cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Beaver Brook Shoot VIII

Event Dates

Sep 19 2021


No Registration Limit
32 Complete
32 Total

Hosting Club

Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
0 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


tri county gun club
po box 60
east bethel, MN 55061


March 25-September 15, 2021

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M5 21 9591 Taylor Schoephoerster
2 M5 20 14704 Scott Strader
3 L3 19 17869 Tiffany Stauffer
4 L4 18 9327 Michelle Johnson
5 M3 17 15743 Jason Jendro
6 L3 16 13114 Laurie Slater
7 L4 15 7025 Deanna Olson
8 L2 14 11884 Alex Porter
9 L4 13 7922 Maija Kuhne
10 M1 12 17398 Isaac Isaacson
11 M2 11 18278 Corey Rieken
12 M1 10 18799 Cody Holmstrom
13 M3 9 11963 Gary Ehalt
14 L1 8 18281 Leaha Zimmerman
15 M1 7 18645 Jack Rieken
16 L1 6 18277 Abbey Rieken
17 L2 5 16400 Abbie Jendro
18 SL3 4 11357 Jane Bellert
19 SM1 3 18200 Burt Ponsler
20 SL1 2 13285 Barbara Whiteis
21 SM3 1 1488 Jim Lemmer
1 WRO 5 18263 Vada Rieken
2 WRO 4 18276 Cash Rieken
3 WRL 3 17284 Memphis Wisen
4 WRL 2 17757 Kipling Wisen
5 WRL 1 18805 Mercy Kuhne