cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Shootout 1

Event Dates

Jul 09 2021


Limited to 100 Entries
116 Complete
116 Total

Hosting Club

High Plains Shooters
4 Upcoming Events
Western North Central


Sekutera Arena
46648 786th Road
Litchfield, NE 68852


April 1-July 5, 2021

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 SL6 440 3616 De Chapman
2 M6 435 5562 Brett Borkowski
3 M6 430 3615 Paul Chapman
4 SM6 425 1296 Curt Moore
5 L5 420 5723 Kayla Lewallen
6 SM6 415 5720 Mike Lewallen
7 SM6 410 10073 Joe Sekutera
8 M6 405 14024 Adam Ross
9 L4 400 14832 Melynda Larsen
10 SM4 395 11833 Mike Fritz
11 SM5 390 3131 Todd Jackson
12 L4 385 7688 Jami Lindsley
13 L4 380 13508 Morgan Stumpf
14 L4 375 14085 Kelcee Dickman
15 SM5 370 7108 Craig Shryock
16 SM4 365 12791 Darrell Stortz
17 SL4 360 8645 Deana Miller
18 SM5 355 5246 Loren Adrian
19 L3 350 17416 Amber Baughman
20 L4 345 15084 Faith Cavanaugh
21 SM5 340 14887 Larry Pagel
22 SM3 335 8644 Eddie Miller
23 L3 330 17749 Mallory McDonald
24 SL6 325 7109 Kelli Shryock
25 SM4 320 12975 Joel Yandell
26 L3 315 15708 Kymberly Mercier
27 M3 310 17624 Raitis Sipols
28 L4 305 13171 Melanie Meyer
29 L5 300 14158 Vanessa Lewis
30 L4 295 14105 Sheila Ross
31 M3 290 10861 Jake Krohmer
32 SM4 285 14048 Miles Cahoon
33 L4 280 14044 Shelly Henderson
34 M4 275 10076 Justin Sekutera
35 M2 270 8214 Collin Borgmann
36 SM2 265 14227 Tom Ottis
37 M2 260 18138 Shawn Paulson
38 SL4 255 14885 Robyn Pagel
39 L3 250 15931 Patty Pulford
40 SM4 245 2855 Butch Stackpole
41 SM3 240 3990 Eric Viers
42 L4 235 5721 Sabrina Lewallen
43 SM2 230 16654 Tony Pulford
44 SM3 225 7048 Rich Elias
45 M3 220 14572 Mark Urlacher
46 L3 215 15859 Erin Searle
47 L5 210 12017 Taylor Harper
48 SM5 205 12163 Ivan Gandrud
49 SM3 200 8878 Gregory Wendell
50 SM6 195 3633 Vernon Vesperman
51 L2 190 15913 Crystal Pitkin
52 M3 185 15299 Delos Searle
53 M2 180 16721 Rafe Persch
54 SM4 175 13814 Randy Fetherhuff
55 L4 170 13978 Kristy K Allen
56 M5 165 14195 Turner Thompson
57 L5 160 6506 Jeanne' Davis
58 L2 155 14932 Katie Oliver
59 L4 150 3441 Rebecca Watson
60 M3 145 18290 Lonnie Nye
61 SL3 140 10071 Jean Peterson
62 M4 135 14194 Mark Thompson
63 L2 130 17230 Jackie Knuth
64 M3 125 17229 Nathan Knuth
65 SL2 120 15722 Michele Snyder
66 SM4 115 7397 Verle Hamm
67 SM2 110 6129 Paul Borgmann
68 SL4 105 11367 Joan Brust
69 L3 100 14193 June Thompson
70 SM3 95 11164 Marty Peterson
71 SM6 90 2017 Carl Watson
72 SL4 85 6721 Marlene Harizal
73 L2 80 15724 Paige Snyder
74 L2 75 17371 Stacy Albers
75 L3 70 14340 Kay LaCoe
76 SL3 65 16802 Christine Peck
77 M3 60 17766 Jerad Meyer
78 L3 55 17777 Kyra Wooden
79 M6 50 8280 David Hassett
80 SM2 45 9968 Dwight Barhite
81 SM3 40 14442 John McCready
82 L1 35 18590 Terri Rose
83 SM3 30 11366 Don Brust
84 L1 25 18602 Maggie Meyer
85 L4 20 10839 Jenna Stulgies
86 L1 15 17231 Kendal Knuth
87 M3 10 14468 Alex Maestas
88 M2 5 18758 Justin Alps
1 WRO 45 14196 Taryn Thompson
2 WRO 40 17228 Claire Knuth
3 WRO 35 10070 Riley Davis
4 WRL 30 17626 Robert Sipols
5 WRO 25 15861 Avery Searle
6 WRL 20 14197 Taylor Thompson
7 WRL 15 15231 Gage Davis
8 WRL 10 17232 Kallie Knuth
9 WRL 5 17840 William Sipols