cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Shoot For Hope Warm Up

Event Dates

Apr 18 2025


Limited to 75 Entries
71 Complete
75 Total

Hosting Club

Double L Bar Shooters
5 Upcoming Events
Mid Atlantic Region


Southeast Ag Center
1027 US Alt 74 - take exit 13A off of I-95
Lumberton, NC 27525


March 21-April 16, 2025

Register Online

71 Entries across 21 Classes
CMSA First Name Last Name Class
19263 Jeanann Evans L1
20118 DeLana John L1
20887 Bella McClelland L1
20748 Kameron Watson L1
15489 Kenslee Greaux L2
16143 Misty McAnlis L2
19501 Hope Sides L2
20321 Brooke Warren L2
14804 Abigail Hubbard L3
11382 Jennifer Lenfestey L3
14177 Mary Jane Parsons MCleod L3
15758 Jessi Cook L4
15488 Briahna Greaux L4
17513 Brylen Haller L4
15863 Kristen Leigh Johnston L4
13420 Keona Knight L4
16714 Sally Stewart L4
13533 Amber Wilson L4
15305 Aniston Laine Ainsworth L5
19344 Sadinia Decker L5
10048 Pamela Lohrey L5
12859 Jessica Amos L6
  Private Rider L6
15537 Keelyn McGiboney L6
20072 Jason East M2
19602 Justin Mack M2
14174 Chase Combs M3
15700 Spyder Lewis M3
14672 Caelan Garland M5
18240 Colton Stegall M5
15917 Drew Wallace M6
15214 Tina Brazier SL3
17357 Robyn Hayes SL3
  Private Rider SL3
15699 Kelly Lewis SL4
14273 Crystal Moles SL4
13272 Barbara Welch SL4
5129 Nina Differ SL5
9834 Cathy MCleod-Lehman SL5
17795 Ginger Mitchell SL5
15684 Lori Mullis SL5
14698 Susan Thompson SL5
15756 Anita Mayfield SL6
4930 Sandy Nickerson SL6
6012 Lance Knight SM1
11383 William Lenfestey SM2
19892 Michael Mack SM2
14923 Joe Yates SM2
9178 Cody Goetz SM3
17361 Patrick Hayes SM3
19514 Tracy Sides SM3
15698 Steven Lewis SM4
14139 Tommy Moles SM4
15031 David Royal SM4
16428 Glenn Sweeney Sr SM4
9441 Hal Welch SM4
12857 Ronnie Amos SM5
8902 Chris Coats SM5
19618 Danny Decker SM5
1131 Mike Nickerson SM5
9025 Vernon Shaw SM5
9983 Mark Shurley SM5
13290 Paul Henry SM6
13602 Ken Jardine SM6
16973 Steve Keech SM6
13787 Kyle Kisse SM6
15320 Kenny Kline SM6
5122 Chuck McCrary SM6
14745 David Mitchell SM6
18222 Raelynn Greaux WRL
20832 Isabell Johnson WRL