cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Helldorado Better Late than Never

Event Dates

Nov 28 2020


No Registration Limit
82 Complete
94 Total

Hosting Club

Tombstone Ghost Riders
0 Upcoming Events
Southwest Region


Tombstone Livery
919 AZ-82
Tombstone, AZ 85638


September 30-November 25, 2020

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 SM6 164 12436 Dale Schaefer
2 L5 162 10118 Cristina Beloud
3 SM6 160 9311 Alan Firetto
4 M6 158 1726 Dan Byrd
5 SM5 156 2397 Dan Millikin
6 SM3 154 13787 Kyle Kisse
7 L1 152 18015 Jessica Van Lohn
8 SL5 150 12434 Wendy Schaefer
9 L4 148 12438 Sammy Schaefer
10 M2 146 14397 Mark (Jr) Plowman
11 SM3 144 12485 Lyle M Benz
12 L4 142 8690 Rachelle Henne
13 SM4 140 6397 Joel Ostrovsky
14 M3 138 6790 Cole Boyd
15 L2 136 17927 Erika Tippett
16 L4 134 12743 Tina Baldocchi
17 M1 132 18289 Danny Urness
18 SM3 130 17374 Bill Brown
19 L4 128 13508 Morgan Stumpf
20 L3 126 11737 Cindy Johnson
21 SM3 124 11015 Mark Thomas
22 SM3 122 15439 Chris Dye
23 SL5 120 2420 Cindy Crandall
24 SM3 118 3458 Dan Moore
25 L1 116 18014 Janessa Casillas
26 L6 114 87 Kenda Lenseigne
27 SM4 112 11721 Terry Jarrett
28 SL4 110 12805 Darien Ross
29 L1 108 17997 Macy Mortensen
30 SL2 106 18115 Rhonda Dimmick
31 SM5 104 2419 Dave Crandall
32 SM4 102 5890 Charles Young
33 L4 100 5328 Christina Winnett
34 SL4 98 3955 Judy Moore
35 SM4 96 10189 Mike Robb
36 L2 94 17749 Mallory McDonald
37 SM2 92 8814 Mark Plumlee
38 SL3 90 14471 Laurie Bryan
39 SL4 88 12335 Sherrie Mincks
40 SL5 86 11653 Molly Anderson
41 SM6 84 3248 Scott Little
42 SL4 82 11722 Beryl Jarrett
43 SL5 80 11147 Von Brady
44 SL3 78 11568 Kathy Kentera
45 M3 76 15552 Rudd Brown
46 L3 74 11639 Maddie Lowe
47 L2 72 12777 Brenda Fox
48 M3 70 11587 William Johnson
49 M1 68 17747 Tyler Woodard
50 L4 66 10002 Heather Fairweather
51 L1 64 18108 Kristie Tow
52 L6 62 11601 Jamie Marshall
53 L2 60 8067 Samantha Ostrovsky
54 SL3 58 11146 Anita Gregory
55 SL2 56 13962 Michelle Cameron
56 L2 54 16069 Valerie Venable
57 L1 52 16792 Amy Crumbaugh
58 L1 50 17901 Ella Kelly
59 SL2 48 16802 Christine Peck
60 SM4 46 13079 Frank Young
61 SM6 44 4308 David Beckman
62 SL1 42 18152 Jennifer Schinness
63 L1 40 18006 Brenda Druke
64 SL3 38 5891 Karla Young
65 SL5 36 3249 Sharon Little
66 SL4 34 11829 Mari Benson
67 SL4 32 7168 Lorie Avery
68 SM3 30 3647 David Hagren
69 SL4 28 9052 Karen Plumlee
70 SL4 26 4309 Melody Beckman
71 SL4 24 2667 Nell Kline
72 SM6 22 1296 Curt Moore
73 SL3 20 13412 Kathy Maynard
74 SL3 18 14256 Patti Donka
75 SL2 16 13576 Christine Benz
76 SM1 14 16048 Richard Herrera
77 SL2 12 7036 Jo Butler
78 L1 10 12557 Shyanne Boyd
79 SL2 8 15793 Susan Cone
80 SM3 6 15792 Robert Cone
81 SL1 4 18087 Becky Gurnick
82 SL3 2 5320 Suzanne Hagren
1 WRL 4 14212 Leah Fairweather
2 WRO 2 8068 Mitchell Ostrovsky