1 15 20330 Harlie Hylton
104 L1 10 20343 Katelyn Busse
105 SL3 5 15214 Tina Brazier
1 WRL 25 16356 Romie Differ
2 WRO 20 15943 Koleden Lee Isenhour
3 WRO 15 14488 Dylan Henry
4 WRL 10 19046 Julianna Foschini
5 WRL 5 19047 Brielle Foschini