cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

4th Annual North V. South Border War

Event Dates

Nov 08 2019 - Nov 10 2019


No Registration Limit
63 Complete
63 Total

Hosting Club

Mason Dixon Deputies
0 Upcoming Events
Mid Atlantic Region


Diamond 7 Ranch and Arena
36 Deardorff Rd
Dillsburg, PA 17019


October 1-November 6, 2019

Registration Closed

Current Standings may be found on the by clicking on the Times tab above.
# Class Points CMSA First Name Last Name
1 M6 94 8628 David Lohrey
2 M3 92 11127 Coltin Omasta
3 M5 90 10792 Colton Davis
4 M5 88 13813 Craig McCoskery
5 M6 86 10598 Dave Billotte
6 M4 84 9829 Robert Johnston
7 M5 82 6740 Robert Baratta
8 L4 80 12352 Taylor Fowler
9 SM6 78 12857 Ronnie Amos
10 SM5 76 12887 Ronald Kiko
11 SM6 74 3848 Ron Differ
12 SM2 72 16973 Steve Keech
13 SL4 70 6591 Linda Furr
14 SM3 68 9441 Hal Welch
15 L4 66 11856 Grace Brogan
16 SM2 64 12593 William Berry
17 L2 62 15863 Kristen Leigh Johnston
18 SM4 60 15435 Stephen Foulke
19 M3 58 15917 Drew Wallace
20 SM4 56 280 Randy Delano
21 L5 54 8636 Amy Lunt
22 SL4 52 13272 Barbara Welch
23 SL4 50 12388 Colleen Kelly
24 M2 48 10760 Jorge Castagnola
25 SL4 46 15579 Jeanie Trimble
26 M2 44 9178 Cody Goetz
27 L3 42 14991 Maggie Kuper
28 SM2 40 11097 Dwayne Joyner
29 SL4 38 10047 Rena Horner
30 SM3 36 6242 Arthur Williams
31 L2 34 15535 Nicole Haas
32 L1 32 17687 Barbara Swabowicz
33 L6 30 12876 Jessica Flores
34 SL2 28 17682 Cindy Hefty
35 L1 26 17332 Marissa Grochalski
36 SL2 24 15195 Cathy Barber
37 M4 22 8956 Brett Horner
38 L2 20 10600 Grace Billotte
39 SL3 18 12888 Diane Kiko
40 M2 16 15760 Kenton Dull
41 L1 14 14559 Susan Charest
42 L1 12 17511 Rebecca Smith
43 L5 10 6741 Dina Driscoll
44 M1 8 17569 Justin Smith
45 M1 6 17879 Cullen Erisman
46 SM3 4 12383 James Urbanski
47 L1 2 13273 Marty Jo Welch
1 WRL 4 17078 Hannah Renshaw
2 WRO 2 14706 Hailey Renshaw