cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

AAQH Congress Shoot

Event Dates

Oct 22 2023


Limited to 100 Entries
108 Complete
109 Total

Hosting Club

Mid-Ohio Marauders
0 Upcoming Events
Mid West Region


Ohio Exposition Center
717 E 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211


October 5-16, 2023

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 206 15797 Bill Adams
2 L6 204 13049 Cara Penley
3 M6 202 5076 John Roach
4 M3 200 17372 Carter Warncke
5 M6 198 15917 Drew Wallace
6 L2 196 17815 Amanda Hudson
7 M3 194 18219 Ryan Hirdes
8 M4 192 12262 Garrett Cooper
9 M6 190 14082 Jared Penley
10 L5 188 15127 Karla Durnell
11 L4 186 17758 Claudia Jenkins
12 L2 184 16869 Melissa Shaner
13 M4 182 16315 Cole Caster
14 M4 180 12260 Mike Cooper
15 SM4 178 15058 Clayton Lightfield
16 M6 176 11843 Devin Clevenger
17 L5 174 14451 Holly Payne
18 L5 172 15373 Kelle Winkle
19 L4 170 17184 Courtney Eberle
20 M2 168 18258 Noah Modglin
21 M2 166 19780 Anthony Pinto
22 M5 164 16522 Ezra Yoder
23 SM6 162 14745 David Mitchell
24 SM4 160 12226 JD Hughes
25 M3 158 16460 Tye Alleshouse
26 L5 156 9475 Ellie Mackey
27 SL4 154 5721 Sabrina Lewallen
28 L4 152 12261 Tonya Cooper
29 M3 150 15018 Seth Isaac Shifflett
30 L4 148 7031 Chrissy Ramsey
31 SM5 146 9474 Matt Miller
32 SL6 144 18099 Therese Johnson
33 L5 142 10793 Michelle Long
34 SM6 140 5720 Mike Lewallen
35 M4 138 12995 Carson Feikert
36 L3 136 17614 Hollianne Windle
37 L1 134 17332 Marissa Grochalski
38 SM5 132 13894 Tim Calvin
39 M4 130 6140 Rodney Massie
40 M4 128 5722 Trevor Lewallen
41 M3 126 10393 Jordan Heald
42 M2 124 19783 Jacob Jackson
43 L3 122 18694 Amanda Rinz
44 L2 120 16143 Misty McAnlis
45 SM4 118 9025 Vernon Shaw
46 SL6 116 11943 Kelley Forster
47 L5 114 15054 Kayla Lightfield
48 M2 112 17814 Eric Hudson
49 L3 110 16192 DeAnn Sloan
50 L3 108 16708 Ashley Smith
51 SM3 106 8409 Dale Goebel
52 M1 104 17219 Nicholas Hall
53 L2 102 18976 Julia Ray
54 L3 100 18130 Missy DeForest
55 L2 98 13420 Keona Knight
56 SL2 96 15503 Lola Goodson
57 L2 94 18637 Linzey Evans
58 SM2 92 18192 Chris Belletti
59 M1 90 20064 Nojus Sabrowski
60 SM4 88 10414 Jon Gregory
61 L2 86 15809 Autumn Adams
62 SL5 84 13933 Renee Calvin
63 L2 82 18949 Emily Hric
64 L4 80 17765 Kierstin Fritsch
65 M5 78 16327 Donovan Casey
66 L2 76 19294 Christine Duncan
67 L1 74 19995 Jayme Stiglich
68 SL4 72 13654 Maria Gregory
69 L6 70 15056 Jennifer Casey
70 L5 68 16300 Stacy Thacker
71 L2 66 14638 Marie Cornell
72 L4 64 16100 Emily Matthews
73 M1 62 19901 Stefan Haase
74 SL3 60 14189 Karen Hughes
75 L6 58 5723 Kayla Lewallen
76 L4 56 12589 Dora Psiakis
77 SL6 54 11831 Tammy Angeletti
78 L3 52 18155 Whitney Draisma-Hirdes
79 M2 50 17588 Travis Gibson
80 M1 48 20034 Jeff Gornichec
81 L5 46 15714 Elizabeth Brockert
82 L3 44 17475 Anna Rose Wiebe
83 L2 42 18139 Deborah Harris
84 L2 40 18685 Caitlin Brohm
85 L3 38 14980 Kennedy Gollin
86 L1 36 18521 Megan Kane
87 M1 34 13804 Caleb Heald
88 M6 32 11095 Robert Bernhardt
89 SL2 30 16264 Laurie Maris
90 SM3 28 11749 Tom Byrne
91 L2 26 18062 Lyndsay Rush
92 SL5 24 9473 Barbara Miller
93 SM6 22 4902 Cary Barrow
94 SM1 20 19349 Rick Bull
95 M1 18 12996 Jason Shear
96 L6 16 17176 Reese Guier
97 L3 14 13935 Sara Calvin
98 M2 12 19414 Richard Groome
99 L1 10 19295 Angel Galbraith
100 L1 8 14542 Skyler Rein Cooper
101 SM1 6 19693 James Stimmel
102 SL5 4 17212 Jan Corum
103 SL2 2 6885 Diana Bernhardt
1 WRL 12 19876 Nathaniel Hewitt
2 WRO 10 19962 Hope Killey
3 WRO 8 19841 Kaylee Syring
4 WRL 6 18997 Flint Feikert
5 WRL 4 20021 Levi Hewitt
6 WRL 2 20136 Canyon Feikert