cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Wild Rice River Shoot II

Event Dates

May 29 2022


No Registration Limit
47 Complete
47 Total

Hosting Club

Wild Rice Peacemakers
2 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


Wild Rice River Shoot Ii
3809 Co Hwy 29
Twin Valley, MN 56584


May 6-25, 2022

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L4 68 14051 Tessa Buckman
2 M4 66 17599 Dustin Bishop
3 M3 64 17667 Curtis Zoller
4 SM5 62 15405 Joe Zomer
5 L3 60 15919 Josie McEwan
6 M3 58 14580 Levi Manikowski
7 SL4 56 12633 Peggy Penner
8 L2 54 17663 Sam Zoller
9 L4 52 17668 Anna Zoller
10 M2 50 18129 Chance Nolte
11 M3 48 17240 Josh Howell
12 L3 46 16644 Molly Roller
13 L5 44 13167 Ashley Lyn Peterson
14 L3 42 13929 Angela Braun
15 L4 40 14000 Liza Manikowski
16 M4 38 6052 Wayne Gwin
17 L3 36 18122 Katie Pulford
18 M3 34 16588 Kevin Boyer jr
19 M2 32 18793 Frank Wall
20 SL4 30 15406 Herma Zomer
21 L2 28 17245 Michelle Olson
22 L1 26 17664 Natalia Zoller
23 L2 24 18033 Megan Bolek
24 L5 22 11986 Jena Benes
25 SL1 20 15820 Shelley Johnsen
26 SM2 18 13084 Dave Penner
27 L1 16 18795 Kelli Bertils
28 L1 14 18794 Lakken Taylor Wall
29 L1 12 16583 Ava McEwan
30 M1 10 14090 William Buckman
31 L4 8 17003 Sam Bishop
32 L1 6 13986 Danica Bergagnini
33 L1 4 17844 Lexis Bergagnini
34 L1 2 18890 Tammy Mymryk
1 WRL 18 17666 Wesley Zoller
2 WRL 16 18126 Kayden Nolte
3 WRL 14 16693 Sully Peterson
4 WRO 12 18121 Cord Nolte
5 WRL 10 16692 Savannah Peterson
6 WRO 8 14274 Shyanne Benes
7 WRO 6 17665 Gabby Zoller
8 WRL 4 19311 Nolan Bertils
9 WRO 2 17241 Esten Howell