cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Dust - Up at the Haymaker Day 2

Event Dates

Aug 27 2023


No Registration Limit
41 Complete
41 Total


Haymaker Arena
Twp. Rd. 492
Thorsby, AB T0C 2P0


July 19-August 23, 2023

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 SM3 170 14637 Les Steem
2 SM4 165 10165 Allen Watson
3 M3 160 10900 Darrell Dufresne
4 L5 155 12811 Heather McKenzie
5 M3 150 15677 Tyler Donaldson
6 SM1 145 13772 Michael Brochu
7 L4 140 9641 Lindsey Baranyk
8 M4 135 15473 Matthew Nielson
9 L4 130 12987 Holly Schuk
10 SL5 125 11722 Beryl Jarrett
11 L1 120 16335 Robin Schwartz
12 SM3 115 10699 Ken Wick
13 SL4 110 14025 Barbara Morris
14 SL3 105 11914 Donna Osipow
15 SM4 100 10700 Kevin Wenger
16 M1 95 16346 Cory Brown
17 SM3 90 14026 Michael Morris
18 SL4 85 12856 Leslie Norrie
19 L3 80 15676 Jill Donaldson
20 L2 75 14070 Karrie Stoneman
21 SM4 70 11721 Terry Jarrett
22 M3 65 14067 Darren Stoneman
23 L2 60 18216 Stacy Opsahl
24 L1 55 17439 Amanda McDonald
25 L1 50 17673 Alyssa Nielson
26 SM3 45 12809 Bruce McKenzie
27 SL2 40 15965 Julie Saretsky
28 SM1 35 11913 Jay Stewart
29 SL2 30 14753 Darlene Brittain
30 SM1 25 13600 Jens Jorgensen
31 SL3 20 13976 Linda McKenzie
32 M1 15 19189 Daniel Vriend
33 M2 10 10776 Curtis Clausen
34 L1 5 19858 Jantelle Wilson
1 WRL 10 16206 Paisley Donaldson
2 WRL 5 16207 Cash Donaldson