cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Don't go home yet cause its to darn cold up there

Event Dates

Apr 07 2012


Limited to 150 Entries
54 Complete
54 Total


Rawhide Arena
5700 W North loop rd
Chandler, AZ 85226


March 17-April 5, 2012

Registration Closed

54 Entries across 22 Classes
CMSA First Name Last Name Class
10379 Serenah Aguilar L1
10105 Annmarie Bodell L1
11496 Laura Dearness L1
10936 Emily Nordenberg L1
10856 Kathleen Slayton L1
8909 Megan Bennett L2
10500 Kim Temple L3
11639 Maddie Lowe L4
7054 Samantha Erdmann L5
9619 Kimberly Larsen L5
11638 Callie Lowe L5
11046 Tracy Reinhart L5
2846 Natalie Johnson L6
87 Kenda Lenseigne L6
11601 Jamie Marshall L6
10107 Liam Stillson M1
10499 Steve Temple M1
10501 Tyler Temple M1
618 Jesse Ladd M2
9263 Brad Mathiesen M2
8463 Chase Morse M2
6587 Kevin Boterman M3
282 Mark Caro M3
2543 Adam Graf M3
8518 Kenneth Basham M4
8326 Brian Morse M4
1726 Dan Byrd M6
9387 Alice Ramirez SL1
10358 Krisee Eckert SL2
6583 Amy Rogers Boterman SL3
3748 Kathy Thompson SL3
3854 Kelly Bennett SL4
6887 Linda Crawford SL4
8521 Sheryl Kusk SL4
10246 Elise Wilson SL4
10118 Cristina Beloud SL5
346 Nancy Crosby SL5
10697 Debbie Erlinger SL5
254 Diana Olson SL5
11107 Vince Imbordino SM1
11297 Bob Tuley SM1
41 Mike Minarsich SM2
11193 Joe Paladenic SM2
8520 Ken Kusk SM3
3745 Bruce Munn SM3
9273 Ken Senft SM3
9616 Dan Tice SM3
3853 Gary Bennett SM4
1426 Bob Giacolone SM4
9848 Don Maggiore SM4
6888 Scott Crawford SM5
9249 Greg Mathiesen SM5
8879 Doug Rogers SM5
1 Jim Rodgers SM6