cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

AAQH Congress Shootout

Event Dates

Oct 27 2019


Limited to 100 Entries
109 Complete
110 Total

Hosting Club

Mid-Ohio Marauders
5 Upcoming Events
Mid West Region


Ohio Expo Center
717 East 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211


October 2-23, 2019

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 525 11843 Devin Clevenger
2 M6 520 10598 Dave Billotte
3 M5 515 11095 Robert Bernhardt
4 SM6 510 14136 Mark Hallink
5 M6 505 10632 Fred Conniff
6 L6 500 9472 Morgan Swanson
7 L6 495 2642 Amanda Porter
8 M6 490 5076 John Roach
9 L3 485 15056 Jennifer Casey
10 SM6 480 3919 Eric Nelson
11 SM6 475 6998 Dennis Clevenger
12 L5 470 10259 Carla Rae Spackman
13 L5 465 10793 Michelle Long
14 SL6 460 5836 Glenda Wilson
15 M5 455 9474 Matt Miller
16 SM6 450 3633 Vernon Vesperman
17 SL5 445 1011 Tammy Martin
18 M3 440 15058 Clayton Lightfield
19 M3 435 12260 Mike Cooper
20 L2 430 9471 Brandy Swanson
21 M3 425 15288 Steven Lothes
22 M2 420 15586 Nathan Knicely
23 L4 415 7031 Chrissy Ramsey
24 M3 410 15830 Matt Staner
25 M2 405 16522 Ezra Yoder
26 SM3 400 12226 JD Hughes
27 M4 395 14148 Andrew Dronsfield
28 SM4 390 13894 Tim Calvin
29 M6 385 11747 George Hampe
30 SM6 380 333 Tim McDonald
31 M2 375 15589 Jordan Tschiegg
32 L2 370 16967 Leanne Louive
33 SM4 365 7450 Dale Sowards
34 M5 360 12587 Rodney Greene
35 L5 355 9475 Ellie Mackey
36 L5 350 14451 Holly Payne
37 L4 345 12510 Emma Morey
38 M4 340 15797 Bill Adams
39 SL6 335 3937 Joyce Nelson
40 L3 330 12509 Kelley Morey
41 L2 325 17184 Courtney Eberle
42 SM6 320 7465 Mark Wright
43 SL5 315 11831 Tammy Angeletti
44 L3 310 15587 Jayne Maxwell
45 L3 305 16229 Janis Wagner
46 L6 300 12483 Alice Hallink
47 SL4 295 13933 Renee Calvin
48 SL4 290 13654 Maria Gregory
49 SM4 285 10954 Jeff Holtz
50 L4 280 12255 Laura Wallace
51 M3 275 14099 Ian Boettcher
52 SM4 270 14745 David Mitchell
53 L1 265 16241 Jordyn Evans
54 M5 260 12511 Braden Morey
55 SM6 255 4902 Cary Barrow
56 SM3 250 12196 James Watt
57 SM5 245 816 Daniel App
58 L2 240 16266 Sydney Maris
59 L4 235 15373 Kelle Winkle
60 L3 230 16419 Madison Fraker
61 L4 225 9261 Carisa Wise
62 L2 220 10600 Grace Billotte
63 M2 215 12262 Garrett Cooper
64 SL1 210 17795 Ginger Mitchell
65 L2 205 17212 Jan Corum
66 SL4 200 9646 Pam Cornett
67 SL5 195 11943 Kelley Forster
68 SL4 190 9473 Barbara Miller
69 M2 185 16567 Adam Black
70 SM2 180 11749 Tom Byrne
71 L3 175 15714 Elizabeth Brockert
72 M3 170 16327 Donovan Casey
73 M3 165 12995 Carson Feikert
74 M2 160 15804 Logan Felix
75 M2 155 16315 Cole Caster
76 SL1 150 16971 Martha Keech
77 L2 145 13935 Sara Calvin
78 M1 140 16994 Collin Benek
79 M1 135 17588 Travis Gibson
80 SM4 130 9644 Alan Cornett
81 L3 125 16300 Stacy Thacker
82 L1 120 17389 Victoria Dawson
83 L1 115 17815 Amanda Hudson
84 L1 110 17765 Kierstin Fritsch
85 L1 105 15502 Camrie Green
86 SL2 100 14189 Karen Hughes
87 SM2 95 16973 Steve Keech
88 SM6 90 827 Terry Martin
89 L2 85 16551 Autumn Dennison
90 L4 80 15585 Bre Curtis
91 L1 75 15503 Lola Goodson
92 SL5 70 11185 Beth McKee
93 SM2 65 13662 William Hummell
94 L2 60 15054 Kayla Lightfield
95 SL2 55 6885 Diana Bernhardt
96 SM3 50 10414 Jon Gregory
97 L1 45 17614 Hollianne Windle
98 SM1 40 16417 Bob Gornichec
99 M1 35 12996 Jason Shear
100 L1 30 17587 Kelsey Gibson
101 L6 25 10796 Janessa Hill
102 SL2 20 16552 Sally Dennison
103 L1 15 17024 Sara Rice
104 L3 10 15289 Deseree Lothes
105 L1 5 16839 Raygan Kerns
1 WRL 15 17219 Nicholas Hall
2 WRO 10 17277 Kaylee Gornichec
3 WRL 5 15340 Wade Porter