cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Beaver Brook Shoot VII

Event Dates

Sep 18 2021


No Registration Limit
33 Complete
33 Total

Hosting Club

Minnesota Mounted Shooters Association
0 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


tri county gun club
po box 60
east bethel, MN 55061


March 25-September 15, 2021

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 L3 23 17869 Tiffany Stauffer
2 SM5 22 8676 Tom Bamford
3 M4 21 5777 Dallas Bullford
4 M3 20 15743 Jason Jendro
5 M4 19 9325 Wyatt Hicks
6 M3 18 11963 Gary Ehalt
7 L3 17 13114 Laurie Slater
8 SM3 16 5975 Dean Olson
9 M5 15 9591 Taylor Schoephoerster
10 L4 14 9327 Michelle Johnson
11 L4 13 7922 Maija Kuhne
12 M1 12 18799 Cody Holmstrom
13 M1 11 17398 Isaac Isaacson
14 L1 10 16400 Abbie Jendro
15 L4 9 7025 Deanna Olson
16 L2 8 11884 Alex Porter
17 SL3 7 11357 Jane Bellert
18 L1 6 18277 Abbey Rieken
19 M2 5 18278 Corey Rieken
20 L1 4 18281 Leaha Zimmerman
21 M1 3 18645 Jack Rieken
22 SM1 2 18200 Burt Ponsler
23 SL1 1 13285 Barbara Whiteis
1 WRO 5 18263 Vada Rieken
2 WRO 4 18276 Cash Rieken
3 WRL 3 17284 Memphis Wisen
4 WRL 2 17757 Kipling Wisen
5 WRL 1 18805 Mercy Kuhne