cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Celebration of the Cowboy

Event Dates

Jul 20 2018 - Jul 22 2018


No Registration Limit
78 Complete
78 Total

Hosting Club

Texas Smokin' Guns
0 Upcoming Events
Western South Central


Somervell County Expo Center
202 Bo Gibbs Blvd.
Glen Rose, TX 76043


May 4-July 18, 2018

Registration Closed

43 Entries across 17 Classes
CMSA First Name Last Name Class
15822 Macy Miller L1
17156 Veronica Wetteland L1
16063 Molly Steahly L2
16090 Ashley Kindred L3
10420 Shelby Martin L3
16992 Angela Pecora L4
16867 James Brawner M1
14860 Logan Schulze M2
11960 Josiah Boriack M4
16072 Charlene Houston SL2
10952 Becky Westbrook SL2
15446 Telese Blasiman SL3
5161 Martha Hallman SL3
16631 Dawn Brooks SL4
10961 Gloria Douglass SL4
5493 Elke Duttlinger-Jones SL4
13090 Melissa Neal SL4
3010 Deb Smith SL4
11276 Donna Waldrup SL4
13272 Barbara Welch SL4
3488 Kim Redo SL5
16228 Dave Blasiman SM1
10197 Scott Martin SM2
16073 TJ Prewitt SM2
14022 Paul Cantero SM3
13707 TC Morrow SM3
9905 Jim Pinson SM3
14329 Rocky Vulgamore SM3
11961 Mike Boriack SM4
13649 Randy Foster SM4
10578 Bob Haygood SM4
4377 Joe Mohney SM4
15877 Ronnie Smith SM4
15317 Lee Towles SM4
9441 Hal Welch SM4
6652 Brad Binkley SM5
4119 Charles Hallman SM5
11054 Carl Keller SM5
4568 Tony Leal SM5
12112 Dante Sorianello SM5
257 Gary Trichter SM5
15161 Cecil Berry SM6
263 Rick Jones SM6