cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Tough Enough To Wear Pink (Buckle Series II)

Event Dates

Oct 22 2023


No Registration Limit
46 Complete
46 Total

Hosting Club

South Carolina Mounted Shooters
2 Upcoming Events
South Eastern Region


Double J Arena
501 Lockaby Rd
Pendelton, SC 29670


September 20-October 18, 2023

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 SM6 94 3848 Ron Differ
2 L3 92 14935 Ellie Almond
3 M2 90 19467 Justin Layne
4 L6 88 7588 Elizabeth Clavette
5 M4 86 19164 Jeffrey Pulford
6 SM6 84 8611 Byron Walters
7 SL5 82 15756 Anita Mayfield
8 L4 80 18330 Kimberly Harris
9 SL5 78 5129 Nina Differ
10 L5 76 10843 Susan Foltz
11 M2 74 18542 Adam Bradford
12 L5 72 17891 Leah Pendleton
13 L5 70 9659 Peyton Black
14 SM6 68 13406 Christopher Stover
15 SM5 66 9983 Mark Shurley
16 M5 64 18331 Stephen Harris
17 SL5 62 1807 Shanon Wilson
18 SM5 60 5122 Chuck McCrary
19 M2 58 17316 Chandler Jackson
20 L1 56 17513 Brylen Haller
21 SM4 54 15698 Steven Lewis
22 SL4 52 14771 Traci Garland
23 L3 50 17880 Molly Lingefelt
24 L4 48 15758 Jessi Cook
25 SL4 46 15699 Kelly Lewis
26 L3 44 18579 Cristina Sheehan
27 M2 42 19558 Austyn Gochenour
28 SL3 40 13798 Machion Morris
29 SL2 38 19042 Diane Rajani
30 SL3 36 12413 Michele Lawson
31 M2 34 19176 Tully Lingefelt
32 SM5 32 2873 Mike Duck
33 SL4 30 8612 Betty Walters
34 SL5 28 1806 Brenda Duck
35 L1 26 19575 Bethany Patrick
36 L2 24 11382 Jennifer Lenfestey
37 SL4 22 8648 Kelly Denton
38 M1 20 11383 William Lenfestey
39 L1 18 20148 Samantha Simmons
40 L1 16 18995 Brooklynn Siens
41 L2 14 19101 Terri Partain
42 SL1 12 19576 Christine Steadman
43 SM5 10 3912 Ronald Gipson
44 L1 8 20118 DeLana John
45 M3 6 14174 Chase Combs
46 L1 4 20147 Reese Osborne
47 SM1 2 8054 Bill Simpson
1 WRO 12 18333 Hailey Harris
2 WRO 10 18332 Trevor Harris
3 WRL 8 17917 Kash Griffin
4 WRL 6 16356 Romie Differ
5 WRL 4 19690 Kaylee Lingefelt
6 WRL 2 20132 Maddison McGinley