cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Gilbert Shoot II

Event Dates

Aug 29 2021


No Registration Limit
37 Complete
37 Total

Hosting Club

Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
0 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


Little River Arena
6404 Korpi Rd
Gilbert, MN 55741


August 4-25, 2021

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L4 22 9593 Rachael Johnson
2 L5 21 12129 Sara Herrmann
3 M5 20 9591 Taylor Schoephoerster
4 M5 19 15659 Dan Herrmann
5 L4 18 17668 Anna Zoller
6 M3 17 17667 Curtis Zoller
7 L4 16 9592 Terri Hubbard
8 M6 15 5705 Jeremy Bullford
9 L3 14 13114 Laurie Slater
10 L2 13 17786 Jenna Hockert
11 L2 12 17663 Sam Zoller
12 L1 11 17785 Josie Hockert
13 M3 10 11963 Gary Ehalt
14 L1 9 17784 Cindy Bullford
15 M1 8 18799 Cody Holmstrom
16 L2 7 11884 Alex Porter
17 SL2 6 11852 Kristi Johnson
18 L1 5 18277 Abbey Rieken
19 L1 4 18476 Jenevieve Hofsommer
20 L4 3 9327 Michelle Johnson
21 SM5 2 10787 Jody Johnson
22 L1 1 14705 Andrea Lodermeier
1 WRO 8 17664 Natalia Zoller
2 WRL 7 17666 Wesley Zoller
3 WRO 6 18276 Cash Rieken
4 WRO 5 18263 Vada Rieken
5 WRL 4 17665 Gabby Zoller
6 WRL 3 18478 Eli Hofsommer
7 WRO 2 10014 Lee Morris
8 WRL 1 18479 Andrew Hofsommer