cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Southeastern Shootout

Event Dates

Apr 25 2021


No Registration Limit
142 Complete
142 Total

Hosting Club

Florida Peacemakers CMSA Inc
3 Upcoming Events
South Eastern Region


Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter
401 Larry Walker Pkwy (East Gate)
Perry, GA 31069


February 12-April 20, 2021

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M5 670 16301 Ethan Stanley
2 L6 665 7588 Elizabeth Clavette
3 L3 660 17431 Addie Watkins
4 L6 655 11235 Courtney Chapman
5 SM6 650 10035 Ross Kramer
6 M3 645 13297 Eric Sanders
7 L5 640 14141 Carly Stavely
8 M3 635 18240 Colton Stegall
9 SL6 630 8484 Sharyl Anderson
10 M5 625 12000 Cret Shamblin
11 L3 620 10141 Jessie Temple
12 M4 615 17123 Justin Naff
13 M5 610 13483 Ethan Yeager
14 SM5 605 13602 Ken Jardine
15 L4 600 12161 Katie Edwards
16 L4 595 15714 Elizabeth Brockert
17 SM5 590 5720 Mike Lewallen
18 L6 585 5902 Mikayla Hudson
19 L4 580 15052 Alexandra Nicolini
20 L3 575 17318 Anthea Buss
21 SM6 570 3364 Eric Ryan Anderson
22 L3 565 15215 Margaret Smith
23 SM6 560 1296 Curt Moore
24 L4 555 5721 Sabrina Lewallen
25 M2 550 18331 Stephen Harris
26 L6 545 11444 Kailey Prince
27 L2 540 17891 Leah Pendleton
28 SL6 535 12445 Gina Sharp
29 L5 530 7604 Megan Jackson
30 SM4 525 13787 Kyle Kisse
31 SM6 520 14028 Dave Kennedy
32 SL6 515 5928 Dianne Lipham
33 SM6 510 14136 Mark Hallink
34 L5 505 11657 Paula Dooley
35 SM5 500 1237 Joel Paulk
36 L3 495 17749 Mallory McDonald
37 SM3 490 17322 Randy King
38 SM5 485 9063 Rodney Alldredge
39 L5 480 5723 Kayla Lewallen
40 SM3 475 10774 Billy Cribb
41 M4 470 9983 Mark Shurley
42 L5 465 12859 Jessica Amos
43 SM2 460 10584 John Brandreth
44 M6 455 8413 Dawson Smith
45 SM5 450 7438 Al Rollins
46 SM6 445 8611 Byron Walters
47 SM6 440 5927 Darren Lipham
48 M6 435 10972 Mark Lohman
49 M1 430 18400 Jon Greaux
50 L5 425 12001 Katelynn Burns
51 SL4 420 14762 Sandy Kahlhamer
52 L2 415 17880 Molly Lingefelt
53 SM4 410 12448 Roy Sharp
54 M3 405 12101 Steven Edwards
55 SL5 400 13678 Kim Kennedy
56 L2 395 11894 Taylor Dooley
57 L6 390 12483 Alice Hallink
58 M4 385 14672 Caelan Garland
59 M2 380 11789 Blake Dooley
60 SL4 375 10815 Sharon Adair
61 M5 370 14403 Bo Buss
62 L5 365 5899 Nolah Parrish
63 M2 360 16094 Ethan Moody
64 L2 355 16744 Autumn Mercer
65 SM4 350 4628 Ed Kilpatrick
66 L2 345 17922 Mackenzie Reuss
67 L4 340 9659 Peyton Black
68 SL3 335 14244 Kelly Kelly
69 SL3 330 12951 Christie Gray
70 M4 325 5722 Trevor Lewallen
71 SL2 320 18099 Therese Johnson
72 SL4 315 14698 Susan Thompson
73 L5 310 12510 Emma Morey
74 M4 305 15320 Kenny Kline
75 L3 300 16488 Jodi Rae Ownby
76 L2 295 14245 Erin Murphy
77 SL3 290 16619 Bonny Bohannon
78 L4 285 6727 Katie Paulk
79 M5 280 12444 Sergio Bevacqua
80 L1 275 18079 Jamie King
81 SM4 270 15646 Nelson Riollano
82 L3 265 15904 Kitty Yeager
83 L3 260 12100 Lauren Edwards
84 SL3 255 13603 Jean Dugas
85 L5 250 4814 Christine Bougher
86 L1 245 12447 Cindy Greene
87 M2 240 17480 Jimmy Murphy
88 SM1 235 18371 Kevin Ester
89 SM6 230 9092 John Giannasi
90 L1 225 8941 Annika Robbins
91 SM5 220 1131 Mike Nickerson
92 L4 215 15537 Keelyn McGiboney
93 L5 210 14914 Kat Fisher
94 SM3 205 13898 Wade Sellers
95 L3 200 16831 Hannah Claire Duncan
96 M2 195 17316 Chandler Jackson
97 SL4 190 10036 Melinda Kramer
98 L1 185 18544 Sienna Dziza
99 L2 180 17924 Bridget Fenster
100 SM3 175 4710 Don Maines
101 SL5 170 14807 Kim Lonicki
102 L2 165 15329 Anabel Edwards
103 SM3 160 16782 Lance A Carlson
104 SL4 155 8612 Betty Walters
105 L4 150 15305 Aniston Laine Ainsworth
106 SM4 145 4794 Ernie Abbott
107 M3 140 14099 Ian Boettcher
108 SL4 135 11788 Abbie Naff
109 SL3 130 15292 Brenda Burns Cimini
110 M1 125 14873 Robert Etheridge
111 L1 120 15488 Briahna Greaux
112 SM2 115 15698 Steven Lewis
113 L1 110 18334 Caitlin Johnson
114 L5 105 15056 Jennifer Casey
115 SL4 100 11121 Linda Gould
116 SM5 95 2873 Mike Duck
117 SL1 90 15699 Kelly Lewis
118 SL1 85 17344 Cassie Simpson
119 M4 80 16327 Donovan Casey
120 SL2 75 14771 Traci Garland
121 L1 70 15563 Leia Paris
122 SL2 65 14316 Cindy Stavely
123 SL2 60 14240 Deanna Long
124 L6 55 9754 Rachel Baker
125 SL3 50 12413 Michele Lawson
126 SL3 45 11497 Illa Seidel
127 L1 40 18579 Cristina Sheehan
128 SL4 35 5901 Lori Wilson
129 SM1 30 15303 Alan Kemp
130 L1 25 15274 Laurissa Heinz
131 SL2 20 15367 Gina Wells
132 SL5 15 4930 Sandy Nickerson
133 L6 10 8041 Kelly Sams
134 M1 5 17571 Tay Reed
1 WRL 50 15489 Kenslee Greaux
2 WRL 45 14941 Isabella Bevacqua
3 WRL 40 18299 Zadian Marrero
4 WRL 35 17917 Kash Griffin
5 WRL 30 18333 Hailey Harris
6 WRL 25 18332 Trevor Harris
7 WRL 20 17907 Summer Edwards
8 WRL 15 16540 Zoey Seavey
9 WRL 10 18222 Raelynn Greaux
10 WRL 5 17309 Karissa Nuss