cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Keep the Fun Going $5000 Added Shootout

Event Dates

Aug 27 2023


No Registration Limit
67 Complete
67 Total

Hosting Club

Colorado Regulators
2 Upcoming Events
Mid Mountain Region


Estes Park Fairgrounds
1209 Manford Ave
Estes Park, CO 80615


April 12-August 22, 2023

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L6 310 3616 De Chapman
2 L5 305 11167 Crystal Smith
3 SM6 300 10331 Axel Thurner
4 L5 295 17901 Ella Kelly
5 SM6 290 15161 Cecil Berry
6 M4 285 16721 Rafe Persch
7 L4 280 16968 Taylor Kahl
8 SM5 275 14887 Larry Pagel
9 L4 270 16794 Emma Oyer
10 SL5 265 10644 Katrina Klotz
11 SM6 260 3615 Paul Chapman
12 L6 255 11601 Jamie Marshall
13 L4 250 18108 Kristie Tow
14 SL4 245 10961 Gloria Douglass
15 SM3 240 7397 Verle Hamm
16 L5 235 15708 Kymberly Mercier
17 L4 230 13732 Stacie Monroe
18 SM5 225 10643 Dale Klotz
19 M4 220 16638 Justin Smith
20 L2 215 10024 Jodi Parsons
21 M2 210 18429 Scott Kenna
22 L5 205 17932 Rachelle Stevens
23 L3 200 12933 Megan Wilson
24 L4 195 14235 Mandee Fetzer
25 L4 190 9879 Kristel King
26 L4 185 16722 Avery Persch
27 SL4 180 14354 Mary Shue
28 L2 175 17900 Jodi Kelly
29 M3 170 17931 Mike Stevens
30 M1 165 18097 Alex Goodell
31 L5 160 11421 Diane Male
32 L5 155 17688 Emily Honeyman
33 M5 150 15755 Lincoln Male
34 L3 145 14911 Emilee Shearer
35 SM2 140 18180 Larry Gaskell
36 SL3 135 16720 Jean Henderson
37 M6 130 1726 Dan Byrd
38 M5 125 12189 Matthew Jobe
39 M1 120 19583 Eric Woedl
40 M1 115 18431 Bryce Kenna
41 L2 110 19151 Chelsea Krimm
42 SL3 105 18096 Joan Goodell
43 SL4 100 14885 Robyn Pagel
44 M5 95 10108 Rick Carlson
45 L2 90 16277 Megan Fischer
46 SL3 85 7424 Dawn Hamm
47 L3 80 8335 Elizabeth Parsons
48 L1 75 11143 Laurelle Parsons
49 L3 70 18428 Heather Kenna
50 L2 65 17849 Kiowa Stetson
51 L5 60 15011 Clara Oyer
52 L3 55 8334 Kaitlynne Parsons
53 SL1 50 17856 Robyn Englert
54 SL2 45 18179 Holly Gaskell
55 L1 40 18133 Sarah Burke
56 SL1 35 17654 Lori Wayne
57 SL1 30 16796 Victoria Dickinson
58 L1 25 17884 Amy Coen
59 M4 20 9499 JD Graham
60 L1 15 18430 Haley Kenna
61 L1 10 17415 JJ Diesing
62 M4 5 7546 Mike Parsons
1 WRL 5 16055 Olivia Bilkie