cowboy mounted shooting association
Raw Horse Power - Hard Ridin' - Straight Shootin'

Schedule of Events

1Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters

Type Dates and Club Event Arena
DWPQ June 7-9, 2024
3 days
Eastern Washington Mounted Shooters
Owens Meats Annual Shoot in Cashmere
EWMS presents our Annual Owens Meat sponsored shoot at the beautiful Cashmere fair grounds! NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS!! We want more rifle shooters so we are dropping the rifle entry fee to $20 and adding $200. If you don't have a rifle, you might be able to borrow one We will also have a special event before the Potluck on Saturday - "Rustlers Get-Away". A event to showcase your shooting and roping abilities on the ground, we think it will be a lot of fun. Will include rifle and shotgun shooting in a controlled setting so if you haven't had a chance to shoot a rifle or shotgun you can check them out. $30 entry fee, 50% payback. I will put a more detailed description on our facebook page soon. $2000 added money guaranteed - 60% payback! 5 stage main match 2 stage rifle 2 stage shotgun
Chelan County Fairgrounds
5700 Wescott Dr
Cashmere, WA 98915
United States