cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Triggers & Turquoise

Event Dates

Aug 14 2021


No Registration Limit
32 Complete
32 Total

Hosting Club

CMSA of Ohio
0 Upcoming Events
Mid West Region


Gymkhana Club Arena
7957 Harrison Ave
Cleves, OH 45002


December 1-August 11, 2021

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 60 12587 Rodney Greene
2 SL4 58 3319 Beth Brown
3 SM5 56 2213 John St. Clair
4 L4 54 16300 Stacy Thacker
5 L3 52 17815 Amanda Hudson
6 SM1 50 18192 Chris Belletti
7 M3 48 15058 Clayton Lightfield
8 L4 46 9105 Carrie Wilburn
9 SM6 44 65 Bobby Ruwe
10 L4 42 15054 Kayla Lightfield
11 M2 40 17814 Eric Hudson
12 SL3 38 15503 Lola Goodson
13 L2 36 12589 Dora Psiakis
14 L3 34 17528 Shelly Sheridan
15 SM4 32 12588 Steve Spenlau
16 L5 30 15056 Jennifer Casey
17 SL4 28 13015 Ann Smith
18 L2 26 17934 Sharon Dawson
19 M1 24 15055 Jim Caldwell
20 L1 22 17381 Melissa Warncke
21 M1 20 16484 Jason Hafertepen
22 M1 18 18825 Rob Moyer
23 M3 16 17529 Chris Sheridan
24 L1 14 18858 Milja Greene
25 SL5 12 13058 Lori Montgomery
26 L3 10 15894 Kathy McBride
27 L1 8 18637 Linzey Evans
28 SL1 6 16709 Rhonda Hamilton
29 M2 4 17372 Carter Warncke
30 L1 2 17379 Caroline Warncke