cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

**Rescheduled Due To Rain**As the Smoke Clears

Event Dates

Jul 05 2021


No Registration Limit
13 Complete
13 Total

Hosting Club

Eastern Iowa CMSA
0 Upcoming Events
North Central Region


Wapello Rodeo Arena
Marshall Street and Highway 61
Wapello, IA 52554


March 1-June 30, 2021

Registration Closed

13 Entries across 11 Classes
CMSA First Name Last Name Class
18273 Jacee Ball L5
18361 Thomas Pethoud M1
18234 Chad Dopheide M3
18246 Sherri Hunt SL1
5056 Lu Wagner SL2
17675 Carla Clark SL4
17845 John Hunt SM1
6310 Dwight Krueger SM3
14005 Doug Cook SM4
3445 Steve Wagner SM4
18290 Lonnie Nye SM5
12249 Shawn Hallahan SM6
11790 Bruce Travis SM6