cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Winter Buckle Series Shoot 4

Event Dates

Apr 22 2023


No Registration Limit
67 Complete
67 Total

Hosting Club

Colorado Regulators
4 Upcoming Events
Mid Mountain Region


Double Check Arena
37440 County Road 43
Eaton, CO 80615


October 7-April 19, 2023

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L6 98 5536 Jessica Emmons
2 L6 96 3616 De Chapman
3 M5 94 16227 Carlos Juarez-vera
4 SM6 92 3615 Paul Chapman
5 M4 90 14344 Robert Rickgauer
6 L5 88 15011 Clara Oyer
7 M5 86 15755 Lincoln Male
8 L5 84 11421 Diane Male
9 L5 82 11167 Crystal Smith
10 SM5 80 14887 Larry Pagel
11 L4 78 15708 Kymberly Mercier
12 L2 76 10024 Jodi Parsons
13 M4 74 16638 Justin Smith
14 M3 72 18037 Jesse Anderson
15 L4 70 16794 Emma Leute
16 M2 68 14236 Josh Fetzer
17 SL5 66 10644 Katrina Klotz
18 M4 64 7546 Mike Parsons
19 L2 62 16277 Megan Fischer
20 L4 60 14235 Mandee Fetzer
21 SM2 58 18180 Larry Gaskell
22 M3 56 4726 Gene Johnson
23 SM5 54 10643 Dale Klotz
24 L4 52 17932 Rachelle Stevens
25 SL4 50 14885 Robyn Pagel
26 M3 48 17931 Mike Stevens
27 L3 46 8335 Elizabeth Parsons
28 L4 44 16722 Avery Persch
29 L3 42 8334 Kaitlynne Parsons
30 L3 40 12933 Megan Wilson
31 SM6 38 10073 Joe Sekutera
32 M4 36 16721 Rafe Persch
33 M4 34 10108 Rick Carlson
34 SL3 32 18096 Joan Goodell
35 L1 30 19151 Chelsea Krimm
36 L3 28 14435 Corra Fetzer
37 L1 26 11143 Laurelle Parsons
38 SL3 24 16720 Jean Henderson
39 L1 22 19622 Kim Schoonveld
40 SM5 20 9695 Troy Kerr
41 SL1 18 17654 Lori Wayne
42 L1 16 17884 Amy Coen
43 SL2 14 18179 Holly Gaskell
44 M1 12 19583 Eric Woedl
45 SL3 10 4662 Sue Dye
46 L1 8 19585 Chrissy Riley
47 L1 6 19611 Forrestte Brinkerhoff
48 SM5 4 4645 Darrell Dye
49 L4 2 9879 Kristel King
1 WRO 8 14437 Teague Fetzer
2 WRL 6 15470 Michael Johnson
3 WRL 4 16055 Olivia Bilkie
4 WRL 2 19696 Kody Krimm